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Fantasy Mystic People

"I am a Husk, and I'm just dying to- no, I'm already dead. Let me rephrase..."

Ezekiel suddenly lunged forward and tilted his head at an unnatural angle. His mask inches away from the girl's face, and a odor of burning metal wafted from his hair.

"I'm hungry for the delicious details...You're such an interesting thing, Willow." He purred.

"Well then creature of pure darkness, I don't know what you think you can get from me but I don't think I'm any use to you" she said as she coughed at the disgusting stench and scrunched up her nose "I think if you know my name then you know what I am"
"Smart girl you are, but I can only see your name. Ah. It will come to me sooner or later."

Ezekiel knew she was a harder target. If she told her name, it would be akin to inviting a vampire into her house. She's smart, but Ezekiel has more tricks up his sleeve and he'll get to her sooner or later.

"Very well. Good day...." He vanished into the shadows, leaving no trace left but a small slip of paper.
I'll be seeing you around.

Always lurking from the Shadows

- - E

Ezekiel hoped the note was read, for it would act as a beacon who would tether him to that area. Like haunting, but much more technical. He wanted to know what kind of strange breed Willow was, and for that he had to do some spying. Others call it haunting, cursing, or even stalking. But it was just observation. It wasn't like he wanted to possess her tainted body. Ezekiel couldn't fathom the amount of disgust he would feel if he ever did so.
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Lucifer raised an eyebrow and shook his head as he watched the demon disappear "Who in Lucifer's name was that I have no idea who he was" he said to him self and laughed when he realized he said his own name, he walked out of the graveyard and into the city he looked at all the lights and building "how do demons like this place it's to crowded" he scoffed and walked into a hotel he looked at the man at the front desk please "Ill take the best room you have" the guy looked at him and typed into his computer "that will be 1000 dollars sir" the man said while still typing Lucifer sneered "why is the human world so expensive" he sighed and pulled a credit card from his pocket and threw it at the man "hurry up I have things to do" the man glared at him and swiped the card "name please" the man stated simply "Lucif...." he stopped half way and thought for a second "Christopher Morningstar" he said feeling accomplished by the name the man rolled his eyes and threw a key card at him "enjoy buddy" he the man said "die in a hole you bloody pathetic fool" Lucifer sneered and walked to the elevator
Willow dropped the paper, a little taken aback, she wasn't in the mood to deal with some one who was interested in her species, if anyone knew what she really looked like she would be an outcast in the land of outcasts, to think if they knew she had cat ears and a cat tail! why she would definitely be alone then, no help coming her way in her investigation.
Ezekiel crawled out of an alleyway and glanced around the metropolitan street. The scent of the city stronger than ever before.

"Ah. She read it..." He said, a small shiver going down his spine.

"Now we begin the observation."

He climbed to the rooftop of the building and sat on it's flat roofing, waiting for a possible opportunity.
walked quickly into the pub and realized only Carl the bar tender was the only one inside, Carl already knew about her ears and tail so she took off her cloak and flicked her tail happily.
(( Im gonna make Lucifer talk to you if you don't mind @FluffyMarshmallow ))

Lucifer walked into his room and looked around "tch this is the best room they had it's disgusting" he sneered as he walked around inside. with a sigh he threw his umbrella to the bed, it vanished before it touched, "God I could use a drink" he grimaced when he realized he said God he shook his head and Vanished from the room with a puff of smoke. he reappeared in a pub and saw a bartender and a girl with cat ears and a tail"Hm interesting" he stated out loud not caring who heard
senses another creature and moved in a flash, her cloak was on before he could blink and ordered a water. She sat at the bar stool, with her hood covering her face and sipping her water, hoping that no one except Carl saw her tail and ears. She paid Carl sipped at her water, and then realized that the creature that walked in had the same dark aura as before and choked on her water, as she looked up, sure enough, it was him; The he guy who summoned the umbrella, she felt uncertain of his presence and clutched her wand, sure she may mess up on spells but a mess up could injure the new threat, she looked up and saw that Carl had disappeared off into the back to get a bottle of some type of alcohol, and now she was alone, her wand was her best bet against the dark creature, he might not intend to harm her but it was more practical to have her wand at her side.

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Lucifer laughed when he saw the girl reach for something "Don't' worry kitty im not here to hurt you" he took a seat next to her "what you got there" he said pointing to the thing she had reached for.

"None of your business" she said and looked at the man "Well then what are you here for, from the looks of it you seem intrigued, and it isn't the alcohol your interested in, after all I don't see you talking to the beer" she said before taking another sip of her water and casually reciting her spells of harm inside her head, she hardly used any of those types of spells so it would take awhile to remember correctly how to pronounce and the correct incantation, besides if she made a mistake it wouldn't surprise her, it never did anymore.

"Oh your a feisty one and if you really need to know..." he took a gulp of the drink the bartender had gave him and looked back at her "it's none of your business" he smirked while quoting what she said "I swear you mortals are so.....what's the word..annoying I believe I said that right" he said while thinking about it

"hm" he took a drink of his beer "EN DOOAIN BOLAPE Lucifer OD OL BOLAPE King DE Hell" he said to her in Enochian knowing she could understand certain parts because it was in English he look to her and gave a devilish smile "what's yours?"

"Im guessing you want my title 'king of hell', but why? I am no use to you, neither is my power" she said and finished up her water "If you must know my name is Willow, I am a witch"

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(( maybe but Enochian is an actual language xD @FluffyMarshmallow ))

Lucifer smirked "a witch huh and im guessing you magic is weak so you couldn't defend yourself against me if I decided to attack you" he looked at the girl
"Perhaps I am weak, but attacking a witch in this bar would be stupid, considering that this witch's family owns the bar(Carl, he is her closest friend so they consider each other family, and you have a point), and attacking me would be no fun if I can't fight back, just a simple kill, so I don't think you would" she said simply
"So, what brings you here, if mortals bore you so much why bother coming here in the first place instead of just ignoring them?" she asked and slipped her wand back into her belt

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"I see, since you already know my secret there is no reason to keep this on" she said and slipped her cloak off, her blue braids disapearing and short silver hair with cat ears replaced it, "Much better"

"hm I guess not" he stated not really caring what the girl did he was more focused on the drink it was amazing he had never had anything like it

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