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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

KageYuuki said:

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

"And let Hast be overrun by Mephito's puppets?" Fang gestured to the town, even Celestia herself was struggling to repel the thousands of puppets without killing them. It wasn't that Fang didn't want to go to where the others were. No, she heard Luna call for Eclipse just moments ago. She wanted to be there, protect the princess she'd sworn to defend with her life.

But leaving the citizens of Hast to fend for themselves was just as bad as turning her back to the Lunar Goddess.

Fang shook her head before turning back to the fight in town, "We have a job to do here, Eclipse can handle himself." With that she took to the skies once more, trapping a few puppets in a shield for a few moments before they slipped out through another portal. She really needed to find a way to counter that . . .

As soon as Celestia heard Luna call out, part of her was relieved. It seemed her sister was at least well enough to recognize Eclipse, let alone call out for him in such a way. But she wanted to head over there, take care of their younger sister after Solis knows what that demon had done to her. But right now these puppets were a slightly bigger concern. Had they not been innocent ponies tricked by Mephisto the fight would have been over by now. But, like always, it just wasn't that simple.

The armor clad Alicorn dove towards Sotil, wrenching a few puppets off the ground in her magical grasp before they could catch the stallion in a Soul Torment. "Are you alright, Sotil?" The princess asked before severing the flight feathers of a few Pegasi puppets sending them crashing to the ground. Obviously she would have looked nothing like the mare that had been speaking to him not even an hour ago. She didn't even look like the princess he would have been used to seeing, even if in just images. Between her armor, mane and tail looking more like living fire than its normal ethereal self, and burning red eyes, she looked like an entirely different pony.
Sotil stops in place, clearly 100% confused in every regard in whatever the world was going on "Wha...I, uhm..." He blinks and looks up at the Alicorn "What...You know my name?" He's a bit caught off guard to be called by name in a town he's been in only a day or so, especially by a figure he didn't quite recognize "W-Wait, uhm..." He shakes his head "And what in the world is going on?...And-And how do you know my name?..."

Something about Sotil was off...Others knowing his name beforehand was never quite a good experience in his life
Indicus sighed, "Your correct they can handle themselves whatever is going on." Indicus then continued fighting the puppets using concentrated blasts of air to concuss them and knock them out while he could not garuntee that one or two would not die it was the safest way to go about it as it was easier ans safer then pulling blows.

Princess Celestia

Celestia shook her head, "I'd love to explain things but there really isn't time." A golden shield surrounded the pair, bolts of magic spattering across it. "Just whatever you do, do not look any of these ponies in the eye. Unless you want to experience feeling your soul being burned." She disspelled the shield before taking off with a powerful beat of her wings.

A few puppets charging Sotil were enveloped in a shimmering aura before vanishing from sight. Puppet or no, unexpected teleportation tended to be a touch disorienting. Though in the brief moment of concentration the spell took, a diving pegasus slammed into Celestia's back. The two slammed into the ground with the puppet rolling away. She may have known how to take a fall and been wearing armor, but it still hurt and was enough to knock the wind out of the Alicorn's lungs.
"Soul burning? I think you mean--" He shakes his head and coughs a bit, clearing his throat, as well as covering his head as Celestia took off from the ground. He would also jump back a bit as so many things happened at once, one of which included a Princess slamming into the ground before him.

"Gah! H-Hey, are you alright?" He asks aloud before looking to the Pegasus, pulling out a cracked and deformed red crystal. Things were getting way too familiar... "I need to be more mindful of the towns I start selling things in..."

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia coughed as she pushed herself back up. "I'm fine, I've taken much worse than that." She looked at the crystal the stallion was holding. While the Alicorn wanted to tell him this wasn't his fault, she needed to focus on incoming attackers. Stunning blasts of dark magic rained down on the puppets.

"Are you okay, your majesty?" Fang called as she swooped overhead. It seemed like there was no end to these things . . . In the back of her mind she still worried what kind of condition the others were currently in. Just hang in there.
"Your Majesty...?" He asks himself as he heard Fang call out before looking to Celestia again "Wait, Princess?...Y-You're Princess Celestia?" He looks back and forth at the chaos ensuing around them...He worked right through it. Time to put in more effort. "Right, uhm...Well, keep your eyes up, and ears open, I suppose." He places a hoof on his necklace, a dim shine coming from it for a short moment "I suppose I need to pitch in, correct?"

