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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
The wound had been healed sufficiently on Iden. The wound would still need to be treated later, but it was now numbed and stemmed, so he'd be safe for a bit. Silver bucked a puppet back onto the ground, as its skull crushed and it fell on the ground. He turned to fight the next enemy, before the puppet he'd killed suddenly exploded. He flew back in shock and grunted as he got up, only to see another puppet explode. Then another... then another...
"Arc!" He tried to think of the callout for a situation like this, but his muzzle flopped open and closed for a few moments as he realized there was nothing for this. "Explosions," he said lamely. Arc looked around and quickly covered all the bodies in a shield as they each exploded, containing all their explosions. He fell to the ground, panting and sweating when it was over from magical exertion. Just in time, too, as more enemies came walking through portals.

"You... have got... to be... kidding," Arc panted in exhaustion. Silver dutifully covered Arc to make sure he could recuperate.

"I'll cover you, but I don't know the extent of their forces," Silver said. "Rest as you must, but get up soon. We must aid in the retaliation." Arc nodded, but continued panting.
Iden helped defend arc,but before they did they summoned thier armor and donned it.iden does not plan on getting hurt again.oden put a shield around themself and arc.'don't worry,I got you,just recover and I'll protect you.'iden wrote on a paper and gave to arc.they hope the battle will end soon.
As Shina's burst of might and flame came down on Rosy she was able to send up a shield of her own magic just in time to save her.

However she wasn't completely shielded as the impact caused her a great deal of pain.

Just before she could retaliate Eclipse had arrived to separate the two.

At first all she could do was leer hatefully at Shina with an unbreakable stare.

Still too hurt to launch an attack she was forced to Listen to Eclipse.

Perhaps it was her relationship to him, or perhaps it was his lack of vendetta; but as he spoke, she listened.

Slowly her hateful leer turned to a contemplative thousand yard stare.

He spoke of who she was, and who 'they' were and the bond they shared.

She loved him so badly..But she couldn't accept they he simply didn't feel that way about her.

She again reflected on just what she had done, and what she had become.

She could feel her heart braking in two as Eclipse drove home what she knew deep in her heart to be true.

She would never get Firecrackers love, she would never be a mother.

In honesty, she would never be truly happy, because her desires would always burn in her heart.

She coughed and closed her eyes tightly, motioning like she was crying but no tears would come out.

To cry required a heart, and Maphisto had taken that along with her hopes and dreams.

Steelheart took a single step towards her and in a tiny voice called out "..Rosy.."

She was still stunned at what Rosy had become, but in her innocents felt that her friend and mother figure was still in there somewhere.

However, It was at this time that everyone's attention was captured by the appearance of the dread dragon himself.

As he spoke of the farce that is love Rosy could only bow her head in shame.

She knew all too well that no matter how Eclipse could excuse or maybe even forgive her, her choices were her own.

But he made one dire mistake: he hurt Firecracker (or at least his body)

As the poor puppet cried out in pain Rosy's eyes filled with hatred and blood lust, her teeth bared showing they had become pointed fangs like a wolf's.

She cared nothing for Luna despite her position, but she would not allow anyone to hurt her Fi.

When he demanded "Make your choice!" A demented reverberating laugh could be heard coming from behind everyone.

It was fallowed by an equally abrupt "You fucking double crossing lizard!"

For any pony short of Eclipse to be so brash and disrespectful to Maphisto was shocking.

So much so that it drew everyone's attention, including the dragon himself.

Rosy took a few steps closer, eyes full of red mist and burning with anger as she went on " I may have sold my soul, but you gave me power in return."

Looking at her hooves she still held the singed remains of her 'wedding vail' and had a pained look as she turned it over to look at it.

After just a second of thought she snapped her attention back to the dragon and shouted out " You created a demon!"

her phantom horn glowing brighter then ever before, bat wings made of the red mist burst violently from her back.

Even the seasoned Lavender Moon couldn't help but cringe at how painful it looked.. And the short scream Rosy let out..

