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Realistic or Modern My Fantasy Family

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Iris was just about to reply to her exhausted husband up until little Elizabeth cane running into the room. With a soft giggle accompanied by a loving smile, Iris finally settled down to sit on the edge of the bed beside her husband, carefully resting her head on his shoulder while watching their child as he played with her. "When mommy is done, she'll make you all nice and prettier than you already are."
with no response from kassie, neko goes back to the couch mumbling "forget it." neko is sitting hoping for elizabeth to come back in so that he can apoligize to her for setting her down so ubruptly. he feels a tear roll down his cheek as he thinks about how he knows he doesnt fit into the family.

jakobtatee said:
with no response from kassie, neko goes back to the couch mumbling "forget it." neko is sitting hoping for elizabeth to come back in so that he can apoligize to her for setting her down so ubruptly. he feels a tear roll down his cheek as he thinks about how he knows he doesnt fit into the family.
Elizabeth was lovingly hugged by her father, as well as received as kiss on the forehead from him. No one really ever saw Veril like this, as only the youngest daughter brought such feelings out of him. She knew his more brutal side, as she had accidentally witnessed it before, and she agrees like much of the family that he is absolutely terrifying when he is set off. The father then told Lizzy to go back to the living room while setting her back down after a caress and smile. Her father had a nice smile, and she wished that the rest of the family could see it more often. "But I'm big and grown up..." She grumbled before walking out again after hearing Iris' bit.

Once she made her way to the living room, she noticed Neko sitting back in the room, and gave him a big pout with puffed up cheeks. Elizabeth soon diminished the facial expression when she saw a tear run down his cheek. So, instead of saying something hurtful, she ran over to Neko and hugged his side after hopping onto the couch. She then looked into his eyes. "Neko, why are you all sad?" She asked, with a look of concern as she wrapped her little arms halfway around the male's torso. Lizzy then removed an arm briefly to gently touch the tear on his cheek.

(Did Veril ever bring the new couch in? *laughs*)
neko feels lizzys gentle hug and his mood lightens."i dont really know why i get sad lizzy. i guess it just happens." neko lifts lizzy up and sets her on his lap. he combs his long thin fingers through her silky blonde hair. "well seeming as to how everyone else is busy, is there anything you would like to do sis?" asks neko.

Artorias walked into the house he was about to punch Jane straight in the face by the they got in but he didn't. He decided he would go find Kassandra she seemed like the only sane person in this house.

Artorias walked into Kassandras room and heard here playing her violin. "That sound wonderful Kassandra" Artorias said with a warm smile, a smile that he only ever showed Kassandra. "What are you doing up here all alone, the rest of the family is downstairs?"


Elizabeth smiled as she was being given attention. She seemed to make Neko more happy than he was as well. "Well I get sad sometimes, but then I go play with my stuffies. Sometimes I move things too with my powers and that's fun." She said, stating some things she did for amusement. By 'stuffies', the girl meant her stuffed animals, and 'moving things' was her power of animation. He then pulled her onto his lap and ran his fingers through her hair. Lizzy turned to the side so that her back wasn't facing the male, but her side was. This way she could see him and his expressions. The blonde girl then gave her brother a quick kiss on the cheek, then giggling. "Hmm, I dunno. Mommy got me some dollies a few days ago. Wanna play with them?" She said with enthusiasm, kicking her legs up and down. She then hugged Neko to seal the deal of forcing him to play with her, even though that would probably be one of the things the 15-year-old boy least wanted to do.


Kassandra had retreated off to her room and was playing her violin, testing it out after previously inserting new horsehair strings. She had thought she heard someone knock on her door, but it must have been nothing because nothing was heard after that. So, the spirit played passionately with a certain song in her mind. She had written it, and it involved very impending rubato tones, as well as a pleasant arioso noise. (rubato-flexible tones/tempo; arioso-expressive, lyric) She then heard the door of her room creak open, thus forcing her to cease her bow strumming. When she noticed it was Artorias, she relaxed her arm holding up the mahogany instrument from her chin. "You shouldn't just barge into someone's room, especially when the door's closed." One would notice instantly that Kassandra's composure was substantially different than normal: no stuttering, no shaking in her voice. That was because she was at full ease and relaxation, so there was no need to be nervous. And she was doing what she loves, so she was very comfortable. She then sighed. "Nobody seemed to be wanting me, and I had wished to try out my new strings." She loved his smile, because that made her feel even more at ease as well, because smiling was rarely seen from Artorias. It made him look like the cute, innocent boy that he was supposed to be at this age.
"Sounds like a lot of fun I guess" neko says agreeing to play with his sister. He starts to hum a melody. His hum evolved into a whistle, and neko kept on with his whistle because he was pleased with it. Neko started to realize the most beautiful canaries fluttering around him and his sister. He wondered how they got in, but then he remembered he left his window open. As he whistles louder, more canaries flutter around them and they start to whistle with him, until the beautiful melody was ringing throughout the entire house. So neko decided to just sit there, hold his sister, and whistle.



