Mystery Forest. (Closed)

(I can edit the post you's not set in stone geez.)

Flower sighed and then looked at deathwish. "I'm going to see if there's any food to cook.." she said and then got up. She went inside and went into the kitchen and started to make dinner. She thought she smelled more scents here. She sighed deeply looking down at the floor.

Nick sighed. "Wonder what her problem is...everyone seems so down!" He said and then looked around for nadia. "Hmm...wonder where she went." He asked and then looked at Deathwish who walked away. "Aw come on what's your problem!?" He grummbled and then crossed his arms.

Deathwish returned to the spot and saw Thyme's blind fold. "Oh...she left it." He said and picked it up. "Hmm." He put it in his pocket so it wouldn't blow away. He looked around and then walked back to the house going inside. "I'm going to help Flower if you need me Nick." he said.

Creed looks at Adrianna and then at Ari. "You hungry?" he asked and then stood up. Adrianna looked up at Creed as he walked out of his room. Adrianna looked down sighing deeply. She was soooo going to hurt Kile when she saw him.
(I didn't want to trouble you with it though ... I have a big mouth)

Ari got up and kicked Adrianna down. She got on top of her gripping her hair tightly as she started hitting her over and over. "You don't hit me!"

She yelled at her.(cat fight x3)

Nadia patted Nick on the head."You get used to it."she said and sighed.
Adrianna looks at her and then kicks her off. "Both of you! I want to be left alone!" She yelled and then pushed Creed away. Creed saw her break the chain and his eyes widen. She looks at Creed and then runs out. She ran down the hall to her room and slammed the door. She sat on the bed wipping her eyes. 'He better leave me alone....I'm not his! I'm not anyones." She said and then jerked a bit. She had cuts on her face from Ari and her tears burned them. "Ouch..."

Creed got up and then glared at Ari. "Thanks a lot." he said and then walked away angry now. Adrianna had enough emotion to break his spell. He really couldn't control her. He crossed his arms.

Kile looks at Shady and then nodded. "Your pretty...but you are one strange girl." he laughs. "Of course everything here has been strange so i guess your normal right?" He said with a smile.

Nick looks at Nadia and then smiles. "I'm use to Deathwish....he's a gloomy one." he said and then looked at her. "Are you ok?" he asked getting closer to her....a bit to close. He looks at her and smiles. He frowns feeling his fangs. He touches them and then sighs a bit.
Ari followed. "Don't worry my father seems to have a crush on her so we can just use him. "She said and stood in front of him to stop him."come on! Why so serious? " she tilted her head having a crazy look in her eye.

Shady reached out pulling Kile in the wall with her."strange in a bad way?" She asked crossing her arms. Nadia looked at Nick."I won't slap you if you bite me. "She said and hugged him thinking he needed it

Thyme returned home and walked up stairs to her room. She sighed not having her blindfold to sheld. Her eyes from any light.
Nick looks at her in surprise. He blinks and then hugs her back holding her tightly. "I wasn't going to bite you! That last time I sort of blacked out, I think the vampire thing just hit me to fast I can control myself....mostly." he said smirking a bit looking at her. He chuckles to himself, she just pretty much set herself up, however he wasn't as agressive as Kile was so if she really wanted out he would let her, he wouldn't force her into anything, maybe flower but that's just teasing Flower.

Kile looks at her. "No no...not in a bad way." He said and then laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to affend you." He said and then smiled at her. He looks around. 'This is what you mean by in the wall?" he asked.

Creed looks at her and then blinks. "Hmm. Your" he asked ignoring her comments. He blinks looking at her and waiting for an answer.
Shady nodded."yeah no one else really knows about this place." She smiled crossing her arms.Nadia kisses his cheek."I'm unsure of why they hate you..." she thought for a bit.Ari smiled. "It will be like a love story. Prince charming saves Adrianna from her evil boyfriend and sweeps her off her feet romanticly.when they get to the happy ending part we come in and take her!" Ari spun in a circle then leaned on Creed. She looked up at him and leaned up hoping for a kiss.
Nick looks at her and then chuckles. "Oh something about being a pervert." He said and then looks at her. He chuckles and then tips her chin up. "You really are pretty." He said and then glances around making sure no one was around before looking back at Nadia.

(Oh I forgot to put this in on my last post....oh well.)