Mist and blood began to flow from her mouth as Rosy stepped closer still "If I'm going to Hell.. I'm taking you with me you slimy son of a bitch."

Without another word she burst into the air at brake-neck speed and flew into the agape maw of the flabbergasted Maphisto.

She then let out a gut wrenching scream as she expelled all the magic she had been given.

The air began to distort and and send random bolts of lightning in all directions, Forcing the flutter ponies to take cover.

Large stone would raise from the ground and Shatter into pebbles which would shatter again.

What few trees were left fell over and lit on fire.

It was pure chaos until one final bright flash ended it.

Her power was no match to Maphisto's; he would never create something that would be able to kill him.

But her powers, combine with her love for Firecracker were enough to at least make the beast recoil in pain and back up some distance from his body.

Her own Body fell smoking to the ground some distance in the other direction.
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Indicus had taken care of a lot of the resurrected enemies around him leaving a few charging on occasion to whom he just stabbed and severed their head, occasionally draining an enemy of blood to sate his thirst that came with using his vampiric abilities. The blood tasted wrong but he took what he could get if it meant not going feral. He saw a object a relatively short distance away fly through the air and taking the moment to look he noticed it was a pony. Fang I think I saw a pony fly through the air I'm gonna check it out. With the mental message sent he proceeded to the landing area of the pony he saw flying in the air killing any enemy in his path.
Shina gave a frustrated screech when her blade and flames were stopped by Eclipse. As he pulled her back Shina gave a few awkward flaps of those flaming wings, clearly having never flown before. She did managed to steady herself enough to place her hooves gently on the ground, despite seeming unable to flap them in unison. The ground beneath her instantly charged even before she touched it, the very dirt glowing with red hot embers.

Shina shot an irritated glare at Eclipse but seemed to know better then to retaliate further. For the moment she stood down, letting Eclipse have his say. Maybe he'd have better luck talking Rosy down. Not to say that Shina was ready to forgive and forget, she simply had better things to do with her time then kill a selfish mare. Like save Firecracker.

For a brief second it almost looked as though Shina was calming a bit. The fire's of her mane and tail calming just a little. However that did not last when the large portal opened. Seeing the dragon himself Shina was suddenly tense again her fire's raging. Rearing into her hind legs Shina held the phoenix sword ready. That was until Mephisto summoned Firecracker's body to him. Shina's gaze suddenly whipped toward her fire shield dispelling it to see that Fire was indeed gone from it.

The flames on her body flared with anger, but with Firecracker in his claws Shina didn't dare attack Mephisto. She could only watch in horror as he tossed Fire's soulless body around. Hearing the puppets cries of pain Shina charged, well tried to. Those wild phoenix fire wings seemed to have minds of their own, one flapping then the other. It seemed almost impossible for her to get them in sync barely getting even a foot of the ground. Needless to say Rosy beat her to the punch.

As rocks and rubble began to fly Shina threw fire shields up around her allies, even the caged Luna and Fire's body. When Rosy's magic was final expelled Shina lowered the shields. Seeing Mephisto was no longer on top of Luna's cage Shina quickly melted the lock and used her magic to throw the door open, making sure it was loud enough that the closed eyed Luna would hear it. Shina wanted to pull Fire somewhere safe too, but what was the point? No matter where his body was Mephisto would be able to summon the puppet back to him. How could she fight Mephisto without hurting Fire?

For a second the wheels in her head turned. Finally after a moment of thought the flames upon Shina suddenly faded away. Her mane and tail returned to her usual red and orange hair though severely disheveled. So to did the flames leave her fuchsia eyes and those beautiful fire wings evaporated in to nothing. Once back to normal her gaze cut toward Eclipse speaking in a low voice to make sure Mephisto wouldn't hear. "Did he say Fire's soul is in a jar? Like just a regular glass jar?" Her gaze shifted in thought as a very stupid and dangerous idea came to mind.

