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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

I hate to say it Ghost, but Viska just broke your rerecorded on my scale, and made it shake a bit.
that was intense xD This battle is going to get nuts now.... All hell is about to break loose... I'm going to need to think carefully about my reply.

Now get prepared for one badass showdown....

Dragon vs Alicorn- Winner take all....
There is also a large number of loose ends that need working.

must notably Firecracker's soul, the army of the damned storming town, the phoenix sword,...and the list goes on lol (<3)
viska said:
There is also a large number of loose ends that need working.
must notably Firecracker's soul, the army of the damned storming town, the phoenix sword,...and the list goes on lol (<3)
Well, the army of the damned and Firecracker's soul both get solved if/when Mephisto is killed. I have no control over that last one though xD
Shandragontear said:
Is it safe to assume sense Mephisto was knocked back he's no longer standing on Luna's cage?
Yes, yes it is. And Eclipse would be most grateful if she was pulled out of the way so he can go ape shit xD
I'll take the silence as a no, also I might be a bit late tomorrow, getting an x-ray at the hospital to cheek on my leg to make sure the crack in the tibia hasn't come back. Goodnight to you all.
Spyro said:
I'll take the silence as a no, also I might be a bit late tomorrow, getting an x-ray at the hospital to cheek on my leg to make sure the crack in the tibia hasn't come back. Goodnight to you all.
Sorry, was AFK. But Spyro is nowhere near Mephisto right now. The armies are in the town of Hast, Mephisto and that action is in the hills.
No Spyro is there, he followed after Eclipse to help him, but I have to go to bed now though for the trip I have to make tomorrow.
It's not that I don't have ideas, it's that there's just so much to write (I almost have TOO many ideas.)
Finished the timeline! Warning, it is a WALL of text, and a really big one at that. Be ready.

The Equestria - Changeling war, or as it was known by Equestrians at the time, “The Shifter War,” was one of if not the most horrifying war in Equestrian history. The amount of bloodshed was phenomenal, and so many ponies died that a draft was almost instituted. Had the war gone on for even a few months longer than it did, it might have. What made the war particularly terrifying were the abilities and tactics employed by the enemy.

Equestria was no stranger to war, and every conflict in the past had been solved in one of three ways. Either it would be resolved diplomatically, a very short war would occur where Equestria would terrify the enemy into diplomatic resolution, or on rare occasion the power of Equestria would completely overwhelm the enemy. This war went on for quite a long time, and many ponies died. What made things worse was the fact that the Changelings employed something that would later be known as “Total War,” though this type of war would almost never be seen in Equestria again. This meant that citizens were as equal of a target as soldiers, and that citizens would resist an invasion. Changelings are all connected by one hive, and while each has a job to do, they are all a single collective. They can, and will, all be soldiers if needed. The fact that some ponies could not and would not be soldiers, to the Changelings, was incomprehensible. So, they attacked the pony civilians as if they were soldiers. To add insult to injury, the Changelings could shapeshift. They could seamlessly blend in and kill without fear.

The Shifter War would come to be called “The Genesis War,” as it was the war that would define modern Equestria. While technically the Genesis Wars refer to a collective of wars, including but not limited to wars against the minotaurs, Changelings, Dragons, et cetera, this one is considered THE Genesis War. All the others were essentially just a collection of skirmishes, while this one was a full fledged war.

(NOTE: A.S. stands for “Anno Sororum,” which is Latin for “In the year of the sisters.”)

1 A.S. – Discord is defeated and the Royal Sisters step up to rule what remains of Equestria. As Discord’s constant shifting of day and night has thrown the calendar off track, they invent a new calendar which counted the years since the sisters began ruling. The sisters consolidate what land they can from Old Equestria, and create a new Equestria. They begin providing relief efforts to sustain and strengthen the kingdom.

7 A.S. – The relief efforts are completed. Equestria has strengthened, and they begin to spread to reclaim the land they had lost.