He rolls his neck with a sigh "Never a dull moment in the life of mine." He says softly, seeing what all was around them, the crystal seeming like it was shaking and jittering every so often.
Shina couldn't help but tense when Mephisto accepted her deal. That had been easier then she'd expected, but now came the hard part. Could she use her magic while outside her body? Magic came from the soul right? Regardless it was too late now.

The next few seconds seemed to fly by all too quickly. Shina gasped watching Mephisto throwing Firecracker, breathing a sigh of relief when Eclipse caught him. For a brief second a faint smile dared to tug at her lips seeing him safe again. Turning her fuchsia gaze back to Mephisto, Shina prepared herself for the inevitable.

It was a strange sensation, being pulled from her body. For the last split second before she lost control of her body a look of horror crossed her features. It to a few minuets for her wayward soul to make sense of where she was. A soul without a mind knew only emotions but even in this state Shina's seemed to remember it's purpose.

In the dark cave a single lonely jar among the thousands suddenly lit up. Inside an bright fire heavier in yellow then most began to burn. It was dragon fire in its purest form, the flames of protection. But even as the bright flames roared within the jar it seemed they were not hot enough to melt it. Realizing this panic began to settle in to the flaming soul sparking a second type of fire darker and more red, phoenix fire.

At first the two fires seemed intent on fighting each other in a battle that might burn the very soul that created them. A haunting and ghostly scream echoed through the dark cave as the now endangered soul fought to find an emotion that would allow these two opposing flames to burn as one. Even Shina's physical body was forced to stop and scream for a few seconds from the pain in its missing soul.

Were there truly no emotions that embodied both peace and chaos? Love... It seemed almost to obvious when this young soul realized it. But wasn't that why she was here in the first place? Why she'd offer her soul for Firecracker's inserted of just offering it freely? Because Shina knew that even if she failed in this step she could at least save him.

Suddenly the two flames were no longer fighting, but swirled around one another in a yin yang like pattern. Finally the two fires merged in to one forming a blindingly white hot fire. Almost instantly the jar around the white flames exploded in to liquid glass. Once free this intense fire exploded in every direction spreading to every shelf, every jar, causing them to burst as her own had the second these flames touched them.
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Iden was starting to tire out,there is too many puppets to deal with,they were late,they were supposed to be at the crystal empire a while ago,they are for sure going to get yelled at after this.but it would be worth it,as they would most likely gain more trust from silver and arc.maybe to where silver would not be as harsh.but for now,they have to fight.but,it feels like the battle is ending soon,they can't get rid of the feeling,but it was a good one.si they kept fighting.until they would not be able to any more.
Nostalgia had locked herself inside her home so she could lay down and rest, exhaustion hung over her. She quickly slept, making sure no puppets were in her home.


"Firecracker, use this!" Eclipse called, the blade Shina had painstakingly made landing on the ground next to Firecracker. "I'm no swordsmith, but I know magic, and that sword should be able to handle her fire." He kept close to Steelheart as Luna finally released him, looking at the situation as it developed.

Mephisto snickered. "oh? you want to stall your love? Well... how about I take away some of that time?" He snapped his fingers, portals opening in the air as a half dozen pegasi appeared from the portals, charging towards the three as they tried to defend against the Kirin's assault.

"Nana... I need you to guard Steelheart for me..." His eyes narrowed as he dug at the ground. He couldn't just stand around, he needed to enter the fray. He was the only pony that could withstand Mephisto's Soul Torment, sitting on the sidelines wasn't an option for him...

Luna nodded her head, moving so her side brushed against Steelhearts, her horn already glowing defensively as a spell circle formed under them before a barrier came up around them. Her barriers were, as one might expect, no match for the intricate barriers her brother was known for, but it would be enough to keep Mephisto's puppets from opening a portal near them.

Eclipse made sure the barrier was safely formed before he spread his mighty wings, taking to the sky like a shot as he charged straight through the Pegasi, scattering them and throwing off their attack.

Mephisto snickered as he watched Eclipse enter the fray.. "kill him..."

The Pegasi changed course, pursuing Eclipse like a swarm. The Alicorn dodged, ducked, and rolled out of harm's way every time. His flying was nothing short of phenomenal... It might even be enough to make a certain rainbow mane'd pegasi's jaw drop.

He kept dodging until the pegasi had him surrounded, just as they moved to close in, his horn sent out a pulse and knocked them away, freeing Eclipse once more as he dove straight for Mephisto, his horn charging up a shot before a burst of magic staggered Mephisto backwards. "Insolent worm.... I'll make sure you BURN for that!" Mephisto snapped, taking a swing at Eclipse as the Alicorn just narrowly avoided it.

