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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"Well, I am but a lowly Imp, really." Oliver replied, grinning, "You are one of those mummies, right? I've never met one before."

He wasn't lying, he had only really heard rumors about the mummies, and had never really expected to meet one in person. He managed to choke down an exclamation of "wicked!" though.
Yasmin gave a nod to Callie, "I understand, this place is a little big, so a map is useful," She turned back to Oliver, "Yes, I am a Mummy. I've been in my tomb till recently, so I decided to come to this school to learn more about this new world,"
"I'm a vampire. See?" Callie smiled her big, toothy grin once again. I love doing that for some reason, haha!
Oliver's eyes widened. "In a tomb? As in, locked away and buried? I can't imagine that would be much fun. Weren't you bored?" Oliver looked over at Callie and snorted at her antics.
"Fascinating, you are the first Vampire and Imp I have ever seen. Most likely because we didn't have many of your kind back in Egypt," Yasmin said, then she thought a little bit, "Kinda, but I was sleeping for most of the years, spent some time in the afterlife, but yeah, it was,"
~ The Twins

~ Artemis

"How's Olympus?" asked Artemis. "Is everyone still fighting?" She looked around for Apollo. When she saw him with Ares and Aphrodite, she loosened. Only a little. Turning back to Perseph, she sighed. Persephone nodded, which meant they were. "Dammit," Artemis swore. "Is Hestia still there? I wouldn't be surprised if she came with thy."

~ Apollo

Apollo gave Ares a high-five, then looked at Aphrodite. "So, how's life on Olympus?" he asked sarcastically. He knew how it was, but he still wanted to be sure. "Still fighting?" he guessed.

~ Ares & Aphrodite

"Yep," sighed Aphrodite. "They won't stop. "Zeus sent us here, probably so we wouldn't be harmed. I bet Hermes is coming, or delivering stuff all the time." She looked at Ares. "I don't like that father is fighting with Poseidon. I didn't make them fight this time," said Ares. "I bet Nemesis is doing it. Or Hecate."

~ Hestia

Pulling her dark brown hood up over her bright red hair, Hestia looked at the school. Her hair was flaming, yet her cloak wouldn't burn. The enchantment it working, she thought as she stepped into the building. Her light brown chiton moving swiftly with her movements, seeming as though they were part of her. Hestia looked around. Upon seeing the younger gods; her nieces and nephews, she sighed with relief. Until she saw Ares. She slipped passed them and into the art room, as she guessed that was where everyone was. Athena would love this, she thought, taking a seat in the back.

((Hestia is going to be the most descriptive, for now))
"Hm, well we imps don't really venture up much, so I'm not surprised. I was kinda... kicked... out." He gave Yazz a sheepish smile before snapping his teeth at Callie. "Don't make me bite your nose off."
Callie schrunched her nose in a playful way, before sarcastically saying "roar" they arrived at the art room. "You know, you might be able to bite my nose off, but I'll bet I can make art 20 million times better than yours."
"That's... not... fair!" Mist panted as she ran up the hill, enjoying the pleasant burning of her muscles. She didn't bother to keep track of who reached the top first, simply enjoying the view. "Wow, you could see the entire grounds from up here," she pointed out. "So, who won the race? I didn't pay attention."
Yasmin grew wide eyed, "Cartoon? How wonderful, I caught my eye on something of a cartoon on a TV in a store, very different from the style I learned!"
"I would imagine. I find realistic a little bit too difficult for me."
Oliver sighed. Drawing stuff had never been a huge priority of his when he was home, and he had never really had access to pencils. He would totally suck at this.

He plopped down into a nearby seat and drew his feet up under him, sitting on them. He reached down into his book-bag and pulled out the needed books for the class as he looked up at Callie and Yazz expectantly. He looked forward to seeing Callie draw her cartoons.
Oliver let out a small chuckle. "I don't, it's never really been something of interest to me. Plus, I've never had real access to the materials needed. I would love to try it out for real, though. What about yourself?"
"Well, I've mostly painted Hieroglyphics on walls, I have gotten my hands on some papyrus scroll and dawdle on realistic things," she explained, "though I would like to try to learn how to draw the cartoons,"
Mist reddened and lowered her eyes, trying to conceal the panic she felt. She'd never had any sort of romantic encounter before, sad and pathetic as that was. No one really wanted to be with a girl who's bite could curse you for the rest of your life. She finally looked up at him, her green eyes wide. "I don't know," she said honestly, her voice a little shaky. "I-I like you too, but isn't this a bit soon? I don't even know your middle name," she joked weakly. "Or your last name for that matter."
Oliver nodded understandingly. "I can see that, you being from ancient Egypt and all. I guess I can draw ritualistic markings pretty good, now that I think about it, but it's not close to being called art, though."
Callie drew a quick sketch in her sketchbook , tore it out, folded it, and passed it to Oliver.
(Courtesy of me)
PokemonGirl said:
Callie drew a quick sketch in her sketchbook , tore it out, folded it, and passed it to Oliver.
(Courtesy of me)
(I'm sorry, the file is not showing. Try pressing the "upload file" button. :) )

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