Mystery Forest. (Closed)

Nick sighs and then walks to it. "I will go insane I tell you.' He said and then started playing it. He looks at the keys not even using a music sheet, well there wasn't one anyways. He played beautfly and just played the music at random. He continued to play just for Nadia.

(You do know I've been trying to get you to play shadow right? lol)
(You have?! I'm so sorry)

Nadia smiled and covered up with a blanket just watching him.

Shadow comes up.behind flower and hugs her."good evening! "He said in a Dracula kinda way.

Nick looks at her and keeps playing. He looks at the piano and then stops. He presses his hands down on the key board causing an unpleansent sound of the keys. He looks at the piano and then stares at it horrified. "How....How is this....." He clenches his fist and gets up refusing to play. "That.....that cursed thing!" he yelled. The piano from from his childhood. It had his name on it...scratched out. he scratched his name out before his father's house burned to the ground.

Flower looks at Shadow and then glares. "Do you mind?" She said and then pulled away. She crossed her arms and looks at him. "Heh....for a second I thought you were Nick....well since Nick is a vampire now....i thought he might have pulled that card out." She said and then shruged. She looks at Shadow. "Your Shadow right?"
"Yes I am.. and you?" He smirked flirtingly. Checking her out a bit."nice dress." Nadia had just fell asleep to be awoke by Nick yelling. "Cursed? "Nadia stood and looked at it."no it's just a piano..."
Flower looks at him and then raised an eyebrow. "I'm Flower. Yeah...the dress sort of appeared on me...." She pulled at it. "And it won't come off." She said and then sighed deeply. "Things just keep getting weirder and weirder." She said sighing deeply.
Shadow laughed when she said she can't get it off."it can't be THAT hard!"he snickered and walked over pulled down on the dress. "Hmmm..."
Nick looks at Nadia and then hissed loudly. "That thing! Was mine! It's supose to be burned!" he said and then looked at it. "I hate it....I hate it..." he said and then looked away. When ever he played it...something bad happened. He looked at the piano. It reminded him of his mother and how she died. When ever he though of her and played....someone who was around died from their heart giving out....the same way his mother did when he was young. He turned around.

Flower looks at him and then pushes him away. "HEY!" She glared and then moved back. "Geez don't do that!" She said and then crossed her arms. "Why you out here it's late." She said and then looked up at the moon. She looked back at Shadow.
(Let Nadia die please it only fits :3 )

Nadia yawned a bit."Why do you hate it? It's just a piano. "She sat at the bench."see? It's not eating me or anything "

Shadow laughed. "Eh can't sleep I guess.."
(Darn you...just darn you.)

Nick grabs her and pulls her away. "I sware Nadia touch it and you are going to die it happens everytime!" he said and then turns grommets piano. (You do no nick is going to beat himself up over it and shadow is going to hate him... Sigh next time no haunted paino... Grrr)

Flower looks up at the moon. "It's hard to sleep in this place I tell you." she said and then looks at the ground. She shivers and rubs her arm. She looks at Shadow and then smiles lightly.
Shadow rolled his eyes. "Ok I'm not the romantic type but here." He muttered taking off his jacket and putting it on her.she smiled lightly and looked up.

(Eh, Shadow won't hate him and you'll see why.)

Nadia looked down. "Nick ... I... you should know I love you and this isn't your fault .." Nadia said quickly feeling something bad really was going to happen she shouldn't have doubted Nick. She closed her eyes tightly and fell to the floor.she suffered for a bit but it was over soon and she died.
Flower looks at him and raises her eyebrow. She sighed and gripped the jacket. "What ever like I care." she said and then started walking. She looked at hunter and BC who fell asleep. She sighed and looked at the dog and big cat. "Oh those two." she said and then kneeled down and petted BC a bit as he slept. "Heh go figure thu can sleep but I can't normal they're so worried about me they stay up all night."

Nick eyes widen and he grabs Nadia. "Nadia?! Nadia!" he looks at her and then lays her down. "Curse this thing!" he said and then closed the paino top over the keys. He looked at it in hate. He looked at Nadia and then kicked th paino. "You stupid girl!" he said and then sat down. He looks at Nadia trying tothink straight at what to do.
Shadow felt a sharp pain in his chest. He grunted a bit looking at her."Please excuse me." He said and walked up stairs to Nadia's room. He opened the door and looked at Nick."Please tell me she is sleeping! "He growled and lifted Nick up by his shirt.
Nick looks at him and then looks down. He was silent for a while. He looked at Nadia. "She....she's dead." he said and then looks at shadow waiting to either be killed himself or to be beaten. Either way he would accept both.

Flower could feel that something went terribly wrong. She went inside and then looked up at the second floor trying to feel where the problem was. She looked around.
Nick looks at Shadow and then picks up Nadia. he looks at the paino and then glares, he bites down on his own teeth and then looks at Shadow. He stares a mixture of anger and saddness in his expression and eyes. He looks at Nadia and then frowns. He looks at Shadow waiting for him to lead the way.
Shadow lead him to a lake having him set her down. Shadow crossed his arms."now light her on fire

We need all the elements together. "He said bluntly
Nick looks at him and then blinks. "How do you supose I light her on a match?" He asked glaring at him. He looked at nadia and then sighed looking around for anything to light her with.
Shadow gave him a match and started to gather healthy tree leaves. "You're not going to ask what we are doing and why I'm burning my sister? "Shadow looked up at him then stood tossing the leaves in the lake.
Nick looks at him. "It's none of my busness...she's your sister...sorry if I'm so silent." he said obveously angry and irritated his voice was hostile. He lit the match and then threw it on Nadia. He watched it catch fire and then looked away. He looked at Shadow waiting for him to do something. He could barely hold in his anger he was feeling.
Shadow shrugged waiting for only ash to be left of Nadia. He picked up the ashes and tossed them in along with a bit of his blood. He then sat down. "Have a seat... this may take a while. "
Nick looked as Hunter walked up and sat beside him. 'Hey Hunter....did Flower send you out here to check on me?" he asked and then smiled as hunter put her head on his lap. he sighed again petting Hunter.

Hunter looked up at Nick and then smiled. "hey Nick."

Nick yelled and then jumped away. "AHHHH! EHY ARE YOU CAN TALK?" He said and then watched Hunter turn into a human girl. "I think i might fant." he said and then caughed himself before he fell. He looked at Shadow. "She can...." He sighed trying to calm down. "Wow look good as a human." he said and then looked down.


Hunter showed off a bit. "I guess I wouldn't know...I'm not a human....of course I guess you should know...always going through girl after gir-" She stops seeing Nick doing the cut off signal and pointing to Shadow. She blinked and tilted her head.
Shadow ignored them and perked up seeing the water move. A females body started to climb up on the ledge though she had no skin she was pure water with leaves floating about. The girl reached out for Nick's hand but Shadow wouldn't allow it. She climbed up on her own and weakly stood. She looked at Nick a bit before touching his cheek. Her fingers where cold and left a wet trail on his skin.
Nick looks at her and then looks at Shadow. "I should have asked." He said and then looked at nadia. He frowned and then looked down feeling as if it was his fault. He looked at Hunter who turned back into her dog form. Nick looked at what he supected to be Nadia.

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