Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Ooc: The italics(slant) is Erebus's (or any of my characters) thoughts and it will also how I will represent thinking xP just to clarify...


He was surprised to hear a girl's voice in his head besides his master's. It was a strange feeling and he realized that he must of never met anybody that could read minds and speak through to him. Though since he and his master were linked, he knew automatically that she could hear this conversation. It was too late to worry about that now. Erebus tilts his head down at Eva and notices her daggers. He wasn't threatened or worried by them yet didn't know how to answer, he supposed he should soon, or she was sure to attack. Not answering directly, he rolls his shoulders, as if in a shrug. Then he decides to answer in his mind. "I don't know. I didn't come here for you, I came here for the hellhound, I guess I'm too late though. However, you're the one carrying weapons, not me. Even though, as a dragon, I need none." As if to confirm his answer, he simply lays down, watching Eva, waiting to see if she would be the one to attack.

Eva shrugged and replied, again in the dragon's mind, So sorry to ruin your dinner. I was much too clumsy with the darn thing myself. Ah, but, we are both excellent hunters of the night, are we not? Eva made sure to project the conversation to Nar as well, so he could hear. A slight headache from all the work, she spoke in his mind again, Weapons are sheathed on my part. But anyways, an intelligent dragon. It is nice to meet you. I am Evangeline. And yourself? Eva sat down on the ground, looking at the dragon.
Ooc: Sorry, last post tonight, I have to go to bed.


He felt a slight stretching in his mind, which was quite strange as well. As if she had extended the conversation to someone else, and he could guess that it was her companion. Yet he shook his head in an automatic protest when Eva mentioned that she scared away his meal. "
No. The hellhound wasn't meant to be a meal. Ahh..more so a gift." He narrows his eyes when Eva mentions an intelligent dragon. He cast a ring of smoke around her, as an angry gesture, but not a threatening one. "That is where you are wrong, Evangeline, dragons are always the smart ones. We are the most intelligent animals in the world. And I'm not saying that for my pride and ego. It can be proven. Also, dragons have emotions, very close to human emotions. I am Erebus, by the way." He wonders if he should make it easier for her, but that would mean revealing--so instead reveals partway. "Do you want me to make this easier for you?" This time he spoke out loud, in the human tongue. His voice was lower and guttural, as if he was growling everything, yet he could at least be understood.
Eva cocked her head to the side, looking at the dragon, "Erebus. Nice name. And, I can see into minds, I am a psychic. With that side of me out, I have seen into a number of dragons minds. Some of them... it is sad how much their minds have been allowed to dull. Ah, also I am a vampyre. Firstborn to be specific. Lastly I am also a witch. A potent mix, interesting to say the least." Eva paused for a moment, and stood, walking closer to the dragon. "Reveal or not whatever you wish, just please remember I can read your mind. Though... a lot of it comes out garbled. Odd. Strong mind." She smiled, only a few feet from the dragon now, and waited for what he had to sat next.
Nar is finally rested and gets off of MoonShadow. He looks over at Eva who is talking to the dragon. He and MoonShadow sit down where they are, careful to not disturb either of them or cause attention to shift. "Never been this close to a dragon," he mutters to the wolf. Nar shakes his head, Eva is much more worldly then I am it seems. Then again I don't usually leave the forest. He decides to just listen to the dragon and Eva.
On I'm bored .... Anyone want to rp with me if yes say if not its ok .....


she sores down behind the tree and signs seeing others she he's up and walks into town


he finds his way into the next town it didn't take him long he looks around nothing again he kicked a tree down maded his was getting stupid and regicules now


she was maded and was walking throw a forest traks angry
Kat: Well, I was going to make Erebus notice Lizzy, but then you made her walk away.


