Mystery Forest. (Closed)

Thyme smells the air.""I smell... a female she has white hair doesn't she? She smells of flowers. "Thyme said looking at where deathwishs voice came from."There's a male to besides you... ugh! He reeks of girls! Especially the flower sented. One!" Thyme said shaking her head."poor lad doesn't even have a scent of his own anymore. "

Yuki shreiked in fear rushing off the roof."I hate heights!! "Ari stopped for a breath and looked around. "God this place is never ending! "She sighed.Shady smiled at Kile. "Would you cheat on her with me?" She asked playing with his hair.
Nick laughs. "Hey what can i say...I love the ladies." He said then walked beside Deathwish. "Much to the scorn of my brother." He said and then watched as deathwish glared. He looked at Thyme. "You have a keen nose ms." he said and then crossed his arms. He didn't say anything about her eyes not wanting to affend her. He looked at Flower who was ticked.

Flower sighed. "I do have white hair and my name is Flower...he only has my scent on him because he won't leave me alone." She said angry at Nick. She crossed her arms and then looked away She looked at Deathwish and then looked as BC walked up looking up a Thyme. He lets out a softer more quiet lion roar. He was annoncing his presence. He was flower's so he had some of flower's scent on him along with Hunter the german shepherd. Flower looked at BC. "That's BC...he's a white lion." She said smiling. "He seems to like you."

Kile smirks at her and then gets closer to her. "More then happy to." He said and then looked at her. He gently put an arm around her. He liked this girl, mostly because she oftered and he didn't have to convince her.
Thyme kneeled reaching her hand out a bit. She waited for BC to come forward before scratching behind his ear."Shadow and Nadia would just adore you all! Except Nick that is."she added and stood. "Can someone please help me to a seat?" She asked kindly. "And it is ok to ask about my doesn't bother me anymore. "

Shady kneed him in the crotch."You unfaithful jerk! "She added a lot more that really can't be said here >_>
Kile fell to a knee and looked up at her with a pained smile. "That...wasn't very nice." He said and then grabbed her pulling her down with him. "Seriously...not nice." He said and then went in to kiss her. He really wanted her now. (Yep....he's a jerk....and he so deserved that lol)

Nick chuckles. "Aw..." He said and then looked as Deathwish helped her to a random chair. "Please don't mind him to much....He'll settle down believe me." He said and then sighed deeply looking at Nick. Nick shrugged and Deathwish looke at Thyme. "Who's this Shadow and Nadia you speak of?" he asked.
Thyme smiled. "Thank you, Shadow and Nadia are a very unique pare.Shadow is Almoat like Nick but a bit kinder.Nadia is a fair lass not much about her but beware she greets you with hugs.

Shady kissed him for a bit before bitting his lip and skipping away happy. "Bye bye!" She called.
Kile slowly got up. "I sware the girl has two to find Adrianna." (*Facepalm*) He walked around that was untill Creed put a knife to his neck. Kile froze. "Please don't be Adrianna...Please don't be Adrianna." he said worried Adrianna saw what he did. He was releived to hear it was a man.

"You cheating again Kile? Well I guess that won't be a problem..>Adrianna is mine remember?" he said and then growled. "You took her at my disappearence right?" He asked his mask still on. He smirks.

"Aw you were here huh?" Kile asked and wondered were that growl came from thinking his brother was still human. "I guess you can have least you won't be dating her." he said shrugging. He looks at Creed. 'What's up with the mask dude?" He asked.

Creed looked at him through the mask. "Hmm...I like it." he said and then put away his knife. "I'll be taking back my slave then." he said and started walking to find Adrianna. He smirks under his mask.

Flower looks at her and nods. "Sounds interesting...the hugging part might be a bit of a problem." She said and then laughed a bit. She sat down as well and then looked as BC laid beside Thyme. She looked at Nick and Deathwish who both nodded.

