Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Eva turned to face Nar after shrugging at Erebus's refusal of her offer, "Well, this Nerrezza girl is probably powerful. A strong enough witch or sorceress could do just about anything." Eva faced Erebus again with a big smile on her face, "Speaking of which... Do you think she could help me to learn? I am absolutely horrid at the whole witch thing." Her smile didn't falter as she rubbed her arm, a lot on her mind. "Either way, I do think we should get moving soon, at least to some shade," Eva said, her gaze drifting to the sky, a slight sigh escaping her throat. Sun wouldn't kill her, but it was not comfortable by a long shot.
Ooc: Sorry for the late reply, I was a busy the last few days.

Kat: Welcome back. You didn't miss much.


He smiles at Nar and holds his hand out to him now that he actually came up to meet him. "Nice to meet you as well. Usually, dragons can't be turned into vampires, actually. I guess I'm just truly an exception. You have to be linked to a vampire really to be turned into one. They also have to turn willingly to become a vampire. Most dragons rather not and in some extreme cases, would rather kill themselves to become a vampire." He stops his ramble of dragons and turns to address Eva, the corners of his mouth curling in amusement. "Nerrezza brags about her power. Truth is, not that she has any right to brag, but she does have power. A lot of it. The sad part is that she knows that she has power and uses all of it to her advantage, as much as she can. As far as teaching you..heh..I don't know. She's not exactly a witch. You will have to..well..give something huge for her to teach you. She does nothing for free. Always willing to make a bargain though..." He stops his ramble of Nerrezza and runs his hand through his hair, in a nervous gesture. Then he noticed Eva rub her arm and he looked up, straight in the glare of the sun. "Oh. I guess I forgot to mention that being a dragon and a vampire has its advantages. Well, you know that dragons are practically made of iron and fire, right? Anyway, because of that, dragons have an immensely large amount of body heat. Meaning, that our body heat, basically soaks up the sun's rays and can reflect it back. So the sun, being a vampire, doesn't affect me at all. We can also suck up the heat that is affecting some one else so that way the heat doesn't affect them, but that would" He trails off and looks away from Eva, his face becoming bright red, embarrassed at the thought. He wasn't real sure if Eva would be comfortable by the means it would take to do that. He quickly stores the thought away and blocks it away from Eva, too embarrassed to even let Eva hear the thought.
Nar shakes Erebus's hand and then shifts uncomfortably because of the discussion and situation. "You two sound like gods walking the Earth." MoonShadow paws at Eva and looks up at her. Nar looks at him in confusion, not understanding the wolf for once. Just then he hears dirt and stones being moved and he looks over to the hole starting to be made. "Little star, your friend is coming back."
Evangeline looked at Kat and ignored her for the time being, turning back to look at Nar, then to Erebus, "Well, I do not burn because I am a firstborn. Though it does make me weaker. And thank you Nar, I feel important... and also thank you for that warning." She turned to look at the hole forming and saw the Hellhound's nose popping out a little. Her hands flew to her daggers and looked at Erebus, a worried expression on her face, "Well... I am weakened in the sun... I would recommend taking your meal... As for Nerrezza... No being's blood is more potent and powerful to a vampire than a firstborn. My blood, and the strength that would come with it should be enough incentive for her. Make sure she hears that through your guys connection." The Hellhound was now above ground, shaking dirt furiously off of his fur.

He slides his hand back to his side when Nar is done shaking his hand. Then he turns his head and tilts his head sideways at Kat. "Greetings." He dips his head down to her once he gets a good look at Kat. Then he didn't get much of a chance say anything else. He hides Nar's comment to himself that they sounded like Gods. He wasn't sure if it was meant as a compliment or an insult, so he just doesn't say anything. He turns his head and can feel the ground shifting and breaking up from underneath. He listens to Eva's offering and grits his teeth. He had a feeling that Nerrezza really wouldn't take it. "I..." He cuts himself off as the Hellhound he saw earlier breaks back through the ground. The blood would not work, but this, this would. A Hellhound would be perfect. If Eva lets him attack it and take it then maybe it might work as an incentive. He can feel himself shifting, about to rip into his dragon form, when he sensed someone else.


