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Fantasy Mutagen

Katie Jensen

Satan's Little Angel
Hey this is where you sign up for the RP :) please don't God mod and be serious when creating you character :) You can join the RP once I'm happy that everything is in order (I'll reply to the posts don't worry)

When creating a character sheet please make sure you add the following things:(fields with * next to them are required)




Image of character: (if you don't have one it doesn't matter)

Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want)

Powers*: (up to 3 powers, don't god mod or be stupid with them please...)


Background: (not required but it is preferred)

Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)
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Ooh! May I play, like, a 'second-in-command' kind of character for the mutants? Like, if your character is to be sick or die or something, mine'd be the replacement. Not saying that would happen or anything, but just for my pleasure. xD
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Ooh! May I play, like, a 'second-in-command' kind of character for the mutants? Like, if your character is to be sick or die or something, mine'd be the replacement. Not saying that would happen or anything, but just for my pleasure. xD

Sure :) since you're the first person to sign up I'll allow it :) Make your character sheet :D
I'm making this so you guys know a little about my character :)

Name: Seraph (her real name will be disclosed later on in the RP)

Gender: Female

Age: 21


Powers: Advanced Regeneration, ultra speed/reflexes and super strength

Personality: despite leading a huge organisation of potentially dangerous beings, Seraph can be childish from time to time. When it comes down to it she can be really serious but when there's no immediate threat or danger she relaxes a little and becomes more friendly. If angered though you might want to hide (you can't run due to her super speed but you can hide xD ). She has been known to break things when she is extremely angry.

Background: Seraph was only a baby when Mutagen was first established. Her parents had created Mutagen as a safe haven for other mutants like them. For a while things ran smoothly, mutants arrived in droves and settled into the community and everyone was happy. On Seraphs eighteenth birthday soldiers from Russia, China and America co-ordinated a three-way attack on Mutagen, almost wiping out all mutants living there. A few managed to hide, Seraph being one of them. She was forced to watch the execution of her parents from her hiding spot and was later voted to be leader of Mutagen by the remaining mutants. In just 3 years she has rebuilt Mutagen and it's power and weaponry now rivals that of her enemies. She swore she would destroy her enemies and she meant it.
Name: Samuel Lockmiller

Nickname: He is known to everybody as Masquerade or Mask

Age: His real age is unknown, but he appears to be in his late teens/early twenties.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb919d863_download(19).jpg.8790ed51c8b7e19a97884c7fae38c21e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb919d863_download(19).jpg.8790ed51c8b7e19a97884c7fae38c21e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers: Though people suspect his powers may be some weird dancing powers, he actually got his names because of the mask he wears and the way he'll 'dance' with his enemies. His powers actually include the ability to echo whatever is used against him. So, if his enemy has the ability to control metal objects, Mask will touch that enemy and hold the same ability until he touches somebody else. If he is to touch somebody and temporarily steal their ability, when he touches somebody else or says a certain phrase, the ability will go back to the original owner. He is very flexible and athletic, easily moving around an opponent.

Personality: Because of all the secrecy about Mask, you'd think he is a serious person, rarely going against the rules but he is actually quite the opposite. He's bubbly and loud, actually quite annoying. It's a wonder he's the second-in-command anyway. He rarely takes things seriously and is always joking around. But he is completely loyal and a natural leader when he needs to be. He doesn't take no for an answer and does not hesitate to throw his life on the line to protect people. He's brave and courageous, a daredevil for sure.

Background: For such a fun-loving guy, Mask didn't grow up in a good environment. He grew up in the slums, people around him died from horrible things every day. Sickness. Rape. Murder. He grew up in fear. His father was a human and hated him for his abilities and made him use his abilities every day to prove that a 'mutant' could be useful to him. Mask became a killer. He was the one who killed people in his horrible neighborhood and he was good at it. He was a selfish, rude ass until he found Mutagen. He realized the horribleness of what he had done and ditched it. He ditched his birth name. His appearance was altered. He cut and dyed his hair, wore contacts to change his eye color. He became a new person and his strength was recognized, and he later became the second-in-command. Nobody to this day knows who he was before he became Mask and he wishes it to remain that way.



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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
Name: Samuel Lockmiller
Nickname: He is known to everybody as Masquerade or Mask

Age: His real age is unknown, but he appears to be in his late teens/early twenties.


View attachment 313179

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Powers: Though people suspect his powers may be some weird dancing powers, he actually got his names because of the mask he wears and the way he'll 'dance' with his enemies. His powers actually include the ability to echo whatever is used against him. So, if his enemy has the ability to control metal objects, Mask will touch that enemy and hold the same ability until he touches somebody else. If he is to touch somebody and temporarily steal their ability, when he touches somebody else or says a certain phrase, the ability will go back to the original owner. He is very flexible and athletic, easily moving around an opponent.