13 A.S. – Old tomes of Starswirl the Bearded’s that were thought to have been destroyed were found in a forest on the western front. Included with them were maps of the land. Using this, expansion and magical knowledge expanded rapidly.

15 A.S. – The Dragon Genesis War is fought in March, and by June the war is won.

19 A.S. – The Colony, that is the Shifter Kingdom, and Equestria’s borders first clash. The Colony is outraged that Equestria has taken such good land from it, as well as many of the creatures it considered prey, while Equestria is angered by its hostilities. A brief few skirmishes occur, but the very brief “war” is ended by a treaty that defines their borders along the Neighle river.

21 A.S. – The Minotaur Genesis War is fought and won.

22 A.S. – The Colony demands more land beyond the river from Equestria, which Equestria politely but firmly declines. A changeling is found hiding out in a small Equestrian town by the river, and is quickly put to death. Equestria is angered that a changeling would be beyond the borders, while The Colony becomes outraged. They claim that the changeling that was executed was a fugitive of The Colony, and that it was not Equestria’s place to punish him in their stead. Tensions begin rising.

23 A.S. – An embassy is sent to The Colony from Equestria to hopefully make some negotiations. However, while there, one of the Embassy members killed the other members and fled back to Equestria, claiming that changelings had taken their place. The Colony refutes by saying that wasn’t true, and that the pony had simply gone insane. Tensions build even more.

24 A.S. – This year is often called The Year of Pandora, as it was the year when everything fell apart. With tensions rising, ponies become paranoid about Changelings among them. More and more murders begin to pop up around the nation as ponies kill those they believe to be changelings, often to only find that they were in fact ponies the whole time. Of these many incidents, one is chief among them. A town near the Colony - Equestrian Border became infamous for mass lynching those they believed to be Changelings. In less than a month, the town was all but barren, and the few survivors hid in their homes from fear. Soon, they too died due to starvation. Equestrians feared that a changeling operated the whole incident, though the Colony denied it. The Colony itself, however, was outraged by the principal of murdering any Changeling. This fear was confirmed when a wandering Changeling, unknowing that he’d overstepped the boundary, was beaten to death by Equestrian citizens. They sent troops to occupy the border, though they overstepped the boundary and received a terse reminder about not crossing the border, lest they want war. Later, a Changeling was found among the nobles in Canterlot. This showed to the public that the infection had burrowed deeper than anypony could have imagined. They cried out for war, though all that happened at the time was that an army was mobilized. Finally, the proverbial bomb dropped when a border town was razed by Changelings, all but a few Equestrians within it killed, and war was finally declared. This town also happened to be the hometown of a young Silver Duty and Arc Light. It is still unknown to this day if the attacking Changelings were extremists, or if they were supported by the monarchy.

25 A.S. – With war officially having been declared, the mobilized troops were finally sent out across the border to march on one of the hives. The troops were in high spirits, ready to crush the bugs and end the war swiftly. It was a surprise, then, when they were met with intense opposition. The force was swiftly wiped out. This was followed by a counter attack which crushed the border control and overran two nearby towns in Equestrian territory. This was the first major loss that Equestria had sustained in any war since their recreation after Discord. Multiple skirmishes would follow that year, which would largely result in Colony victory. Equestria would win multiple battles of their own, particularly by the end of the year, and retake a small portion of the towns lost in the war, but not much and often at great cost. The towns would usually be either razed, or their citizens would have been abducted and held kidnapped in the Colony. This year was a harrowing year for Equestria.

26 A.S. – Multiple uprisings begins in towns and cities across Equestria. Spurred on by disguised changelings, inhabitants of many cities are led to believe that the Princesses have failed to protect them, or have even betrayed them. This only serves to weaken Equestria’s infrastructure as the Colony armada continues sweeping through the western front, destroying many towns along the way. Equestria calls to its new ally, The Crystal Empire, for aid in the war. While they remain officially neutral in the conflict, they supply arms, resources, and reinforcements to Equestria.