Instead of waiting for Erebus to come to her, she had gotten bored, and decided to go after Erebus. She had stuff to say to him, many things all at once, and none of them were quite pleasant. She had been blocking him for awhile until it was appropriate. That would be when she was only feet away from Erebus and he could do or say nothing to stop her. Well, he could never do such thing, but keeping it a surprise made it easier to get here. He would of protested and complain and try to get her out of it. She was in the forest and made he usual route, through the trees, and without making a sound. Finally, she was within range of Erebus and she jumps down from the trees; not making a sound when she landed. By that time, she lets Erebus finally be able to sense her, and she walks up to the small group; coming around from behind. "I don't believe that I need to hear Erebus's thoughts since I am right here. Though I believe that Erebus is right, blood would not be an incentive strong enough for me." She rests her hand on Erebus's shoulder with a slight smirk, her sharp nails tapping into him. Then she shoved him aside and watched as the Hellhound appeared from the ground.
Eva watched Nerrezza and smirked, her demeanor changing and showing her age, "Well, I am certain I can come up with something else. My blood is an expensive item, but if you do not want it, it is your own choice. I just want to learn magic. I do not come from a weak line of witches... quite the contrary. Anyways, this hound, are we killing it or are we making it a pet, or what?" She shifted, and stared at Nerrezza with blank, but ancient eyes.
Soooo... What's going on?

Tulip stood in the valley, looking upward towards the sky, enjoying the light breeze that barely made it through the tall mountains. She had made it. It had taken months, but now here she was, at the place where she had been promised she would be safe from the evils of the world. Her guide and friend, Sean, stood next to her. Tulip liked that feeling. Sean had a warmth about him and a comforting smile. He was the best companion she could have had. "Tulip," Sean said, breaking the long silence. "Do you think we'll be OK here?" Tulip wasn't surprised by this question. The land was beautiful, but it just didn't seem like the kind of place that warded evil away. She thought there should be more magical glowing orbs or stuff like that.

"We don't have a choice, do we?" Tulip replied."We came all this way. There's no going back now."
Tulip: Well, what's going on, bunch of stuff? I don't know exactly all how to explain it. Though the most important part is that a Hellhound appeared out from the ground and Nerrezza (my character) was going to attack it. I suppose the others will attack it too and basically Eva(Kinadra's character) was looking for some help in her wizard skills and was asking Nerrezza to do so. Since Nerrezza is quite powerful. Then, of course, this Hellhound popped up : P However, I do request that you make your characters' skellies first before you do anything. Here is where you can sign up to join: Oh. Welcome to the site. I'm glad to have you join my roleplay :D


She notices the change of Eva's age and her lips curl in disgust. Was this girl trying to impress or intimidate her? She also sounded that if Nerrezza didn't take up this offer then it was a giant loss to Nerrezza, not to Eva. She didn't like this girl's attitude. The girl made her even more irritated when she mentioned the word 'we'. This was not a team effort. There would be no 'we', there would be no share of the prize. She had to make sure that this girl understands this and she brings out her authoritative style. "What do you mean by 'we'? There is no 'we', no 'us' and no team. The Hellhound is my prize. My pet. It is mine by my right! By my blood! You wanting to learn magic is not my problem! Do I look like some type of teacher, coach, or mentor!? Or am I your secret idol or something that you're dying to learn from me?! Why should I care if you came from a line of weak witches or not??? Blood and family line does not make someone weak. It's the person themselves! And I am no witch! Stop referring me as one. Geeze. As far as the Hellhound goes, stay out of my way and do nothing. Wait for it to attack first. Never do so on your own." At first she was shouting the words at Eva and slowly her voice died down, got quieter. It always was that way. It didn't mean that her anger was diminished, just that her anger was directed away from the person; and at someone else. Everything was focused on the Hellhound and she watched its moves, waiting for it to strike first.
Nar and MoonShadow both walk quickly to the edge of the forest to avoid any conflict or stray attacks from the stronger beings. "I'll stay out of your way little star, I know how much you enjoy your hunts." He watches what will happen intently.
Eva chuckled quietly, Nerrezza didn't scare her, but moreso pissed her off, "Go ahead then, if it is yours. I was only toying with it before Nar ended my fun. I didn't mean to poke at some issue you have with people. And, yes, I know you are not a witch, you are a sorceress, are you not? Different I know, but still magic. No need to get all angry. A family line can help, but no, I realize it is not the key component of magic. Will. Will is. Anyways, go go, do what you will with the Hound." Evangeline smiled at Nerrezza, she was irritating but fun.

She hears Evageline's laugh and very slowly, so so slowly, she turns her head and looks at Eva. Eva was playing a game with her. She was laughing at her! Smiling and laughing and acted as if Nerrezza was the prey and her the hunter. Her shoulders twitched. Nerrezza would not fall into the trap and become the prey, she was never the prey, and always the hunter. She showed no sign of anger and irritation. Instead, she smiled back at Evageline, an innocent, sweet smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that this Hellhound was bothering you before. Technically, it is all your right, after all, you must want to get revenge on it or something? I'll just find another Hellhound to capture, it's no big deal, really. Go ahead, you go on, go on after your prey. While you are at it, show me some of your skill, eh? Better make your move quick before the Hellhound decides for itself." She lets out another grin, flashing her teeth at her, and takes a step back and shoving Evageline forward.
"Revenge? On a hellhound? What a silly concept. Revenge is pointless, as would be ending its life. However, if you really wish, then fine," Evangeline said and looked at Nerrezza and smiled. She looked at Nar for a moment and spoke again, "Now, Nar, don't be afraid of me. Ok?" She looked at the hellhound and sighed heavily, her eyes glowing red and her fangs descended. Eva looked back at Nerrezza and Erebus again and flashed a fanged smile before walking to the hellhound. Evangeline looked up at it, it being a large beast, and it growled at her fiercely.