Personality: Because of all the secrecy about Mask, you'd think he is a serious person, rarely going against the rules but he is actually quite the opposite. He's bubbly and loud, actually quite annoying. It's a wonder he's the second-in-command anyway. He rarely takes things seriously and is always joking around. But he is completely loyal and a natural leader when he needs to be. He doesn't take no for an answer and does not hesitate to throw his life on the line to protect people. He's brave and courageous, a daredevil for sure.

Background: For such a fun-loving guy, Mask didn't grow up in a good environment. He grew up in the slums, people around him died from horrible things every day. Sickness. Rape. Murder. He grew up in fear. His father was a human and hated him for his abilities and made him use his abilities every day to prove that a 'mutant' could be useful to him. Mask became a killer. He was the one who killed people in his horrible neighborhood and he was good at it. He was a selfish, rude ass until he found Mutagen. He realized the horribleness of what he had done and ditched it. He ditched his birth name. His appearance was altered. He cut and dyed his hair, wore contacts to change his eye color. He became a new person and his strength was recognized, and he later became the second-in-command. Nobody to this day knows who he was before he became Mask and he wishes it to remain that way.

It all looks good :) Just make sure you don't go around stealing everyone's abilities xD So basically don't be an idiot with it okay? Does Seraph know his real name or not?
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Right! Of course. He can't anyway. He can only take one a time and whenever he touches someone else, the former ability goes back.

That's up to you! I don't mind either way. If she knows and keeps it secret or finds out in the roleplay.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Right! Of course. He can't anyway. He can only take one a time and whenever he touches someone else, the former ability goes back.
That's up to you! I don't mind either way. If she knows and keeps it secret or finds out in the roleplay.

She knows his name and only uses it when they're alone. She refers to him by his nickname in front of the others :)
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]That sounds good to me.

It's up to you xD it's your character name after all, what would you like?
No, no. I said it was up to you. It's your roleplay. I'm perfectly okay with either. xD
Name*: Aura

Gender*: Male



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/proxy-3.jpg.8ab7988e0b21aabb9f92ca6eb45f0ec5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/proxy-3.jpg.8ab7988e0b21aabb9f92ca6eb45f0ec5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: flight (due to the wings) enhanced reflexes and able to appear invisible when he stands or sits completely still.

Personality*: caring but ruthless towards enemies.

Background: (to be revealed )

Extras: hates being confined to small spaces like cages.



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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name*: Aura
Gender*: Male


Image of character:View attachment 313268

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: flight (due to the wings) enhanced reflexes and able to appear invisible when he stands or sits completely still.

Personality*: caring but ruthless towards enemies.

Background: (to be revealed )

Extras: hates being confined to small spaces like cages.

It all looks good :) You're in

Name: Lilyveth Riva Elunes

Nickname: Lily, Seaflower, Riv or Riva

Age: 19



Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual​


The power to manipulate the four natural classical elements. A combination of air, water, earth and fire elements. However, her power's are more inclined towards the control of the water element. Yet, she has a bit of experience with the other three elements, but she does not like to used them since her expierences with them have not been good ones.

Siren Song: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Animal Communication: Ability to communicate with animals. Lily has a very advanced control over this power.

Personality: Lily is very observant and quiet. She likes to keep mostly to herself and also likes to inmerse herself into her music. Yet, if she finds someone who she deems worthy of her trust and friendship she will be a bit more open towards them. However, even with this kind of personality, there are rare cases in which Lily can be seen acting a bit mischivieous and silly, mostly when she is surrounded by animals or when she goes to her favorite natural habitat, the ocean. Though, she likes to be positive and optimistic in any situation, she knows that the world is cruel and life is cruel thing that does not have mercy on anyone, so she does have her trusting issues with new people.

Background: Lilyveth is young mutant who grew up in a noble household. Her mother was a mutant and her father was diplomat of Ireland. When her parents met it was "love at first sight" even though Lily's mother was part of gypsie tribe. They quickly started a relationship and saw each other for a few years. They got married and had a beautiful child, Lilyveth Riva Elunes. Everything was fine, until said child turned five. Her mother;s genetics started to show and soon the secret of the mother was discovered. She was a mutant. And as soon as her father knew of her mother's secret, he decided they couldn't be together anymore. He loved her, yet he was someone important of the government and if anyone knew that he was involved with a mutant, it would be the end of his career.