Shina didn't wait for an answer. They were well beyond the planning and strategising phase. With out warnings Shina's suddenly held the phoenix sword out for Eclipse to take. "Give this to Fire when he returns." It was all she said, no explanation, and no answered given to any questions he might have asked. If Eclipse did not take the sword she'd simply leave on the ground beside him before walking with an almost eerie calm she headed straight for Mephisto.

"Mephisto!" She suddenly called out. Despite not having her flames on it seemed she was still somehow using dragon fire to get that roaring boom to her voice. "I want to make a deal..."
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Mrjenkins said:
Iden helped defend arc,but before they did they summoned thier armor and donned it.iden does not plan on getting hurt again.oden put a shield around themself and arc.'don't worry,I got you,just recover and I'll protect you.'iden wrote on a paper and gave to arc.they hope the battle will end soon.
Arc nodded to Iden and looked at Silver. "Once I recover, I'm gonna resign myself to a support role. With so many enemies, I can't afford to play a weak offensive. For now, you'll have to rely on innate magic to activate runes while I recuperate."

"Remember your storage," Silver simply responded. Arc nodded and tried to steady his panting to long, deep breaths. Silver played the defensive game while Arc was recovering. He tried to keep attention on him though, to prevent puppets from wandering off to attack civilians.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia gave a low growl, flaring her wings as Mephisto's puppets stormed in. She couldn't kill them, not if she could help it. Dispelling her spear, she took to the air with a beat of her wings. "These are Mephisto's puppets!" She called out to the group, "Try not to kill them if possible but do not look them in the eye." If anyone did, they'd get to feel their own souls being turned against them. Sensing Luna's appearance, the white alicorn glanced in the direction of the hillside before seizing a few puppets in her magic grasp.

How were they supposed to defend Hast without killing any innocents . . .?

Fang dove, crashing into a pegasus before they had a chance to attack Indicus. The blow was enough to knock the puppet unconscious. "Idiot!" She hissed, "Trying to do anything alone is only going to get you killed."
"Thanks, and that's why I let you know what I was doing." another thrall tried to attack Indicus but was met with a hoof to the back of the head. "Anyway lets see if what I saw was a pony or not." Indicus and Fang happened to not be too far from a small hole in the ground crated by what ever landed there.
Nostalgia had been aware of the attack as she began fighting a puppet, but the challenge was she couldn't look at it, making it extremely hard. She swung a violet, shimmering blade around the puppet. She was aware what would happen if she stared in its eyes. She growled as it cut above her eye, scarlet trickling into her eye. She tried to blink it out, causing the puppet to have a chance to slice her flank. ~Oh god, i'm not going to survive.~ She thought as the pain made her vision go a bit blurry. She hit the puppet again. She couldn't kill it, but it could kill her. It was rather unfair. She felt the enemy strike down her side as she screeched in pain. She stumbled backwards, tears lining her eyes. She hit the puppet unconscious, herself about to. She looked at the line of blood down her side as she stumbled into a bush before falling over, the leaves stained red.
Suddenly, a shield appeared over Nostalgia. Arc panted, the strain of doing so much magic beginning to get to her. Silver ran over to him, stabbing the puppet's knees and shattering them or breaking their spine, but doing his best to let them all live. He eventually made it over to Nostalgia while Iden stood guard over Arc. The shield was lowered while Silver began to attempt to stir Nostalgia, not being able to look into their eyes was troublesome, but he simply looked at their chests to make up for it, using his peripheral vision for head movement. "Miss, miss are you alright?" He said as he stood over her.
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Assailant said:
Arc nodded to Iden and looked at Silver. "Once I recover, I'm gonna resign myself to a support role. With so many enemies, I can't afford to play a weak offensive. For now, you'll have to rely on innate magic to activate runes while I recuperate."
"Remember your storage," Silver simply responded. Arc nodded and tried to steady his panting to long, deep breaths. Silver played the defensive game while Arc was recovering. He tried to keep attention on him though, to prevent puppets from wandering off to attack civilians.
Assailant said:
Suddenly, a shield appeared over Nostalgia. Arc panted, the strain of doing so much magic beginning to get to her. Silver ran over to her, stabbing the puppet's knees and shattering them or breaking their spine, but doing his best to let them all live. He eventually made it over to Nostalgia while Iden stood guard over Arc. The shield was lowered while Silver began to attempt to stir Nostalgia, not being able to look into their eyes was troublesome, but he simply looked at their chests to make up for it, using his peripheral vision for head movement. "Miss, miss are you alright?" He said as he stood over her.
'dont use any more magic please,just ask me to do it,or it'll get worse.'they still were able to do plenty with their magic.and didn't want an ally getting any more worse.'ask and thou shall receive.'they quoted on paper.a shield went around silver and nostalgia.and would move when they did,keeping puppets away from them both.

