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Fantasy Mystical Academy

Kai looked up to see the teacher try to jump up from his chair and end up face planting the floor. All those pranksters. She shakes her head and looks at the snake slithering across the floor. Seriously, what is up with everyone. She mutters under her breath as she finishes her drawing then starts on a new one.

(The Drawing)

P.S. It is time for me to sleep so I Kai will be going on through the Day at school like it was any normal day. Good Night!
"No it wasn't!" Oliver managed to choke out, lifting his hand, he pointed it at the snake he had seen slithering towards the teacher's desk, who was now decidedly human, "IT WAS HIM!"

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Mist chuckled, playing with a curl of her hair. "Do you age? I do. Slowly, but it happens I guess."
Mine was kneeling down looking at some flowers. "Hmm pretty." She pet the flower then plucked it looking at it closely. "It has a nice color update file favorite flower to school flowers." It was red like her hair. She ate it keeping it safe inside her. "I'll be sure to show this to Mary."
"All of you, go to the office now! Next time don't protect her, and for you,"he looked at Zara and smiled. "You're getting your ass kicked right out of Mystical Accademy, this is your last prank." Sara's heart dropped.
Yazz frowned, 'That's a little too much, making them all go to the principal's office,' She thought, she wanted to do something, but wasn't sure of what.
"Don't be stupid," she hissed at Luke. She grabbed his arm and led him out of the classroom. "It's not worth fighting for." She looked down at the floor.
"Fine!" Oliver huffed exasperated, throwing his arms up. He walked up to the teacher, and in q swift motion ripped the dog toy from the chair still hanging off of the teacher's butt.

"Look at this. This is clearly mine." He thrust the toy into the teacher's hand. "I'm an imp, sir. Pranks are kinda my thing."

Oliver swallowed his pride, "please don't punish that girl for what I did." He looked up at the teacher with the most innocent, sweet babyface he could manage. "I'm really sorry."

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Luke calmed down, as he gently lift her head, looking at her eyes.

"Look, nobody is going to kick you out, ok?" He said, still looking at her eyes.
The Greek Gods


Artemis gasped. "Shit! We're late for class!" Apollo looked over at her, then walked to her. "You are modernizing!" he smirked. Artemis glared at him before grabbing Persephone's arm and running to the art classroom. They entered and saw the teacher throwing a rage. "Holy Hephaestus . . . It's almost like when Pandora opened the pithos," muttered Artemis as she took a seat in the back of the classroom.


Apollo grinned whist walking back to Ares and Aphrodite. "We should get to class," he said sarcastically. "Or, we shouldn't!" He laughed and sat on the floor. "As long as father doesn't find out, we're okay," he said, standing back up. He pointed down the hallway, to the cafeteria. "How 'bout we go there? It's a big room," he said, walking over already.


Pers sat next to Artemis. She stared at the teacher, clamping her hand over her mouth to muffle a laugh. "What happened here?" she whispered to Artemis. Her friend shrugged slightly. "I am not sure, maybe thy should ask a student?" said Artemis as she looked ahead. "Looks like we're drawing," Persy said, grabbing a paper and pen. "Why art thou using a pen?" asked Artemis, grabbing a pen herself. "I dunno, also, you should loose the ancient talk. Maybe find a boyfriend," Persephone said, half jokingly.


Ares followed Apollo, clutching Aphrodite's hand. He looked at her. "You okay?" he asked, trying not to sound worried. I am the god of war, I shall not sound lovey dovey whilst Apollo is here, thought Ares as he studied Aphrodite's face. She was beautiful, changing her features to look as Ares wanted. 'I don't have one form, I change all the time. I can't seem to stop it', is what she had said to him once.


"Ares, sweety," asked Aphrodite. "Are you feeling okay?" She was worried. He never asked how she felt. She sighed and gave his bicep a squeeze. "I'm fine, but I'm not sure about you," she said, giggling a bit. She began to skip after Apollo, dragging Ares with her.


Hestia sighed and looked around. What a bunch of imbeciles, she thought to herself before seeing Artemis and Persephone. She grabbed her stuff and walked over to sit with them. "Hello, can I sit with thy?" she asked Artemis, who seemed to be in charge. As she nodded, Hestia put her stuff down and sat beside them. "Everyone here seems . . . A little lowly. They aren't respecting the mentor very well . . ." muttered Hestia as she started to draw.
Oliver puked a little in his mouth as he watched the teacher's face soften. This was hard. The teacher looked down at the toy in his hand, studying it.

"So you're the one who did it?" He demanded. Oliver resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes sir."

"Detention for a week, and make sure this does not happen again."

"Of course sir."

After the teacher had waddled his out of the room, Oliver let out a string of curses. He turned around, walking past his new friends, and jumped out the Window, intent of thinking things over.

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Mine picked up some signs of life coming closer to her area. "Hmm some other students." She hid herself in behind a door ready to scan them when they came by.

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"They better not," tears filled her piercing blue eyes.

{Crying because we're missing an important character at a moment like this. WHERE U AT SPIKE}

The Greek Gods

Artemis, Persephone & Hestia

They listened to what was happening around them, showing now emotion or understanding. Artemis sighed and set her pencil down. "Done," she stated, looking down at her work. Hestia glanced over. "I like the lining thy uses. It is quite ancient and true to our culture," said Hestia as she looked back at her own picture. "How does thy like my own?" she asked, holding it up. Artemis nodded. "Thy uses Roman writing? Why?" asked Artemis. "Because it is unusual, and new to us," replied Hestia. Persephone stayed silent, still working on her own piece.

Apollo, Ares & Aphrodite

Apollo opened the cafeteria doors, stepping back and bowing sarcastically. He let Aphrodite enter before trying to his Ares in the face with the door. "Dammit," mumbled Apollo, as it didn't work. Ares chuckled. "Next time," he said, following Aphrodite. The beauty goddess sat at one of the tables, studying the room. "I could make it much nicer," she said, waving her arm. Apollo shook his head. "You'd get expelled," he laughed. "You know this, don't you?" Aphrodite smiled seductively. "Yep, son't like school at all," she said. Ares sat down beside her, still holding her hand. "So," he asked Apollo. "Have you gotten a lay yet? I mean, your practically the god of getting dates!" He laughed.

Zara walked down the hall and saw an opened janitor's closet. She thought it would be the perfect escape without actually leaving school. She walked into the closet and sat down on the floor quietly, she pulled out her phone, played her music and closed her eyes. After a while, she heard footsteps coming from the halls, she got up as fast as she could and put her back against the wall, hoping not to get caught. The footsteps kept on getting closer and closer until she could make out who it was. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the closet, with one hand covering his mouth and the other covering his eyes.


[QUOTE="Still Crazy](Oh I missed a lot..... I'm not sure where to jump in)

i got your back :')
Luke shift into a snake again, going around the room, stopping right in front of some new students (*Cough* Artemis and Hestia.), shifting back to his human form.

"Sso.... you two are new ssstudents around?" He asked, his snake fang clearly visible.


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