So, her mother fled with her by her side towards her gypsie tribe. There the tribe decided to give her mother a place with them again, however there was on condition. She had to get rid of the child. Distressed and not having a clue what to do, Lilyveth's mother decided she should give away the girl. She asked around and soon found out of the new Mutagen organization. With a broken heart yet confident it was a good place to send her child, she left her on one of the members door, with just a small necklace with a guitar charm and note that said. "No matter what, just know that me and your father loved you very much, my little Seaflower." After that, Lily never saw or heard of her parents again. And now she was in what was like a safe heaven for mutants and from then on, she fought and work hard to be the young woman she was now.

(Still a bit of work in progress, have to edit parts of her history a bit)



+All musical instruments.

+Drawing and Painting

+Peaceful and Quiet Places


+A necklace with small guitar charm her mother left her


-People with no respect for nature, specially for water ecosystems.

-Spicy food


-Abusive behaviors towards others
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[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]

Name: Lilyveth Riva Elunes

Nickname: Lily, Seaflower

Age: 19



Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual​


The power to manipulate the four natural classical elements. A combination of air, water, earth and fire elements. However, her power's are more inclined towards the control of the water element. Yet, she has a bit of experience with the other three elements, but she does not like to used them since her expierences with them have not been good ones.

Siren Song: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Animal Communication: Ability to communicate with animals. However, Lily is new to this ability so she is not able to control

Personality: Lily is very observant and quiet. She likes to keep mostly to herself and also likes to inmerse herself into her music. Yet, if she finds someone who she deems worthy of her trust and friendship she will be a bit more open towards them. However, even with this kind of personality, there are rare cases in which Lily can be seen acting a bit mischivieous and silly, mostly when she is surrounded by animals or when she goes to her favorite natural habitat, the ocean. Though, she likes to be positive and optimistic in any situation, she knows that the world is cruel and life is cruel thing that does not have mercy on anyone, so she does have her trusting issues with new people.

Background: Lilyveth is young mutant who grew up in a noble household. Her mother was a mutant and her father was diplomat of Ireland. When her parents met it was "love at first sight" even though Lily's mother was part of gypsie tribe. They quickly started a relationship and saw each other for a few years. They got married and had a beautiful child, Lilyveth Riva Elunes. Everything was fine, until said child turned five. Her mother;s genetics started to show and soon the secret of the mother was discovered. She was a mutant. And as soon as her father knew of her mother's secret, he decided they couldn't be together anymore. He loved her, yet he was someone important of the government and if anyone knew that he was involved with a mutant, it would be the end of his career.

So, her mother fled with her by her side towards her gypsie tribe. There the tribe decided to give her mother a place with them again, however there was on condition. She had to get rid of the child. Distressed and not having a clue what to do, Lilyveth's mother decided she should give away the girl. She asked around and soon found out of the new Mutagen organization. With a broken heart yet confident it was a good place to send her child, she left her on one of the members door, with just a small necklace with a guitar charm and note that said. "No matter what, just know that me and your father loved you very much, my little Seaflower." After that, Lily never saw or heard of her parents again. And now she was in what was like a safe heaven for mutants and from then on, she fought and work hard to be the young woman she was now.

(Still a bit of work in progress, have to edit parts of her history a bit)



+All musical instruments.

+Drawing and Painting

+Peaceful and Quiet Places


+A necklace with small guitar charm her mother left her


-People with no respect for nature, specially for water ecosystems.

-Spicy food


-Abusive behaviors towards others

I like it :) you're in
The RP has officially started by the way guys, feel free to post whenever (if your character has been accepted)


Hanz Fredasvasch





Image of character

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/459a5cab266d35bb5b9791c4eea4b9cd.jpg.b9b51117c897387d39186444e57700cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/459a5cab266d35bb5b9791c4eea4b9cd.jpg.b9b51117c897387d39186444e57700cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Matter Manipulation

Hanz can manipulate the molecular composition of his body, which means he is capable of turning himself into a gas, or making his body as strong as steel


Lots of times, Hanz seems brooding and antisocial, but that's just because he wasn't born with a friendly face. Despite the fact that he almost never smiles and seems to glare at people a lot, Hanz is very friendly.


Hanz refuses to tell anyone about his past




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Daimao said:


Hanz Fredasvasch





Image of character

View attachment 313322




Matter Manipulation

Hanz can manipulate the molecular composition of his body, which means he is capable of turning himself into a gas, or making his body as strong as steel


Lots of times, Hanz seems brooding and antisocial, but that's just because he wasn't born with a friendly face. Despite the fact that he almost never smiles and seems to glare at people a lot, Hanz is very friendly.