27 A.S. – With the aid of the Crystal Empire, Equestria is able to effectively halt The Colony’s progression on its land. They continue to exchange blows throughout the year, gaining and losing territory. The Colony continues to gain more net land, but at a hardly noticeable rate.

28 A.S. – A rather unremarkable year. The Colony continues to gain land, though at a slow enough pace that it truly makes little distance. By the end of the year, they’ve secured four extra towns.

29 A.S. – The Colony implements the final phase of its Total War. Over the years it had been planting agents in towns all across Equestria, and this year is when many pop up. Ponies are betrayed by those they thought to be friends, family turns on family. This is particularly brutal on border towns, to allow The Colony easy access to Equestria. Many towns are simply destroyed as the attacks are too brutal to sustain the towns once they subside. This year, The Colony once again gains massive land.

30 A.S. – Equestria slowly makes a comeback, as it too had agents waiting in conquered towns. Once the front lines had moved beyond the town, the soldiers lying in wait would come out and kill the occupiers and cut off the resource flow. They then moved in and surrounded the front lines. Many bloody battles occured, but eventually the front lines of The Colony was wiped out. By the time that was done, The Colony’s next offensive march reached the reclaimed towns and began taking them once more. The troops that had attacked the front lines regrouped and formed a defensive line, moving in and defending their reclaimed territory. The Colony took some of the land back, but a large portion remains in Equestrian hands. For the first time since the war began, the year ends with net Equestrian success.

31 A.S. – The war continues as normal, and very little actually happens in terms of changes. Equestria makes progress taking back land with their new front lines, only to be pushed back by The Colony’s reinforcements. The year ends with everything where it was in the beginning of the year.

32 A.S. – Equestria invents the ballista. With this new technology, they set up defensive towers near every town. The Colony’s offensive forces fail to make much progress.

33 A.S. – The war continues unabated. The Colony, emboldened by its previous successes with similar actions, once more begins setting up agents in cities to attack. Unfortunately for them, something incredibly unexpected occurs. Due to strange circumstances, the ponies Arc Light and Silver Duty, who had enlisted the previous year, as well as the changeling Iden have formed a strange alliance. Iden wants to break away from The Colony and form his own group, as he disagrees with the ideals of The Colony. Thus, he agrees to gather as many changelings as he can to his cause and sabotage The Colony, and in return Arc and Silver promise to lend aid to any changelings involved in this pact. They will be granted safety if encountered in battle, and rescue missions will be attempted for them if they are discovered (when feasible) as if they were Equestrian citizens. This pact is unofficial, and not supported by either of the countries. In fact, it was completely unknown to anyone not themselves involved in the pact.

34 A.S. – The Colony begins to suffer at the front line, as strangely enough less and less resources begin to make their way to the front. Those at the front became weaker as they became more desperate for resources and food. Their decisions became more rash, and more disobedience and disorder erupted. The year once again ended with net Equestrian gain.

35 A.S. – The Colony makes use of the agents it had placed two years before. This time, instead of targeting the borders, they target the central cities to disrupt the infrastructure of Equestria. However, thanks to leaks from Iden’s team of traitorous changelings, this was planned for and eradicated quickly. They were even able to capture many changelings and experiment on them. Thanks to Mage Arc Light’s research, along with the work of many others, they developed a changeling detection rune, which they began mass producing and sending blueprints and instructions to every town. This year marked the TRUE 10th anniversary of the beginning of the war, but with two years in a row with net Equestrian success, the creation of the detection rune, as well as the rise to power within the military of Silver Duty, a soldier who had trained since he was a colt and was exceptionally adept at combat, ponies’ spirits were at a record high since the war began.

36 A.S. – Emboldened by their successes and with spirits at an all time high, Equestria began its true counter-attack. Surprised by the renewed vigor of the soldiers, as well as the constant internal sabotage within The Colony, its forces are pushed back quite a ways. Due to the use of the runes, many leaks within the military are plugged and less murders due to misunderstanding a pony for a changeling occur. More Equestrians sign up for the military due to increased nationalism, and the fresh soldiers overwhelm the tired changelings. Equestria’s conquest grows by leaps and bounds.

