Mystery Forest. (Closed)

Deathwish was in his room looking up at the ceiling. He sighed and then looked out at the dark night. He saw someone sleeping outside and then blinked. "Flower....she's going to catch a cold if she's out there long enough." he said and then got up walking outside. He looked at flower in the dress. "That's odd...when did she get a dress like that." He said and thenj looked at the flower's around FLower. He covered his nose. "No wonder she's asleep. These flowers are odd they make you sleep." he said and then picked up Flower carring her back inside. He looked at Flower. "heh you almost look pretty in that dress." (Heh good thing Flower's asleep she'd slap him for that lol) Deep inside Flower....she wanted to slap Deathwish. (LOL!)

Nick puts an arm around her and pulls her closer as he kisses her back. He very much enjoyed the kiss. He thought he heard someone walk by the room but he didn't pay it to much thought. Nadia was distracting him after all. He opened his one eye looking at Nadia and then smiled under the kiss closing his eye again.

Kile shrugs and walks away. "If you must." he said rubbing his cheek. He walked to Adrianna's room. "Adrianna?" he knocked. He looks at the door. "Adrianna I know you're in there." he said and then sighed trying to open the door.

"I HATE YOU!" Adrianna yelled from behind the door. "Go away!" She yelled and then put a door under the knob so he couldn't get in. "Kile it's over! I know you don't even like me! You're just using me! When ever another girl comes around you chase her like the dog you are! Stupid pervert!" She yelled and then screamed as he knocked the door down.

Kile looks at her and then runs up grabbing her shoulders. He glares at her. "Kile that hurts." Adrianna said but he didn't listen. he looks at her and then lets go. "You're right..." Kile said and then turned around. "I probably shouldn't make the matter worse." he said waving his hand goodbye as he left. Adrianna's door grew back. Adrianna sat down and then took a deep breath.
Suddenly Shadow bust the door. "Honey I'm home!! " he called then paused looked at Nick."Get OFF MY SISTER "he growled tossing her off him and on the bed.he lifted Nick up his eyes red as he slammed him against a wall.

Yuki heard yelling and walked up knocking on Adriannas door."Ms. Adrianna? Are you alright? "He asked gently.
Nick jerked in pain. "Ah!" He looked at Shadow. "Ouch...a little over protective?' He asked. "Well I guess making out in her room isn't the best idea to score points if her brother huh?" he laughed a bit. "Shadow...if you would please...let go of me...I wouldn't want to hurt you now." Nick said looking at him with a frown. His face toldaly serious now.

Deathwish walks up and lays Flower on her bed. He walked out and then looked up at the third floor. "Hmm...something is going on up there...why do I get the feeling Nick is involved?" he said to himself.

Adrianna looks at her door and then opens it. She looked at yuki wiping some of her tears. "No..." She said and then hugged him starting to cry again although she hated it. "! This is the worse day of my life!" She said. Creed came back, she got slapped by Yuki's daughter repeatedly, is now Creed's slave again, and she broke up with Kile.
Nadia rolled off the bed and jumped on her brothers back.he dropped Nick and backed in a wall.Thyme walked in Nadia's room. "Thyme look out!" Nadia yelled right before Shadow, Nadia and Thyme crashed into each other knocking them all down. (Hurry up Deathwish your problem solving skills are needed! Lol)

Yuki hugged Adrianna tightly knowing she needed a shoulder to cry on.
Deathwish heard a large crash. He looked up and then ran up there. He looked at the scene. "Nick?" He asked in question. He looked at Nick who was on the ground with his back on a wall. He looked at Shadow and Nadia. He pulled Nadia up and then pulled Shadow up. He then looked at Thyme and more carefully pulled her up as well. "What's going on?" he asked.

Nick rubs his head. "Uh and Nadia...and then Shadow came in and he got mad." He said and then looked at Nadia. "It was my fault really." he said taking the blame and probably making Shadow even more angry at him. "Please I'm sorry." he said.

Deathwish walked up and smacked Nick on the head. "Idoit." He said and then looked at Shadow. "Why attack Nick? Nadia is old enough to take care of herself....if she chooses my twin I see no reason for you to interferr. Nick may be a slight pervert but he is still a man of morals. As I have seen him date girls before...i know when he is serious with a girl and I do believe Nadia is one he plans on being serious with. Be a brother to your sister is understandable it is your duty. Being protective can be done without being this agressive and getting your sister all mad. Watching Nick carefully or even giving your sister a warning is reasonable. taking to Nick even would be. However attacking Nick before you even know him is stupid and only upsets your sister." he said and then looked at nadia. He looks at Shadow. "Talking with your sister about it would be a good thing to do but fighting....rediculous and pointless." He said and crossed his arms.