Hanz refuses to tell anyone about his past

Looks good :) just don't be stupid with that power okay? Don't be a constant gas or add some kinda limit to the power if needs be, anyways you're in
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Looks good :) just don't be stupid with that power okay? Don't be a constant gas or add some kinda limit to the power if needs be, anyways you're in

Aye aye
Name*: Havoc Geno Bastion

Gender*: Male

Age*: 16

Image of character:

Sexuality: Straight


Control Dark Flames: This power was given to him at birth, so he knows how to manipulate this power more. This flames were brought down to him by his father, which is the reason he knows how to control it more. Havoc mostly connected to his father more than his mother. So due to this his dark flames are rather strong, but not super strong. These flames are the same as regular old flames, but with more strength and burning potential.

Control Sound Waves: This power he learned by his friend after he died (So original xD ). He learned at the age of thirteen and loves this power to death. This power is mostly used by Havoc and he will usually use it the most. This power conflicts with the enemy's ears and will make them bleed at times (sorry if to graphic). Havoc uses this power with headphones usually worn around his neck. He usually puts on his headphones and uses his Sound Waves with whatever music he is playing. So you better hope he is listening to peaceful piano music or else say bye to your ears.

Personality*: Havoc is high key a rebel at heart and hates higher-ups, who think that they are better than everyone. He is stubborn and is a shut-in, playing his games and messing with his powers. Low key he is a kind person, who will fight for the people he loves. He is a tsundere and doesn't show any love, unless you force it out.

Background: (Will be explained throughout the story)

Extras: Havoc usually listens to: Dubstep, Rock, Piano Music, and More.

He hates sharing his past, but you can force it out.

His past involves Daedric Princes from Skyrim so yeah...

Also this is my first rp so sorry if I suck.
TheWhiteScarf said:
Name*: Havoc Geno Bastion
Gender*: Male

Age*: 16

Image of character:

Sexuality: Straight


Control Dark Flames: This power was given to him at birth, so he knows how to manipulate this power more. This flames were brought down to him by his father, which is the reason he knows how to control it more. Havoc mostly connected to his father more than his mother. So due to this his dark flames are rather strong, but not super strong. These flames are the same as regular old flames, but with more strength and burning potential.

Control Sound Waves: This power he learned by his friend after he died (So original xD ). He learned at the age of thirteen and loves this power to death. This power is mostly used by Havoc and he will usually use it the most. This power conflicts with the enemy's ears and will make them bleed at times (sorry if to graphic). Havoc uses this power with headphones usually worn around his neck. He usually puts on his headphones and uses his Sound Waves with whatever music he is playing. So you better hope he is listening to peaceful piano music or else say bye to your ears.

Personality*: Havoc is high key a rebel at heart and hates higher-ups, who think that they are better than everyone. He is stubborn and is a shut-in, playing his games and messing with his powers. Low key he is a kind person, who will fight for the people he loves. He is a tsundere and doesn't show any love, unless you force it out.

Background: (Will be explained throughout the story)

Extras: Havoc usually listens to: Dubstep, Rock, Piano Music, and More.

He hates sharing his past, but you can force it out.

His past involves Daedric Princes from Skyrim so yeah...

Also this is my first rp so sorry if I suck.
Your character image doesn't seem to have loaded but everything looks good :) welcome to Mutagen, post whenever you want
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Your character image doesn't seem to have loaded but everything looks good :) welcome to Mutagen, post whenever you want

Oh okay thanks!
Name: Danny Bishop

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Image of character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7aae565e3e10a491ce3dda83d34b4ba8.jpg.dabac408f673054c699046a5edb45451.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7aae565e3e10a491ce3dda83d34b4ba8.jpg.dabac408f673054c699046a5edb45451.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His hair color black and gray eyes, his clothing is basically a black jacket, and a black tank top, a red tattered scarf, black boots and cargo green pants, including the mask

Sexuality: Bicurious?/ Bisexual

Powers*: Ghostly fire powers (the flames are actually cold is what I mean it just looks like fire and the color is a cyan color, it does burn though after a long period)

Personality*: A cooperative, mysterious guy who can sadly carry a stern look all the time, but in truth he is very friendly. Danny has nothing but anger bottled up towards his enemies mostly towards humanity for their lack of empathy. When it comes to humans he tends to snap but manage his cool unless the person attacks. He doesn't like to be touched by one nor have anything with his enemies. He's always on guard unable to relaxed. Deep down he's soft towards women and children regardless of his tone.

Background: Danny was born a mutant but his parents were killed off trying to protect him. He watched his parents die leaving a mark but not a bigger mark as the one when he watched his younger brother die after an argument and could not take the words back. He has blamed himself for so many years. Revenge fuels him but through the years he's come to control some of his temper and constantly remind himself why he continues living.

Extras: He carries sword with him for back up



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