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Fantasy Mystical Academy

The sudden hug caught Mary off her guard. After a moment of surprise she naturally wrapped her arms around Oliver's neck. She tried to control her heartbeats in vain. Mary wondered if he could feel her heart beating and at the same time she smiled to herself.
The hug wasn't unpleasant, Oliver thought. It was actually quite... Comfortable. He very nearly jumped back when he felt her arms embrace him too, not being used to physical contact at all. After a moment, though, he relaxed into the unfamiliar feeling.

"I think we have music class next." Oliver mumbled, his voice muffled by Mary's shoulder. She smelled good.
Mary felt like she could spend hours like that. When she felt Oliver's grip loosen she took a step back to contemplate him. Her breath brushed his cheek and she smiled.

"Shall we go then? You didn't even hear me sing yet!"
Oliver could feel blood rushing to his face for unknown reasons. He blinked twice, then nodded. "Let's go! Are you any good? He asked with a goofy grin.

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Zara was on red alert, scared that she would get slapped in the face. She anxiously waited to see what Spike's surprise was.
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Kai finishes her second drawing then hands them both to the teacher. Here, hold on to these for me. Until next time. She turns into her glowing transparent self and flies out of the room. Let's see...music. Once again a favorite subject of mine. She continues to fly to the classroom and instead of using the door, she just flies right through the wall.

She changes back into her more solid form and then chooses a desk to sit in. Once seated, Kai looks around to see that the boy who had angered her last class was sitting as far away from her as possible and was watching her every move. All she did was smile at him and return her gaze to the front of the room as she waited for class to start.
An old oak door with a brass doorknob appeared in front of the school and opened from one side they could see a beautiful meadow with two moons from the back they could see the school. then Dru stepped out from the door into the world and started walking into the school his footsteps almost completely silent as he began to wander looking for classes or someone to help him since he was new.
Melody strode casually into the school, hood pulled up, hands in pockets, head down, and headphones blaring. Typical day, the same as any other. The only thing different is the place she was in. The school was of average size, nothing special to Mel but then again Mel was hard to impress. As if the music wasn't loud enough, she turned it up as she searched for a place that could hopefully help her figure out where she was supposed to be. If worst came to worse, she could find an empty classroom to sit in for awhile.

Monokuma looked at the building, "Upupupu~ Suppose that tensions are high." As he started to laugh a little loudly, in his stuffed bear form still, his teeth clearly visible, as he hobbled over to the school building, he walked inside by using the ramp, stairs in this form were not so pleasant. As he started to wander around the halls in his stuffed animal form, he was a odd one, putting his stuffed paws on his face as he continued to laugh quietly.
The Greek Goddesses

Persephone walked out the front door, and strode to Artemis and Hestia. "Artemis, I have your bag," she stated, staring at her friends deer. "Aww, I haven't seen them in forever. How've they been?" Artemis turned to face her. "I thank thee for caring," she said, picking up her bag. "My deer have been fine, no pain at all." Hestia sighed, shifting to rest her leg. "I shall go now, to class," she said. She turned to Persephone. "Does thou know what class is next?" Pers shook her head. "Nope," she replied. "Does anyone know where the others are . . ?" she added looking around. Hestia started walking to the school. "No, I have not," she said before entering. Artemis started to walk away, too, so Perseph ran to catch up. "Have you?" she asked. Artemis shook her head. "They were busy talking during our art class, then they left. I have no idea where they are," she said.
Melody had been wandering for some time now and was just about to find some corner of the school to hang out in when she saw it. It was probably hust about the only time one could get a reaction out of her, even if it was momentary, and he succeeded.. or it. She did a double take and ended up looking over her shoulder as she passed it to be certain. Sure, stranger things have happened but it was a bit strange. "No. Fricking. Way."

@Unknown Sanity
Kai looks over to the guy who had decided to sit next to her. He had said hi, which surprised her, though her face didn't show it. Not many people care about her and when they do, it is usually to try insult her or even kill her. Back the the guy. Hello, my name is Kai. What is your name. She said it in her usual unemotional tone. Kai noticed that he seemed unfocused. She wondered what he was thinking about. Is there anything wrong?
The Greek Gods


Artemis pushed the doors back. She stepped into the school and looked around. As usual, she could sense her twin somewhere, where he should not be. "Damn him," she muttered angrily before walking past Hestia and into the cafeteria. Inside, Apollo, Ares, and Aphrodite were eating and talking. "Apollo, thou should not be here," said Artemis as she walked over to him. Glaring at her twin, she then turned to the others. "What art thou doing here, not in class?" she asked accusingly.