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((@Mrjenkins I wont, she was barely able to draw her sword.)) Nostalgia felt something prodding her as she weakly looked up, seeing a strange gentleman. She coughed, thinking it was a puppet. She strained to try to shove him away. She gave up and laid down. Thinking she was accepting defeat. Her vision went blurry as she was out again. She forced herself awake, then seeing all the ponies. "T-This cant be puppets...." She murmered. She was glad to get help, pain surging through her side. Nostalgia's seemingly glowing violet eyes seemed to brighten slightly.
Her eye patch was worn out as it slipped off of her face, revealing her eye. It didn't seem gruesome, but was extremely weird. Her iris was rainbow, but the whites of her eyes were black. All the color you could see was her rainbow iris. Nostalgia dreamed of her eye as the memory flashed. "Nostalgia, darling, why don't you go play outside? We will be here for awhile." Her mother smiled. "Okay mummy!" The older foal ran outside into the woods. She remembered hearing slight whispers as she ran deep enough into that mystical forest outback. She suddenly saw a flowers, it seemed purple, but was very pretty. Nostalgia felt that she could go see the flower, and perhaps pick it. She saw a flash of rainbow as she picked it, feeling slightly stranger. She ran into the house, and into the kitchen. Her mother turned "Welcom---" Her mother dropped the sponge she was using. "What?" Nostalgia asked. That was all she remembered.
Questionsrevealed said:
((@Mrjenkins I wont, she was barely able to draw her sword.)) Nostalgia felt something prodding her as she weakly looked up, seeing a strange gentleman. She coughed, thinking it was a puppet. She strained to try to shove him away. She gave up and laid down. Thinking she was accepting defeat. Her vision went blurry as she was out again. She forced herself awake, then seeing all the ponies. "T-This cant be puppets...." She murmered. She was glad to get help, pain surging through her side. Nostalgia's seemingly glowing violet eyes seemed to brighten slightly.
Questionsrevealed said:
Her eye patch was worn out as it slipped off of her face, revealing her eye. It didn't seem gruesome, but was extremely weird. Her iris was rainbow, but the whites of her eyes were black. All the color you could see was her rainbow iris. Nostalgia dreamed of her eye as the memory flashed. "Nostalgia, darling, why don't you go play outside? We will be here for awhile." Her mother smiled. "Okay mummy!" The older foal ran outside into the woods. She remembered hearing slight whispers as she ran deep enough into that mystical forest outback. She suddenly saw a flowers, it seemed purple, but was very pretty. Nostalgia felt that she could go see the flower, and perhaps pick it. She saw a flash of rainbow as she picked it, feeling slightly stranger. She ran into the house, and into the kitchen. Her mother turned "Welcom---" Her mother dropped the sponge she was using. "What?" Nostalgia asked. That was all she remembered.
when keen saw the eye they were surprised,how does a pony get an eye like that? It could be a new magic.iden faces arc.'how is your recovery? Beacuse we might have to start moving soon,preferably somewhere higher up.they are going to probably try and surround us soon.'iden wrote on a paper and showed to arc.
Mrjenkins said:
when keen saw the eye they were surprised,how does a pony get an eye like that? It could be a new magic.iden faces arc.'how is your recovery? Beacuse we might have to start moving soon,preferably somewhere higher up.they are going to probably try and surround us soon.'iden wrote on a paper and showed to arc.
Arc panted and shakily got to his feet. He had his storage if necessary, but he'd rather not use it. "I... *huff* I can... *puff* oh wow." He leaned on a nearby wall, watching as Silver helped a mare. He shook his head at Iden. "Our job is to help reclaim the city and protect civilians. Once I recover, we'll be able to take them on." He breathed heavily. "If only I'd found a way to set up two-way channeling," he muttered under his breath.

