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Musicians of these 20s


Usurper Trainee

"The Roaring Twenties were the period of that Great American Prosperity which was built on shaky foundations."

J. Paul Getty

1V1 rp between @MrNortherner and @HoodedMage
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Williams hummed softly fixing his hair the best that he could, peering into the cracked and dirtied mirror that hung almost in a sad slunch against the wall. His eyebrows furrowed a bit, the unruliness only allowing his hair to flatten so far.

“Should be good for now” He muttered, standing straight with a small huff of attempted pride.

His temporary home felt too small, dusty air almost like it could be haunted. But even if it was haunted, his daughter didn’t seem to have a care in the world for it. She inspected each corner, scouted any crawl-able space and drew the biggest, sideway smiles on the dirt caked windows.

“Emma” He cooed, walking across the wooden floor, swooping the young girl into his arms who let out an 'oomph!’ “Stay in the house, okay? I’ll be back in an hour or so you won’t be too lonely.” Williams put the wiggling child at one of the seats at a table. Emma nodded, she has never been much of a talker but she expressed a lot of her excitement and joy with the small taps of her finger and soft little hums.

William hesitated for a moment, this would of been much more easier for him if there was another to help, but there wasn’t much he could do, he couldn’t bring her. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her head before leaving, making sure to grab his jacket along before closing the door.

He made his way rather quickly to the address of the event, his shoes clicking along the steps as he made his way down the busy late evening streets. The sun barely peaked over the buildings, lighting up the sky with its bright and vibrant colors and having a low chill to the air cooling. Williams peered side to side, murmuring softly the streets trying to make sure not to get lost within this city. He held a death grip on the address paper as he approached what he thought was the correct address.

‘Deep breaths’ he thought and reminded himself, putting the paper away before reaching out. Williams knocked on the door a good three knocks before stepping back, restraining from straining his sleeves from nervous habit. But he allowed his fingers to lightly tap and on his side as he stood back, not wanting to forget for a moment where the notes are on the piano and how soft or hard he should go on them.
Jasper had planned this entire event down to the most minuscule detail. From the entrees to the style of napkins used. Everything had to appear perfect for the genteel guests. It had to be. Pale, soft hair was pulled back into a small ponytail before using the near white powder to hide the numerous freckles the covered his face.

"Relax and don't forget to smile." Jasper was nearly silent as he chanted this to himself. A smile already framing his lips into a polite, if not fake, smile as he greeted his guests.

The main halls were decorated in silver and gold with small dashes of black laced between the two colors. Sounds of violins and strings played out across the halls of his large home for a few of the waltzing first class that had come in earlier. So far, everyone was laughing and simply enjoying the party that was held for them. Caters offered them glasses of champagne, appetizers, desserts, nearly anything anyone of these pompous men and women could have wanted. Though, a few of the more of the older first class, remind Jasper that it was nearly up to their insane standards. 'Where were the servants?' or 'Where is the piano or singer?' each question increased the headache he was feeling and the ulcer that was undoubtedly forming.

Thankfully, the sound of the door being knocked was barely acknowledged to the first tier class he was housing. Moving over to the door, Jasper was quick to open the door. Spring green eyes looked down at the shorter man. Quickly realizing this was the pianist he had hired for the evening. "You must be Williams, please come in. I've been for you to get here." He was quick to usher the man in. His foot gently closed the door behind them as he lead the man to the ivory piano that sat in the center of the room.
Williams walked quickly to the other's urgent nudge into the building, careful not to make a fool of himself so easily within moments of meeting with the quick movements of his feet.

“Thank you, Mr. Howe ” The musician managed out as he took quick strides along to keep up before his attention was drawn away to the environment. Williams almost gawked at the awed glamour before him, just a singular hall so beautifully designed and dressed up is worth more than four weeks of working for him. He still held his goal at mind and spent only a moment to admire the place, not wanting to be rude to the man who hired him and continued on.

The people around in the halls and rooms defiantly left quite a rush of energetic feeling for him of an admirable moment, they seem like spiting people that need to-a-point result. William didn't worry though, it didn't make him panic as much as it did in the past. He took small breaths to keep himself from even going under pressure, kept his gaze towards were they were heading.