@The Master

@Mashiro Shiina

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Artorias looked at Kassandra, "Sorry for barging in like that, can I um sit down and listen. You're playing is really good." Artorias sat down on the bed next to Kassandra and listened to her play. He began to write down music as she played then passed it to her. "Can you play this please." @PlaguedWithInsanity

When Neko agreed to play with the blonde girl, Elizabeth was overjoyed. She hadn't expected a yes from him. But then she heard his sarcasm. "Hey, wait—!" She exclaimed before he interrupted her with a bird call that sounded like a whistle. What sounded like a dull tone through Neko's teeth then began to form into a single-tone melody. The noise had been merely a hum seconds ago, but the girl knew it was something different when different colored birds began to flutter into the house from who knows where. Lizzy let out a shriek and covered her head. She had never been a fan of birds—what girl is—but she didn't hate them. Neko then looped his arms around her torso and continued his whistling melody. The girl curled into a ball with her knees to her chest as some sort of protector from the cawing animals fluttering around the room. But, it wasn't cawing. It soon became a sweet, gentle melody that reminded Elizabeth of Kassandra's violin and clarinet playing. She then looked up from her curled ball, surprised to see birds perched everywhere, merely whistling with happy and raised beaks with confidence. "This is really pretty." She whispered, hesitantly looking around her.


Kassandra was sitting on her bed when her brother had come in, with her mahogany bow in one hand, prized violin of the same vintage material in the other. "Thanks. That was something I wrote myself." She confessed, feeling pride in herself. Then, out of nowhere, Artorias pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write down musical notes. He passed it to her and asked if she could play it. "Uhh, sure." She replied, setting her violin gently down on her bed and reaching her arm out straight at her side, arm parallel to the floor. She stretched out her fingers across the room and a music stand came floating. It was already set-up and ready, so Kassie took the piece of paper and levitated it over to the stand as well, as she then adjusted the slip under the clasps of the black stand. She drew in a breath and studied the notes scrawled onto the paper. She adjusted her posture and sat up straight, raising both arms. One had the dark bow and was placed in front of the horse-hairs of the instrument, while the violin itself was at her chin as it was supposed to be. Taking in another calming breath, Kassandra began to play what Artorias had written.

"Don't worry lizzy, they won't hurt you" neko say reassuringly, As he does a hand getsture towards one of the squirrels. The squirrel then retracts its claws and jumps into lizzys lap. Once in her lap, it starts to purr and vibrate in her lap. "I think it likes you" neko whispers in lizzys ear.

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Elizabeth remained in her semi-ball of child as the animals began to gather around her and Neko. "I don't want to play with the animals. They are dirty! I wanted to play dollies!" It wasn't until the male had tried to be reassuring until the blonde had revealed her face a little more. He then does a gesture to a squirrel, and then it hops on her lap. She shrieks and pushes the brown and furry rodent off of her lap. She then jumps off of the couch and finds herself in a corner of the living room, before then scrabbling her way up a couple of the steps leading to the upstairs section of the house. "Get them away!" She pleaded, seemingly on the verge of tears while keeping a stoic stance, one of her small hands gripped onto the wooden railing of the staircase. The only thing Lizzy appeared to be was afraid, whilst trying to maintain a strong composure, but that clearly wasn't working.
"Cease creatures" yells neko as he snaps his fingers. Every creature was now nowhere to be seen. "I'm so sorry if I upset you, I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to make you happy I guess, because your the only one in the family that brings me happiness" neko says whilst blushing "come on let's go play with those dolls" says neko reaching out his hand to lizzy

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Artorias smiled then began to cry then he hugged Kassandra. "Th...Thank you so much, my birth father use to play that for me on his flute before I was put of for adoption. I was only like 3 but I still remember all the notes well enough to transpose them over to violin. I thought I would never here that song again, it's called cloud Atlas by the way."

