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My neighbour is a Mutant, are you? (PicaPirate x lilmermaid18)


Ridiculously Ginger

Name: David Jackson

Age: 17


An innate rebel, he follows rules so he can break them. He follows only his personal code which is to protect the friends he trusts and to live life to the fullest, for him and whoever he is enjoying the ride of Life with. He is calm, cynical and has dark humour. David attempts to be the one who makes sense of situations, but is often blind of peoples advances. He often does self-remarks out loud and chuckles slightly to scenarios or thoughts. His book reading consists of usually old adult (as in aimed at adults, not erotic) fantasy fiction, such as The Magician by Raymond Feist or Brave New World by Huxley.

Backstory: His parents dead from unknown circumstances, David has lived a lot of his life and currently alone. As such he has kept himself proficient in becoming self-sustaining in his life. He as such has never had time to properly associate with people and as such is not great in social scenarios.

Likes: Music, karate, occasionally smoking, Physics.

Dislikes: Arrogance, people being patronising and his hair looking terrible (he constantly fusses over it).

Group: The weirdos

Name: Savvanah Rose Molchinov


Personality: Naturally aggressive from the start, Savvanah doesn't take no for an answer. She would much rather punch her way through than think of a simple, easy way to do something. She is often loud and rude, not caring deeply for others feelings unless she has a deep connection with them. Although she is usually very rough and hard on the outside, her interior is sweet and occasionally shy. When alone, she often mourns the loss of loved ones, but can become cold-hearted and ruthless in a second.

Backstory: Born into a rich family, Savvanah was the youngest of six. Her older brothers, Macon, Jason, Jaxon, Mason, and Sage, where her protectors during her childhood. Her parents, Jeremy and Scarlett, loved her immensely, as well as her brothers. But one summer day, when Savvanah was only eleven, someone set fire to her house, killing her brothers and parents, while Savvanah managed to escape with severe burns on her back. As she exited the inferno, she was cut on her face with a shard of glass and now has a scar over her left eye. The blaze was the beginning of Savvanah's seclusion form the world and a major factor in her thirst for revenge against the man who killed her family.

Likes: dogs, sleeping, eating, singing and playing guitar (but only when she's alone), sunrises and sunsets, killing stuff

Dislikes: math (she hates thinking), mushrooms (she's allergic), people who complain constantly, people who don't listen to her

Group: The Jocks/Populars
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I groaned as sat up, my makeshift cot having provided little comfort while I slept. I stood and stretched, wincing as my back cracked.
I, David Jackson, could not sleep today. So at this current time in the morning after having eaten, was having a smoke on a field. I didn't have anyone to see or talk to, having no friends since the mutant breakout and no family since long ago.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I sighed and looked around my cluttered room. Since the fire five years ago, I had unsuccessful in finding a home so I decided to stay and rebuild what I could of my family's once-extravagant-now-ruined house. The entire east side was non-salvageable, so I had restored the west side, which contained my father's study and my room, along with the kitchen. I stepped over my junk, taking care to not step on any daggers or guns I'd left on the floor. I made a mental note to clean as I walked towards the kitchen.
My house after all these years living alone was reasonably organised. My only weapon was a metal baseball bat and a USP chambered for .45 ACP rounds using standard a 12 round magazine, with a torch attached. The gun was always with me with one spare magazine, while the extra ammo was stored at home in a locked cabinet. The baseball bat was easier to reach close to the door in case of an emergency. The house itself was small, but I didn't mind as I lived alone, even if I had a double bed.

I decided to look at the sky absently. It was a nice morning for once with not a sign of rain.