Luna kept close to Steelheart. "Don't worry... My brother is the greatest warrior I've ever seen... He can more than handle himself..." She kept a wing protectively over Steelheart, taking her job as the flutter pony's guardian very seriously. She wasn't about to let her brother down now.

With Mephisto now forced to defend himself, the coordination of the puppets got noticeably less precise. There were greater gaps in their defense, and it was clear they were not as well guided as before.

-----IN HAST-----

Even with six less Pegasi in the sky, there were still plenty to chase down Fang... Without warning, one flew directly in front of her, its eyes glowing as Mephisto's Soul Torment Struck her, burning her soul and causing her to fall out of the sky to land in a heap, still twisting in agony as a wide grin spread over the Pegasi's lips. If this Pegasi wasn't stopped, Fang wouldnt' survive this Torment....
Indicus felt the link waver and heard Fangs scream he immediately summoned his wings and flew over over to the Pegasi, tackling it and tore open the Pegasi's throat with his fangs the blood tasted horrible and corrupted but Indicus was too angry to care.
Spyro somehow looked over the area and looked at all that was happening. "Ok, I, have had, Enough!" Spyro yelled as the shadows around his eyes disappeared. As soon as they were gone, Spyro's horn glowed a black color then the usual blue color. Suddenly, every shadow in the area left where they were and formed into a lot of dark glowing chains that littered the entire area, both the ground and air, with the chains slowing down all of Mephisto's puppets movements as they warped around them or made it harder for them to maneuver through the area. "My friends can walk through no problem, but my enemies are now in my own personal plain of living hell." Spyro said aloud.

(Info on the dark glowing chains --- Darkness's Chains: This spell takes every shadow in a large area and turns them into dark glowing chains that can slow down the movement of those the caster see's as foes drastically, and allows the caster and allies to move through unaffected. These chains don't need any of the casters magic, rather they can feed off of anything foul or evil in the air and ground around the area. These foul energy's are war, corruption, and death. These chains though don't last long this way if they run out of this energy in the air/ground, but when done this way the caster can still use any spells they would like to use with the chains feeding off of this foul energy and not on the casters magic).

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia nodded to Sotil as he realized who she was. It was understandable he didn't recognize her, she hadn't looked like this in over 200 years. Her horn glowed as a spell circle appeared beneath Sotil's hooves. A shield soon surrounded him, the barrier capable of blocking any portals. The Princess had done the same for any of the residents of Hast she'd encountered.

Fang wasn't given a second to react at the sudden appearance oh the airborne puppet. The pain from Mephisto's Soul Torment made Soul's enchanted flames seem like a minor burn. Even after the attack ended she was left trembling on the ground, gasping for breath. Tears cut trails through the dust on her muzzle. She couldn't just lay there, not without being open for another attack. Slowly, Fang pushed herself back to her hooves. Her entire form shook as she tried to remain standing. Why wouldn't the pain go away?
Once Nostalgia was taken care of, Silver turned his attention back to the puppets. They circled around him, preparing an attack of sorts. As he looked at them gathering around, he remembered his childhood. He could still hear the screams of panic and the chaos that ensued. This scene mirrored that all too well.

The day he'd last seen his parents. The day his and Arc's life, along with the rest of Equestria, was changed forever. He could remember the days prior, and the happiness and peace that came with it. There was unease in the air, as they were close to Colony borders, but compared to what would follow it was a time of immense peace.

He had no time for memories though. He continued kicking down puppets, breaking bones and tearing flesh but doing his best to keep them alive.
Indicus's anger quickly cooled when he noticed Fang trembling the soul torment clearly still affecting her even after it was over Indicus saw her tremble as she stood up. He stood next to her letting Fang brace herself against him "I'm here Fang, I'm here." Indicus said trying to calm her down he kept a passive scan up so they would not be surprised.
Sensing that Eclipse was finally in the fray Steelheart couldn't help but cower under Luna's wing.

She wasn't afraid for her own sake, but rather for Eclipse's.

It wasn't as though she didn't trust Luna's words of encouragement, or that she felt he wasn't capable of taking care of himself.

She simply couldn't help but worry about him.

Her whole life she had been a fast learner, but there was always one thing she was completely ignorant.

Her 'grandmother' her sister and her whole tribe had tried to keep her in the dark about it.

But after the event's of the past several months and the attacks concreting it in her mind she knew what she had missed.

