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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"Okay. Now that I think about it, I was kinda' selfish. Don't worry about eating, I don't mind."

Mary was feeling better in Oliver's company. This hasn't happened in a while...

And once again, I ignored the fact that some creatures need to eat souls.

She let the squirrel on the ground while mentally scolding herself. The birds flew away and the squirrel sprinted away into a bush. Mary stood up and went down the stairs.

"Shall we go somewhere else then? I believe there are a few more minutes left of the art class, and I don't think we're going back there."
Oliver blinked once, then grinned. "Yeah, sure. Lead the way, she-elf!" He joked, walking over to her.

"Let's stop talking about my unfortunate eating habits, though, I feel so narcissistic! What about you? What's your favorite foods and stuff?" He asked as he began to skip-walk, his good mood reinstated.
Mary spotted a hill nearby and walked in that direction.

"Well even at home we eat mostly fruits. But when we have to kill wildlife for food we do it with the usual thanking ritual. We basically thank mother nature and the animal for offering us the meal. I got to admit, meat tastes good and I love it even more when mom roasts it, other than that I like fruits that are sweet with a sour twist."

When she reached the top of the hill she looked down and paled. Her heart was beating uncontrollably as she saw the dead body.

(the guy that @Katsumi bit)
Oliver almost crashed into Mary's back as she suddenly stopped, still as a statue. His ears began twitching and his mouth began to water, as he smelled the familiar and rare smell of a newly released soul. The whites in his eyes darkened and he could feel his horns begin poking through the skin on his forehead.

Shaking his head to clear it, he went over the basics in his head. There was a dead body. There was a still unclaimed soul in said body. The soul smelled delicious. He needed it. Oliver shook his head again and looked at Mary. She looked terrified.

Thinking quickly, he grabbed her, flung her over his shoulder, ignoring her surprised squeak and ran back down the hill.

(A twist. I love it.)
"Wha-What are you doing?!" Mary yelled.

She hit Oliver's back with her fists...in vain. She yelled a bit more until realizing what was really going on. Mary noticed the change in Oliver's appearance and tried to keep calm.

(the best thing right now would be for the Grim Reaper to show up xDD)
Kis would arrive at the Academy. "Hello?" She'd yell as she approached the reception.

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Running towards the nearest tree, Oliver finally stopped, flipped Mary right side up and sat her down gently. He fell against the trunk of the tree with a huff, trying to catch his breath.

"Just my... Luck. Didn't want... Too see me loose... Can't control it." He gasped out between gulps of air. He looked at Mary wearily, scratching at his itchy forehead. "Are you okay?"

(Omg yes. @Viper get online! :D )
~The Greek Gods~

Artemis, Hestia & Persephone

Artemis said nothing. She glanced at the male and then looked down. Hestia stared at him, her face impassive. It was Persephone who broke the silence. "Um, hi," she said. "These two are eternal maidens . . . Artemis swore to forever shun men. Hestia vowed to never fall in love . . . Your not getting anywhere with these two." She looked from the goddesses to the boy. "Who're you?" she asked, using her hand to cover her artwork.


Apollo, Ares & Aphrodite

Apollo walked over to the food. "Oh yeah," he called to Ares and Aphrodite. "The place serves nectar and ambrosia. I dunno how they got it, but hey! It's our food, and it's here." He grabbed some and walked over to the table the others were at. "And it seems like we're in the abandoned cafeteria . . ." said Apollo as he drank some nectar. Ares laughed. "Dionysus would freak," said Ares, still holding Aphrodite's hand. "He'd ask why everyone left his party." Aphrodite stole some of Apollo's food. "Thanks!" she said, eating the ambrosia. "Hey!" Apollo said. "Why don't you take your bae's food?" Aphrodite shrugged. "He doesn't have any," she said.

~Only Colour Coding This One Post Unless I'm Bored~

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Mary looked at Oliver with a worried face.

"I'm okay, really."

After taking a few more deep breaths she loosened her tensed body and closed her eyes.

"So basically, if no one eats that guy's soul, a Grim Reaper will come and claim it? After seeing your reaction there must be a soul there."

After a few moments Mary half opened her eyes and looked at Oliver.

"Thanks for taking me away from that place and thanks again for...controlling yourself..."
The Greek Goddesses


Artemis kept her eyes down. She remembered her oath, then somehow remembered her immortal deer and her chariot. "Dammit," she seethed, standing up. "I'll be right back." As she left, she didn't bother hiding her art, or packing her things. She sighed and exited the school, and walked over to her deer. They were special, immortal deer with golden antlers. The fifth one escaped, so Artemis had put a blessing upon her. She would never be hunted down in a thousand years, yet if she was killed, she would come back life after life. No pain. She sighed and looked at the deer. "You want some food?" she asked quietly, reaching in her bag for their food.


