Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Kinadra and MyLeATHERPrEPRoMANCE, thanks for joining us! :D Well, you guys already sorta joined, but like it was dead and blah blah. You know what I'm saying xP


She stares at Zac for the longest moment before snapping at Zac. "Well?! What are you doing, just standing there??? Do you just expect to tell me of this wizard that stole your voice and for me to go straight off from that? I need some details, a picture! Or better yet..I don't know..a scent...or something. I just need a bit more, you know? I don't need much, but I need something..though I don't know what you can do to help me more." With this thought she lets out a growl and wasn't sure if she was supposed to track this wizard or not or if Zac knew where they were. She was a very good tracker, but even a tracker needed something else, whether that be a name or even their hair color. "If I am to help you, or did you change your mind about that?" Her voice was more of a growl and she had started to pace again as she fired questions at Zac. Her brain was starting to twine and spin. It was in her thinking process. The more she thought about it, though she didn't exactly get any ideas yet of where she started, she does realize that she completely lied to Zac. Technically, she needed nothing else besides that it was a wizard that stole his voice. She could start finding them just from that alone. It may take some more time, but she was a fast worker, and a sharp thinker. Finally, she stops pacing, and had a slight smirk on her face, reaching to an idea.
Evangeline looked up at the sound of steps, she saw what seemed to be another vampire, by

their scent. She stood up and looked at them, shoving bloodlust thoughts to the back of her

mind. Should she say hello to the girl? At least the girl's scent didn't send her reeling. She

seemed in her own little world. "Hey! You there! Vampire!" Eva called out to the girl.
((@CoccoBeans :/ No, unless you want it to be >.> im fine eaither way. I just want someone to rp with. Also should i do the @ sign like i do on my other rp?))

she torns around and looks she frowns she swear she hord someone yell vampire she shrugs


he frowns he was getting really enoughed with being slapped in the face he thinks picher he didn't hAve but hair colour he knew he writs down " old gray brown looking hair " anything that's all he had the wizered came out of no where and took it and then dissapper no qestions asked
( I"m a throw my charrie in....)

I ripped off the head of the deer then giggled. Why was this so much fun? Killing. Maybe it was just my bloodline. Storys past every male vampire a Ripper. Every male Shapeshifter straight, suprisingly enough. I completly ate the deer, blood and muscles and what not, like a werewolf. But it satisfied both halves of me. I went back home from the forest across the street, and changed clothes, and washed my hands and face before starting for (School?)

she signs to her self her flicked her long white/blond hair from her face she signs feeling lonely with no one to talked to she kicked her hills off and went behind a bildig and in a flash was in her fav old gean shorts and singlet and convers shouse she signs and in a flash as a whit jaket on to hid her self in she went back into the town and started to walk
Kinadra: Oh, well, never mind. Kat beat me to the punch xP and it doesn't really matter what you use. I just use the : and their name, if you noticed already xP

MyLeATHERPrEPRoMANCE: You may or may not make your character go to school. It's really up to you. Even though both of my characters are teenagers still, they don't go to school. Well, Erebus never did, since he's a dragon and what not. But Nerrezza, she dropped out at 13 and ever since then she hasn't had a formal education. Well, Nerrezza has a more complex history than that. But, anyway, Nerrezza taught and study herself after that. Point of the matter, is that they can or can't go to school. The thing that you need to know about school is that there are "public" schools, in which these "public" schools are for every type of species/creature on my list. Then there are "private" schools in which are specific schools for each individual type of species/creature on my list. And only like "pure" species/creatures can get into the "private" schools.

Kat: I'll add my reply later.
Evangeline ran up to the girl, she didn't seem to see her and called out again, "Hey, you there, wanna chat?"
Carn Stonehoof trudged through the foothills with his heavy pack on his back and his hammer in his hand. Most would be exhausted by his seemingly endless hike through the lands but at a minotaur, distance wasn't much of a bother. He followed no road, risking the dangers of wild beasts that would dare strike. In his other hand was a lantern with a flame inside. He lumbered through the silent hills; his soul deeply troubled. His thoughts roamed but he made sure that he was listening in case he heard something that was out of tune.

