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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"Ha." Monokuma responded as she said she was doing this purposely and he saw the brief flash of emotion, I will have my fun with you just yet, He thought the grin no longer on his face, You have no idea how much that is true ,He thought to himself hearing the joking tone in her voice. "Alright Melody," As he sighed once she returned to a stiff and formal personality once more, he never really got used to the fingers and toes in his human for as he mainly had paws in his stuffed animal form.

Calisto said:
((I don't like the new layout or whatever it's called. It bugs me and I can't think anymore))
(I kind of like it, although it is a little distracting)
Oh okay. So... What are you? I'm am a half-dead shifter. She instinctively traced the designs on her headphones. Since when have I been so curious about someone else? This is not like me at all.
(How do I quote stuff now? D: Panics* Anyway, @Calisto "Oooh, rocket ship!" \o/)
Maxwelle said:
(How do I quote stuff now? D: Panics* Anyway, @Calisto "Oooh, rocket ship!" \o/)
If figured it out. Under the post you want to quote hit the +quote button. Then, when you go to send your post, there is a a button at the bottom that says add quote or something like that. Then just hit the button that says something like "insert quotes". Then type what you want to type and post.
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(The new banner? '^')

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mel asks Monokuma, watching him closely. When she mentioned dark spirits, his face fell and she wondered if maybe she'd upset him. Even if she didn't care about much, she didn't particularly enjoy upsetting others. Changing the topic in hopes of perhaps righting his fallen smile, she asks, "You look a little uncomfortable, why not shift back?"

@Unknown Sanity

(Thank yoooou ^^ @Puggie)
"Nothing much, just intrigued." Monokuma said as she catched on to him looking at her weirdly, his grin back "Oh now who is liking stuffed animals." He said jokingly as he snapped his fingers again, as he returned to the stuffed animal form. "I'll have fun with you just yet" He said with a grin, not minding if she would hear him or not. Someone has to make things very, very, interesting around here, because right now I am bored as bloody god. He thought to himself.


(Sorry! I thought I posted)
Oliver walked in to the music room, resisting the urge to dance walk across the floor as he spotted the huge grand piano standing in the corner. He walked up to it, running his fingertips gently across the ivory keys, smiling.

How long had it been since he last played? Not since he left home, maybe even longer. Sitting down on the stool, he stretched out his fingers, placed them on the keys and let them fly.
Mary looked at Oliver with a smile on her face and walked to the piano. Wait, I think I know this song...what was it?

Closing her eyes, Mary listened carefully until she remembered the song. Then, she started humming slowly to the song Oliver was playing, gradually raising her volume, until she quit humming completely and started singing.

This song made her feel butterflies fluttering their wings inside her stomach. Was it the fact that she wasn't used to singing in front of people or that she was singing with Oliver?
As soon Oliver heard Mary sing, goosebumps started spreading over his arms. She wasn't lying when she said she was good. She had a beautiful voice, unlike anything Oliver had ever heard before. It made him feel good.

Oliver grinned at her and started playing faster, the song gradually rising to a crescendo.
Mary didn't have a hard time keeping up with Oliver at all. In fact, it all got easier when she started to ignore everybody else in the room. It felt like they were the only people in the universe. The butterflies disappeared and this was one of the few times Mary felt comfortable...and confident.

Still, we forgot about the teacher's existence...

Mary smiled to herself and continued singing.
Oliver continued to play, oblivious to the world around him and Mary until he heard a cough from behind him and realized with a start that the teacher must have come in sometime ago. Chuckling at himself for getting so lost in the music, he drew the song to a close and ended with a playful dance of is fingers, making some of the students giggle.

He spun around to face the teacher, who was looking less than pleased.
Mary awkwardly turned around to face the teacher. She joined her hands in front of her and tried to seem respectful, however she was trying very hard not to laugh. Her cheeks were flushed red and she was grinning.

If I act like this just from singing when I'm not supposed to, I wonder what my first prank will be like...