Due to my family's fortune, I had managed to buy a few mini-fridges to store the food I had. I grabbed an apple and a soda before heading to the study. About half of the books had been destroyed in the blaze, but most were dictionaries. I grabbed a book of the shelves and sat in my father's lounge chair. I opened it and looked at the title. "The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. This should suffice," I said to myself.
After deciding I got bored of being outside (more because my cigarette went out), I went inside and started sketching some drawings. I was drawing a castle I had visited a long time ago as a child when I visited Germany, filled with various impressive castles back in the day. I wonder if they exist, since basically the fall of modern society. Did the mutants reach to other countries? Who knew. Maybe he should find out.
I shivered as I read and slammed the book shut as Fortunato fell silent. I had finished my apple and haphazardly thrown the core to the side. I placed the book back where it belonged and decided that a run was what I needed. I returned to my room and put on a sports bra and some sweatpants, which I had found throughout the abandoned rooms of my family members. It had taken me three weeks to clean out the rooms. I would only be able to stay for half an hour at a time before my emotions took over. But once they were cleared I discovered secrets that I didn't know the house had, such as trap doors and secret entrances, which explained how the fire spread so quickly.
Michael was sketching his surroundings outside, a cigarette in his mouth. He was idly drawing when he saw a blond woman running, sports bra and sweat pants. He noticed the scar on her face, but decided not to make a deal of it, they being recent things of late. His own body was scarred all over except for his hands and face and neck, from either having to fight off bandits or similar incidents. Truth be told most young people didn't have such a scarred body as he did, but then he did live alone with his own house and all, which was almost like a big light saying 'Raid me'. That was until he got the high powered gun and metal baseball bat though.

He returned to sketching, taking a drag of his cigarette now half finished.
"Smoking will kill you," I said as I jogged past the boy, my stomach churning from the stench. I couldn't comprehend how anyone wanted to have such a potentially deadly thing so close to themselves. I often saw people standing around fires to keep warm, and found the idea revolting. I swore to myself that I would never use fire to do anything, which may not have been such a smart idea due to the cold winters.
"So does my 45 cal gun, steel baseball bat and my black belt in karate. Hasn't killed me yet."

said with a smile. In honesty it kept me calm with the stress of everyday life more so in my idle time, having no friends or family as personal solace. I never fell in love, no one to trust.

All I had was my drawing, my skills and gear to keep me alive and my cynicism. So far it had worked to be fair though.
I fought the urge to slap the boy for back-talking, and continued running. I had made it my goal to remain as fit as possible and working out actually served as an outlet for my anger and other dominant emotions.
I chuckled at the clear irritation on her face and went back to drawing. I for a moment stopped drawing, trying to remember if I had even met her before, but hit a wall. Funny that, I usually know most people around here.

I decided to give up that thought stream and continue drawing.
I ran until I was in front of my house again, out of breath and panting. I went inside and into the kitchen for some water. I was never worried about someone coming in and ransacking the house because most of the people around here knew what had happened.
I noticed that the sun was setting, so I decided to go inside. I proceeded to wipe down the surfaces of the house as I had nothing to do.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I stood in the kitchen for a moment, simply standing, my mind clear. I sighed and went to go bathe in the pond behind our house.
I decided when satisfied with cleaning that I'd go get a sandwich and eat it outside in the backyard.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I grabbed some soap (a rare commodity which I had been able to salvage) and a towel and walked outside. The pond laid at the edge of the woods surrounding my home, and as far as I knew, there was no life in it.
I thought a walk to the forest would be good while eating. I had never seen anyone there on my walks occasionally, so didn't think much of it.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I stripped before entering the freezing-cold water. I dove under but came up quickly, gasping for air, as the cold had sucked it out of me.
I had finished eating my sandwich and wandered about, observing the wildlife. These were things like birds...trees...a naked woman? I stood there still inquisitively at the head and shoulders of a blond woman in the pond. Wait, its that girl from before.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I sighed as the water began to feel good. I lathered up my hair before going under again. I then cleaned my body, singing softly.
I wasn't really sure how to react to the scene, slightly blushing. I decide to walk away, when I suddenly stepped on a branch which loudly cracked.


Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
I froze at the sound of a twig snapping. Someone was watching me. Someone was watching me and I was naked. There was nothing I could do without giving my unwanted visitor a glimpse of my backside, or the rest of my body, so I did the one thing I thought might work and I dove under.

The person dove, though I wondered whether it really was the blond girl. I was stuck between the choice of sticking around or to leg it like mad. My indecisiveness had me stand there thinking, though was also interrupted with thoughts like Damn, that was a pretty sweet body.
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