Deathwish looks up from the food. He had a sudden urge to hit Nick on the back of his head. "hmm." He said and then looked back at the food. Flower looked at Deathwish and then sets the table. She glances at Deathwish. She wondered what happened between him and Thyme. She shrugged and then started looking around for anyone who might have came because of the smell of food.

Kile looks at her and nods. He smiles and then gets closer to her. "I see...alone again huh?" He asked and then looked at her. He smirked a bit at her.

Creed looks at her and then blinks. "Kile gave her to me...who do you supose we get him in this?" He asked and stood there. He refused to take his mask off so she wasn't going to get a kiss form him.

Deathwish looks at the blindfold in his pocket. He walked out and then looks at Hunter. While FLower wasn't looking he let Hunter sniff it. "Find her for me will ya?" He asked and as soon as Hunter ran off he followed. He came to Thyme's room and then knocked on the door. Before he knew it Hunter was gone.
Ari got up and turned pushing his mask up.she respeced the fact he didn't want his face shown and closed her eyes even though she only pushed it up enough to show his lips. She kissed him lightly and kept her eyes closed trusting him not to killed her.

Thyme opened the door and walked back over to the wall where a window "should be but it was removed leaving her room dark.there was something painted on the wall it looked like a girl. Just like Thyme but she had beautiful white wings angel like as well.she wore a white dress that fit her perfectly. She stood tall on a cliff looking at the sun set. Thyme looked Down seeming a bit sad.
Creed was shocked at first. He closed his eyes and then pulled her closer loving the kiss. He leaned forward being quite a bit taller then her and deepened the kiss. He didn't mind to much, it was enjoyable. He would keep her around a little more amazed on how this girl wasn't afraid of him at all. He put his arms around her waist for a moment. Of course when he pulled back....he completely pulled back. He took a step back and put his arms down. Then he pushed his mask down so he could see through his mask again. He walked around her. (Lol....I read she pushed his mask up....and I think of the old spiderman move. Not the new one. Which i have yet to see...*Grumbles*)

Deathwish entered her room and then looked at the picture. Now that he was a vampire...he could see better in the dark. Still though the only characteristic of a vampire in him was his fangs. He had no disire for blood. He walked over to Thyme and then kneeled down at her level since she was sitting. "Here." He said holding out her blindfold. "You left this." He said and then looks at her.

Nick looks at Nadia, so far he had been lucky with her. He leaned downa bit getting closer for a kiss. "You like me, right?' He asked charmingly. He was more of a charm tyeo guy...he didn't force like Kile did. He in fact made his actions noticeable so he doesn't scare the girl or push her into anything. His arms around her were lose so Nadia could step back. He was more princely like then anything.


Nick vs Kile

Nick: He tends to flirt with every girl he sees but also gives off a prince type outlook. He also is nice and laid back when he isn't flirting and you can get along with him well. Him and Flower may seem like they hate each other but because they know each other so well Nick knows she'd never give in to his advances and likes to tease her. He uses his charm and quick thinking to be able to get almost any girl. If a girl really doesn't want him around, the redeeming quility to him is he'll back off.

Kile: He likes to force his way to a girl, he flirts and will continue to flirt untill they give in or he just gets slapped. Even if he gets slapped he might pull them into a kiss. He's a jerk but in a real relationship you might see the beter side of him although his inability to be loyal will be hard to get over. He is also protective but if he finds a way to calm a girl down when she's upset with him he'll use it. Somedays he'll act more laid back.

I have to say....I think Nick wins! Princely charm!

(I didn't think about that but yes it does remind me of that scene x3)

Ari opened her eyes looking at Creed as he walked around her. She smiled knowing he enjoyed it as much as she did and looked down. Angel walked up and nudged Creed for attention.

Thyme looked over at Death and took her blindfold. She stood turning away from the mural putting it on."Thank you... why bother to return it?"she asked with a sigh.

Nadia was getting annoyed and grabbed the back of his neck pulling him in a kiss. She hoped that would give him an answer.

(Nick wins by far :3)
Creed looks at the wolf and then kneels down. He holds out his hand and then looks at Ari. He looks at angel and then howls. Wolves ran in through dog doors and ran behind him. There was only five of them. Two of them were females. He looks at angel and then lightly pets her head. He stood once more. "Were is yuki?" he asked.

Nick kisses her back. He pulls her closer and bends her back a bit. He was great kisser probably better then Kile. He pulled back and then looks at her and chuckles. "Nice." he said and then slowly let go of her. He looks at her and then stands straight. "Your brother won't be mad at me right?" he asks and then chuckles. He grabbed a piece of her hair twirling it a bit.