She slipped down her dagger into her hand and flipped on top of the beast and ran on top of it, head to tail, cutting it deeply with her dagger. Eva leaped of of it at its tail end as the hound tried to turn, and she cut into its flank. She went fast, appearing in front of Nerrezza, "Hey, I will stop toying with the poor beast if you are certain you don't want it. I can kill it or just scare the living hell out of it. Your choice."
Nar shivers at the ferocity of Eva's attack but remembers what she is. "I could never be afraid of you little star." He makes note to never piss her off at him and watches as she returns to Nerrezza, waiting to see if the poor hellhound will recieve any mercy. Nar looks down at MoonShadow who shares the same look. They both pity the creature.
Evangeline shrugged, feeling like Nerrezza was taking too long to answer, and appeared next to Nar. She wasn't teleporting, but at the speed she was going, it almost seemed like it, and Evangeline wasn't even breaking a sweat. She looked at Nar and his surprised look with a smile. She could smell the Hound's blood, and it riled her up. Eva wasn't completely sure she liked Nar enough, but she didn't care. Evangeline kissed Nar hard on the mouth quickly before pulling away, a little out of breath, "So! What do you think I should do about it? Kill the hound quick or slow? Or try taming it?"
"Taming it would be interesting. Might actually be a beast worthy of you being its master." Nar is blushing and stunned by the kiss. "And I feel sorry for the poor thing, it stands no chance against you if you decide to kill it." He pets MoonShadow's head and watches Eva. He is not all that surprised by her abilities since she is a first generation, but her power levels are stunning to him. "I would feel sorry for anyone who you got mad enough to attack little star."
Evangeline nodded and was back to the hound, close to it's head. The hound attempted to bite at her but failed miserably, and she slammed her fist into its jaw hard. The hound shook it's head and tried to get at Eva again, but she just grabbed it's head and flipped it. The hound was on it's back now, squirming as Evangeline pressed it against the ground, a dagger at it's neck, "You are now mine. I will call you Dreao." She hopped off, letting Dreao get up slowly. Dreao glared at Evangeline, but backed down.
Nar smiles at Eva. "That was easy. But he will try something until he understands there is no way of beating you." Nar walks over to Eva and stands next to her. "Now that he is your's, what do you plan to do with him? Train him, control him, or what?" Nar watches the hellhound and laughs because it is giving Eva the death glare. MoonShadow walks off into the forest and howls, looking for others wolves. Hearing a response, he takes off in search of the creature who howled back.
Eva nodded and glanced back at Dreao, "Yes, I know this. But, I like 'im, he is kinda cute... Ya know... in a "Ten foot tall hell monster" sort of way. I will train him and control him..." She looked over at Nerrezza with a sickly sweet smile, "That ok with you? Miss Nerrezza?" Eva had decided that if the girl was going to act like a female dog, she would treat her like one.

