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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"It really pisses me off when people treat me like a two year old. Sometimes when they do that I just want to scream at them because I could kill them if I wanted to."
~ The Twins

Artemis looked around. "What class is it? And do we have homework?" she asked, looking at Zara. "Um, how about no," said Apollo. "I don't want to learn today, or ever." Artemis rolled her eyes. "It's exciting," she said. "We've never been to school before." Apollo sighed. "Fine, I'm following you all day, though."


~ Persephone

Persephone looked at the school. She sighed with relief that she wouldn't have to deal with the lovebirds behind her. "Well, you go do your thing," she said, turning around to face them. Ares and Aphrodite were holding hands, their fingers intertwined. "I'm going to get the schedule," said Pers. "Don't follow me," she added, turning around and walking into the school.

~ Ares & Aphrodite

Ares glanced at Aphrodite, then looked ahead. After Persephone entered the school he turned back to Aphrodite. "You excited?" he asked, giving her hand a squeeze. "Kind of," replied Aphrodite. "It's fun going to a new place, but I don't want to learn," she said, pouting. "Aww, c'mon," said Ares. "Just try to have fun, okay?" He started leading Aphrodite to the school, his golden armour gleaming in the sunlight.

((I don't know whether or not Hestia was accepted . . . I hope she was,
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Mist opened her bag and looked at her schedule for a moment, then laid it down on the table in front of him. "I've got art next," she said. "Since you're a senior you probably do too." She shook her head sadly, pouting a bit. "I can't draw whatsoever. I'll probably fail."
"Yeah, I know what you mean, sort of," Oliver put on an exaggerated pout and puffed out his cheeks, "I'm 212 years old, but I still look twelve. I won't grow anymore untill i'm around four hundred, so people tend to underestimate me a lot. Leaning closer to Callie, he whispered, "But that's not always a bad thing you know, when people underestimate you they put their guard down and you can use that to your advantage." He poked her in the cheek with a smirk and leaned back into his chair.
"Well... i can't draw anything too..." Riley said, smiling weakly.

"Hey, before the next class... what about a walk around the school?" He asked, shifting to his ghostly form (transparent) and standing up, walking behind her and shifting back to his human form.
As Callie tried to imitate Oliver and leaned back in her chair, she fell backwards and screamed, "AH!"
"So art class is next" Mary said after looking at her schedule.

Might as well go there early, I never have time to finish my drawings. They're decent, at least...Maybe I should go to in the school garden to inspire myself...

After explaining to Yazz why she's leaving Mary got up. The falling candyhead girl caught her attention. She stayed for a bit to watch, then left.

(I'm really going to bed now...and
@Cryobionic did you just read my mind??? xD The same applies, Mary will go to class when everyone does)
Mist held her breath as Riley materialized behind her, resisting the urge she felt to smile. This was much better than the human schools she'd been to her whole life. Maybe she could actually relax here.

"Sure," she said as she gathered her bag over her shoulder, collecting her long hair at the back of her neck and tying it back messily as she walked out into the hall. "Place is pretty big," she commented, almost to herself.
Oliver burst out laughing, almost falling out of his chair himself, before he caught the look on the disheveled vampires face. Remembering something about it being rude to laugh at someone, he bit his lip and walked over to her. "I always though vampires were supposed to be graceful and elegant!" He snickered, grabbing her arm, intending to help her to her feet, "I'm sorry for laughing at you, but that was hilarious, candycurls." He yanked her to her feet with one sharp tug, underestimating his own strength. "Wops."

(Good night, @Maitreyi , and if you catch this before you log out, what did you mean about my being a mind reader? :P )
"Yep...hey... anyways....i know a very beautiful place....just right by the academy....want to go over or stay around?" He asked, whispering, as he was walking very closer to her.
~ The Twins

Artemis ditched the table and left. She walked back to the lobby and gasped at who she saw. "Persephone!" she yelled, running over to her. "What is thy doing here?" Apollo sprinted after his twin, waving to Zara as he left. His eyes widened when he saw Persephone. "Persy! Hi!" he exclaimed, looking at her. "How'd you get here?"

~ Persephone

Persephone hugged Artemis and gave Apollo a high-five. "My mother sent me here!" she said. She looked around. "This seems like a big school, and the times are different as well, correct?" she asked, looking at Artemis. Artemis nodded, "Yep, we're late. It's after lunch. Next is art, I believe."

~ Ares & Aphrodite

Aphrodite gasped inside the school. It was huge, and they were only in the lobby. Up ahead, Persephone was talking to Artemis as Apollo walked to them. "Apollo!" said Aphrodite. "Why're you and Artemis here? Actually, I understand why you're here, but why Artemis?" Apollo shook his head. "Something about learning. Father sent me here. Same with you?" he asked. Ares nodded and smirked. "Apparently Aphrodite and I are bad kids," he said sarcastically.

@Katsumi, was by 'Hestia' character accepted???))
"Pshh, I'm about as graceful as a kangaroo on roller-skates. Don't expect me to be polite either, its just not me. That was pretty damn funny, anyways." As Callie sees everybody leaving, she notices it's time for art class. "Oh jeez! We have to go!"
"Sure," she agreed easily, rolling her shoulder blades back until they popped. Whether it was some wolf instinct or just a part of her personality, she loved being outside. And she didn't really care at all if she missed a little of art class- or all of it. Being outdoors was a sure way to reduce the stress she was feeling, and Riley was kinda a calming guy to be around. "Lead the way."
"Oh, that's kind of a relief actually," Oliver said, wiping imaginary sweat of his forehead, "I'm not the most polite person, you know. Did I hurt your arm?" The last question was asked with a touch of worry. Oliver had never really been in a situation where he had to be careful with his strength, all the other demons had been able to handle a little roughness and the other imps he knew were no strangers to being beaten up, but vampires he was unsure about.
"You squeezed it a little hard, but I'm fine. Lets just go to art." Callie stood up
"C'mon.." Riley said, leaving the academy building using the back door, the place was an open field with some hills behind it.

"Should we go to the top of the hills?" He asked, turning to Mist, grining.
Oliver looked around, suddenly aware that the cafeteria was almost empty. He quickly nodded a bit shocked. "Yeah, that would be a good idea. I already missed math, and I need to make a "good impression" ya know?" He snorted and headed out the door, "Let go!"
"I like art, anyways." Callie got up and started following her map to the art room.
Yasmin got up from the table, finished with her lunch and headed off to her next class, Art.

"Ah, Art, now this I shall enjoy,"

She walked past a few other students going the same way, She decided to try and talk to some of them since they'll be in the same class.

Oliver turned around, and saw the girl Mary had been talking to standing there, looking at him expectantly. He blinked slowly, taking in her mummified form, before offering his hand.

I seem to be doing that an awful lot lately.

"Oh, Hi! I'm Oliver Ocuamal," He smiled softly, "Are you going to art class too?"
Yasmin took his head and shook his hand, "Aye, I am. I am Yasmin Myrick, but you can call me Yazz,"

She wasn't sure what supernatural creatures the other two were and she supposed it wouldn't hurt to ask, "If I may ask, what are you species are you?
Mist laughed at his teasing, unsure of how to answer. "Well, uh, you picked a good one," she said weakly, looking up to the top of the hills he pointed out. "Hell yeah, lets go. Wanna race?" She flashed a smile, her fangs poking out slightly over her lower lip. She had no idea how fast ghosts were, but she knew how fast she was- especially only a few days away from the full moon.
"Oh, hey! I'm Callie. I'm a little busy with this map, sorry I didn't notice you."

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