The performance went really well and Mary was proud of herself. She waited for what the teacher will say and her grin slowly disappeared

as she was growing impatient.
The teacher stared at their flushed faces for a minute, before signing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Mr Ocuamal, Ms Ackerman, please refrain from abusing the instruments without supervision. I understand that you wish to show off and bask in the admiration of your peers, but do it in your own time." Oliver's blackened eyes narrowed, clearly peeved. "Now take your seats!" The teacher barked, making Oliver jump and scurry to the nearest desk. Before he sat down, gave Mary a discreet high five and shot her a sly grin.

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"Fun with me? How do you plan to do that, coniving little bear?" Mel asked him softly, not entirely worried about this "fun". If anything it'd prove to be interesting so she didn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Although she found it humorous the two were probably supposed to be doing something right now like getting information or class schedules. That too seemed unimportant and uninteresting.

@Unknown Sanity

Tapatalk is lame. I need a signature? Potato.
Mary slowly walked the desk next to Oliver's, which was also empty and waited for a few seconds before whispering:

"So we were <<abusing the instruments>>. Pfft!"

After a few seconds after she realized the teacher was staring at her and Mary regained composure.

This would be the first time I disrespect a teacher...He totally deserved it though!

Until now I always respected teachers, but they respected me as well. That guy doesn't appreciate a good performance!
"Oh conniving makes me seem so bad." He said, giving a laugh "Upupupu~ Oh that's no fun telling Melody." He said as he looked for places with more tension and bloodlust in areas, one of the things he could do even when nobody has died yet by murder, finding one source of large bloodlust, which he found weird since there should have a been a bloodbath in the area with that source being there (Ares) and in the school, he felt a slight buzzing as he got a message to start executing murderers that had gotten away with it. "This is fun for me though." He said laughing as his red eye glinted, clapping his hands together as he would go to the murderer's location, a teacher at the school on his lunch break, possibly bringing Melody, this wouldn't take long he thought to himself, closing the area around the teacher, to anyone else it would seem like nothing was happening, kind of like a perception filter. (The teacher is a NPC... So don't mind nobody's character is going to die...yet..)
"Well, then who says I have to stick around?" Melody asked, turning away slightly and dipping back her head in question to show that she very well would walk away. Although if it came down to it, she'd probably stay. Mel just hoped the bear wouldn't call her bluff. After all she'd always been hard to read. Besides the look on his face told her this something "fun" would probably be something bad. "Perhaps a small hint would suffice?" She offered with a shrug. "Build up the excitement, ya know?"
"Hmm...Well lets say righting the wrong then," Monokuma said when she wanted a hint, which is what he was technically doing, simply righting the wrong an Innocent man was executed, while the Corrupt human started to live his own life and let two people die because of him. He said as he looked behind at Melody, he actually didn't mind whether or not she would come, either way he would get despair from someone.
"Alright, I'd love to see this," Melody said with a shrug. What is the worst that could happen? And she wanted to learn more about this bear which, she would definitely say would be more interesting than what these classes had to offer. Replacing her headphones to the jack and turning her music on low, she asked, "So, what brought you to this school, Monokuma?"
"Well I just found it interesting. And it was literally the only school that accepted stuffed animals in their school" Monokuma said as he explained with a small joke in there, as he was more excited to finally do something, as he walked towards the teacher that was eating his lunch, a cartoony like throne can up as he sat on it, "<<Insert Boring Teacher name here>> You have been found guilty. It is punishment time." The teacher looked at him with a confused face, as a big red button came out of nowhere again along with a hammer, all three coming from his own magic, he was sitting in the seat. "Don't run with scissors." He muttered as his magic took into place once he slammed the hammer against the red button, scissors floating around the teacher, he had a grin on his face as he saw the pale expression of the teacher, before all of the scissors simultaneously stabbed him.

(Yeah I got Kill points: 1)
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Oliver snickered quietly at the peeved look on his friends face. Shaking his head he leaned closer and whispered into her pointy ear.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back for that one. You were awesome up there."

Leaning back, he crossed his arms over his chest and pout-glared at the teacher. The teacher pointedly ignored him and began his lecture on musical figures through history.

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