He swishes his tail lightly in annoyance, though made sure not to hit Eva or Nar. It bothered him to hear that dragons weren't as smart as they used to be. Back when their race was feared. He lets out a noise that was equivalent to a sigh in dragon language. Could Erebus really blame anybody else when he wasn't even aware of the newest knowledge? Maybe he was just a lucky one and truly was an intelligent dragon. There was nothing he could do about it though, it was just a fact of life, a sad fact of life. "I suppose I will reveal myself, all in due time. I'm used to blocking out my mind, besides, well, it's not just my mind that you would be reading then. My mind is linked to another. In fact, somebody you met, from what it seems like. Though, maybe not fully met, but ran into, if you want to say. The same with your friend.." He pauses a second and he can now hear his master's voice shouting into his, showing images, she had known whose voice it was that spoke into Erebus's. He turns his face on Nar and hears his muttered response. Erebus lets out a roar and his body was shaking then, as in with laughter. "I would think not, since, they would attack you. I guess I truly am an exception, with my intelligence as well." A movement makes him turn back to Eva and he tilts his head slightly, noticing that she was slowly getting closer to him.
Eva looks back at Nar, smiling a little, hearing his thoughts, "Well, I am thousands of years old, as all firstborns are. Dragons are usually friends with vampires. An interesting relationship really. However elves, they are not as fortunate." Eva turned to the dragon Erebus again, getting chopped thoughts, and shook her head before speaking, "Reveal yourself? Ah, up to you, reveal at your leisure. You are good at blocking, all I get are static-like thoughts, as though the radio is tuned in wrong. A dragon's intelligence depends on age, and upbringing. If the dragon's parents, and their parent's parents, etc have all not learned telepathic communication, and other magic things, they aren't as smart. Also the older the dragon, the smarter... Those are the normal circumstances anyways." She sighed and stopped talking, realizing she was rambling. Eva walked up close to the dragon until she was a couple feet from Erebus's face. She held her hand out as if to touch his nose, like you would a horse, and smiled, "I am sorry. I have missed the time of dragons terribly."

He narrows his eyes and lets out puffs of smoke, but not around Eva or Nar, and does so above the air. He was angry more so at the race of the dragons, what they have become. At something that wasn't really a physical thing to be angry about. So he lashes his tail again, careful not to hit anybody this time as well. He lifts up his head and lets out a roar, a louder roar than before; a roar of fury. He then lowers his head to look back at Eva. "Well, that is one thing that I have in common though, a dragon and vampire relationship. However, I'm not that old, and I don't remember anything of my heritage. As far as blocking I mentioned before..the person that I am linked to, is the one that is doing most of the blocking.." He tilts his head down lower to her and makes a soft rumbling noise, the equivalent of purring in dragon language. He was glad that she missed the glory days of the dragon. He notices that her hand was close to his "snout" and he doesn't move a muscle, not even a sign for her to come forward. He just sits there, watching her, waiting for her to move even closer. Since he didn't move before and she was moving closer, he decided not to move this time, and figures she would move even closer.
Eva came closer to Erebus, pausing only slightly when he gets angry. When he calmed down though, she approached again, placing a hand on his snout. A sad expression was on her face and she pet the smooth scales softly, a sigh escaping her throat. Eva shook her head and spoke, her hand still on his snout, "The person you are linked to, did she choose you? Or did you choose her?"
Bean- I maded her walk away because u started to talk to the others I didn't want to be a pain in the rp so I made her walk away
((Been catching up with Honors Classes…Should be on more now)))

Lux looked down at her feet, then met Narrezza's eyes.

"I seem to be developing new powers. And I don't know why, but something drew me to you…I had to follow you. As for a journey, I wouldn't mind a trip."

Lux smiles and waits for Narrezza to respond.

((Will edit later…))
Naenis Cathero, was a tall man but nobody felt threatened by him unless he felt the need to make it so. Now Caval, that was a different story. He had been scaring everyone except children for just about his whole life. The kids seemed to love Caval, thinking he was just a large kitty, but the parents were always wary to allow them near the beast. So when they found Caval sleeping just outside the door of The Hero's Steakhouse and Tavern with, no over-exaggeration here, eleven children sleeping on and around him they were pleasantly surprised and began trusting the tiger and his big and tall owner. Everyone from the age of one to one hundred and one came to his steakhouse and tavern to enjoy a night of reasonably affordable good tasting food. His steakhouse, even though it has been open just short of two years, is already rated one of the top three restaurants on the planet! Something Naenis never thought possible when he opened this joint from the suggestions of a few friends who swore his steak was literally heaven. The melt in your mouth flavor mixed with a nice home brewed mead for the adults or root beer with the options of floats for the kids, made people make his spot a stop on any tour of the city. It was to him an average day like any other for the shape shifter known as Naenis Cathero, he was serving the 6 PM dinner rush and, for some, happy hour where all of his drinks were half priced and on a monthly date he tried some new sort of twist with one of his drinks. "Order number sixteen, two medium rare t-bone steaks and a kids chicken fried steak, two Brown Bliss Meads and a root beer float. Order up!", he yelled to a small family who came from there table to pick up there meal, a rule in the restaurant being to get your own food once it is made unless unable to do so. Naenis only had two waiters who took orders and delivered and collected on bills. Not a single person had ever run out on the bill here. The public respect being a high one with the shifter/tiger pairing.
Kat: Hahahaha, you called me Bean xD Kat, I was waiting for Lizzy to make movement, so Erebus would see it, that's why I didn't mention him noticing Lizzy before. And, sometimes, you have to just interrupt and not expect everybody always to roleplay with you. You have to roleplay with them. As in, you have to be the first one to make the move.

