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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

KageYuuki said:
I'll admit, I laughed xD
We probably shouldn't have that happen.... I get a sneaking feeling that Repentance and Purity flipped would not be suitable for RpN xD

At least... not without near-constant fade to black.....
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Repentance -> Doesn't give a fuck, no apologies
Purity -> NSFW

Empathy -> Bitch

Valor -> coward

Honor -> Liar, cheat, thief

Justice -> Lawless bastard.

Sounds legit.
Shandragontear said:
I think if it lasted more then an hour or so hearts might be broken. O.o
Yeah... probably xD I don't think Repentance and Purity would get very far, but I have a feeling the others might cause some problems...
Actually I think if we ever did a plot like that they should all take turns being flipped instead of all at ounce. That way the others could stop each other from doing things they might regret. xD
Shandragontear said:
Actually I think if we ever did a plot like that they should all take turns being flipped instead of all at ounce. That way the others could stop each other from doing things they might regret. xD
Probably a good idea... But on the other hand... We'd be guaranteed a new Princess if they flipped at the same time! xD
So is the flipping going to be a thing in the next season?beacuse I have a charater who will probably try to kill evreyone they know if they were flipped(soon to be charater,they are going to come out in the next season.)

And I would find a gay rainbow dash interesting.

Just putting my thoughts out.

(And oh god,if the flip does happen would repentance and purity rape?)

How does the "causing nostalgia" thing work? Is it like visions?

because if so, that would be a REALLY interesting way to show Silver's life during the war.
Shandragontear said:
More random thoughts from my random brain.
I find the relationship formed between the different elements of redemption very interesting.

Like Justice and Empathy are partners in the order. Justice usually implies punishing the wicked where as Empathy is more about trying to relate to what made someone wicked in the first place.

Then there is the romantic relationship between Purity and Repentance. Generally people repent as a means of regaining some sort of purity they feel they've lost.

And finally we have another romantic relationship between Valor and Honor. Usually it is a sense of honor that inspires people to commit acts of valor.

Or am I just putting way too much thought in to things?
What are you talking about?
Assailant said:
What are you talking about?
There is a LOT of lore you have missed in the last few seasons..

Anda was essentially a goddess that created the flutter pony. When she died, her spirit was split and divided between Steelheart and Lavender Moon. She also has designated certain ponies to be the Elements of Redemption, which is similar to the Elements of Harmony, only thus far there doesn't seem to be any power up or anything related to the title, however, these individuals are supposedly able to tap into the magic of the Flutter Pony, which is supposed to surpass unicorn magic, and even rival alicorn magic in potency.

Thus far, there are six (that I know of) elements of Redemption:

Repentance - Eclipse

Purity- Steelheart

Empathy- Shadow Fang

Justice- Indicus

Valor- Firecracker

Honor- Shina

They all were granted the titles in the first season, except for Eclipse, who gained the title midway through this one.
Assailant said:
Huh. Okay. Sorry, I'll be playing a lot of catch up for a while.
No worries, feel free to ask questions and one of us will answer. I had to play a ton of catch up after season 1, since I just jumped in at the start of this one. Here's what's been revealed about Eclipse so far:

  • He's older than Anda, Celestia, and Luna.
  • He is responsible for the Constellations, and is the first pony(of two, the second being the Soul-Thief Umbra, who has yet to actually appear outside of references) to ever be able to use Soul-based Magics, which are incredibly dangerous to perform until they are mastered, hence why Eclipse never taught it to Luna or Celestia.
  • Prior to the founding of Equestria, he created the Order (currently run by Spyro) to be an international Peace-keeping organization that operated outside the authority of any nation.
  • He is also credited as the only person to ever win a bet against the Dread Dragon Mephisto(it was a battle of wits that lasted for several days) After which, Mephisto was stripped of all of his stolen souls and magic, and by the conditions of the bet, is forbidden from absorbing souls and magic anymore. However, the dragon exploited a loophole in that agreement, and has been stealing souls without absorbing them.
  • When Equestria was founded, he was unanimously selected to be its first(and only) King due to his success against Mephisto, and numerous other smaller events that have yet to be elaborated on
  • During his reign, he banished Tirek to Tartarus, repelled changelings, and defeated numerous villains that otherwise would have destroyed Equestria
  • When Discord showed himself, Eclipse went alone to try and repell Discord. He was almost victorious, But Discord tricked him and sent him into an alternate Dimension (basically, Discord pulled an Aku-Samurai Jack-) Discord then wiped any mention of Eclipse he could find from history books, to try and make sure he was forgotten.
  • He's spent the last few thousand years jumping randomly from Dimension to Dimension as the only spell he knew for crossing Dimensions did not allow for much control. Only approximately ten years ago did he return.
  • For reasons known only to himself, he stayed in Hast under the assumed name Sky Chaser, with his horn broken to conceal his magic and a cloak to hide his appearance. He was too ashamed to face his sisters after failing them(not to mention the events in the other dimensions, which will be revealed later)
  • About a year ago, He was one of the first people Steelheart met when she arrived in Hast following the events of Season 1. He became her guide, leading her around town everywhere and serving as her eyes. A friendship quickly developed that borderlined on the romantic for some time.
  • About a week ago, Eclipse finally revealed his true self in the face of impending threats from both the Nightmare Empire and Mephisto. With this revelation, his relationship with Steelheart took a massive leap forward.
  • Eclipse is credited with making several magical artifacts, notably a sphere which has a calming effect in the possession of Spyro, and, more recently, a beautiful necklace that is capable of giving sight to the blind. He intends to use this as an engagement gift to Steelheart, as he wants her to actually see him before she makes her choice.
  • His home in Hast is basically a hobbit hole, dug out of the hills themselves. It is practically an underground mansion, with dozens of rooms with various themes that he put together in his free time. The main Foyer serves as a library with a collection that could almost rival the Canterlot Library. In this main area, all of the furniture is pushed up against the walls so that Steelheart can navigate his home more easily.

I think that about covers everything for Eclipse... I don't want to comment on other people's characters in case I would get stuff wrong ><;;
Oh geez, a recap on Shadow Fang . . . ? Truth be told a lot of stuff happened on another site before I moved here, and there isn't much point in recapping the events of this thread just yet.

  • Fang started as a member of the Lunar Guard
  • After Luna returned she was among the first to accept her ruling alongside her sister and had always greeted the the princess when she woke to raise the moon and wished her good night when she went to bed
  • Having finally found the artifact capable of breaking the seal on the dragon demon Nightmare Soul, the Nightmare Empire attacked the palace in Canterlot and released said demon
  • Soul immediately went about raising hell, slaughtering any guard or servant in sight
  • He manages to taint Fang's soul and gain a heavy influence over her
  • Fang's used to lure Luna away from the palace where she can be captured and turned back into Nightmare Moon and leave the world in eternal night
  • Spyro encounters Fang and, noticing Soul's influence, frees her from it
  • Horrified at being manipulated like that, Fang takes off to the palace ruins in Everfree to set things right
  • This is where things end in terms of what was written out in her first appearance. The thread didn't fizzle out or anything, for reasons I don't wish to recap the RP forum was shut down. One of the many reasons I've popped up over here. (Along with Spyro, Onikmey and a few others you guys have seen pop up on the site)
  • Thanks to the aforementioned forum shut down, I had to improvise on what happened. While the battle itself hasn't been fleshed out, Soul was obviously defeated and Luna freed. Fang was also critically injured in the fight, slashes from claws and numerous burns from Soul's enchanted fire
  • Still feeling guilty over the events of that night and no longer feeling worthy to be anywhere near the Lunar Princess, Fang joins Spyro in the Order as a sort of atonement
  • Fang also somewhat changed psychically following her encounter with Soul outside of being covered in burns. Six small crystal horns grow from her head and her wings are far larger and more daconic looking
  • Season 1 she heads to Equinox to investigate a weakening seal and is the first to encounter a disguised Anda
  • Finding the Mayor of Equinox to be suspicious, she questions him and learns he gained the land through less than honest means (Though she didn't learn the extent of what he did)
  • During Anda's rampage she attempts to console the grieving spirit, learn what's really going on and maybe solve things through more peaceful means
  • Anda names her Empathy
  • Following Anda's passing, Fang recruits Indicus into the Order

That's . . . pretty much everything that happened with her before this thread.
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So, I think everyone now realizes you need to be VERY careful in how you word your deals with Mephisto. He will turn that shit on you in a HEARTBEAT if you aren't careful ^^;;;
Shandragontear said:
Hopefully Firecracker picked up enough of what Shina taught him to fend her off for a while. xD
Let's see, trained Kirin being puppets by a soul stealing dragon Vs a unicorn with no combat experience that just woke up from a 10 month coma . . .
Shandragontear said:
Hopefully Firecracker picked up enough of what Shina taught him to fend her off for a while. xD
He'll probably need help.... Eclipse is going to be a bit busy keeping Mephisto from focusing on anypony, so it'll come down to everyone else to ensure Firecracker isn't killed xD

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