Silver saw the glowing eyes, and for a moment he was worried that she was a puppet, but he decided that she couldn't be. She acted too differently. It wouldn't make sense. "Miss," he said prodding her. "We need to move you to our reinforcements. Can you stand?"
Shina took several slow heavy steps but her look of defeat was merely an act for Mephisto. Despite the act her heart was racing, adrenalin pumping. She knew if Mephisto took her offer and she was unable to escape she'd have to rely on the others to defeat him. If they couldn't she'd not only be endangering Equestria but her homeland as well.

"Mephisto." She spoke a bit calmer now choosing her words carefully. "I want to trade my soul for Firecracker's." Of course Shina knew she'd have to give him something to make it worth it to Mephisto to evenly trade a soul for a soul. If she were lucky Mephisto traveled dark enough circles to have at least hard of the Genma. "Have you heard the tales of the kirin who ran the Genma out of Neighong? Take my soul ... and you will have a soul the Red Oni would gladly trade his own for, you will have the Onimusha's only daughter." Pausing a moment Shina was careful to keep her emotions in check, she didn't want Mephisto to see her flames. "Trade my soul for the Onimusha's or use my body to gain the Genma's power through the dark contract, either way the gates to the east will be open to you. I do not care what you do with me so long as Fire is free." There was one more trump card Shina knew she could play to entice the dragon, but if it was at all possible she'd leave her phoenix child out of this.
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Luna heard the bars of her cage fly open. Hearing the Dragon's foot steps in one direction, she opened her eyes and flew out of the cage to safety, panting as her eyes rested on something she had almost given up on ever seeing again. Her eyes grew wide as they fell upon a familiar Alicorn. Her eyes began to well up with tears as she dove out of the air. "Brother! BROTHER!!!" she cried out as loud as her lungs would allow. She barely slowed up at all as she flew right into Eclipse, throwing her forehooves around him as she lost all sense of royalty, breaking down into a sobbing mess as she clung to him for dear life.

"I knew it.. I knew you weren't dead.. There's no way you'd die..." She whispered, burying her face against his chest. She was trembling. Luna had always been close to her older brother, even closer than she ever was to Celestia. She had grown to love the night because of the stories her older brother would tell her. He had even moved the stars themselves so that Luna would have an easy way to remember the stories... When he disappeared.. she had been completely devastated...

Most ponies knew the story of Nightmare Moon, how she had turned evil because she felt neglected next to Celestia, as ponies slept during her Night and her sister received all the praises. However, she wasn't angered because it was her Night. It was because ponies didn't appreciate the beauty her brother had created in the Stars. True, her sister overshadowing her played a part in her transformation to Nightmare Moon, but more than anything, she had just missed her brother. History books were stripped of every mention of his name, and at times, she felt like she was the only one who remembered he even existed. It was that sadness, coupled with everything else, that fueled her transformation into Nightmare Moon. Had Eclipse never vanished, Nightmare Moon would have never existed. This fact was one Eclipse was painfully aware of.

Now though, none of that mattered. Luna was sobbing like a little filly into her brother. "You're back... you're finally back.." she whimpered, squeezing tighter to him than before. If anyone doubted Eclipse's heritage, Luna and Celestia's reaction would put those doubts to rest...