She Finally understood what it meant to love a pony.

Not in the way she loved her friends, or even her sister.

But in a deeper way that held a special meaning that was personal and unique.

It dawned on her like a slap in the face, she knew why she was afraid despite her confidence in Eclipse.

She loved him; and was terrified that he may die before she ever got a chance to tell him.

Was this the burning that Rosy felt in her heart that drove her mad?

A second revelation came to her as she blurted out "Rosy!"

She realized her friend my still be alive, and if she was able to turn on her 'master'

there must still be some shred of her old self left.

Looking up towards where Luna's face should be she pleaded with no sense of royalty "Miss Luna, pleas..We have to check on Rosy. I know she's done some really bad things, but she's still my friend."

Seeing the chains begin to crawl everywhere Firecracker took this opportunity to raised Shina's sword with his own magic.

As it slowly lowered into his hooves, it was heavy and warm.

It reminded him of the labor that must have gone into it.

But it also pulsed and sparked with powerful destructive magic.

He knew that with the right skill and timing he could take down most enemies with a single blow.

But how could he raise arms against Shina?

As he lined the blade up into the stance he was taught, the very thought of it made him go pale.

Fortunately Spyro had bought him some time to think.

Taking a deep breath as he always did in these situations he took a few shaky steps forward.

His eyes faintly glowing in a copper color he called out "..For my dearest friend...For the mare I love.. Weather it's by Eclipse's power or my own hoof, I will see your madness end here dragon!"

Luna bit her lip as Steelheart requested to check on the pony that had almost sold them all out... As much as she wanted to be against it, she of all ponies knew what it was like to do something terrible and try to redeem themselves... "Very well... I will take you to her, but be mindful, we must move slowly so that my barrier can keep Mephisto's followers off of us. I know not what help you think you can offer, but I will ensure you get there safely" she cautioned, keeping her wing around Steelheart as her horn glowed, moving the barrier as she started moving towards where Rosy had fallen. It was one thing to place a stationary barrier. That sort of thing most Unicorns could do to varying degrees. To make one move took a great deal of effort and concentration.

Of course, Luna wasn't quite as good a guide as Eclipse. She had to use a wing to guide her, whereas Eclipse could just keep his hip against hers. It was slow moving, but finally Rosy was within the barrier with the two. Luna kept a wary eye on Rosy, if she so much as TRIED to hurt Steelheart, she'd be expelled from the barrier immediately.

Luna was trying to keep herself focused on the task at hand, but Luna was worried. Fang was somewhere out there in the thick of it. She could only hope Fang and her Sister were keeping safe...


Eclipse couldn't help a smirk when he heard Firecracker's declaration. "You've really grown up, Firecracker..." He narrowly avoided one of Mephisto's outstretched claws. "Is that all you've got you overgrow Gecko?!" Eclipse scoffed as he hit Mephisto in the jaw with another bolt of magic.

Mephisto growled... "I'm done playing around with you, Eclipse... Let's see how you handle my armies" Mephisto smirked as he snapped his claws. Only,no armies appeared... Mephisto looked around for any sign of portals, but there were only a handful, maybe a few dozen at best.. He had no way of knowing that Shina had freed all the souls except for the select few that he had stored in other locations. Of course, these ones were the more elite of his captured souls, hence why they weren't kept with the rest. Now they were outside of his control, and would only follow his last order until the souls finally returned to their bodies, which would be any moment now...

Eclipse smirked. "Looks like your armies are not yours anymore.." Mephisto's eyes narrowed with rage. "I will not be mocked by the likes of you! First I'll destroy you, and then the rest of these worthless ponies will follow!" Mephisto's eyes locked with Eclipse just as the Alicorn's hooves hit the ground.

Those of Mephisto's forces that remained under his control should not be underestimated. Each of them was incredibly powerful, and now they were all converging towards Eclipse. Given it took everything he had to keep up the Soul Torment battle against the originator of the spell, he wouldn't be able to defend himself here... And if Eclipse fell.... There would be no pony capable of withstanding Mephisto's Soul Torment....
The shadows chaining Shina's soulless body in place helped to slow the agile kirin down. Even her fires seemed less intense as her magic was drawn elsewhere. Still though, the puppet continued to assault Firecracker. Shooting flames as she tried to buck her restraints.