Vitez: Oh, it's okay, congrats on being in Honor Classes though ^-^


He closes his eyes when Eva touches his snout and starts to pet it. He lets out small puffs of warm steam from his nose and making his odd rumbling/purring noise in the back of his throat. He then opens up his eyes again when she lets out a sigh and notices a sad expression on her face. He tilts his head a bit, confused as to why she was so sad, and didn't like it that she was looking so solemn. He lets out a small huff of smoke as his own sigh. "I was stolen as an egg and was a gift to them. But, I never did hatch straight away, in fact, I was in my egg for three months until my egg was stolen and given as a gift. I could of hatched, I know my mom wanted me too, was worried for me. But, I was waiting for something, though at that time I didn't know what; not until I did hatched, then I saw the reason why I didn't hatch. Of course, it was her, the person I'm linked too..." He didn't mean to give away the gender of who he was linked too, but it didn't really matter, he might as well open up completely.


"New powers, you say, eh? Interesting to think about how people develop. Have you thought, that, maybe, you aren't developing new powers, and they always were there, but it just has not be activated yet? Almost when scientists discover a new plant, but the plant isn't really new, it has always been there; just not been discovered. Explored. That sort of concept." She smiles a bit, her teeth flashing, when Lux admits that was drawn to her, liking the sound of that. Then John came back and she turned to him, listening to what he had to say. (I don't feel like posting the conversation, so, hope no one minds if I just skip it and to assume that John has the information Nerrezza is looking for xP) With the information in hand, she pays John, leaving an extra larger tip, even though against his protests. She goes outside of the Inn and stands at the entrance, looking up at the sky, and waiting to see if Lux will follow her.
Bean, cocco whatever I dont want to make the move because there's no room or move or openin or anything for me to make , i didnt want to become a pain in trying to fit in , so I stopped , I saw no entry when u went in with nerrvere or what ever so I baked away, I'm sorry for getting to boring with rp but my plane was to bring Kat and eva to the town with u in but u never got on so I also gave up ..... Look I'm not goin on again for a whil I have study and exams bye for now .... ( of u think I'm having a go at u I swear of my life and soul that I'm not I hope u don't think I am )
[ummm, should i try going to meet a specific charrie by chance or will one come to me in my charries steak house, or will someone hire him for an assassination contract, or what? What should i do?]
Eva nods and smiles a little at his purr. She pets his snout a little more before speaking, "Well, anything else to share with the group? I can share more too, if you would like that is." She looked at Erebus expectantly, with a smile on her face. Eva thought for a moment, then kissed his snout lightly, she couldn't resist. She continued petting him, a tiny bit of blush on her cheeks.
Kat: You can't always expect people to jump in. You jumping in is not rude. If anybody has a complaint of something by other people jumping in, then, they can tell me, and we will arrange other junk xP But I always tell the newcomers to jump in at random and whenever they're ready

AllHailDago: I don't know, honestly. I mean, I'm only one person, even though I have two characters. I can't be everywhere at once .-. I was going to ask Kat kindly if she would jump into the steak house..looks like she won't be on would say, then, maybe you could make him see that he ran out of meat, puts someone else in charge, then go into the forest to look for some meat and bam! The others will be there and blah blah xP

Erebus: He shows his teeth at Eva, but in a gesture of a smile, and he laughs again. Then he takes her words into consideration. "Okay...I suppose so.." He takes a few steps back and then he starts to shrink and you can hear the crunching of bones, which sounds more painful than it really was. And there Erebus appeared, as a human, and dressed. It was often time a misconception that somebody loses their clothes when shapeshifting or transforming, but that wasn't always the case. It never was for Erebus, at least, but that was because Erebus was a large animal. The smaller the animal, the harder it is to keep the clothes on, or at least perfectly in tact. He was a few yards away from Eva, since he took a lot more space as a dragon than a human. So he walks the rest of the way to her and smiles again. "Greetings." His voice sounded basically the same, but not as deep and guttural, and it was understandable and human.
Eva was considerably surprised but hid it to the best of her abilities from her face. She glanced back at Nar, assuming he would be freaked out, then she turned back to Erebus. "Well, it is nice to meet your other form as well Erebus. That is one heck of a gift you have, very useful in tough situations I bet." She thought for a moment, she looked as though she was gazing miles and miles away, then she stared at Erebus. "That explains the off smell. You didn't smell like other dragons I have met, your blood's scent has a slight..." she paused, trying to think of a word to describe it, "...undertone to it. It makes it smell more appealing. Though, don't worry, I wouldn't even try." She smiled at him and tackle hugged him. She was so happy to see a dragon, let alone an intelligent, shape-shifting one.

