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Realistic or Modern My Fantasy Family

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(Sorry everyone I haven't been a answering lately. I've been sick and unmotivated with incredible bouts of severe depression, so I honestly don't want to do anything at this point. I don't want to get up, I don't want to go to school, and I spent the entire night last night wasting my time because doing homework didn't sound like a good option either. I promise I will try to reply, to at least one post today.

I apologize to everyone.)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Kassandra merely lied on Ezra's lap, thinking about nothing in particular. Ezra was quite the interesting character, and there was a lot to know to really know about her. She thought and all her differing emotions, and what they all meant, and she was sure she could understand the blonde girl in time. She had only been in the family for a couple months, but already had a basic grasp of all her family members.

Ezra was the silent but deadly type but also took after her mother quite a bit; Artorias was slightly rebelling but was very creative as well as kind; Jane could be irritating, but is a rather wandering soul; Neko was the sort of boy who didn't really understand himself, never felt like he fit in, but has an incredible person deep inside him; Elizabeth was bubbly but shy at the same time, with evidences of love and compassion for others; Veril was the strong and battle-ready one, his loose cannon temper both a merit and demerit; Iris, like mother like daughter, is a very kind and understanding person who loves to help others. (I think that's everyone..?)

After a long bout of silence from both of the girls, Ezra finally broke that trance by asking Kassandra if she was ready to go. For the first time, she was pretty sure, the blonde had called her by her nickname. That was surprising, but nothing the spirit couldn't get used to. "Yes. But s-she is probably still dealing w-with Elizabeth and g-getting her ready." Kassandra said, hesitatingly sitting up after lying comfortably on Ezra's lap.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

"Oh." said Elizabeth, not quite understanding still the concept of such rage. The raining had cooled down outside, the sun then peaking through the clouds and filtering out bright light. Suddenly, it was a beautiful day to go outside and do things somewhere. Iris held her daughter still, giving her a kiss on the forehead and taking her back up to her room and setting her gently down on her bed. She retrieved the brush from earlier and began to once again run it through her thick blonde hair.

Her mother then asked her what she wanted to wear today, whereas Elizabeth remembered that she was in just a plain nightgown with mismatched socks that were rumpled and now down to her ankles instead of up at her knees. She hopped off the bed and fled into her closet. The small girl then soon came out with a pink dress covered in gold stars in her arms. It was a summer dress, loose and flowing.

"This one!" Elizabeth exclaimed, handing the dress to Iris whilst giggling.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

jakobtatee said:
"Okay dad, i don't give two flying fucks about being adopted at this point. but what i am upset about is what you guys didn't tell me. What you didn't tell me is that i'm not even human, hell i'm not even a real creature. I'm just a government experiment. And to add to it, i'm not even supposed to be here. I was made when some dumb intern knocked accidentally over some embryos and i was the result of his mistake. And i already know the government paid you to take care of me. So yea, being adopted doesn't hurt but being a science experiment gone wrong, that does hurt... A LOT." says Neko in an aggressive tone. "And you guys don't have to pretend anymore, i know you don't care about me. You only care about the kids that are your birth children. Artorias only speaks to me when he wants to accuse me. Elizabeth only speak to me when she wants me to play with her. Ezra and Kassandra could hate me for all i know, heck i think today was the first time either of them have spoken to me since the day i got adopted. And mom only acts like she cares because that what all mothers do to their adopted kids." Neko says in an upset and aggressive tone.
Iris giggled softly, nodding approvingly of her daughters choice for attire. It was nice and pretty, which brought a smile to Iris' face. With a single swift movement, Iris set down the brush and stood up, gently patting her daughter on the head. "Perfect choice." Iris then began to get her child dressed, which resulted in Elizabeth being fully dressed with her hair being fully combed out within a good thirty minutes or so, a ribbon attached to compliment her eyes. Studying her finished project, Iris was interrupted by her son announcing he and her husband were done chatting, which brought Iris' gaze downward towards Elizabeth once again. "Go find your sisters and make sure they look as pretty as you. Mommy is going to talk to Daddy before we leave." Iris then kissed her child on the head and exited the room, only to walk door to the opposite end of the hall and peep her head in, catching sight of her husband on the bed. "Yes darling?"
Veril moved over quickly, pulling Iris in the room and closing the door. He locked it and moved the dresser in front of it so no one could try to enter. Veril just didn't want anyone to interupt. He smiled and pulled his wife onto the bed, snuggling up to her. "Darling, today was so horrible. I REALLY just want to enjoy some time with you." He buried his face into Iris. Veril was starting to actually relax, Iris' presence calming him down.
Iris blinked at his quick mivsmsnts, watching while the dresser was transported to sit before the door to prevent entry. She was then pulled onto the bed with her husband before managing a single sound other than a slight high pitched gasp only herself and her husband could hear. "Aw. Terrible day? Do you need to talk about it?" Iris carefully stroked his head while he buried his face into her, which brought a soft, amused smile to her lips.
Veril nodded, "Yes, I do. But first..." He looked up at Iris, smirking. Veril had given Iris the same look the night of their marriage. He leaned forward and kissed Iris' lips softly. Veril smiled and spoke quietly "Lets try not to alert the kids. Put a pillow over your face if you have to." He laughed softly before attacking his wife, the scene fading to black.