Elsewhere, far from Hast, as the last jar exploded in to molten to glass those vibrant white flames began to slowly die down. All at once a mass of souls floated out of the cave. A few souls flew off to various locations where Mephisto had left their bodies for whatever reason. A majority of the souls moved as one massive flock toward Hast. Behind the mass of souls one nearly depleted soul trailed behind, struggling to keep up. Finally there was nothing left in the cave but a few glowing embers.
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Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Fang managed a slight nod towards Indicus, she was still trying to get her breathing under control. "Don't . . . don't let that hit you . . ." She said in a shaky voice. Pain tolerance did nothing for an attack directly to the soul.

Celestia lifted a pair of charging earth ponies off the ground in her magic grasp. Before she had a chance to launch them away with a stunning blast their colors returned. The Alicorn blinked, studying the pair for a moment before noticing many of the stunned or trapped puppets had their colors return.

Their souls were being returned.

"What . . ." A young mare looked around as she was gently placed back onto the ground. "What's going on, where am I?" Her eyes widened up at the Alicorn that towered above her. Almost immediately the mare and the stallion next to her dropped into a low bow.

"It's alright," Celestia said softly, motioning for them to stand. "You're no longer under his control. Now go, find a safe place until the battle is over." A single beat of her mighty wings sent her skyward, a better vantage point to observe the town from. It seemed to souls of all the puppets were returning to them. A pained sigh escaped her, too many innocents were killed over the short fight. A shame the others couldn't spare them... Celestia could feel the powerful magics radiating from where Eclipse and Mephisto battle. He was going to need help. "We're leaving," Her voice was loud and clear, "The remains of Mephisto's forces lie elsewhere, Eclipse and the others will need backup." With that she turned and start for the hillside.
Silver kicked down another puppet, gritting his teeth as exhaustion began to set in. He was a seasoned soldier, but not being able to kill whilst also expecting to subdue was tiring for him. Suddenly, many of the puppets paused. As he looked around, they seemed to come to their senses. Many of the ponies he'd taken down were now in pain, due to his... tough methods. Some were able to get up and would get off with some minor pain, while on the other end of the spectrum there were some who were crippled. No medics around meant that he didn't know what to do. Arc was indisposed as of right now, so he began splinting ponies. He'd at least been trained to do that. For those who had cracked skulls, however, he didn't know how to treat them.
Sotil huffs a bit as the shield raised over him, the stallion placing a bright white crystal onto the magical walls to open up a nice little hole for him to step out of "Princess, you can't just lay here...Come on, get on up." He says, laying a deep blue crystal onto the openings in her armor where her neck meets the back. It was cold, no doubt soothing with all the fighting she's been doing in town "More than anything, it looks like YOU are the one that needs help."

He kept an eye out for anything approaching the duo, time seeming to stop for a moment as he scanned the environment around him...He's no stranger to dangerous environments, but the idea that he literally sat around while everything was going to hell...He's got a lot of things to make up for in his life, and this is one.
Spyro felt a mass of souls being freed and returning to the body that they belonged to, and gave a bit of a grin. Spyro looked over to were Eclipse was and saw the elite soldiers heading for Eclipse. "Eclipse needs my magic now, everyone else, hold off Shina til her soul returns. After that, help me defend Eclipse." Spyro ordered as the chains moved very fast over to the elite soldiers catching them in his chain trap.

Spyro then rushed over to where Eclipse was fast so he could cover him, activating some shadows so they could cover his eyes as he brought up his clubs up and started his battle with one of the elite solders as Spyro appeared to pass right through the chains as the elite soldiers either got caught in the chains or had less maneuverability and speed.
Indicus stayed next to Fang and watched the souls find their bodies he gave a sad nod and muttered "Sorry." acknowledging the puppet he killed. He still had a feeling it was not over quite yet. But for now he would stay with Fang till she recovered.
As Arc and Silver began splinting ponies, they heard Celestia's call. As soldiers, their first responsibility was to listen to the princess. Silver instantly began making for the hills, or at least following Celestia to the hills as he did not know where they were, while Arc began looking around. He wanted to listen, but he had to make sure the people were alright. As ponies began coming out of their houses warily, with the chaos having died down, he found some who were doctors to help and had others call for more medical help before running off to follow Silver.

Wait, he said in his head as he was running. He thought back on what the Princess said. Did she say Eclipse? As in, the old king? If he wasn't running, he would have face-hoofed. Of course, the other alicorn! I should have noticed.
Nostalgia felt useless, she was in her subconscious. "What use do I have, was I even really helpful?" Discouraging words replayed in her mind. She heard a voice "Nostalgia! Get up!" A extremely worried voice yelled. She got up, but no one was there.

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