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My Super-natural friend

"All right, come on!" Mr. River got up, grabbing his keys from the keyrack in the kitchen. Sammi got up, and slid her boots on as her parents got the car ready for the two. She turned to Arthur and smiled before going out to the front to get into the car.
Arthur smiled back at Sammi, putting his shoes back on before getting his bag and quickly gets into the car with Sammi and her 'parents'.
Mr. River drove down the street as Mrs. River sat in the passenger seat looking out the window. Sammi gave a sigh and turned to Arthur, "Whatever you do, don't be alone with Mr. Dusk, I have a feeling he is going to catch up that we are really close and he'll use you as something against me."
He nodded. "I better do my best than to avoid him whenever he needs me for something then," he turns to Sammi and gently touches her hand. "Don't worry, I'll be fine but I'm more concern about you."
She gave a small smile, "I can do a small number on someone, don't worry too much about it." They pulled up to Arthur's driveway and her parents turned around to face him, "All righty Arthur, home sweet home. Thanks for staying for dinner and most of all, accepting Sammi as is."
"You're welcome," he said, smiling as he gets out of the car. "I'll see you tomorrow Sammi," he said, giving her a smile before heading inside.
Sammi smiled back before her parents drove off. She let out a sigh of relief and her mom smiled, "You feel much lighter not don't you?"

"Yes I do." The young female replied back.
Arthur was greeted by his pet, Flake, who was more than happy to see his young master home, Arthur begins to give Flake his meal with bag dog food and some water. He then relaxes for a while untilit was time for bed.
Sammi walked inside of her house and her parents came up to gave her a hug, she gave a laugh hugging them okay.

"Well today had been a good evening by far, though you should get some rest." Mr. River ruffled Sammi's hair, she giggled and took off her boots, before bidding her parents a good night and disappearing upstairs.
Arthur was soon laying on his bed, Flake laying next to the end of the bed as it most comfortable. Arthur gave a short yawn before drifting off to sleep.
During the middle of the night Sammi heard strange sounds and she threw the sheets off of her bed, she walked downstairs to hear nothing at first, but the wind chimes in the backyard rattled. She walked out through the back door and glanced around, till she heard a small laugh, "Well, I lured the mouse out of it's cubby hole." A tall male cloaked in black was sitting on one of the lounge chairs. Sammi stepped back and her nose crinkled, "What do you want Darius Dusk?"

"You know Kaeylarae, just your life." He addressed, "To complete tear down peace overall." Sammi glowered as he addressed her by her real name.
He stood up approaching her and the two stared at each other face to face before he gave a jerk of his hand and he sent her flying. Sammi hit a tree and she let out a gag. The lights came on from inside the house and Darius turned to see her two parents appear in the back of the doorway, he gave a smirk and disappeared in a whisk of black smoke. Her mom came over to see, Sammi got a scratch down her arms and her back bruised up.

"You're going to have to wear long sleeves tomorrow, and maybe stay home." Mrs. River murmured, but the girl shook her head, "No I can't, Arthur is going and I have to make sure Dusk doesn't get close to him."
When Mrs. River finished wrapping up Sammi's arm, Mr. River got her back into bed and before leaving the room he murmured, "Don't step out of the house without telling us next time, please." She gave a tight nod before falling back asleep.

((You can skip to morning if you want))

Arthur soon wakes up to the sound of the alarm clock again setting off, he turns it off and gets out of bed, letting what he knows yesterday in, the fact that Sammi is an angel must be something very interesting but promised to keep it secret from his family. Upon getting ready and dressed for school, he begins to walk down the corridor.
Sammi got up, now feeling the pain all over her body, she cringes slightly and decides to wear a pair of sweat pants and a large hoodie. she tied up her hair and grabbed her backpack before slipping on her converse. Her parents weren't home to say goodbye to so she left the house, locking the door behind her.
Arthur was waiting for Sammi, he leaning against a wall, streching a bit to himself as he continued to wait for her.
"My arms got all scratched up from them impact and my back if bruised up, so I'm a grounded angel at the moment, I can't be flying for the next few days." She murmured.
He looks to her, soon holding her hand to make her feel better. "But at least you survived the attacks," he reassured her.

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