Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

([MENTION=2898]kat-is-dead[/MENTION] T.T I don't wanna sound like a meanie, but please type a little better,

I can't really tell what you mean sometimes :( )

"Is this wish thing a limited deal? Or is it however many you wanna give out? Because,

if its limited, I wouldn't want to waste it just for some proof..." Eva spoke, still irritated

at this man.
Brady sat up in the tree watching all of the little people's bickering every now and the letting out a little laugh. He let a leg drop and looked up at the skies then back at the people.
"Ok, if it is on the house as you said, then I want to be better at my witchcraft. Please." She said

the please as though it was hard for her to say, but in reality she really wanted him to help her in

some way. "But... if you can't do that, then perhaps just conjure fire or something."
Anonymous: Thanks for coming back! :D


She notices that Zac just grabs another glass and starts to toss it up and catching it again. She narrows her eyes and when Zac throws it up again, instead, Nerrezza shoves Zac to the side and catches it again. She slams down the glass, hard enough for it to break, but it doesn't. "Do not do that again. You're being disrespectful to our host. Do that again and I will toss you out of this Bar, understand me?" She lets out a growl and spoke in lower tones. She didn't get the chance to scold Zac anymore because John had came back, with two drinks in his hands, both of them in wine glasses, the red blood color showing. He sets them down and Nerrezza waves him off, promising to talk to him afterwards. He just nods his head and walks away, he had other costumers to tend too anyway. Nerrezza gives Zac a glass, with a slight smile, her threat still taking place. Then without wasting more time, she takes her glass, and starts to drink it.
(oo non lol zac hates wine haha this will be somewhat interesting "


he frowns and rolls his eyes in a who cares why do u care so much what the hell I do ur not my mum. he maded a face not caring if she sore it or not. Suddenly the stupid guy came back he looks at the wirred glass he was given. he looks at it he smells it ,it was red blood colouring he smells the wine he swears it had blood in it ,he had to be careful with the blood he drinks or he could go conpletly stupid and he hated wine, he pushed it away from him he really wouldn't be able to keep it down him .he was more of a beer person ,that was why he was holding the beer glasses but he gathered she wasn't that smart ro get ideas he liked beer. he forwns he didnt care what she did to him he wasn't going to drink it .
Kat: It's not actually wine, it's just in a wine glass xP

Nerrezza: Once her lips touch the glass she gulped down the glass and licks her lips. She could taste the blood. Fresh and warm blood was always better, but this would have to do. John had only started to get blood when Nerrezza had started coming here, at her request, of course. He would only serve the blood to her or to anybody else that she requested, Nerrezza made sure of that too. Besides, the rest of his costumers didn't drink blood. She was his only regular costumer. The blood was in a wine glass as a disguise as wine. In fact, there was no wine in the glass at all, it was Vodka instead. Vodka laced with blood was Nerrezza's favorite and she made sure that John knew that. Though the blood wasn't from a freshly killed animal, it was in fact quite fresh, in a special refrigerator, just for her. She slides her gaze back at Zac and notices that he didn't touch it, in fact, had pushed it away. She lets out a small laugh. "Come on, Zac, try it. It's the best, it's not even wine. It's vodka laced with blood. John just makes the best Vodka! And the blood isn't that bad either, not exactly fresh, but a bit warmed up." She snaps her fingers and asks for two more glasses. Making a motion for Zac to try the drink, she guzzles down the next two drinks.

he found out it was acholy blood. Like with volka in it it just wanted to make him feel sick the look on his face was like he was going the throw up he professor surgeon blood and he had to do the kill and shit t was just how he was rasisted he shook his head and pushed it away from him he gets a beer glass and points to it hoping she would et it
Nerrezza: She glares at Zac and her eyes were slanted. She rolls her eyes in disgust, she hated the smell of beer. "Fineeee." Her voice was one of annoyance and sounded quite whiny, like she was doing Zac a huge favor. She takes the beer jug away from Zac and slides it across the bar to John. "My friend apparently wants the old fashioned drink." She rolls her eyes again but John takes her order anyway without question. Instead Nerrezza looks on the bright side for once. She takes Zac's otherwise untouched glass and drains it all in one gulp. When she turned, John was back, with a glass full of his best beer and another glass for Nerrezza. This glass looked different and he had a huge grin on his face. "This one is on the house, a new concoction made today, by yours truly." He leans in closer and whispers to her. "You're in luck too, one of my boys just got back on a run, so the blood is fresh." Nerrezza's eyes lights up, she smiles, and takes the new drink from him.

be smells the dink and takes a small sip he drugs and has some more of it he puts it down and looks at her and rolls his eyes and then nods a thank you to her
Nerrezza: She shrugs her shoulders and waves away Zac's thank you, not caring, and was disgusted by the smell of his drink. So instead she focuses on her drink, sniffing it carefully, before taking a sip; aware that John was watching her the whole time. After the first sip, she smacks her lips, tasting the whole of the drink. Then it was a ravaging beast after that, she gulps it down, faster than the others, and smashes the glass down so hard it actually shatters. "Delicious! Even better!" The was a wild look in her eyes and for a moment John had some fear in his face. She leans back and puts her feet on the bar, something she normally didn't do, nor did John allow; yet he did not protest to her. "John, can you please do me one last favor? Can I have a small bowl if cherries? Then, we'll talk. You may want to put the rest of your costumers on hold and get a seat ready of you." Thinking over the situation, it probably won't take long to go over, but the subject was intense.

he signs with out a sound and looks around bored but wanted to knwo what she had in mind he finished his beer and looks around he stops seeig a hole droup of growls drawimig all over him then blush and laugh lookig away when he looks at them he frowns thinking yuck he like at nerrezza and rolls his eyes
Brady placed his left hand on the tree as it slowly started to dry until it crumbled and he landed on the ground. He walked into the building and sat at the bar and ordered a tankard of beer. He started listening to the conversations when the bar tender came up to him and asked "Are you going to order anything else or just stare blunt faced?" Brady took his glass and shattered it over his head. A man raised a sword to his head.
Eva yawned and turned towards Kat, "He doesn't seem to be responding," she giggled, "Maybe he can't actually do anything. Well, Do you want to go? I think we've stayed in one place too long. Besides, if he wanted to, i'm sure he would just appear again." Eva looked at Kat, waiting for a reply.

she nods and laughs smiling " yer so much for magic " she says and walks off with her happily "hey let's go to the ice cream shop I'll buy u something
"Ice cream? Really? How sweet of you," Eva said, a smile on her face. She started to walk with Kat then her hunger started acting up again, she rubbed her throat and winced in pain. 'Dang it...' she thought. Eva turned to Kat, "Somehow I really don't think ice-cream is the best idea right now.... I am thirsty and at an ice-cream place there are too many people. Any ideas on where to get a bite without getting into trouble?"
"I don't care, either is fine. Though of course human tastes much better," Eva said, her fangs poking her bottom lip as she spoke, "No children though, I won't stoop that low."
"Then let's go there," Eva said, walking towards the forest, "Well, unless you don't want to that is... I mean, I am thirsty, but if you aren't, I wouldn't want to be a bother."
Eva breathed in deeply once they hit the forest, the smells of different animals filled her nose and she sighed. "Want to help me take down a bear?" Eva said, turning towards Kat with a fanged grin and red eyes. She could smell a bear not far off, one that had recently killed something too.

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