Deathwish looks at her. "Why not?" he asks. He looks at her and then puts his hands into his pockets. "It was outside so I grabbed it before it could blow away." he said and then looked at he picture on the wall. "Did you paint this?" he asked.
"Yes, I did..." Thyme said putting her blindfold on."There's a story behind it. If you would like to hear. "She sat softly and put another chair next to hers so he could sit. She looked at the mural sitting down. It brought back so many memorys. Thyme let her hair down relaxing a bit before turning to him."Though I will not waste your time with a stupid story.."

Ari looked at Crees."Why do you want to know? If your gonna threaten him it's a bad idea. That man can't do anything when he is scared for his life! "She walked over and petted a few of the wolves kneeling down. She loved them all of them even though she just met them."Aw I want one."Ari said cuddling one of the females. They seemed to like her back with a few licks they gave her.

Nadia smiled. "Maybe." She said and kissed him again before walking in the kitchen. "Mmm something smells good. "She said looking at Flower.
Flower looks at Nadia and then chuckles. "Thanks...I made plently not sure how many people are's a big house." She said setting the food on the table. She looked to see Hunter running off somewhere. She blinked and then looked at BC happily eating a chunk of meat Flower left on the floor for him. She smiled and then stretch out her arms. "Deathwish was helping but he went off somewhere." She said and then watched as Nick came in looking as happy as ever.

Nick looked at Nadia and then smirks a bit. He looked at Flower. "Wow nice job." He said and then looked at some of the meats. He smiled and then looked at Flower. "Wow...since when could you cook?" he asked looking at her. "Since five years ago." Flower replied to him rolling her eyes.

Deathwish sits down. "Tell me." he said and then looked at the picture. He looked at her with a smile. "I believe I am curious to know." he said and then crossed his arms looking at her.

Creed looked at Ari and then chuckles. "Sorry...they are all in my pack. Although they are free to do as they please when I have no use for them." he said and then petted one. It was a large male with a scar over his eye, he was the biggest male there and Creed's second in comand. Creed looks at Ari. "I don't want to scare him...but lie to him. Since you beat her up...I'll tell him kile hit her...and I want him to check up on her." he said. (I know Kile's a jerk...but he didn't deserve that. lol)
Ari looked at him "oh well sorry I don't know where he is." She stood looking at him."I want to see you your wolf you I want to see it."she said having a serious look. She Knew he wasn't human by now and the howl gave away he was a wolf.

Thyme chuckles."Her name was Stone, she was one of 4 makers that actually survived the dark forest.They where a hunted race since they where a race oh pure light. Stone was the only female maker left the others fell in love and where betrayed. She promised she wouldn't do the Same but she was wrong. Her powers where taken and her wings cut.the makers did save her but cursed her with guilt and blindness as a way of saying blind justice. She was ashamed to even be called Stone because everyone saw her as a betrayer. So she changed her name and Thyme was born." Thyme turned her back to him moving her hair to show to large jagged scars.
Creed looks at her and then turns into a wolf. He was a light brown wolf since his hair is blond. He looks at ari and then sits down. His mask stayed on his face. He stays a wolf for a while and then changes back. His mask stayed on still. Although his shirt was torn and showed off his muscular torso. He pants were ok though.

Deathwish looked at thyme and then nodded. "I see." he said and then looked at the picture. He sighed deeply and then stood up. "They were blind to do this to you." he said and then looked at her. He sighed and then looked at her. He looks at her. "I'm sorry..." he said and then put a hand on her shoulder.

Hunter walked up to creed. She sniffed him and then looked as the large male wolf with a scar growled at Hunter and hunter growled back. Hunter was a German shepherd but she also had some wolf blooding her so she was a bit bigger then normal German shepherds. Creed looked at hunter and then Petted her. "hmm who's pet are you?" he asked.
Thyme stood and turned to him."No, this is my punishment and I have learned nothing from it!" Thyme sighed looking down. "I have feelings for you Death. "She said before kissing him deeply.

Ari shrugged. "How am I supposed to know your the only one I've been around. "She said and continues to play with the wolves.