Artorias sat silent for a moment then wiped away his tears, they weren't sad tears but they wernt happy tears ether. "Kassandra you're the best sister ever and don't let anyone tell you different ok. Ohh and I want to show you something. Meet me in my room." With that said Artorias smiled and ran of to his room.

Elizabeth slumped down on the fifth stair step, mortified to say the least, as she wiped her eyes from any impending tears that threatened to fall. "You're so mean to me..." She mumbled with hurt. She wasn't sure why she was so afraid of the animals from outside. They were just like her stuffed ones, but moving as if controlled with her animation, right? It could be rooted from something deeply psychoanalytical, perhaps, but the girl didn't know what or why. Plus, they looked nice enough. Then all of them left as Neko snapped his fingers and spoke? Then he told her that she was the only one that made him happy. "No I'm not. You were happy with Mommy earlier." She said with a frown. Neko then stood up from the couch and walked over to Lizzy. He reached out his hand for her to take, and she did so hesitantly and stood to her own feet. "But you don't want to play with them, you acted earlier!" She exclaimed, now confused with Neko.

"You no what lizzy, I don't want to be mean, it just comes naturally. It comes naturally when you know that NOBODY in this family accepts you and they don't understand what it's like to be a mistake. They don't know what it's like to know that your not human and that your just a science experiment gone wrong" neko yells as he storms into his room slamming the door behind him.

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Once Neko helped Elizabeth up, be then began shouting. Yelling about how nobody loves him in the family. The girl felt tears pool in her eyes as he continued to yell at her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and squeezed them tight, hiding her head and leaning away from. Instead of getting up and leaving, she remained on the floor, tears finally beginning to fall and roll down her cheeks. Lizzy began to whimper and make crying noises, until they became stifled wails after Neko had stormed off and left. The small girl kept herself in a tight ball, tears now streaming down her face and creating small puddles on the hardwood floor under and beside her.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Kassandra was a little shocked when her brother had hugged her out of nowhere, tears beginning to form in his eyes as well. She lowered her violin, and just sat there as the boy's arms were wrapped around her waist. "Yeah, y-you're welcome." She said with a sheepish smile as Artorias began to explain his emotions to her about the history on the song he told her to play. Her informed her of the name and she made a mental note of it before stealing his pencil and writing the name on the top of the slip. Kassie told herself that she would write it up to be official for him. "You're a good brother as well." She said with a smile, wrapping an arm around the boy's side as she placed her violin bow on the bed beside her. "Uh alright." She said, picking back up her instrument pieces and getting up from the bed. She put them on their racks gently before soon following him. As soon as exiting her room, she heard Elizabeth's crying. "Elizabeth? What's wrong?" She asked, hurrying to her sister's aid.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Artorias watched as Kassandra ran to the aid of there youngest sister, Artorias followed after her. He saw Neko there "What did you do to her" Artorias without even thinking had pinned the blame on Neko. Artorias tuned out all emotions and spoke calmly to Elizabeth. "Hey there Liz it's me Artorias it's been a while since we've played do you want to play with me and Kassandra." Artorias looked at her calmly but still showing no emotion, due to the fact he hadn't built up a strong bond with her yet. The only reason he was helping her was because she was the youngest girl in the family and Artorias was the youngest boy. @PlaguedWithInsanity
Iris was focused solely on her husband, awaiting to see shat it was he wanted. She was interrupted by yelling going on downstairs, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps on the floor. Immediately jumping up from her place settled on the end of the bed, Iris hurried her way downstairs, which didn't take long in the slightest.

Soon beside her young daughter as well as Artorias and Kassandra, Iris shifted a serious, concerned gaze between them all. "Who made her cry?" Iris immediately swept her little girl up into her arms and caressed her hair, gently rocking her. "Shhhh. Its okay sweetheart, mommy and your big brother and sister are here." Iris had no knowledge of what had happened, but if it involved yelling or lessening another's feelings, Iris wouldn't stand for it. She held her child close, resting her head against the child's. She heard that Neko had caused the issue, which brought her to blow her breath. "Neko....what did you say to her?"
" I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to make Elizabeth cry, it just happens. Getting angry and sad and mad and emotional just comes naturally when you know that nobody in this family can relate to you and they don't love you. And then to know that your adopted, and that your just a mistake, just a science experiment gone wrong. And you guys don't have to pretend that you love me anymore because I know you don't, I'm just a mistake" says neko, starting with an aggressive tone but then cooling down to a sheepish tone. "And I never meant to hurt you guys" neko says, with tears rolling his face.


@Mashiro Shiina


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