Eclipse looked to Shina as she spoke, "Yes... assuming he hasn't changed, they are still as you described..." he murmured, quirking an eyebrow at her as he tried to figure out just what she was plotting, taking the sword from her. It was obvious she had some plan in mind, but he couldn't begin to guess what. If he did, he would have been very much against her plan... Before he could resolve it, Luna nearly knocked him off of his hooves. He wrapped a foreleg around her, keeping her close. "I've missed you too, Nana..." he murmured softly, using the pet name he had always used for his youngest sister.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you everything just yet... But right now, your Brother has an overgrown Salamander to slaughter.."

Mephisto growled in the aftermath of Rosy's attack, rubbing his maw as he glared at where her body fell before he noticed that Luna had escaped.... But then a voice drew his attention... The little Kirin wanted to make a deal? He smirked down at her, listening to what her offer was. "I swear... I will never understand why you mares fall for him. What is his appeal? He's not strong, he's not particularly good looking... Do you just both enjoy going for the weakest stallion you can find, or is it something else?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Or is he just THAT good in bed? On second though, don't answer that" He shook his head. He looked her over, considering her proposal. The daughter of the Onimusha, his slave. That would make overtaking her homeland easier than ever. Having a horde of demons at his disposal wasn't exactly bad either... She was a fighter, that much was obvious. She was certainly FAR more dangerous than the worthless stallion he currently possessed. Since Rosy had turned on him, he really didn't have any need for him, but her on the other hand. If she fought, she could complicate things. No, having her power on his side would be beneficial. It was so lovely how willing ponies were to sacrifice themselves for such a pathetic thing as 'love'.

"Very well, The Deal is Sealed..." His voice boomed as his eyes began to glow. He raised up firecracker in one massive hand as a jar appeared in the other. It was, as Eclipse had said, just a glass jar. It opened from Mephisto's magic, the soul flying back into Firecracker's body.

"Let's see how well you catch, Eclipse!" Mephisto snickered, tossing Firecracker's body through the air as he would begin to regain consciousness... Luckily for him, Eclipse was able to use his own magic to lower him down next to Himself, Luna, and the Flutter Ponies.

"Now...For your end of the deal..." Mephisto smirked, his eyes glowing once more as they locked with Shina... It was a strange sensation, the feeling of having your very soul pulled from your body... Mephisto stored her stolen soul back in the jar, before a portal opened below it to send it to his hidden cave, where countless other jars stood...

"For your first order... my new servant.... Kill the one known as Firecracker." He threw his head back in a bellowing laugh at his twisted game. Even for Mephisto, this was a new low.... She had traded her soul for his, but she had not guaranteed his safety or protection... Now her body would be forced to attack the one she loved.
Sotil would have recently finished all his current commissions...And somehow not noticed the strange figures that had been roaming around the town during his lost-in-work moment...Well, multiple moments. This stallion has literally been sitting at his stand for hours working, not only not noticing whatever in the hell was currently happening, but also managing to be unnoticed by those nearby.

