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Fantasy Mystical Academy

Mine walked to the school Mary was talking to her through an ear piece. "Have fun okay and stay safe." Mine nodded. "Understood." She looked at the school. "Beginning scan 10% 50% 100% scan complete map uploaded." She decided to explore some of the areas of the building. "I should scan for life."
"Ettore," Mist said slowly, resting her head on his shoulder for a moment before looking up at him with a crooked smile. "Misty Ettore. Nice you meet you- uh, again." She exhaled noisily. "How'd you even find this place so soon? First day's not even over yet."
Oliver opened the paper note. He stared at it as his eyes widened and he smiled. He had never had someone tell him they liked him before. Sure, he had heard he was tolerable of course, but nobody had ever told him the outright liked him. He flipped the paper over, and scrawled a quick reply in his familiar spindly handwriting.

I would say thanks! I hope we can grow to be great friends, Callie! He bumped the pen to his lips a couple of times in thought, then added, your cartoon drawing is awesome, by the way! Is that supposed to be you?

Satisfied with his response he folded the paper back into it's original form, and handed it to her, giving her a huge, dimpled smile.
"Ghostly tricks..."Riley said, kissing her cheek, lightly.

"Hey... um...anyways...umm..." He look away, his face red.

(Creating a second char soon...)
Callie received the paper, and smiled. She wrote, I'm glad to hear that. It is supposed to be me, but I'm a little rusty. Also, you're embarrassing yourself with that smile. xD I think people are looking at you. She passed the paper back to Oliver, happy with the initial results of her drawing.
"Well I hope you don't use that armor for evil purposes, Kai" an old, transparent man a pointed hat said to Kai after finishing enchanting the armor, which now glowed a faint blue. Since when have I ever even thought of that. She replied. Thank you Mr. Singh oh and could could you let Loke know that I might be needing him soon for the fire armor. "Not a problem. Good bye" the old man disappeared as Kai said her good bye then carefully put the armor set in her bag.

She then pulled out her schedule and saw she had Art.
Oh good. One of my favorite subjects. She sounded so emotionless that some people would think she hated it, but she was actually quite fond of it. Kai picked up her bag, looked around the nearly empty room. Then set off to Art class.

When she got their, she noticed that, once again, she was one of the last people there. She took long strides to her seat, but stopped short when she heard someone's voice. "Hey what's up with the headphones? Why don't you take them off so you can actually pay attention." Kai turned to the sound of the voice.

Why should you care about my headphones. And for your information, cannot take these off. If I could, I would have done that ages ago. I died with them on. I was brought back to life with them on. They are a part of me. I was shot in the head, straight through them.
Kai turns and taps the side of her head where the is a bullet hole through the headphones. Oh and even with these on, I bet I still listen better than you.

With each word, her voice grew colder and colder, until the boy who insulted her could not stop shivering with fear. Kai walked back to her seat, pulled out her materials, then began to work with a satisfied look on her face.

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Oliver took the paper, opened it and laughed. He turned to Callie and poked in the cheek. "How can my smile be embarrassing, I really don't know what you mean by that, silly." he said out loud, dropping the paper into his book-bag. "I'm taking this by the way." Turning to Yazz he asked playfully, "Are you embarrassed by my smile?" while stretching his mouth into an unnaturally wide smile, shoving off every one of his teeth and making him look quite nasty.
Mist touched her cheek, a dumb smile on her face. "Ghostly tricks," she repeated in a dreamy voice. "I can't really do any tricks." She raised an eyebrow at him, smirking. "Don't you dare tell me to roll over or fetch. I got that enough from my brother."

(I think I might too, but I got to think of someone first haha)
Cryobionic said:
(No, art class. :3 But I think Riley and Mist are outside somewhere. ^^)
{thank you for helping me, I'm completely lost, Idk how to reintroduce my character.}
"Do you want to actually go to art class now?" She asked, wrinkling her nose at the thought.

(I've never even heard of those :o )
"Your smile is embarrassing when I can see every one of your razor sharp teeth, and your dimples are as deep as a trench." She smiled, "it's cute, but it's also freaking terrifying."
Oliver laughed. "That's kinda the look I was going for, candycurls, Terrifyingly Cute." He stuck his tongue out at her and began to doodle.

(looks like I'm staying up after all )
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Yasmin wasn't really listening to the two's conversation, knowing it was quite rude to do so, so she concentrated on drawing, listening to the teacher beginning the class.
Oliver sighed after a few minutes of drawing senseless shapes. He was starting to get bored. He hadn't planked anyone since he got here, and frankly, his fingers were inching.

He looked up at the teacher, who was droning on and on about the fundamentals of color and how they were used. Drumming his long, black fingernails on the table, he got an idea.

Oliver looked over at Yazz, and quietly whispered, "cover me. "

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Yazz looked up from her own drawing, "how about birds?" She suggested. She turned to look at Oliver when he asked her of something.

"Cover you?" She asked, a bit confused, not sure what he meant, but he looked bored so maybe he was planning to do something, "I'll try,"

The wrappings on her arm came undone and floated over to where Oliver sat, shielding him from the teachers view, "is that enough cover?"
Callie snickered. "I have no clue what he's doing, but that's not what he meant."
"No, that's perfect, actually!" Oliver beamed as he raised his hand, waving it like a madman. "Teacher! Teacher! I think Yazz is having q problem with her wrappings! Could you come over here and check it out for her?" He yelled, successfully gaining the attention of the class and making the teacher walk over to see wat was the matter.

When the teacher was close enough, Oliver slid under the table and began crawling towards the teacher's desk.

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