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Fantasy Mystic High School

"Wow... you really are dumb..." He might've looked like he has been laughing. "Its how we talk. How could you not know? Everything I have been saying is through here." He points to his head.
"So you can't control it," Aella said smirking. "I understand that you aren't speaking using vocal chords to communicate, but your mind. But we communicate with our mouths. Apparently, you can't control what you 'hear.' Meaning you can't just hear my voice, but you can't help but hear my mind too. And I don't like it when other people get in my head." She growls again getting tense.
He hugged Aella again for a moment before checking his phone. He put it back up and decided he was bored of the mind reader. "Aella, what classes do you have?" He asked, wanting to change the subject.
"It come in handy at times... That way people can truly be honest with me." He gazes up.
Aella sends one last glare before turning to Tristan. "English, Magic 5, Latin, Algebra, and Advanced Self Defense 3," she lists by memory.
"This is why we don't visit you guys..." He walks away, experimenting with some powers.
Aella groans for a moment. "Wait up a minute," she says. She turns towards him. "I'm sorry, okay. I've already dealt with people in my head and it ended badly. I don't want that to happen again. Can you be trusted? People may lie and cheat, but they have to learn on their own to fix their mistakes. Mind readers tend to get too involved with others."
"Okay..." He turns back. "And yes, I can be trusted. I am one of the few high templars of my people. You think I cannot?"
"Unfortunately, I can't read your mind. You'll have to earn my trust. I don't give it out freely," she says warily. Her bright blue eyes watch carefully.
He thought for a moment, and then remembered what his mom and the headmaster signed him up for. "I'm not really sure what order, but I have Advanced Literature, Algebra, mythology, and I'm not sure if I have Latin or not, but it was a language class for sure..." He replied, and turned back to the mind reader. 'You haven't done anything to make me trust or distrust you, so I just don't care if you in particular can read my mind.' Tristan thought.
"Oh so practical...dependable..." Leon mumbled out. His eyes opened slightly before shutting them once more.
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Aella dips her head a little bit. She holds out her hand and snaps. Two sunflowers appeared in her hand. She takes one and holds it out to him. "It's a sign of friendship." Aella holds out the other one to Tristan.
"Uh... thanks..." He takes the flower. "Hey, tonight, stop at my place. I have to show you some things..."
Tristan takes the flower and puts it in his pocket. "So mind-reader, what's your name?" He asked, while he got his phone out and typed a note so he would remember Aella's name in case he forgot.
"Tass-a-dar....." Tristan said slowly as he typed another note on his phone. Afterwards, he put it up as Tassadar walked away, and noticed his bag of chips was empty. He went and got another bag, then came back and started eating from it as he sat back down.
Leon opened his eyes again, and yawned. He flipped up onto his side and rolled onto his stomach. He crawled under the table as he poked his head up just so his head would be above the level of the table. Peering to the left and to the right he ducked his head back down, and began to crawl under the table again.
Aella grabs her notebook and opens it up. She rips out a piece of paper and places it on the table. She twirls her finger and the paper folds and begins to float as it turned into a rose. She waved her hand a few more times and the paper turned into a bird that flew around in a few circles, going upside down a few times, and then gestured down towards the table. The paper unfolded itself and laid back down on the table and looked as if it had never had even the slightest crinkle.
Tristan noticed someone was under one of the empty tables nearby. He walked over and looked under it.
He arrives at a small impact site. The ground is still warm. He tries to fix an unknown machinery.
Leon idly looked at Tristan as he was settling back underneath it preparing again for a pseudoslumber. He blinked thrice as he rubbed his eyes, "...Inquiry." Leon stated, as he let his hands rest on the floor.
As she stood in front of the school, Opal's hands clutched the straps of her backpack as it hung from her shoulders. Nervousness striking her, as students passed in all shapes and forms. Her senses easily picking up that she wasn't the only supernatural, which was what she was expecting. Deciding that maybe she could convince her grandfather that she didn't want revenge anymore she turned around to hop back in the car that dropped her off, though she knew that if she left she would be lying to her grandfather. Shrugging slightly, her hands fell to her sides, and she took her first step, then the next. Walking around the campus, she realized sadly she was lost though countinued walking and finally sat down in the grass confused and bewildered at how big the campus was.

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