Williams moved as graceful as he could, his shoes clicking softly against the floor, quieted out by the strings that had played. He sight landed upon the piano as they approached the middle of the room. “Oh what a pretty thing,” Williams cooed with a chipper tone to his voice, gladly going forwards towards to piano "fine instruments you got here". He reached out, fingers brushing over the edge of of the soft wooden structure, it ventured down over the pale white keys and gently pushed down on it making it let out a whispered little ding of a high note. He gave a moment to look back at Jasper before back down at the piano.

It almost brought back small memories as he sat down in the chair, adjusting his sleeves like when he were to fix a machine of a sorts. With the piano so broad, Williams did not feel small or wary with it. He cocked a grin to amusement and started to enjoy himself a bit more amongst a crowd.

He peered up at the music rack on the piano, raising an eyebrow to the music sheets that laid so neatly on them. Difficult? Defiantly, but wasn't anything he couldn't handle, but it'll have to wait for a little bit. Williams waited for when the strings started to cease before his fingers hovered over the many white keys and started up the music once more. It carried on with the lightness of what the violins were playing, just a slow progression to a chipper tune in hope of not suddenly startling the people with the sudden music change.
Jasper simply chuckled a bit as he heard himself be called Mr. Howe. He didn't even have his guests call him that, though it added to the argument that he was uncivil. "You can call me Jasper, I'm not a fan of being called Mr. Howe." His voice was soft and hushed, the man didn't need these people thinking he was letting a hireling be allowed to call him by his first name.

The glance Jasper received from Williams didn't go unnoticed by him as he stared at the older for a second before being dragged back into the sea of socialites he was a part of. Focusing on the gentle sounds of the violins singing, the blond youth started to talk with a few of the women that had gathered around him like a flock of vultures on a carcass. His smile was forced, but he had gotten so use to the scene that it looked real enough for them. He didn't even notice that the strings had stopped until he heard the soft hum of the piano start up.

Pale green eyes turned to stare at Williams as he listened to the song the man was playing. Jasper didn't really know the name of the piece, though a few of the guests seemed to recognize it instantly. Even if he didn't know the name, it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the music as he felt his smile become much more natural. A few people, mostly the older couples started to dance to the song. The floor clearing enough to show the black and white checkered marble. One of the younger, and bolder, southern belles asked Jasper for a dance. Her makeup was perfectly done. Red painted lips and rosy cheeks were framed by black curls as she offered the man her baby blue gloved hand.

Taking it, he gently kissed the back of it. Gaining a soft giggle from the woman as he stood up straight. "Of course, my dear." In all honesty, he had no idea who this was. Vivienne something? It didn't really matter to him right now. All Jasper wanted to do was get closer to the piano to hear the song more clearly. So, walking to the now empty floor, he started to dance with this life sized doll. Her ruffled dress swished against the floor with every graceful steep they took. The host's black coat tails followed behind him as he dipped his partner ever so gently. The flock of social snobs that Jasper surrounded himself 'oh'd and 'ah'd at all the small steeps they took in harmony. But, his eyes went on the girl in his arms. They were on Williams.
His fingers danced quick and gentle across the keys, keeping up a nice tempo for the people who danced. It was quite a bittersweet feeling to play it, Williams wasn't entirely sure if people would recognize the song. But with the many dancing, it soothed him to know he wasn't the only one to know it. His eyes tracked the old-timed sweethearts who danced, the flowing of colorful fluttering skirts that circled around with a powerful stance of a man. He wanted to make sure everything was good, that the notes hit right with each swift move they make.

Williams avoided getting distraction with the many pretty peers within the crowds and movement, and focused more on how people seemed to feel. As far as he knew, people enjoying the conducting of the danceful music. It was a swell thing to see again, after what happened just under 10 years, the nation prospering and growing to be so vibrant and joyous with its music and loud chipper colors. He moved his body a bit, sitting up a little more straight, crossed his ankles and lean forward, making the cedar brown shirt strain a bit against his back. A little bit more umph into the tempo made it just about right to what this generation's pleasurement fitted.

He felt a firm slender hand on his shoulder, almost like bones of a skeleton grasping onto him, startling him slightly to the sudden touch.

"What song is this? My memory fails me at such things" A warm thickly voice said to his right. His hazel eyes didn't have to look up at the moment to know there was an old man with a peering curiosity asking him. Williams was careful not to stutter in his playing, he had it memorized for any sakes of accidents.

