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Fantasy Mystic Mansion

Scarlett chuckled, "nice to meet you too weird bird Kele and Aria." Weird bird...Kasai thought to herself. They seems to get along nicely, I told her. "So where are other people?" Scarlett asked, "did you guys do something fun already?"
Aria shook her head, "I haven't even met my partner yet."

Sighing Aria pushed her hair off her face and Kele flew down to get a closer look at Scarlett's companion.
"Same here, I guess he, or she is around here," Scarlett said and look at her and Aria's companion.

Why is weird bird staring at me?

Don't be so rude! It's Kele.
Looking at both of their companions Aria told Kele to stop staring. Giving Kasai a small bow Kele retreated placing himself on a small tree branch that was one of the many oddly placed trees around the house.

"Sorry Kele likes new things."
"Oh it's okay," Scarlett hold Kasai, "this one isn't that nice, I was just afraid that she'll chase Kele." No way! Yes way? Scarlett smiled, "so have you explore this mansion yet?"
Nodding slightly Aria pointed above them, "There is a ballroom with mirrors and everything upstairs."

Kele sqwuaked with agreement.
"That's awesome!" Scarlett smiled, "I wonder if someone is planning on holding a party here or something..."

You never know. Maybe you'll get to meet your prince ch—

Scarlett looked at Kasai, "if you finish that sentence..."
Aria looked at the two of them, They get along well.... Why don't we get along Kele?

What do yo mean!? We get along great! Isn't the fact that we fight all the time a good thing! Apparently if you fight it means you have a good relationship!

"From where did you get that from," Raising an eyebrow Aria waited for his reply.

Hmph! If you don't believe me fine! But I love you Aria!

Blushing from the weird comment Aria glared at him, "Say that again...."
EternalMusic updated Mystic Mansion with a new update entry:

RPer joining in!

Someone didn't reply at all to any of my messages since this has started and has failed to tell me wether they were going to participate or not so I have asked him to step down from the RP. Because of this someone else will be taking their place. If you haven't met your partner yet please PM me and I will talk to them and if they do the same I will do the same to them. I don't mean to sound rude or be mean but otherwise this RP is going to go nowhere anytime soon. Please tell me if you have any...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Denavian pulled out the small letter he had received from his pocket and opened it for possibly the hundredth time. Quickly scanning the now worn paper he checked the address one last time and knocked on the massive mansion's doors. He was respectfully quiet and promptly walked inside as the door opened. Looking around the main entrance he could tell people had been there, with a quick sniff he shrugged and headed towards what smelled like food. Taking a single step a little white furball rushed past him and skidded to a stop, turning and sitting proudly the tiny white fox waited for him to follow. "Yana you need to be polite, we don't know what this place is like yet." Without missing a step from his reprimand he walked forward and picked her up, letting her climb her way up onto his shoulders. The little fox wrapped itself around him and let her tail hang loose. "I was just excited, no reason to get angry." she replied in a matter of fact tone of voice. Shaking his head he found the kitchen and eyed the two standing there. With a shallow bow he introduced himself. "I'm Denavian Algerend, it's a pleasure." Yana yipped quietly and nibbled his ear. With a sigh he pointed to her. "This is Yana, she's happy to meet you as well." he smiled to the two and walked closer, noticing he was a good head taller than either of them he cocked his head for a moment in surprise. Extending a hand towards Aria he hoped he wasn't being overly familiar.
Tilting her head to her side Aria wondered why the name sounded so familiar. Taking out her invitation she noticed his name next to the part where her partner should be.

So this is the guy who is suppose to help you... He has the same hair colour as you.

Flicking her finger at him and hitting Kele's head Aria sighed, "Nice to meet you Denavian, my name is Aria. Looks like you are stuck with this bird brain here along with me."

That hurt! Kele squawked at her and Aria ignored him.

Be quiet, be nice.