"I see." they both said at the same time. Their voices sounded perfect together. Of course....they were twins. Deathwish sits down and then looks at Nick who was highly interested in this Nadia character. He smiled and then looked around.
Thyme smiled. "Their not here, they said theu where out having a picnic. I can take you there.oh and I think deathwish and Knight will get along perfectly " she giggles. Thyme stood and cleared her throat. "Agile!!" She called. A white tiger ran in the kitchen but unfortunately couldn't stop herself on the tile and crash landed into a cabinet. A hawk landed next to her seeming to be laughing as it fell in the sink flapping it's wings. Thyme rolled her eyes."shall we?" She asked and began walking outside Agile walked next to her with the Hawk relaxing on her head."Come on! We must not be late! "She called.

Ari suddenly popped up in front of Creed. "I'm back!" She smiled looking at him."miss me?"
Creed looks at her and then chuckles. "No." He said and then walked passed her. "You're father said to stay away from you...although i think I scared him pretty badly." He said and kept walking.

Flower looked at the Hawk and then smiled. "I wonder if Sky is here too." She said and then looked as an Eagle attacked Nick. "Oh yes she's here." She said and then laughed as Nick ran around trying to get the bird off. "FLOWER!" He yelled calling out for help. Flower called Sky who landed on her shoulder. Sky then flew to Hunter.

BC looked at Agile and then looked at Flower. He rubbed up against Flower and then Deathwish, Nick, and flower started walking.
Ari followed."well... your going to ignore him right? "She smiled and held onto his arm."You never asked for my name.."she looked up at him.

I'm the distance they heard a sharp scream followed by a "SHADOW YOUR A DEAD MAN WALKING!!! " Getting closer they saw a dark elf carring. A high elf on his shoulder but that didn't last long when she used magic and dumping cold water on hus head. He rudely dropped her on the ground. Shadow took off his shirt and threw it at Nadia. She git up and jumped on his back putting him in a sleeper hold until he said uncle and she let go."Ha I win!" She jumped around happily.
Flower looked at the two and then raised an eyebrow. She looked at Shadow and then chuckled a bit at him being shirtless and wet. She soon ignored that fact as she looked at Nadia and smiled. it didn't faze her yet that they were elves. She looks at Nick and Deathwish who just stared at the two. "Is he a dark elf..." Nick asked. Deathwish nods. "And she's a high elf." He added as the twins look at each other. Nick looked at Nadia. 'Yeah but she's a pretty high elf."

Creed looks at her and then raised an eyebrow. "You are one strange girl." he said and then looked as Kile ran up. He growled loudly. "You got to be kidding me." Creed said.

Kile looked at Creed. "Hey bro..." he was about to ask something when he stopped. "Oh hi." He said looking at Ari. He looked at Creed and raised an eyebrow. "Creed?" He asked.

Creed punched through a wall. "Darn you kile!" He yelled and then pulled away from Ari. He looked at Kile and then clenched his fists. Kile laughed. "Aw did I mess up your mysterous act?"
Thyme smiled "Nadia! Shadow! "She called.Nadia looked up and waved elbowing Shadow as he attempted to grab her. Nadia smiled and huged Thyme "Greetings friend! "She turned hugging flower next then deathwish and Nick last."Thy names Nadia. That's shadow watch this" she said mainly to Flower. "Oh how I have longed for a noble dragon to save me from my brothers stupidity! "Nadia called. It took a while before an undead dragon pounces on Shadow lifting him up by the pants and letting him hang there."Oh seriously?! "He growled looking down at them.

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Nick smirks as Nadia hugs him. Flower smacks him upside the head. She looked at Shadow and then laughed. "Nice....Dragon." She said not to shocked for some reason. BC looks at Nadia and then walks over. He looked at knight and then laid down. Hunter of course walked up to Knight sniffing him Sky resting on Hunter's back.

Deathwish looks at the Dragon and then at Shadow. He looks at Flower and they both smile. "NICK!" They said and then grabbed Nick dragging him back as he tried to run. He yelled no but Deathwish and Flower wouldn't let him go. "Think you can make that dragon give Nick the stare of his life?" Flower asked. "He's been giving me trouble all day." She said glaring at Nick. "Because he won't keep his hands to himself!" She yells as Nick was rubbing her back.

Nick smiles nervously. "I-It's not my fault! My hand has a mind of it's own!" He said as he was being pushed toward the dragon. "Come on drop the boy." Flower said and then looked as Deathwish examined the dragon.