After a moment, Sotil tilts his head up, ears standing tall "...Wait a moment...Something seems off here." He turns his head back and forth "And what's all that noise?" He steps back from his little stand to get a better view of anything that might be nearby
Spyro walked forward til he was in front of Firecracker, and somehow turned himself to face the Shina puppet even though he had the shadows around his eyes. Spyro moved his clubs in his magical grip til they were on either side of him. "If you want to harm any soul of the innocent, then you will have to go through me first." Spyro said to the Shina puppet.
Assailant said:
Arc panted and shakily got to his feet. He had his storage if necessary, but he'd rather not use it. "I... *huff* I can... *puff* oh wow." He leaned on a nearby wall, watching as Silver helped a mare. He shook his head at Iden. "Our job is to help reclaim the city and protect civilians. Once I recover, we'll be able to take them on." He breathed heavily. "If only I'd found a way to set up two-way channeling," he muttered under his breath.
Silver saw the glowing eyes, and for a moment he was worried that she was a puppet, but he decided that she couldn't be. She acted too differently. It wouldn't make sense. "Miss," he said prodding her. "We need to move you to our reinforcements. Can you stand?"
Nostalgia looked and saw a nearby stick. She grabbed the stick and leaned heavily on it, revealing the cut on the side of her body. She realized her eye patch was off. She gulped for a bit of air. "Uh...I can use this..." She felt her wound slightly have less pain. She wiped the scarlet away from her eye and began walking steadily. Her one eye was slightly creepy.
Unonemous said:
Sotil would have recently finished all his current commissions...And somehow not noticed the strange figures that had been roaming around the town during his lost-in-work moment...Well, multiple moments. This stallion has literally been sitting at his stand for hours working, not only not noticing whatever in the hell was currently happening, but also managing to be unnoticed by those nearby.
After a moment, Sotil tilts his head up, ears standing tall "...Wait a moment...Something seems off here." He turns his head back and forth "And what's all that noise?" He steps back from his little stand to get a better view of anything that might be nearby
Questionsrevealed said:
Nostalgia looked and saw a nearby stick. She grabbed the stick and leaned heavily on it, revealing the cut on the side of her body. She realized her eye patch was off. She gulped for a bit of air. "Uh...I can use this..." She felt her wound slightly have less pain. She wiped the scarlet away from her eye and began walking steadily. Her one eye was slightly creepy.
'How many of these puppets are there? We've been holding them off forever.'iden gave another paper to arc.they thought for a moment,iden could call a squad over,but then they would get caught,and it would take to long.looks like they are alone on this.iden looks at the pony that just Left a building.a piece of paper flew over to them.'come here,and don't look at any ponies eyes,you will regret it,like really badly,don't.'iden waited for a response from the pony

Iden sees the rain owed eye ponies wound and waves to them.

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Mrjenkins said:
'How many of these puppets are there? We've been holding them off forever.'iden gave another paper to arc.they thought for a moment,iden could call a squad over,but then they would get caught,and it would take to long.looks like they are alone on this.iden looks at the pony that just Left a building.a piece of paper flew over to them.'come here,and don't look at any ponies eyes,you will regret it,like really badly,don't.'iden waited for a response from the pony
Iden sees the rain owed eye ponies wound and waves to them.

Sotil stumbles a bit as the piece of paper slaps into his face, the blue stallion shaking his head before pulling off the sheet "Ach! What? Who are you, and what in the world are you talking about?" He asks as he makes his way over, clearly somehow completely ignorant to whatever has been happening since he started working
After Rosy had loosed her final attack Steelheart could feel the magic leave her, and thought she had died then and there.

She tried to run to her, but feeling it was unsafe Lavender Moon stopped her and spoke plainly "It is..too late"

Steelheart was in shock at how south things had turned so quickly and was unable to speak.

She was only able to whimper incoherently as her sister comforted her.

Seeing Luna's reaction to Eclipse however, was enough to bring a tear welling to her eye.

If anypony could understand what it felt like love a sibling above all else it was her.

She quickly wiped it and turned away to hide her soft side and scoffed under her breath at her 'weakness'

However as Shina made her dangerous offer it quickly drew her attention back as she chastised "dum tjej!" (Stupid girl)

Even Steelheart blurted out "Shina no!"

But it was too late..

As Maphisto mulled over the deal Lavender Moon whispered "Stay close to Eclipse no matter what" to Steelheart.

She then began slowly creeping forward.

Despite their efforts to stop her, the deal was done, and as Firecracker's body flew through the air Lavender Moon could only growl

"fan åt helvete"(damn it to Hell) And quickly took a defensive stance in front of Firecracker along side Spyro.

In a commanding voice she ordered "We make this clean and quick ja?"

Finally beginning to wake up Firecracker struggled to stand.

Placing a forehoof on each of their shoulders he replied " 'We make this clean and quick-' No"

Weakly pushing his way past them he asked from over his shoulder " You can't hurt her..Please, let me talk to her."

It was true, Firecracker wasn't strong, he wasn't that good looking and being a virgin he wasn't even a good lover.