Extending her hand Aria shook the outstretched hand and noticed how much bigger his hands were compared to hers.
Denavian gave the bird a polite nod as he shook Aria's hand firmly. "I'm sure we'll make a fine team." he said. Setting a hand on Yana's head he rubbed it for a moment. "I don't know how troublesome you think your bird is, but at least he isn't a child." He couldn't help but give a smile, even as the little fox bit his hand, the atmosphere here was so different than home or the other places he had visited. "Do we know what we are actually expected to do however?" he asked.
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Raising her eyebrow Aria shook her head, "He really is a child sometimes though... I am not sure what you see here but I feel like it would be nice to have someone who likes to act child rather than a pure idiot."

Kele glared at her and tried to nudge her in the best way a bird could. What are you saying about me? A pure idiot am I!?

Aria looked at him and rubbed him under his chin, Ah... But I like you a lot Kele.

Turning back to face Denavian, Aria shook her head again, "We haven't been told about anything...."
Denavian let his mind wonder and work on what they could possibly be there for as Yana interjected into his thoughts.

"Y'know you should try to get to know that girl, she's your partner and all." He shrugged mentally and gave both Yana and Aria a glance. "That's true, look at you acting all grown up." Yana let out a small huff and settled again around his shoulders. "What's your bird's name?" he asked "That good enough?" The little fox let out a yawn and wrapped her tail around his neck.

"Very! Maybe one day you'll learn to be social even!"
Aria turned to face him and looked at Kele, "His name is Kele. Though he likes it better when I call him Kele the Hawk. Not that I see the difference."

Hmph! It gives me a sense of power! Poking out his chest Kele looked very proud.

Aria rolled her eyes, You know that you look weird right? Turning to face Denavian she pulled him into their argument.

"Don't you think he looks weird when he puffs his chest out like that?"
"Ok tomorrow we could go train to control my reckless power that can go out of hand." He said to her smiling and he soon got up, "But first, could you help me to my dorm I don't think I can walk that much longer."

Denavain smiled and scratched the back of his head. "This seems like a loaded question." he thought to himself "Well, I can't say that I have seen birds do it before. If he feels and looks proud that way then there shouldn't be an issue..... even if it is a little odd looking.

"Good try getting around that Big guy." Yana chimed in.

"You be quiet I'm doing my best here subtlety isn't my strong point."
Kele deflated getting the idea, I feel so insecure....

Aria looks at Denavian and applaudes him, "Good Job."

I thought you seriously knew that it looked weird though... Aria looks at Kele

Of course I thought it was something that made me look nice!

"Sorry Kele..."
Denavian gave a smile that said "I'm sorry" to Kele "How about this instead, raise your beak and prop out your wings a bit. I know a few birds that do that when they want to look proud." he gave Aria a glance and a smile.

"You should just stop trying to save it." Yana interjected.

"Quiet." he replied curtly.
Kele tried the suggestion and Aria saw a significant improvement. Applauding the yokai again Aria nodded her head with approval.

"Wow.... You are good at this."

Does it really look good?

Aria nodded and the happiness aura coming out of Kele at that moment could be seen from outer space
Denavian raised his hand and shook off the applause. "I was born and grew up needing to look proud and powerful, proper and graceful." he shrugged. "Never really got the hang of that last part though."

"Look at that you can make people smile." Yana said as she slid down his chest and onto the floor. Stretching she began to wander around the room. "Don't go too far, or bother anyone." he called after her, a flick of her tail the only response.
Aria nodded, "I understand what you mean by that, coming from a rich family has it's ups and downs."

Aria, your eyes smiled just then... Kele thought to himself how the cold robot Aria had began to show human emotions on her face. You look very pretty...

Nodding with appreciation aria thanked Kele for the compliment, she then thought the same thing that Kele had thought before about her showing more emotions since she arrived to the mansion. It was a good idea to get out of that environment...

Kele flew off wanting to get more food leaving the two of them alone.

Looking at Denavian, Aria nodded and grabbed the left over spaghetti, "Are you hungry?"

(Going to bed or I won't be able to function at school tomorrow! Good Night!)
Denavian shook his head. "No thanks, I ate just before I got here." he sat down at the large table. "I'm guessing there are ten of us?" he thought as he leaned back slightly to get more comfortable.

Aria placed the dish down and sat down across from him and sighed.

(Sorry last post going to bed now!)
She looked at him softly then helped him up, his arm around her neck. "We'll start, tomorrow so you can be in better shape. Alright?" She smiled looking at him.

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