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My Super-natural friend

He smiled, beginning to walk out of the school grounds with her. "I'm just glad, you know, with Mr Dusk might come looking for us," he whispered.
"Yeah they were!" She smiled, "Thanks for doing for that, I just dozed off being my unproductive self." Sammi giggled rubbing the back of her head shyly.
Sammi cheeks grew warm and she turned her head slightly away, "Well uh yeah, heh, cause you already know now." She murmured rubbing the side of her head.
Arthur blushed, turning his head in the oppisite direction to Sammi before saying something, "Shall.. we get something to eat along the way?" he asked her.
Arthur smiled, soon taking a trip to the store to get something to eat, mainly an ice cream since it seemed like a sunny day, he bought Sammi one for her.
Sammi gave a quiet sigh and then walked inside to be greeted by a white German shepherd with blue eyes, she was shocked by the sudden appearance and her mom appeared, "After what happened last night we thought he could be our 'alarm system'. Meet Knight." The teenager girl gave a smile and kneels down to pet him, "Hey Knight." He gave a bark tail wagging.
Arthur returns home, greeted by his trusty canine companion. "Hey boy, did you miss me?" He asked, smiling as his dog barked to say yes.
When Sammi finished up her assignments for the day she flopped onto her bed and sighed looking up at the ceiling, she stretched her left arm up and glanced at her delicate fingers, the one Arthur was holding just a couple of hours ago, she blushed to herself and pulled her hand close to her chest.
Arthur was sitting at his desk in his bedroom, looking at his hand, the one that held Sammi's just a few hours ago, he blushed to himself and sighed to himself, "it felt so soft..." he whispered to himself.
A knock came on her bedroom door and she sat up to see her mom walk in with Knight. She had a tray filled with some wraps and cloths and she smiled, "Let's re-dress the wound again so your wings can get set in no time." Sammi nodded her head and removed the hoodie she wore before she was in a tank-top and her white wings suddenly appeared, flaring out on either side of her.
Arthur was getting a bit bored and soon thought about calling Sammi, he reaches over to his phone but first thinks to himself, "Wait... what should I talk about?" he askd himself, not wanting to be that rushy yet. He took a deep breath before beginning to call Sammi on her mobile phone.

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