Deathwish looked at Nadia. "That's twin brother Nick...and I'm deathwish." he said and then watched Nick beg Flower to stop pushing him. He raised an eyebrow. "He's a bit of a if he hits on you...just smack him." Deathwish said to nadia.
Nadia ran over."Knight lookie! !! We have a new toy!" She said and watched as he dropped Shadow Knight lifted Nick up tossing him in the air as Nadia smiled laughing. Shadow dusted himself off glaring at his sister. Thyme felt a bit left out just because she was blind and walked off thinking no one would even notice. Ari looked at Creed."you missed" she said and punched kile for him. For a girl she sure the hell knocked Kile on his rear. She smiled looking at Creed right after
Deathwish looks at Thyme and then blinks. He walks over and then looks at her. "Where you going?" he asked and then crossed his arms looking at her. He looked back at everyone and then at Thyme.

Flower laughed and waved at Nick. as he fell screaming. She looked at Nadia and then at laughed. "Thank you you have no idea ho much I have been waiting for something like that." She said and then She looks at Shadow and then at Nadia. She smiled and then looks at the forest. She blinks and then spins a bit. "Anyone notice those trees don't seemed to have an end?" She asked.
Knight continued to play with Nick."yeah you can find special spots here and there but..." Thyme looked at him."I was leaving ... it seems no one cares for the blind one.."she gave a fake smile and looked Dow ln."can I help you?" She asked with a sigh.
Flower looks at Nick and then giggles. "I think he's had enough." She said hearing him yell for help. She looked at Shadow and then looked away crossing her arms. She pushed her hair behind her ear which happened to be pointy. She looked as Nick opened his mouth to yell looked like he had fangs. Flower blinked and rubbed her head.

Deathwish chuckles. "Nah everyone is just enjoying hearing Nick scream." He said and then smiled. "I care about the blind girl...everyone is just a bit destracted." he said and then smiled at her. "I'm smiling....since you can't see....I don't do that often." he said not smiling anymore.

Creed laughs and then started walking keeping his mask on. Ari was....well growing on him. Although he woulodn't show his face to her.
Ari giggles a bit and followed Creed holding on his arm again. Thyme chuckled and held his arm moving closer she leaned up feeling his breath. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and backed away.
Creed sighed again. "Adrianna!" He yelled and then watched a girl stummble back. She looked at Creed and then her eyes filled with fear. She tried to run but Creed held up a chain. He smirks, it was from this forest. The chain moved on it's own and clamped onto Adrianna's neck. He pulled on the chain and Adrianna suddenly was dragged back to him. She lays on the floor looking up at him and his mask. She swallows and then cringes as he reached down for her. He laughs and then picks her up by the throat. "You still remember...that's good I was worried kile treated you to well." he said and then looked at Ari. "Her father gave her to me for his life...she's my slave if you will." he said and then dropped her. She stayed on the floor starting to cry.

Deathwish eyes widen and he took a step back. He looked at Thyme. He blinked as he relaxed his face blank. "Thyme...I.." He started before he heard a scream. He looked to see Nick biting Flower's Neck. "Oh crap!"

Nick's eyes widen and he excaped the dragon. He dropped down and then hissed at the dragon his eyes were back. The forest had changed him so quickly, Nick went pure vampire. However he would balance out later. He looked at Flower and rushed at her with vampire speed biting her neck. He pinned again a tree starting to feed while she screamed.

Flower grabbed her sword and then hit him hard with the flat side so she didn't hurt him and shoved him off. She ran backwards before she fell feeling weak. She grabbed her neck and looked at Nick. "'re a human!" She yelled at him. "Well...were a human!" She said and held her neck starting to shake feeling cold. She looks at Nick. Lucky for her....she wouldn't turn into a vampire, she was just in shock. Nick came to his senses and then looked at her. "Oh crap!" He said and then started spitting out the blood.
Nadia held Nicks hand. "Don't just drink it or else you will want more. "She sighed looking as Thyme returned. "Looks as if we are to late. "She said shaking her head. She turned pulling Death down to face her. "Do not allow darkness to blacken your heart. Keep it pure. It will be the only thing human left of you." Thyme let him go and started to walk off. "We should get home."Nadia and shadow followed her. Ari looked down at her a snickered. "Hey your the one I said I didn't like! "She said and kicked her in the stomach just to see her cry harder."Not very tough is she.?" Ari said crossing her arms. Shady walked up behind Kile and tripped him with a giggle.
Adrianna looked at Ari and then kicked her down. She tried to run as Creed grabbed her and slapped her for hurting Ari. "She's tough...she just knows it's useless...I have her trained to me..." He said and then started dragging her to a door that appeared. "You coming?" he asked looking at ari. "My room is just right here..." He said opening up the door. He threw Adrianna in.

