Mystery Forest. (Closed)

Ari let him go to blow off steam but she would find him later. She walked down stairs looking much happyer then before. She sat at the table and flipped her hair looking down.
Deathwish looks at her and then shakes his head. "Thyme...if your not you really expect me to have fun? Incause you haven't noticed..I'm not exackly to much fun." He said and then grabbed the door shutting it. He looks at her and then crosses his arms.
"I won't let you be trapped with me." She opened the door again and sighed. "Don't vampires have to be invited in? Your uninvited. "She said and crossed her arms.
Deathwish looks at her and then sighs deeply. "Alright..." he said and then looked at her. He kissed her forehead lightly. "Maybe your the one that needs to stop being tapped in here..." He said and then touched her hair. "Think about that for a while." he said and then walked out. He started walking back downstairs. He looked to see Ari. He blinked and then turned walking towards flower and the others.

Flower looked at Nadia and then set out a plate. She looked around. "I wonder where he went off too." She said and then rubbed her head. "Oh well, if his food get's cold won't be my fault." She said and then looked at Nick who was upset he was ignored. She chuckled and then pushes her hair behind her ear.
Nadia giggles. "Aw are you upset I'm not giving you attention? "She asked and kissed him deeply. Thyme closed the door leaveing herself in the darkness. Ari glared at Nick and nadia ."get a room!" She growled. Crossing her arms she looked away.
Nick blinks. Hm...this girl...heh....she's bold. He smiled a bit under ther kiss and then grabbed her shoulder pulling her closer. He closed his eyes and kissed back. He jerked back as he felt someone smack the back of his head. "OW!" He looked at Deathwish behind him. "You may be my twin but this is rediculous! Why are you here?" He asked rubbing his head. "And she kissed me so don't get mad....I think I'll keep her." he said laughing a bit. He looked at Nadia.

Deathwish looked at NIck but stayed silent. He looked at Flower and then sat down. "Your's so strange." He said and then looked at Flower who ignored him. He blinked, maybe he was in to bad a mood to get a responce from her with a remark like that. "I'm sorry....I just haven't smelled anything like you...what has this creepy forest done?" He asked.

Flower sighed. "I don't feel like explaining it." She groaned and then gave him his plate of food. She looked at Ari. "You hungry?" She asked and then smiled lightly. "I made plenty." She said and then looked behind her. She sensed something, Creed again...already?

Creed sat down at the table. "Am I invited?" He asked and thne looked at Flower with his mask on. He grabbed a plate. Flower growled like a wolf with made Creed look at her again. He blinked and then got up. "Hmm you're not a werewolf yet you can growl?" He asked.

Flower looks at Creed. 'Just eat...or are you going to try killing me again? You're girlfriend is over there by the way." She said pointing at Ari. Creed looked at her even with his mask on you could tell it was in question. "I smell your's strong on her...and as far as i can tell...she's not hurt." She said and then grabbed the empty plates washing them in the sink.
Ari didn't seem to notice Creed though she started acting strange. She kept looking behind over her shoulder having a concerned look on her face. She turned back to the table looking down. "I don't want... that" Ari muttered then stood. She walked over to the refrigerator and took out raw meat sitting back down she started to eat that instead. She still however continued to look over her shoulder. Nadia stomped on Deaths foot and glared at him."leave us be!" She demanded crossing her arms. Thyme sighed and walked up behind deathwish holding onto his arm for guidens. She looked over at Ari almost with a look of disgust. Ari returned the glare and hissed under her breath if you could catch a fast look you could see a snakes tongue slip out of her mouth to hiss then retreat.
Deathwish looked at ari and then stared blankly at her. He looked at thyme and then smiled lightly. "So you came out did you?" he said and then looked at Creed who was staring at Flower. "Flower?" he asked.

Flower took a sip of her tea. "I ignore him...he's just trying to Sigurd out what I am turning into is all. Nick....don't tell him." she said and then calmly took a sip of her tea. Creed slaked his hands on the table. Flowerlooks at Creed. "that isn't going to help you." she said and then got up walking out.

Creed growled. "Darn she's another one!" he said and then got up walking past ari. H went out to go kill something.