Adrianna looks up at him and then pulled back. "S-Sorry." She said and then shook her head. "It's been a rough day." She said and then went and sat down on her bed staring at the ground.
Shadow paused. "He's a perv? You are dating a perv?! "Shadow charged for Nick. Thyme interfered tripping him. Shadow growled and pulled her leg making her fall was a good thing she changed into a T-shirt and jeans with boots.she also changed her blindfold to pink to match her shirt. Thyme growled and got up. Nadia also got angry."You idiot she's blind!! "Nadia yelled. Thyme got even more angry "Does such a thing make me weak to you?!" She snapped back. Meanwhile Shadow returned to attacking Nick wich set Nadia off making her run after him but of course she had to trip over Thyme. "Thyme! Move! "She yelled. Thyme turned red and attacked Nadia. (Good luck x3)

Yuki frowned. "I'm sorry you seemed like you needed it."
(Ok time for flower. ^^')

Flower came storming in. "SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" She yelled and then suddenly blasted light everywhere. She had blasted some much light that everyone was thrown into the walls. She looks at everyone.

Deathwish took the opportunity to speak. "Thyme I'm sure she did 't mean it that way." he said and the. Looks at Shadow. "You my rampaging friend should not attack everyone in the room! If Nadia wants to date him it is nonenof your concern." he said and then grabbed shadow throwing him ou he door. "Nick please leave." he said and Nick got up and left. Deathwish looked at Nadia and thyme. "Nadia...I would suggest you speak with your brother and speak with him nt fight!" he said and then grabbed thyme's shoulder. "You need not be concerned on how other people see you. If they think you're weak prove them wrong but do not angrily attack them." he said. "Prove you ate joy weak in other ways...." he said.

Flower sighed and then looked at shadow. She looked at Nadia. She was ticked off.
Thyme looked at him."This is why I stay in my room." She sighed."It's a bad idea that I ever left" She sighed then turn exiting the room returning to her own. Nadia threw a pillow at Flower. "Get out all of you!" She growled angry Shadow ruined her time with Nick.
Flower caught the pillow. She looks at Nadia and then frowns. She sighs and then sets the pillow down on a chair walking out of the room. She walked down the hall. "Hmm..." she crossed her arms and then looks at her dress. I tried taking it off but it's like it's stuck to my's weird. Flower thought and then looked up. It was a pretty dress but still. Why was it on her?

Deathwish looked at Nadia. "I am sorry, Nadia." he said and then looks down. "Nick probably will be back here soon. He can't resist." he said and then started to walk out. He looked around and then started walking to his room. He sighed and stopped by Thyme's room. He knocks on the door. " ok?" he asked.

Nick turns around and then looks at Flower. 'Nice dress....where'd you get it." Flower looks at him shrugging. Nick puts his hand on his chin. "Hmm that's odd...of course everything around here is odd." he said shruging. He looked up and then back at Flower. "You think I should go visit Nadia or....lay low since her brother attacked me?" he asked but flower walked right passed him. He blinked. "To deep in man." He said and then sighed.
Thyme didn't answer but with his vampire hearing he could tell she was crying and there was a smell of blood. She had broken everything in her room with got her hands all cut up since half of that stuff was pretty glass angels from when she was a Maker. Thyme laid on the floor with shattered angel wings and faces under and around her.

Nadia laid in her bed cuddling with her pillow. She hated being alone it always scared her she had to be around someone at all times that's why Shadow stays around her all the time.
Nick knocks on Nadia's door. He looks at the door and then looks around. "Wonder why Shadow got so well. I'm not that bad am I?" He asked and then leaned on the wall. "Hmm...I probably need to go to sleep soon...but...I'm not tired." He said and then sighed.

Deathwish opens the door. "Thyme!" he looks at the room and then blinks. "Thyme you alright?!" He asked and ran to her. "Thyme what did you do?" He asked and looks at her worried.
Thyme didn't answer. She just fell silent not even looking at him."I broke my hope. " she muttered and shifted in the glass cutting up her arm.

Nadia ran over and hugged Nick tightly shaking in fear."Don't do that!" She cried.
Nick looks at her and then blinks. "W-What did I do?" he asked and then slowly put her arms around her. He looks at her and then blinks. He looks around and then sighs a bit. He looks at her. "Why are you....crying?" he asked.

Deathwish hisses and then grabs her picking her up. "Stop that." he said plainly and then looks at her. "So you hurt yourself huh?" He sets her on the bed. "You should becareful." He said and then glared. "If you hurt yourself you're going to upset me." he said and then gave a one of a kind death glare. It was intence. "Don't upset me." he said.