"Okay," said Pers. "I'm Persephone. The one who just left is Artemis, and Hestia is the one with the flaming hair." She grabbed Artemis's artwork and placed it atop hers. "Who're your friends? Are any of them immortal? Are any of them gods?" asked Persephone, trying to drive Luke away from the table. He's okay . . . she thought. He just needs to stay away from Hestia and Artemis, then he's fine.


Hestia looked away from the boy. "Luke, thou must leave now," she said, calm and cold. She finished her artwork before putting it in her bag, then looked back at Luke. She stared at him coldly before looking to Persephone. "I shall take my leave now," she said, gathering her things. She walked away, out of the classroom and to where Artemis was. "How art thou?" she sighed, standing next to the moon goddess as she fed her deer.
"Sssadly... i don't have any friendsss... people don't trust me....becaussse i am a sssnake..." Luke said, rubbing his neck, looking around the class.
((I only gonna be Persephone for a bit . . .))

"Snakes are good," Persephone said. "They help with gardens." She looked down, embarrassed by her love of gardening. "Sorry," she muttered. "My mother is the goddess of crops, and gardens, and etc. That kind of stuff." She packed Artemis's things for her, and stacked them on top of her own.
Persephone shrugged. "Dunno," she said. "I just got here at lunch. Missed orientation and everything." She looked up again. "I'll go find out, and return some stuff. If you find out first, tell me, 'kay?" she asked, gathering her and Artemis's things.
"Alright...anyways... see you in the next class." Luke said, walking out of the class and lean on the wall again, looking around, looking quite bored.
Oliver gave a weak chuckle. "I think so, I'm not well versed with the workings of reapers. There was a soul, but I'm not sure how long it's going to linger before moving on."

Oliver's eyes darkened again, going almost black. "It smelled delicious."

Shaking off his hunger once more, he fixed his eyes on hers. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I'm not usually this unhinged. Do you wanna go back to the Academy? Hopefully we'll both be able to calm down as we walk."

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John arrived at the school, half asleep, and looked around in disgust. "Damn things..." He started to walk toward his first class, seeing Luke.
"Yeah, sure."

Mary got up and started walking towards the Academy with Oliver. Seeing his darkened eyes scared her a bit, truth be told.

This only makes me want to get to know him better...
"So tell me more about life as an elf." Oliver requested with a smile, plucking at the irritated skin around his horns. He realized with a sigh that the horns probably wouldn't go away until tomorrow.

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"Some elves live in small villages, hidden from anything human. Some families, like mine, are isolated from those communities as well. Most kid elves learn the basics of elemental magic from elders. Since my father was a healer he taught me the techniques and at the same time I continued to deepen my bonds with the wildlife more than others did. We lead peaceful lives in harmony with nature and not many elves leave the forest at all. When I ran an errand for another elf family they told me about the Academy and I came here. There aren't many elves who decide to leave the forest, especially since *points at ears* humans can distinguish us immediately."

After a short break, Mary said with a smile:

"Your turn now, tell me more about being an imp."
"That's so fascinating!" Oliver exclaimed, "I've never really taken the time to learn about species not considered dark, so it's really interesting to hear it from an actual elf."

Oliver frowned in thought, thinking. "Let's see, imp life is a fun life. The imps are considered lesser than the other demons in Hell, but we have lots of fun none the less. There aren't that many of us though," Oliver added, quietly,

"For every normal Hell birth, there is a chance of there being an imp. I guess you can say we're the runts. Anyway, Imps aren't wanted, so if one is born, he or she will be ridiculed and looked down upon. I think that's why we developed our humor and pranking skills. In my case, I was born by a succubus and a cerberus, so I was a pretty easy target." Oliver laughed bitterly.

"Don't tell anyone that, by the way. It's not something I'm proud of. " He added, looking at her pleadingly.
"Interesting...That must have been hard on you. But after I saw how much fun you had with the prank in art class I imagine you had tons of fun in Hell. Anyways, don't worry, I won't tell anybody." Mary said with a grin.

(I'll be away for a few hours)
Oliver grinned at her as they reached the Academy doors. "It was. A lot of fun I mean, and thank you for talking to me, it means a lot." On a whim, Oliver decided to do something had had observed people do before, but it had never made any sense to him until now.

Taking a step closer to Mary, he awkwardly wrapped his arms around her slender form and squeezed her to him tightly, giving her his first ever hug.

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Yazz tapped her pencil on the sketch book, wondering what to do. It was just went crazy, but funny as well, but that teacher went a bit too far.

Yazz sighed. Class was almost and so far, today has been exciting.

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