She walks to a local park it had no kids around and no one anywhere to be seen she skies and walks to a swing and sites on it and thinks to her self

She takes the note away from Zac and reads it and lets out a slight huff of annoyance. This actual information of the wizard just ruined it all. She just takes the note and shreds it. She lets out a laugh while shredding it, feeling slightly amused. She had started to think of shredding bodies and shredding stuff in general. She has a wild and faded look into her eyes and an evil smile on her face. Memories were coming back to her. What might considered as "bad" memories to other people, these memories were "good" to her. These were memories of killing people and destroying towns. She snaps back to the present and realized that she was only out of it for a few moments time. Then she gets back into place, straightens her shoulders, and goes off to the nearest town. After a few steps, she turns around, and stares at Zac. "Well, come on now! Let's get going! I need a place to start and that is in town!" She tilts her head and makes a motion for Zac to follow her and to come on. Without any further delay she starts to march off in the direction of the village that she was going to go to in the first place.
Evangeline kept walking until close to the girl. "My name is Evangeline, Eva for short.

I felt... distressed. It could be fun to talk," Eva said with a small smile, "What is your


he rolls his eyes not ensued by her at all he frowns at her and shows his shap fangs starting to follow her he was hungry he but into his lip it was the only blood he will have for now untill he got into town he wasn't even dealing to have the girls she was to wirred like to muck around with


she nods " it will be nice for some cumpiny for a change .. I'm katrina or kat as everyone calls me

Hey it's 8 I'll be on after school
"Cool! Well... what were you up to?" Eva smiled at Kat. Eva's thirst was still very bothersome,

but she still forced it down, her faced twitched slightly from the discomfort.

nothin really just walking " she smiles a little then frown at her twitched then shook her headend smiles a little
Eva noticed her frown, and said, "Oh, walking is fun. The smells of people doesn't bother

you? I'm... struggling sometimes with it."
Umbra... (Me)... is walking through the shadows of the trees smelling the forest and staying clear of the beings he knows are near by...
Ooc: Alright, in case anybody is wondering, I put up why I was away missing for a few days on the character page thing. If anybody cares why .-. It was because of a storm...

Welcome, meet, and greet all of the new people!


She marches through the forest and was picking up speed the more that she walked along. She didn't even care or notice if Zac was behind her or not, she just kept on walking straight along. She pushed out through the forest and then glares down the dirt road along the town. She glares down it and could almost shoot lasers from her eyes down the road. There was not a person in sight, it looked like she scared off everybody and lets out an evil laugh. The laugh just echoed around her and she lets out a smirk. Nerrezza walks into the closest Inn that she could find and and stops and stands at the entrance for a moment, smiling widely. All of the costumers just sat there, staring at her, and stopping whatever they were doing. She takes no heed of this and walks confidently to the bartender and sits down on a stool, smiling at the bartender.
Hazel stretched her arms as far as they possibly would go as she got out of her bed. She had the week off work, and was sleeping in. It was 10 am, or at least that's what every clock inher home said. Sighing, she do her usual routine. Get up, shower, hair, teeth, outfit and so on. After she was dressed and ready inher casual skinny jeans and Black Tshirt. Her hair down, straightened out, teeth white and shiny. She steppe outside into the crowded streets after leaving the apartment. The sun shined in her face an she loved it. Being a demon didnt make her "Allergic" to sunlight, she actually loved it. She walked onto the sidewalk with a smirk on her face. She heads toward the coffee shop.

"I'll take a large Mocha Latte please." She smiled at the young boy at the cashier. She tried not to say anything, but the poor boy couldn't even make change with the twenty he gave him. After a few minutes of fidgeting with the manager, she got her drink and sat down in a booth next to the large window. She took a sip and sighed. She was terribly lonely.

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