Nick looks at nadia and then smiles. He kisses her again. "I'm really starting to like you." Nick said and then smiled kissing her cheek. He looked at Deathwish and thyme and smirked at Deathwish who did nothing to provoke nick.
Ari stood and walked over to Thyme. She played with her hair a bit."hm you've lost your touch ..." Ari paused coming in close before saying "Stone. "No one had told Ari about it wich made Thyme glare at her she let go of his arm and kick Ari in the back.she shoved her to the wall and held her neck tightly. "I knew I would find you." Thyme said before pulling a black envelope out of her back and giving it to Ari. Thyme let her go."I will return to my room now.she said and began walking away.Ari just stared at the letter. She looked a bit scared of it and ripped it into pieces. After she thought it was gone it put itself back together. Ari whimpered and ran off to find Creed. Nadia sighed."I guess I'm going to my much happening down here." Nadia said sadly and stood walking to her room.
Nick looks at Nadia and then sighs. 'I have to agree with you on that...I might join Flower on her walk." He said and then got up. "Hmmm angry Flower....on a walk...nah I'll stay here." He said waving his hand passivly. He said down and then looks as everyone was leaving. " fair." He said and then looked at Nadia.

Flower was walking alone. She was looking at her keys around her neck. " did you know they were real?" She asked and then sighed to herself. "You left so suddenly..." She sighed and then looked around. "Wait....uh...where am I?" She asked herself looking around and then groans. She was lost.
Nadia turned to him."I never said you couldn't join me." She smiled and turned walking away. She walked up to the 3rd floor and opened the door to her room laying out on the bed.

Ali giggles watching Flower. "Lost? I did that once and got killed by a werewolf. "Ali smiled and circles Flower. A key holder eh? Hmpf well I guess I can help you if you don't attempt to kill me."

Nadia turned to him."I never said you couldn't join me." She smiled and turned walking away. She walked up to the 3rd floor and opened the door to her room laying out on the bed.

Ali giggles watching Flower. "Lost? I did that once and got killed by a werewolf. "Ali smiled and circles Flower. A key holder eh? Hmpf well I guess I can help you if you don't attempt to kill me."
Flower looks at Ali and then blinks. She crosses her arms and then turned around. She looked up at the sky. "Hmm...Werewolf huh? Was it a guy with a mask?" she asked sensing another person in the forest. She starts walking back looking at the ground. "Hmm...this forest gets weirder every minute." She said and then looked around. The birds were staring at her.

Nick looks at her and then gets up. "Ok." Nick follows Nadia and then enters her room. "Wow...this house is big." he said and then looks at her sitting down beside her bed. he looks at her and then smiles.
Ali sighed. "Yes unfortunately I angered him by killing or attempting to kill and eat one of hus wolves. But goody for me I was summoned and poof! I'm back! And he doesn't know yet.come on the house is this way." Ali said she had cat ears on her head though she wasn't a Below her ears where black with a furry black tail to match but it seemed to have blue spots on it as well. Having such a tail us very uncommon for Nekos but she didn't seem to care.

Nadia giggles a bit and kissed him."yea it has to house all the people though. "

Ari called out for Creed hopping he would show up.
Flower looks at her and then keeps walking. She nods. "Good for you." She said and then looked around. "You're lucky..." She said. "I may get to be a key holder but nekos are so pretty." She said and then looked around. "Hmm...Neko boy....that would be so great." She said giggling a bit. She crossed her arms. She smiled and then looked around.

Nick looks at Nadia and then smiled. He gets closer to her. "I see.." he looks at her and then smirks showing one fang. He suddenly let out a hiss and then blinks. "Hmm I'm going to have to get use to that." He said backing off slightly.
Ali giggles a bit but sighed."No one ever has an interest in me..." she sighed and continued walking. Nadia smiled she came closer to him since he backed off. "Don't worry ... maybe your hungry? "She asked
Nick looks at her. "No..." He said and then touched his fangs. "They haven't burned since I bit Flower." he said and then looks at her. "Although you look tasty." He said and then chuckled at his joke. He looks at her and then grabbs her pulling her close. He looks at her. "So...Nadia...want to tell me about yourself?" He asked.

Flower shrugs. "Hey...I haven't had my first kiss yet. Of course I've been flirted with but I guess I scare the guys off in the first few minutes." She said chuckles. She pushed her hair back. "I'm to....Alpha like I guess."
Nadia looked down. "Yeah... a vampire once told me I smelled nice..." she showed him a vampire bite on her neck."heh it hurt at first but after .... oddly it felt nice I craved for more. "She looked at him and blushed a bit.

