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Fantasy Mystical Academy

(The dangers of running with scissors... )

Mel was speechless. "What the hell? What if that was my math teacher. How ever will I do Pythagorean theorems now?" She demanded seriously although the words were joking. She didn't particularly like death but... well, there wasn't much she could say about it now huh... Walking over to the body, she pulled one from the body without change of expression, curious to see if they were actual scissors or perhaps a visual form of magic. They were real. "You think you'd kill someone over something more drastic..." Melody asked although it was voiced more as a statement.
"Thanks!" Mary whispered with a smile. She felt reassured knowing that there's a prank coming up.

This time I hope that nobody'll get caught.

She started thinking of possible pranks. After all, in theory, she knew it all, it was just that she didn't do that...yet.
(I got the idea from the game :Don't whack your teacher xD )

"Textbooks." Monobear said jokingly as he had a grin still on his face as he laughed a little at the differences between Melody's words and expression as he would then leave the area, putting his paws to his sides, "The Pythagorean theorem is also A squared, which and be any one of the sides of a triangle, and B squared which is the other side of the triangle, which will result you with C squared, the longest side of the triangle." He stated now his time to make his words and expression change, his face with the same mischievous and joking attitude, his words were serious however. "He killed a person, time for his death row execution." He stated.
After an hour of the teacher switching between talking and ignoring them, he finally let the class go, with a final warning to Oliver and Mary.

Turning around so he could look at his friend, he grinned wickedly. "So, any ideas?" He asked, his eyes shining at the prospect of a new prank.
Sitting in music class, Callie noticed that Oliver was back from his little expedition. But this time, he was talking to an elven girl she didn't know. Was he really gone that long? she thought as she walked over to Oliver. "Hey, I see you came ba-" Callie paused as she saw his change in appearance. "Oh my god are you Ok? What happened to your face?"
Oliver looked at Callie, who he just now noticed was there. He felt a little bad for not having seen her earlier, but when her question sank in, he burst out laughing.

"haha... Oh man, you don't beat around the bush do you?" He asked, amused. Scratching the back of his head he added, "We had a little incident with an unclaimed soul. I tend to go all demon-like when I'm hungry. If you think this looks bad, you should see me fully transformed! Don't worry, it's totally normal. This is my friend Mary by the way. " As he said the last part he gestured to his elven friend, smiling.

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Mary looked at the candy head girl in silence. Then she said with a smile:

"I'm Mary. What's your name? And by the way, do you have any ummm...ideas?" and then with a lower volume "I thought of drawing something on the white board with a permanent marker and drawing something else on top of it with a normal marker, and maybe do a combo with something else like making him slip with his head into the drum."

I feel devilish.
"Not Bad!" Oliver grinned at her before changing his expression to a smirk and poking her in the cheek. "For an amateur."

Oliver looked at her with a mad glint in his eye. "He was a real dick to us. I suggest we rigg his classroom with traps 'till the next time we have his class. I'm talking tripwire, buckets of paint, heated doorknobs the whole package. We make him terrified of taking a single step."
"Psh. Ok, whatever." She turned to Mary. "Thats a great idea, actually! I have an idea..." Callie started scribbling her ideas on her paper.
"And at the end of the day he could be attacked by a squirrel and have a bird poop on his head." Mary said with a grin on her face.
Oliver raised an eyebrow at Mary. "Can you make them do that?" He asked a little impressed, before getting distracted by Callies scribbling.

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Ase walked into the classroom and sat down across from the group she took out a book and started reading it.

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"I can manage to distract his attention." Mary said while looking at the picture and giggling with excitement.
{Tbh, I wanted her to be somewhat like Death the Kid, the girl version. Do you think it's a good idea?}
Oliver frowned as he thought, he glanced over at the girl who had just sat down, and did a double take.

Quickly getting back on track, he lowered his voice to barely a whisper and leaned in close, motioning for the girls to do the same. He didn't want anyone overhearing them, and he was suspicious of the angelic creature, even though she appeared to be reading. Hadn't he used that same trick earlier today?
Katsumi said:
{Tbh, I wanted her to be somewhat like Death the Kid, the girl version. Do you think it's a good idea?}
(Sounds like that could be a pretty interesting character. She would probably hate my character should she meet him, and that's always fun. :D )

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Insanity was too busy with everything he was doing at the moment to care what was going on around him, he was looking to figure out how many ways he could die in this place, he covered a part of his face with his hand, as he was filled with giddy joy and laughter. He had a pole in his hands as he ran around with it in giddy laughter, going to the pole vault before falling to his "Death".
Oh that was so much....fun! He thought to himself as he got up, "Oh that was....wonderful." He said to himself as he paused for the right word.
"Huh, maybe I'll use you to cheat on my tests," Mel joked, tossing the bloody pair of scissors into a nearby trash can. How strangely the events had turned. "I'd hate to see what that hammer of yours could do to a head." Thinking over what Monokuma has said about the teacher, she paused. "Had that man really killed a person?" The thought disturbed her of the fact that murderers could blend so easily into everyday life. Even if the teacher hadn't been a killer, Melody was never good at reading people. Then again, others usually didn't concern her.


"I follow orders from the god of death or the grim reaper, I think he knows how people die." Monokuma said a little sarcastically, with seriousness mixed in "I don't like using the hammer to kill someone, I like using other ways to kill someone, probably the most ironic one." Talking about the scissors, and the teacher, the grin still on his face, loving the feeling he gets when he kills someone, anyone. His bloodlust would be much higher than most of the other people, except for that one. (Ares). He would look around still in his bear form.​
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Oliver looked at then both with an mischievous smile playing across his lips. "Tonight, after schools out, we meet outside the Academy. We sneak in and make our way to the classroom. Then we rigg it. We use Mary's use to draw Callies drawing on the board and generally just boobytrap the entire room. Then, when we arrive here tomorrow, we sit back and enjoy the sweet, sweet revengey chaos."

Oliver's eyes sparkled as he spoke, and unbeknownst to him, his horns grew out even more and a sharp, red tail shot out of his back, swishing across the floor. He felt better than he had in a long time.

"Are you game?"

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"Alright, devil boy." Callie said while holding up a skin colored sharpie. "Just, make sure you don't set any off on yourself."

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