@Mashiro Shiina
Artorias sat in his room for a while staring at the blank walls, calming his emotions eventually his mask was recreated and he walked out of his room, it seemed Ezra and Kassandra weren hanging out so he decided not to bother Kassandra. Instead he headed to Neko's room to apologize for yelling at him earlier.

Artorias knocked on the door and waited to be invited in. @jakobtatee
Artorias said:
Artorias sat in his room for a while staring at the blank walls, calming his emotions eventually his mask was recreated and he walked out of his room, it seemed Ezra and Kassandra weren hanging out so he decided not to bother Kassandra. Instead he headed to Neko's room to apologize for yelling at him earlier.
Artorias knocked on the door and waited to be invited in. @jakobtatee
"Come in" neko says calmly to his brother.

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"So...what shall we do while Mother and Elizabeth are getting ready?" Ezra wasn't the type to be concerned about what she wore when she went out. There had been multiple occasions in which she'd left the house in a pair of pajama pants and tank top. It had been snowing. Thankfully, her body temperature was constantly being regulated. If she wanted to, Ezra would be capable of surviving in extreme temperatures. She looked down at what she was wearing: a plain white v-necked t-shirt and black sleeping pants. Ezra looked back up to see her sister in something almost the complete opposite of her. Everyone else in the family had at least some sort of sense of fashion. Even the boys looked better than she did half the time. "Should I...change?" She asked hesitantly.

Artorias walked into Nekos room, "I wanted to apologize the first thing i did when i saw are little sis crying was blame you, and i was wrong to do that. Even if it was you i shouldn't have snapped at you like that, im turning into father. @jakobtatee
"Arty, don't say that. Your not turning into dad. It was my fault. I shouldn't have overreacted. You won't turn into dad. You'll always be my little brother, and nothing will ever change that." Neko says as he gets up and hugs his brother


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Artorias was slightly shocked, this was the first time him and Neko had really gotten along much less hugged. Artorias hugged back never the less. "I guess we booth overreacted a little, lets just forget that and have fun like brothers should, and hopefully as time passes no one in this family will become angry like father." Artorias little by little was staring to warm up on the inside, at this point few but some emotions were starting to pry there way out of him, but not in a bad way at all. @jakobtatee
"I dont really know, What do you like to do ?" Artorias really had no idea about what his brother or really anyone else in his family really liked. Maybe he would have to play the role of detective for a while and figure it out.
"Here watch this" neko says as he goes and opens his window. Once his window was open he started to whistle. As he whistled, beautiful canaries and other forest creatures entered his room. He started to whistle louder and the fragrance of flowers entered his room


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Artorias couldn't help but remember a chapter from snow white as Neko did this. "So this is you're power" Artorias said with a small smile breaking from his lips. "Cool" @jakobtatee
Artorias said:
Artorias couldn't help but remember a chapter from snow white as Neko did this. "So this is you're power" Artorias said with a small smile breaking from his lips. "Cool" @jakobtatee
"That's my nice power, I'm not gonna show you my bad power. What's your power?" Neko asked his brother

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"Well i have three powers. One i can charm speak, you know layer you're voice with magic make people obey you're commands. Dose not work the best on people with powers, but humans would do anything i asked emm to. I also have item binding, i don't use it much cause its occult magic, but what is dose is i can bind someones life force to an item. Items destroyed they die but as long as it stands there practically immortal, although once i place the binding even i cant undo it i wish i could sometimes though, and last but not least whatever i draw in my special art book i can bring to life for periods of time, or i can enter the world of my art book."

Artorias wished he didn't have the power of the art book though. The only reason that became one of his powers was because a long time ago he bound himself to that book testing out his powers, this was a secret no one in his family knew. It was also why he kept that book locked away all the time. @jakobtatee
"Yea I can also morph into a canary and I can sonic scream, but I shouldn't do sonic scream cause I would get in trouble for it" neko says sheepishly


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"Cool, and yeah it might be best that you don't sonic scream inside the house. I would like to keep my hearing" Artorias said with a slight grin. "Ohh and i stopped raining out, do you want to go to the park with me." @jakobtatee

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