Apollo sighed and stood to face his sister. "I know I shouldn't be here," he said, walking towards the exit. "But I want to be here." As usual, he was being demanding. When Artemis showed no expression to his argument, he left. Starting down the hallway, he saw Hestia and Persephone. Hestia rolled her eyes and began to walk away, whilst Pers stayed where she was. "How's life?" he asked her bluntly.


She sighed. "I dunno," Perseph replied. She looked behind Apollo, at the cafeteria doors. "Where's Artemis?" she asked, looking around. Apollo shrugged. "In the cafeteria," he said. "Meet you in class." Persephone grabbed his arm. "What class?" she asked. "You don't even know what class where supposed to be in!" Apollo shook her off. "I'll find it, somehow," he said, walking off. Persephone walked to Hestia, who was muttering coldly in the ancient language of Greece. Poking her arm, Persephone asked; "What're you saying?"


Ares sighed and glared at Artemis, his red glowing eyes burning bright. "What's it to you?" he asked, still holding Aphrodite's hand. Artemis glared even colder, making Ares want to whimper. He knew that Artemis could beat him, and Aphrodite was there, so he had to act tough until she was gone. "Fine, we'll go," he said, standing up.


Aphrodite followed Ares, then she led him out of the cafeteria. Artemis followed them silently. When they got outside, Artemis parted with them to go to Apollo, probably to scold him. Aphrodite led Ares to the lobby, sitting down at one of the couches. "You know, Artemis can't be rude to me," she said. "I'm a lot older than her. I'm the eldest god, born from the blood of Ouranos." She gave Ares's hand a squeeze.


Hestia looked at Persephone. "Things," she said with distaste. She disliked using modern language, she liked the language of Greece, or using olden terms. Persy pouted, wanting to know more. "Let us go to class," announced Hestia as she walked behind Apollo and Artemis.
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Monokuma looked up as he heard some words of disbelief, looking at the source of the voice, as he put his stuffed paws moving down to his sides, "Huh what is it? Have something against stuffed animals?" He questioned the person, who looked human thinking the last part with a large grin plastered on his face. Humans are so easy to manipulate, he thought to himself as he looked up at the girl that to him seemed like a normal human.

"No," Melody responded in a monotone voice, her normal persona coming back. It wasn't as if she'd ever really thought negatively of stuffed animals but if she were to have one, one like this would be preferred. "So you are a stuffed animal? What brings you life then? Last time I checked I haven't seen build-a-bears roaming the streets." As she spoke, Mel removed her headphones and hung them around her neck, the music still playing from the speakers.
Aw...she is such a stiff, Monokuma thought as she spoke again, sighing as he looked up at her, "Well sort of, more like a spirit that possessed a stuffed animal. I can look like a human if you want," He said as he rather did not like doing so, changing, the human form was somewhat despicable to him, snapping his fingers.He started turned into the human version of himself, his body seeming to be split in half, which extended to his clothing, looking at the girl with his two different colored eyes. "Well at least I don't have to look up to see you face." rubbing the back of his neck.
"It doesn't matter to me," Melody said with a shrug. "You're still the same person, bear or human." Though the transformation between was a little strange although she didn't say that. Deciding to turn off her music all together, she reached into her hood, pulling out the headphone cord that had been connected to an auxiliary jack embedded her neck. Mel wasn't much of a conservationist so she remained silent, her red eyes fixated on the bear-boy.
"Suppose so," He said she started to speak, "You are no fun you know, " He sighed as then was proven incorrect, O-ho-ho-ho, Not so human are you now, he thought as she saw the wire being taking out of her head, Monobear started to grin in his human form, "Oh I am Monokuma, some people call me Monobear though," He said, expecting a name from the girl that he was talking to.
"No fun? I suppose that's what I was going for," Mel said with a slight smile before it faded away. Seeing him watch as she unplugged her headphones, she didn't think much of it and wondered what the creepy expression was for. "Okay, I'll call you Monokuma. Only because true names are the best for summoning dark creatures," Melody said jokingly, wiggling her fingers and returning them to her pocket. "My name is Melody but I strongly prefer Mel. Although it would be unfair to ask you to call me by my nickname when I won't yours so here's an exception."

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