Ali whimpered."Aw! Send em my way! I never had a first kiss yet either! "Ali cried and turned to Flower. "I guess I scare them off to... they call me a freak because I'm a blood demon. But I didn't chose to be I'm not bad..."
Flower looks at her. "Heh....not in this place sorry. To bad for you....Nick already has a girl. He may switch but...this girl...seems to have grown on him." She said and then shruged. "Other then that I met Creed. But since he's the one who killed you...heh...have you ever seen Creed's face?" She asked.

Nick looks at her and then blinks. "Hmmm...That's odd...From the sound of it it really hurt Flower...but then again she was turning into a key holder...from her discription they can't be biten." He said and then looks at her. "I...could bite you if you want." He said and then shruged. He looks at her and smiles. Then he frowns. "That's not the reason you've let me get it?" he asked.
Nadia smiled. "No silly! I'm a high elf remember I don't have the heart to do such a thing."she looked away a bit insulted he asked such a thing.

Ali sighed "No and I don't care to either! "She hissed a bit and looked at the house. "Here we are! Hey um... I know I should have been mean or something but..thanks I considered you a friend now!" She smiled and hugged Flower tightly. "I guess I should go now."
Flower looks at Ali. "Please excuse me...I'm not a hugger but I do consider you a friend to." She said and then chuckled. "You did do me a favor bring me back here.' She said.
"Oh well I was bored anyway..." Ali smiled a bit."I should go find my sister I hear the voices saying she is changing. "Ali turned. "Bye!" She waved then pounced off in the forest.

Ok can I take back Nadia's last post? :3)

Nick looks at her and then chuckles. "Sorry nadia..." He said and then lightly pushed some hair out of her face. "I guess I've been around to many girls that want something from me." he said and then smiled charmingly. "I am Sorry, nadia, to have misjodged you in such a way." he said in a princely tone. He looks at her and then kisses her cheek.

Flower looks around and then sees a chair made of wood. She sits down in it and suddenly it shifts to wear she was laying down. She blinks and suddenly felt sleepy. She fell asleep because of a smell the plants around her were giving off.

Somewhere in a dark room.

There was a circle of water giving an image of Flower sleeping. Six people in shadows were watching.

shadow 1: "Are you sure about this one?" he said and then looks back at the other five.

Shadow 2: "Yes, yes I see her heart...her heart is pure. She doesn't carry the hate Creed does. She carries a sense of power to. She is strong." She said and then nodded at 3 and 4. "I warned you about Creed so take my word for it. Creed shall no longer be the care taker!" She said and then turned around.

Shadow 3 and 4 nod to each other. They both walk away.

Shadow 5 looks at everyone and then nods. "I will give her the power...Nadia....she was going to be the care taker right? Shall we give nadia something?" He asked.

Shadow 1 and 6 nod. "Yes Nadia will help Flower. Taking care of the forest is a huge responcablity." Shadow 6 said. Shadow 1 nodded in agreement. The image changed to Nadia and Nick. The rest that were still there look at nick and nadia.

Shadow 2 waves her hand. "Ugh...change it change it...spying on something like this is wrong." She said and then the image changed back to flower. "Nadia will get her powers later...I will appear for nadia giving her the instructions."

Flower's clothes suddenly changed to a beautiful dress symblizing that she was the caretaker. She was now protecting the forest and the forest protecting her. Flower was fast asleep however unable to notice the change in her clothing.

Flower's dress:
Nadia smiled and leaned in kissing him deeply. She sat in his lap cuddling him.(I need to get all my active characters together)Ali sighed not successfully finding her sister in the forest.Ari sat on the ground looking down. "Creed..." she muttered and sighed.Thyme sat in her room looking at the wall.she seemed asleep if you didn't know she never slept.Yuki walked down stairs and made himself a drink downing it in one gulp. He sighed worried about that girl with the crule boyfriend and his daughter.Shadow hoped off Knight from his relaxing fly. He walked inside and up yo his room wich was next to Nadia's he no doubt was going to annoy her some how he just had to figure out what to do firstShady looked at Kile. "You know you girl won't be to happy! "She growled and suddenly slapped him."I should go."

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