She sneers in disgust when Evageline mentions the fact that revenge and killing was pointless. She shook her head back and forth. This aspect of Evageline annoyed and ticked her off even more. Luckily, Evageline was too busy with her kill--well, prey--to notice her reaction. Nerrezza couldn't let herself show a reaction. Not to this woman. They would not get along well and after this little 'exchange', she planned on never to meet Evageline again. Though that seemed quite impossible and knew that those types of things never happened. They never could happen. It was almost against the law of nature, but not really. In fact, she could leave now, and knew that Nerrezza should. However, that would only send out a worse message, and she truly did want to see how Evageline fared with the Hellhound. No matter what was to happen, Nerrezza made her choice, she would never teach this girl the lessons she so desires. Nerrezza continues to stand there and watch Evageline attack the Hellhound. She was quite impressed that she pulled out daggers from almost nowhere. Her expression shows nothing of the sort though and she stays silent and doesn't move, not even when Evageline addresses her about the Hellhound. She kept up her pride by not saying anything. She turns her head when Nar speaks and she almost bursts out laughing.
Little star?! Ha! That is the most stupidest nickname ever! She unblocks her thoughts and says loud enough, directed at Evageline, and on purpose lets her hear her thoughts before blocking her again. She notices the look in Nar's eyes and knew that he pitied the creature. Nerrezza wanted to laugh again for the mere thought of mercy, but stays silent, which was quite hard to do. She continues to watch, staying silent, taking it all in. The corners of her lips curl when Evageline names the Hellhound. Then she shook her head in disgust, in disgust of the Hellhound, how he submitted so quickly. Nerrezza hears the replying wolf's answer to MoonShadow and she tilts her head at him, watching it leave as well. She slowly and creepily turned her head back to Evageline when she addresses her again, the Hellhound finally under control. She was smiling at Nerrezza and Nerrezza smiles back. Then her words make Nerrezza lose control. She bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. This was too much for her and she grabs hold of her sides, she was laughing too hard, and couldn't stop. She knew exactly of what Evageline thought of her right now. Not in a literal sense, she couldn't read minds, though most people thought she could. Nerrezza was just very good at reading expressions on people's faces, no matter how hard they tried to hide it.
Voda had been watching the group for quite some time. Their interactions were quite interesting. Nerrezza was particularly interesting. She sauntered over to the girl, evil fluttered around her in an aura of dark. "Hi, I'm Voda." She expected Nerrezza to ignore her, that is what she always does to people. That, or try to kill them. But Voda knew that she could hold her own. As she waited for the reply that probably wouldn't come, she took a bit of water from a nearby tree and began to play with it. Before putting it back, she purified it. Wait, didn't Nerrezza like trees?
Evangeline nods at Voda, acknowledging her existance before turning back to Nerrezza. She tilted her head and smiled at Nerrezza's laughter, not at all upset or hurt ego wise by it. Rather, Evangeline thought that Nerrezza was a good sport, for putting up with it. "I like you Nerrezza. In the way that I both despise and enjoy your company. You have a good sense of humor, regardless of whether or not you laugh with or at me. Ah, and the nickname. It is meant as a term of endearment I suppose. Though it is, I admit, a bit silly. It is meant in a sweet way, thus I accept it." Evangeline pet lightly at Dreao's side, humming a beautiful tune before turning back to Nerrezza, "Do you dislike his name though? Dreao. It means dream in Latin, though most people would automatically assume it had something to do with hell. I chose the name because he gave in so easily. Also, he is but a juvenile." She smiled genuinely at Nerrezza, "You are a bit full of yourself... but then I was rude... so I apologize, and hope you accept it." Evangeline still wanted to learn, but felt it was the girl's decision, not her's. So she turned, and began to walk away at a slow pace, "Nerrezza, if you ever do change your mind about teaching me, do please let me know."

She senses that Voda was nearby, but didn't hear her say anything, not at the moment anyway. She was doing something with the trees, some type of liquid came out of it, and Nerrezza couldn't notice that it was water. It was weird to see and she really couldn't make out what was happening. Her vision was blurring and swirling around, mixing up the pictures everywhere. Evangeline, however, Nerrezza could hear her speaking to her, because she had met Evngeline already. However, she could only make out sounds, and tried to follow her lips instead, but to no avail. All that she was aware was an extreme happiness and giddiness was filling her and she kept on laughing. Suddenly, she was on the ground, hardly aware of that; and was literally rolling around the ground, laughing. She noticed from above that Evangeline was walking away, though it looked like running in Nerrezza's vision, her eyes were swarming that much. She just couldn't stop laughing.


He stayed silent, as well as Nerrezza did, the whole time; but more out of fear from Nerrezza than trying to be rude to the others. Then Nerrezza had started laughing and he was on his guard again. He wasn't sure what her laughter meant. She wasn't stopping and finally fell to the ground. He grits his teeth and sighs. Nerrezza was having another laughing fit, something that was uncontrollable, unless somebody stopped it. That person always had to be him and he hated the fact, he hated trying to stop her. It usually meant he had to do something harmful to stop her. He walks over to Nerrezza and bites his bottom lip, muttering under his breathe, hating to do this so much. Then again, Erebus had no choice but to do it. Erebus swings his leg and kicks Nerrezza hard in the ribs, there was a loud cracking sound, and she flipped onto her stomach with the impact of his kick. His eyes go wide in horror. "Nerrezza!" He bends down next to Nerrezza, uncertain of what to do. "Nerrezza! Speak to me! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you that hard!" He was panicking quickly and slowly slides Nerrezza onto his lap, her face still down, facing the ground. "Nerrezza...? Are you okay..?" His voice was soft and it squeaked slightly. He was almost in sobs, but he wouldn't give up on Nerrezza that quickly, not yet.
Astaroth just arrived at the place where Nerrezza and the others are talking. Intending not to be seen, he just sat on a huge rock and listens to their conversation. He reached for his pocket for his cigar and lit it up. While listening to their conversation, he opened a book and reads throught it. The book he's holding is the records of all public executions that was held during a 3 year period. He reads through it, looking for any leads that might help his quest.

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