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Fantasy Mystic People

Lulu looked at Willow, "Can I have a shot of some random fancy vodka?" he asked. He already felt drunk after the fumes in the pub, he flicked his hair out of his face.
"Alright" she replied and then grabbed a shot glass and a bottle of vodka, she filled it up and placed it in front of him "There you go" she started to wipe up the counter. She picked up the glass the child had left behind and started to clean it
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"Thanks" Lulu said and took a swig, he cringed at the sour and spicy flavor but then finished it. "Pretty good. What happened to the regular bartender?" he asked. "Not that you're not good, I like you're style of service, and you're a witch cat so..."
"Carl? He took off, there was no business so he left, I know him personally so he left me here, probably just assumed that I would pay and leave, not expecting any others coming any time soon" she said as she looked at the remaining two at the bar and smiled faintly, seeing that the cats that follow her were sitting at the windows, some peering in, others making odd faces, and others sleeping. She giggled a bit before acting like her serious self again
Lulu looked outside, he saw cats and smiled. "You have so many cats, can I pet them?" he asked quickly, "Cats are my thing... sorry" he said quietly and his smile faded quickly.
"It's fine, sure, go ahead, they aren't really mine though, i'm like the pied pieper of cats is more like it" she said and she glanced at the cats again and smiled
"ive had enough of this weirdness" Lucifer said before disappearing out of sight and back into his disgusting hotel room. he sighed and plopped on the soft bed almost instantly falling asleep yea that's right the ruler of hell the great fallen angel needs sleep he got under the cover and fell into a deep sleep
She hopped over the counter again and locked the door, she was tired and Carl was going to close up anyways, she walked out side towards her apartment, her cloak on securely as she walked away.


Plaematio soared through the sky swiftly dodging a plane that was flying his way he was flying around as surveillance looking for any demon and or Lucifer. "tch the human pigs and their giant buildings it's extremely annoying" he sated while dodging a helicopter that almost hit him


Lucifer woke up for the third time that night from a nightmare that had plagued him ever since he fell he sighed and got out of the bed. he put his vest on without any shirt and black skinny jeans
Willow was at home the next morning when she put her red sweater on and black leggings, she put on music and was dancing as she made her food, she needed to cheer herself up and it was music that could do that the best even if she looked like a fool she was a happy fool. She was smiling and had a bagel in her hands when she went downstairs to check the mail, she had a few witches helping her around the city who had family that died in the incidents.
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I was just sitting in a tree, contemplating life like I always did when I was bored. I smelled the air, wondering where the cold air was coming from. Suddenly, a scent caught my attention. I sat up, rigid. Whatever it was, it smelled angry, but that wasn't what had startled me. It was the fact that is smelled hungry.

I felt a breath on the back of my neck and bolted up, immediately taking an attack position. I sucked in a breath when I realized what was in front of me.

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