Flower sighed sitting with Hunter and BC on the floor downstairs looking up at the ceiling. "Anyone else bored? I can't sleep in this creepy house!" She said and then looked at BC who yawned. "Well of course you can your a cat!"
Thyme sat up."Don't worry nor threaten have better things to do then care for me. just go" Thyme got up and kneeled and stared cleaning up the glassy mess she made.

Nadia sniffled."You left me alone! you left me all alone here!" she cried even hatrder clinging onto him as if she was going to die if she didnt.
Nick looks at her. "H-how was I supose to know you're scared of being alone?" He asked and then looks at her. He sighs stroking her hair. "I'm here now please calm down." he said and then kissed her head. When he looked at her his black eyes seemed very calming. He kisses her cheek. "I'm sorry...I won't do it again." he said.

Deathwish sighs and then puts his hands into his pockets. "Fine." he said and then walking out. He looks back at her. "When you're ready to stop beating yourself up for the past...I'll be around." he said walking out and heading to his room. He looked at the walls. He sighed deeply.

Adrianna looks at Yuki. "I did....thank you..." She said and then looks down. She looks at him and then sighs. " know my father gave me up as a servent." She said and then turned her head. "That guy with the mask...he's my....master." She said and then looks at him. "I thought I was rid of him! I kind of also broke up with kile." She said and then looked down.
Nadia calmed down a bit and let go."Promise? "She asked looking up at him with scared eyes.

Thyme sighed she wished she could just forget the past since it was holding her back from loving Deathwish.
Nick looks at her and then grabs her chin. "I promise." He said and then hugged her protectively. He looks at her and then kisses her cheek again. He kisses her lightly. He looks at her.
Nadia walked over and laid in bed patting the spot next to her."come on shadow is probably outside. "Yuki frowned a bit and sat next to her."don't worry I'm sure it will be ok" Shady walked through the wall into Kiles room hoping to see something interesting.
Nick looks at her and then sits down beside her. "I see..." he said and then looked up at the ceiling. "Hey...Nadia..why are you afraid to be alone?" mhe asked and then looked at her. "Other then this place is very creepy." he said.

Adrianna looks at him. "Oh i forgot...your daughter doesn't like me and she beat me...I don't think it'll be ok!" she said and then showed the cut Ari gave her on her face. She looked away. "This place is terrible!"

Flower sighed and got up. She walked out and then looked at the full moon. "hmmm It's not time for the full moon yet." She said and then looked as Hunter and BC follow her. She started walking. She started to hum and then started to sing. "Over the fields and silently I go

Listen, listen, listen

Over the waves and into the morrow

Listen, listen, listen

Thunderous sound, oh, lurking in my footsteps

Echoes resound so all can hear

Listen, listen, listen

To the beat of the drum in you

Listen, listen, listen

To the beat of the drum in you

Pounding, sounding voice in the silence of my soul

Listen, listen, listen

Listen, listen, listen

Through all the toil and radiant pleasures

Listen, listen, listen

Onward I bound toward heavenly treasures

Listen, listen, listen

Thunderous sound, oh rising in the distance

Echoes resound for all to hear

Rhythm resounding for a million years

Timeless impression for all to hear." She sang with a beautiful voice that seemed to calm the night. It made flower feel beter since it was creepy at night.
Nadia looks at him."a shadow demon kidnapped me when I was little. "She looked away hugging her knees.

Yuki frowned."I apologize for her action's! "He growled a bit and looked around her room.
Adrianna looks at him and then lays down grabbing her pillow. She sighs and then looks at Yuki. "No need....Creed would have done worse..." She said and then looks at the wall. She sighed. "Stupid father..." She mummbled.

Nick looks at her and then sighs. "I will protect you." he said and then smiles at her. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "I promise." he said and then looks at her. (Ironic but Nick is half demon....and he controls he's half shadow demon lol)
(Once she finds out she's going to be so scared of him.)

Nadia hugged him tightly and kisses his cheek."Thank you."
(Aw poor Nick. *Sad face* )

Nick looks at her and then smiled. He hugged her back. He looks at her and then slowly pulls her off of him. "I'll keep watch so why don't you sleep." he said and then sat down in a chair. He looks at her and then looks at the door. (Oh and he doesn't sleep anymore lol)
(I know v.v)

Nadia nodded and laid down looking at him."Will you sing to me?" She asked not caring if he was bad she wanted to see if he loved her enough to do it.
Nick's hair nearly stuck on end. "SING?" He said and then his chair fell over. He looks at her and gets up. "No no...I don't sing....I play the piano but I don't sing." He said and then watched as a piano appeared in the room. "Does that normaly happen?" He asked pointing at the piano. He was freaked out now.

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