Nadia giggles looking at the expression on Nick's face. She looks at Flower holding Nicks hand."mind if we join you?"
Deathwish looked shocked and then slowly relaxes putting one arm around her and kissing her back. (Man everyone is kissing today lol!) He closes his eyes and leans into her a bit. He opens his eyes and breaks the kiss. "..." he went silent but his arm was still around her. He looks at her. He once fell inlove before also...she was killed but somehow...deathwish felt willing to try again. He looks at her.

Creed looks at Hunter and then looks at Nadia. "Scar....follow this dog...then report back to me on who's the owner." He said and then looked at Nadia. (Scar is the name his beta wolf. I said he was the biggest male there) Hunter looked at Scar and then ran back to Flower. Creed like dogs since he was one. He found it interesting to find someone who owned a hybred.

Flower looks at Nick and Nadia raising an eyebrow. Nick shrugs. "What can I say?" He said chuckling a bit. He looks at Nadia and then looks at Flower. Flower shook her head. "Ok Nick..." She said and then looked at nadia. "Of course not I made it for everyone." She said and then watched Hunter come down with a pure bred wolf. She looked at Hunter and petted her. "Who's this?" She asked looking at the male wolf. He sniffed her and then grabbed a peice of sleeve and ripped it off. "Hey!" Flower said as the wolf ran off.
Thyme looked down. "I'm sorry if I.."she felt her heart break in to. He didn't feel the same. She pulled sniffing a bit."It won't happen again. "

Ari looked at Creed."why haven't you killed me yet?" She asked bluntly. She crossed her arms after standing.

Nadia looked at Flower. "Oh do you like him?" She asked backing away from Nick slowly.
Flower looks at nadia. "Me like Nick? No way you're free to him. I just question his intentions." She said and then sat down. "Come on, help yourself." She said and grabbed a plate for herself.

Nick chuckles and hugs nadia. "Nope me and Flower are just friends....she doesn't trust me is all." he said and then looks at Flower with a smirk. Flower rolled her eyes at him. Nick looks at nadia and then walks over to a chair pulling it out for her. "Your seat ma'am." He said and then smiled charmingly.

Deathwish looks at her and then shakes his head. "No..." he said and then grabbed her pulling her back. He tipped her chin up. "That's not it." He said and then leaned closer kissing her lightly. "I do like you...I was just in thought is all. I'm not that talkitive...I'm sorry for confusing you." he said looking at her and pulled her closer.

Creed looks at her and then watches as Scar comes back. "Because I have no reason to." He said and then sniffed the peice of clothing Scar brought back. "Besides I threatened you once and you did wouldn't be enjoyable." He added.
Ari looked down shockingly enough it offended her it wouldn't be "enjoyable " to kill her.she sighed and started to walk off.

Thyme smiled a bit.she walked farther in his arms loving his cold skin.(guessing he us a cold skin vampire)

Nadia smile sitting down. "How could you not love him." She giggles watching him.
Flower looks at Nick. "Oh you find ways." She said glaring at Nick. She looked at Nadia and then continued to eat. "No your welcomed to him." She said perfectly serious. She looks around for Deathwish. Suddenly she felt someone behind her. "Deathwish?" She asked sensing the coldness. She looked back to see a strange guy with a mask. He grabbed her shoulder and then threw her to the ground. "AH! hey!" She looked up at Creed.

Creed looks at her. "You don't smell human anymore....what is that's completely new." He said and then looked at her. "You look like an elf...yet..." Creed grabs her by the throat and sniffs her. "You don't smell like one...what is the forest turning you into?" He asked.

Flower grabs his arm and then glared at him looking him in the eye through his mask. Nick had gotten up but FLower put her hand up signaling she didn't want help. Nick sat back down. "nadia...don't do anything...I got this mutt...he's mine." She said looking at Creed. "Put me down." She said.

Creed looks at her and then senses some kind of power growing. He drops her and then backs up. "What is this?" He asked and then looked as flower looked him in the eye and smiled. Creed backed up and then growled. Hunter Flower's dog whined and backed away from Flower.

Nick looked at Flower and then raised an eyebrow. "She isn't...." He looks at Flower closely and then looked as a girl came down. She looked a bit beat up. He got up. "Stay back." He told Adrianna. He looked at Flower not knowing what was going to happen. "I've always guessed that Flower wasn't quite human...but this...this is strange." He said.