37 A.S. – The Colony launches its coup de gras, attacking from within Canterlot itself. This had been planned for many years, though what was not forseen was the employment of the detection runes to the public. As such, many agents planted had been found, and the attack was a resounding failure. Morpheus, king of The Colony, decided to take part in the war personally. With his power, many towns fell. To balance this, Celestia took part in many attacks and great defenses, while Luna worked behind the scenes with an elite group which functioned as almost a sort of black ops group. The forces led directly by Celestia and those led by Morpheus appear on a collision course as they begin to summon their armies to their side.

38 A.S. – The forces finally clash. After many months of amassing troops and planning, the forces collide. The battle itself takes months, during which time the magistrate, an elite Equestrian group of mages, work out a way to destroy Morpheus. Silver and Arc are tasked with commanding a squad of elite soldiers to distract Morpheus while the magistrate create the spell. All of Silver and Arc’s allies die in battle, and Silver and Arc mysteriously disappear after the attack. Morpheus survives, and having absorbed the power and survived he is granted immense power. For a short time, he wreaks utter havoc on the battle field on a scale even Celestia couldn’t reach. Shortly after, however, the power coming out of him far exceeds the amount of magic he can handle controlling. He overloads and his horn shatters as his magic begins burning him up from the inside. With a deft hoof, Celestia commands a final assault of her forces and destroys Morpheus herself. Command of the military of The Colony falls to Queen Chrysalis, who pulls back her few surviving troops to regroup.

39 A.S. – This year consisted of multiple battles, each easily won by Equestria. Chrysalis, with less experience, less troops, less morale, and less power, was easily outmaneuvered at every juncture. This was the least bloody year of the war, as only about a half hour to an hour after every battle began, Chrysalis would call a retreat.

40 A.S. – At the beginning of the year, Chrysalis, being just as smart as Morpheus but less rash, surrendered to Equestria. She signed a treaty which gave Equestria land all the way to the bad lands, which The Colony’s land would be restricted to. She also had to free all POWs. She reluctantly and shamefully accepted these terms, thus marking an end to the 15 year war.

Most consider the war to have ended in 38 A.S., despite it not having officially been over until 40 A.S. When the war ended, the twisted and scarred POWs returned home to their joyful families, unfortunately drained of all personality and emotion. They didn’t even resemble the ponies they were before. The surviving soldiers did not fare much better. Every one of them was haunted to their graves by what they saw and did. Many of them had to kill changelings disguised as their friends, or even families. This war, marked by its complete disregard for civilian life and its insane rate of friendly fire, remains one of the, IF NOT the, most horrific war in Equestrian history.
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Sorry guys, I don't think I'll have a post in until sometime tomorrow :-/ idk why I'm so stuck tonight
Oh I know how that can be.

I sware, I just need to find me a sugar mamma/daddy lol

Rest is best for work being a pain. I hope you get to feeling better soon (<3)
I'm angtius to hear Maphistos response lol.

I guess you could say his deal with Rosy...*puts on sunglasses(B')*.. left a bad taste in his mouth. YEEEEAAAHH !

..some one take away the red bull please(> :D )
viska said:
I'm angtius to hear Maphistos response lol.
I guess you could say his deal with Rosy...*puts on sunglasses(B')*.. left a bad taste in his mouth. YEEEEAAAHH !

..some one take away the red bull please(> :D )
*Gives more red bull.* I'M AN ENABLER!
viska said:
I'm angtius to hear Maphistos response lol.
I guess you could say his deal with Rosy...*puts on sunglasses(B')*.. left a bad taste in his mouth. YEEEEAAAHH !

..some one take away the red bull please(> :D )
Meanwhile, Silver and Arc are doing surprisingly well. You could say...

*puts on sunglasses*

they're golden.

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