But he was brave. He would always dive headlong into certain doom to for what he felt in his heart was a worthy cause.

Not for a glorious death, but for the faintest chance to preserve the sacred lives he was allowed to share.

But there was a fine line between bravery and stupidity that he had failed to discover just yet.

As he approached Shina his horn glowed a bright copper color with small orbs much like the ones in the forge surrounding it.

In a soft loving voice he called " Shina, it's me.. Firecracker. "

He slowly approached her until he was only a few feet from her, calling out softer now "..Shina?."

The now soulless puppet looked up and without hesitation launched a pillar of fire directly at Firecracker.

Steelheart and Lavender Moon cried out at the same time "värde!" (Valor!)

It would have spelled his doom if a strange magic didn't intervene.

The copper orbs had all merged to form a large barrier in front of him Shielding him from the fire's onslaught.

Slowly his eyes crept open from his cringing recoil of fear to show they to glowed with the same copper color.

This was the first time something like this had ever happened to Firecracker, and the first time he had ever used such a powerful spell.

And to do so as a reflex meant that the magic was not of his own doing.

This was the connection to the Flutter Pony Anda had spoke of.

The element's of redemption had become a part of the great spirit and she a part of them, and thus, 'more magic then mare.'

As Shina's magic was just as strong the shield quickly began to crack under the continued fire assault.

Seeing this Lavender Moon scoffed under her breath "Skit! "(Shit) as she hurried to re position herself.

Using Anda's power, she deflected Shina's attack with her own Pyro-blast just as the shield shattered.

Firecracker However, was met with a quick buck to the face just as the shield came down.

It would seem Shina still had all of her warrior instincts still in tact.

Flying a few feet back he used Spyro's side to steady himself.

As he wiped a thin trail of blood from his mouth he remarked "..Ok.. Plan B."

Lavender Moon lowered her head as if getting ready to attack "before asking and that would be?"

Barely dodging another fire ball and losing a few hairs in the process he replied "..We stall her till I think of a plan C"

Indicus was suddenly pulled towards a sudden burst of magic in the direction of Shina and the others, probing further he felt Shina's magic but it was twisted and corrupted and the burst felt oddly like Anda's and if he was right Firecracker's mixed together. He waved towards Fang, "Come on we need to get to the others something is going and something happened to Shina her magic feels corrupted."
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Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

"And let Hast be overrun by Mephito's puppets?" Fang gestured to the town, even Celestia herself was struggling to repel the thousands of puppets without killing them. It wasn't that Fang didn't want to go to where the others were. No, she heard Luna call for Eclipse just moments ago. She wanted to be there, protect the princess she'd sworn to defend with her life.

But leaving the citizens of Hast to fend for themselves was just as bad as turning her back to the Lunar Goddess.

Fang shook her head before turning back to the fight in town, "We have a job to do here, Eclipse can handle himself." With that she took to the skies once more, trapping a few puppets in a shield for a few moments before they slipped out through another portal. She really needed to find a way to counter that . . .

As soon as Celestia heard Luna call out, part of her was relieved. It seemed her sister was at least well enough to recognize Eclipse, let alone call out for him in such a way. But she wanted to head over there, take care of their younger sister after Solis knows what that demon had done to her. But right now these puppets were a slightly bigger concern. Had they not been innocent ponies tricked by Mephisto the fight would have been over by now. But, like always, it just wasn't that simple.

The armor clad Alicorn dove towards Sotil, wrenching a few puppets off the ground in her magical grasp before they could catch the stallion in a Soul Torment. "Are you alright, Sotil?" The princess asked before severing the flight feathers of a few Pegasi puppets sending them crashing to the ground. Obviously she would have looked nothing like the mare that had been speaking to him not even an hour ago. She didn't even look like the princess he would have been used to seeing, even if in just images. Between her armor, mane and tail looking more like living fire than its normal ethereal self, and burning red eyes, she looked like an entirely different pony.

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