"It's just Rose Marie, transitioned a bit at the beginning to much the violins" His voice slivery and light with the response, relaxing slowly to acknowledgment.

the hand finally let go of his stiff shoulder and disappearing once again, probably back to a wife who wondered where he went. It took Williams some time before feeling the eyes on him. More like he found out with the little blue glimpse he would catch at the the left of his eyesight, standing out from the crowd. The player followed the feeling to meet a pair of light green eyes of Jasper's. Him dancing so swell with a pretty lass, Williams hoped that he wouldn't get his foot stepped on with not having his full attention on her. He almost letted out a snort, a young lady would gladly leave a bruise on a man's foot when eyes wandered, experiencing one to many times himself in the past. William slowly cleaned up the song to the end, giving a little nod at one of the other musicians to be ready once he finished, to allow him rest his hands.
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Jasper blushed when he saw Williams looking back at him. His heart pounding against his rib cage as he quickly looked back down at the woman in his hands. The flushed look that would have drawn question was thankfully hidden underneath enough white powder that there was no way to tell he was embarrassed at having been caught. Though the girl in his arms didn't seem to care at all. She was to focused at watching her feet than him. It was clear why as she misstep the next few steps. Jasper could already tell his toes were going to be bleeding after this party. But, he bore the pain well to save her the embarrassment of not knowing this obscure dance.

"I'm so terribly sorry, Mr. Howe." Her voice sounded like hand spun silk as she whispered to him. Another twirl and her dress came off the floor.

"It's alright my dear," His voice was soft and gentle as she walked under his arm. "And call me Jasper." With that he released the belle and bowed as she blushed and curtsied.

The piano music dying down as the strings began to sing a somber piece. Green eyes watched her scurry off to a group of her friends, giggling and talking about the whole ordeal. Rolling his eyes the man was quick to look over at the piano. His body already forcing him to walk over to Williams. This could literally be social suicide, but Jasper couldn't stop himself no matter how hard he wanted to.

"Mr. Williams," His voice was soft and kind as he called out to the pianist. Soft blond locks of hair bounced as he stopped himself at the 'professional' distance of four feet.
"Mmn?" Williams looked up to be greeted to Jasper's presence. He gave a warm smile, sitting a bit sideways in the seat to face him.

"Had a nice time dancing, Mr. Jasper? it wasn't one of the songs up here but it seemed people enjoyed themselves." He hummed as leaned over to to look at them, gentle touch of his fingers moving the detailed sheets slightly from another, eyes doing a quick curious scan over them. He had played one or two of them in the past for his daughter when she was little, but now it is almost up to muscle memory if he actually completely remembers the tempo and timing of where his fingers should be and how gentle or soft they should dance over the keys.

"Where do you find such songs? I haven't heard of theses for years, good tastes you have here" William peered up at the man.

He got to admit, the beauty of the party matches almost up to the one hosting it, him seeming to try his best to to. His hazel eyes just flickered over the other's shoulder to see the scrunch of noses and possible judging look of an irritable few, making him feel rubbed the wrong way. They may have a little bit more deeper pockets but Williams sees no difference between them and gruffians. Ignoring their unpleasantries for the moment, he keep his sights on Jasper, eyes studying his face a bit.
"I have a few connections to a couple of conductors, some are kind enough to send original works as a form of thanks." Jasper didn't even mention the dancing. He was fairly certain that the last dance had nearly severed his toes. "Others, I play'd before and I couldn't find it within myself to get rid of them. So, I just kept them and modified them for a violin." The intense stares the man felt were nearly enough to make him buckle under their combined weight of collective shaming.

Taking a deep breath in, Jasper was smart enough that to far away glaces it looked like a tiresome sigh. Green eyes stared down at the white finish of his piano as he tried to keep his thoughts off the hundreds of eyes he felt crawling all over him as he just gave a calm smile. "I was actually going to ask if you'd be willing to teach lessons," A few of the eyes looked away. Completely satisfied with that, the rest however seemed to get heavier. How could a man who made his fortune by making instruments not know how to play the piano? Whatever relief there should have been was replaced by the heavier sense of judgmental.

"I'd be willing to pay you of course."

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