Nick looks at Nadia and then sighs. "I don't want it." He said and tried to clean his mouth out. "It's so gross!" He said and then looked at an angry Flower. He hid behind Nadia. "She isn't turning into a demon is she?" He asked and then jerked when Flower shot him a glare. "What?! Not my fault! I didn't ask to be a vampire."

Flower glares and then grabs her neck. "Stupid...your a vampire because you chase after so many girls. Vampire's are lustful creatures." She said closing her eyes. She looked at Nick. "Worse off you stick of girls still." She said and then Nick stares at her. "Still?" He asked and then watched as she sniffed him. He blinks. 'Hey when did you get a sense of smell? And don't stand so close I smell your blood." He said covering his nose.

Flower blinked and then backed off. "Hm....I don't know." (I'll tell you what she's going to turn into later...I decided to change her species and no it's not a werewolf. lol) Flower looked at herself. "Hmm...a sense of smell? This forest is weird!" She complained and looked at Nick who seemed down on himself. She sighed. 'Don't worry Nick I'm sure you'll be fine." She said and then looked back at Deathwish who was walking behind the group....mostly staring at Thyme....she wondered what had happened. She defently missed something.

BC walked beside Flower. He nudged her with his muzzle and then got behind her. He lifted her up so she was on his back and he was carring her. "BC I'm fine really!" She complained but BC didn't let her down. He was worried because he didn't know how much blood Nick took from her. He looked at Hunter and sky who both were pretrty much forming a protective circle around Flower. "I have to many pets." Flower groaned and then looks at all of them. As they approached the house, BC let flower down.

Kile stummbles a bit. he looked back at Shady and then smiled. "hey what's up?" He asked standing up straight now. He smiled happy to see her.
Ari got up and followed glaring at Adrianna. "Your gonna pay fir that!" She growls. She sat Down looking at Creed.

Shady smiled and looked at him. "Miss me?" She asked with a laugh.

Thyme suddenly stopped walking she turned starting to depart from the group. She stopped at a fountain taking off her blindfold. She kneeled down and suddenly started to cry.thinking she was alone she muttered a few words while she cried.
Deathwish blinked and then sighed starting to walk following Thyme. He tilted his head a bit. "What's the matter?" he asked and then sighed kneeling down beside her. "You know...I do take notice when someone leaves...of course probably because Nick sneaks off all the time." He shrugs and then looks at her. "You don't have to worry about me...I've already been turned to a vampire....however unlike Nick I've managed not to suck blood...I think I'll be fine." he said and then messed with his fangs. "Hmm...this forest is very...strange. it certainly has a mind of it's own."

Kile looks at her and then chuckles. "Yep." he said and then gets closer to her. " long have you been here?" he asked and then looks around. "I mean, this place gives me the creeps." he said.
Thyme looked at him."Well you don't have to worry about me either! "She stood and ran off without her blindfold. She couldn't believe he say weak so helpless.Shady smiled looking at him."a while I was in the walls."
Kile blinks. 'In the walls?" He asked and then looks at her. He tilts his head confused. He leans against the wall and knocks on it a bit. "I don't know...seems sold." He said slightly confused.

Deathwish looks as she ran off. He blinked and then got up walking back to Flower and Nick. "You two aren't fighting are you?" he said looking as they were staying as far away form ech other as possible. "Good thing I know you two don't like each other or else I'd think you were in love." he said and then looked as flower shot him a glare. "I was just saying." He said lifting up his hands.
He couldn't be bothered to take the blindfold with him? I was planning this romantic thing when he gives it back >…< but uh yea thats gone )

Shady laughed. "Your thinking about it don't think just walk."she said and walking through the wall.

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