Creed looks at Flower and then growls. "Guess I'll kill you before I find out." He said and then rushed at her taking his knife out. Flower created light in her hands. She blasted Creed back. She jumps up and then kicks him down. She grabs him picking him up and punching him in the face. His mask breaks into peices. Flower's eyes widen and he suddenly jumps away and runs before anyone else could see his face. Flower blinks with a blush on her face. She sits back down and then continues eating like nothing had happened.

Nick saw her blush and then smirks a bit. He chuckles and then shakes his head. He didn't get a look of the guy but still if Flower blushed he must have been hot. He looked at nadia. "Weird how this forest works..." He said. "We have a masked killer, who i think is a werewolf. A dark elf...a high elf and a vampire....oh and what ever Flower is." he said.

Flower looked at Nick. "Their called Key holders." She said and then held up a chain with three keys on it. "I've heard a story about them. Each key holds a power, they have a sense of smell, their as strong as a vampire, faster, great hearing, and they live forever. They are very hard to the story says. The normaly have three powers but also have a power form that they go into. Also...when bitten by a vampire they lose their connection with their keys and become weak for a short time. Once they regain there strength...they're completely fine. Also...they can never take their keys off...or they die." She said and then looked at the food. "I've only heard about them through stories my dad told. I wonder why the forest decided to turn me into one...well...this forest is strange. Hopefully i can unlock it's secrets." She said with a smile.

Creed ran past Ari. His leg hit hers and he fell to the ground. He landed hard on his back. He closed his eyes with a groan. When he opened them he saw Ari and then covered his face. He got up and tried to run again.

Deathwish looks at her and then blinks. He holds her a bit. "When ever you want....Flower made some food for everyone." He said and then rested his head on hers. He pulls her in a bit closer loving her warmth.
Ari kneels grabbing him and dragging him back."Creed your hurt come with me. "She insisted helping him up.she didn't care much about his face as she dragged him to her room.she tossed a towel on his head before she could see."What happened?! "She demanded to know she crossed her arms looking at him.

Thyme smiled a bit."I'm not hungry ... I mostly just stay in my room." She sighed a bit and kissed his cheek before pulling away.she peeked out her door. "There's a lot movement down there."
Creed got up and then touched the wall. He whispered something and the wall suddenly created his mask. He grabs it and puts it on. He pulls the towel off. "It's my business and you don't need to know. I'm not hurt." he said and then looks at her. He makes sure his mask was on good. (Why creed why you hid yourself! I'm in love with his pictiure I was so happy to find it!)

Deathwish looks at her and then nods. "There is...I will check it out later." He said and then looks at her. "You want me to stay right?" he asked and then sat down going silent again. He looks at her and then crosses his arms.

Nick just thought of something. He got up and then looks at Nadia and then grabs her hand softly. He smiles charmingly at her. "Are you ok? That man was pretty creepy." He said in a princely tone. He looks at her with a worried look. (Oh Nick....)

Flower rolls her eyes and then looks at Adrianna. "Come" She said and then smiled as Adrianna grabbed a plate of food and started eating slowly. Flowe rlooked at her face which was cut and had looked like she had been slapped. She said nothing however. "Hey you think Shadow and Thyme are hungry?" she asked.
Nadia laughed "Shadow? When is he not hungry! "But when it came to Thyme she frowned. "Thyme hasn't eaten in 50 years. Trust me I know. She stopped doing everything since she lost her race now she doesn't have one she's not human but nothing she's just nothing. She can't die due to the fact she isn't exactly anything to kill she's just there ." Nadia looked sad."all she does is sit in her room."

Ari growled and pulled off his mask.she had gotten stronger the forest was changing her now to.she looked at his face before he could cover it.she smirked happily crossing her arms.

Thyme looked at him or at least in the direction he went. "No, I want you to enjoy yourself down with them ..." Thyme sounded sad as she opened the door for him to leave.
Flower looks at Nadia. "Interesting." She said and then leaned back pushing her plate away. She looks at Nick and then gets up. She grabs her plate and starts making plates for Shadow and Deathwish "I guess I will make a plate for Deathwish and Shadow." she said and then looks at Adrianna's plate and smiles as Adrianna gets more food. She looked at were Creed had ran off to. She blinks. Man he was hot...but he seemed also insane so she'd would stay as far away from him as possible.

Creed jerked back into a the wall. He glared at her. "H-How dare you!" He yells at her and then grabs his mask from her. He lifted his hand to slap her but the put it back down. He just glared annoyed with her so much. He put his mask on and then walked out without a word.

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