He catches Eva in surprise and takes a step back, losing his balance for a moment. His arms already around her, he hugs Eva back. "Well, actually, I'm not just a dragon or a human, I'm something else too." He steps back slightly and then shows Eva his fangs. Then he felt like confessing all of it. There was one last big secret he had to tell. "The gift..isn't's, well. Okay, I might as well confess it all. The mind that I'm linked too? Her name is Nerrezza. I believe you did meet her. And we're not just linked, she's my master. She's a sorcerer, along with many other things, not exactly nice things either; but, anyway, she split her magic. She gave me a tiny part of it, so that I would have the ability to change into a dragon and human. More so, she just gave me one power, not really anything else. That is the only thing I can do. Then, well, later, she bit me, changed me, into a vampire. The intelligence, however, is all mine." He turns his head slightly and shows Eva the bite marks that Nerrezza had gave him awhile ago. He wasn't sure what else to say and he didn't know why, but felt the compelling desire to tell Eva all his secrets. Well, not all of them, just some big ones, ones that are important enough to know. Anyway, perhaps, it was better that he told her, then her breaking through the wall and figuring it out for herself. This was the least embarrassing way.
Nar is just watching and listening to the whole thing. When Erebus changes from a dragon to human, he is a bit surprised, but he hides it. Nar and MoonShadow move up closer now that he is in human form but they still just listen, being way out of their league here. Nar stiffens at the subject of the blood but does what he can to hide the reaction from them both. "What do I do now? I am so...unused to being near dragons," he thinks to himself. MoonShadow walks up and sniffs Erebus's leg, not used to his scent.
Eva looked back at Nar, hearing his thought and smiled, "Didn't you hear him? Not exactly a dragon." She turned back to Erebus and tilted her head, looking at the bite marks. Her fangs shot down immediately and she winced as they pierced her lower lip. She licked away the blood on her lip quickly, the wound already healed, "Well, why haven't they gone away yet? Was she not gentle?" She came close to him and touched the bite marks softly. "Do you want some of my blood? It should heal it. I am a firstborn after all," she said while examining the marks.
Naenis groaned in aggravation as he found he had run out of fresh meat. The marketplace wasn't due to open for another couple of hours, at least for the meat department. He would have to go out into the woods and hunt it himself. "Jeremy, you're in charge while i go hunt for meat. Get back here and make what you can. Apologize and promise a half off price for anyone who has to wait for me to get back for their food. Come on Caval let's go hunt some food down." With that Caval and Naenis set out to head to the woods. Naenis had a large black leather coat on with a hood and a pair of black jeans. He had his 8" hunting knife and Caval and that's all he would need. With that he entered the forest.

He looks at Nar and can the slight surprise in his eyes that was there for a second. He tilts his head slightly at Nar, bothered by his silence. However, he could do nothing to force Nar to talk, though he wished that he did. When MoonShadow came about and sniffed his leg, he stiffened and images came flying back to him. His hatred of wolves. It wasn't wolves themselves, just, actually one wolf. Though this wolf was not that one wolf that he hated, that he considered him his enemy, and the wolf considered Erebus his enemy. He wasn't sure what to do though, uncertain if to pet the wolf or not, or just simply ignore it. Erebus tilts his head, this time downward, and looks at the wolf. Making his body relaxed, he doesn't kick the wolf away, but doesn't bend down to pet it either--just to let it be and to see what the wolf does. Then he flicks his head back to Eva and a slight smile forms on his face. Erebus waits for Eva to be done talking though before he answers any of her questions. He lets out a laugh when Eva asks if Nerrezza was gentle. "No, she was not gentle. She ravaged my face off when changing me." He notices the look on Eva's face and says in a more serious matter. "It doesn't matter if she was gentle or not. It's...well, complicated. Anyway, no, I don't want any blood, though thanks for the offer, I suppose. Even though I'm a vampire, I was born a dragon. Meaning, that I don't survive on just blood. I can actually eat all of the animal that I'm drinking...or human, in that matter..." As he was thinking about it, he never had eaten a human whole, and only drunk their blood. Animals, though, he had before. He wasn't really thirsty, not like normal vampires, he didn't feel as much blood lust as they did. Then he thought about it more and thought of it as strange that she had offered her blood, when he was merely just a stranger, and he felt embarrassed now at her offer.
MoonShadow finishes sniffing Erebus and walks over to rub up on Eva's leg. Nar finally walks up and turns to Erebus, "Nice to meet you." He is still cautious, and is careful to watch his words. Nar looks Erebus over, taking in the scars and everything. "I didn't know that dragons could be turned into a vampire at all." This part actually interests Nar, he has had no real training in the history or life of vampires.

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