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(I been waiting for the reply on my computer and it never updated...didn't noticed until I got on my phone right now....>->)
"If your sure...wait the kid? But he is going to be back at the camp not here.." Mezo replied putting Peter down as they hid from Dark shadow.

(Muscular was the one who killed his parents) Just as Muscular's fist went down to Kota Aqua jumped in, grabing the kid. As she grabbed Kota his punch nicked her. She pulled Kota close to her body as they tumble and slide through the ground a few feet. All the time Aqua kept the boy shield so he wouldn't get hurt.

Emma sighed in relif as the giant wasp disappeared. She just kept seated in place catching her breath before slowly getting up and dusting herself off.
(Oop) It was a long arduous fight that Izuku had gotten involved in. However even with full cowiling he couldn't win. Before he could use an attack that make his body Muscular was kicked in the face by a webbed wonder. "Peter! You shouldn'r be here!" Izuku said (just gonna say they saw eachother earlier) "You're Danger sense doesn't work right now remember!?" "I know! Doesn't matter." He looked at Awua and Izuku incredibly injured. "Aqua. I'm sorry and think fast." He threw a webshooter to her and proceesed to throw everyone off the cliff leaving just himself and muscular.

"Alright. People out of danger. Now I just have to... Argh!" He was nearlu sent flying off the clif as he was punched in the side by the villain.

"Fighting me by yourself little man? Not smart." He said.

"Probably not." Peter said. He was bleeding and bruised. Though his injury was hidden benath his self repairinf nanosuit. "But I'm not here to be smart. I'm here to save lives."

He threw himself at Muscular who just backhanded him into the wall. It went on like this for several minutes. Muscular was far stronger than the exahusted Peter who was even more handicapped by his lack of Spider-Sense.

"You can'r beat me little spider boy." He taunred to Peter who was struggling to stand up with a broken arm and leg. Even still he did so.

"I'm... Not... Going.... To...." He said. "I'm... I'm going to die... But that's okay..." He clenches his fist. "Because if I die here.... It makes it so that other people get to live... She gets to live... And that *agh*.... That's enough for me." He limped toward the villain but collapsed before reaching him.

~~~~~ (respond to tgis in chronological order if you please)

Izuku and Aqua after getting Kota safe got uo just in time to hear Peter's last words about keeping people safe. About keeping Aqua sade before collapsing. "How sweet." Muscular said. Then he raised both arms and hammered them into Peter's body. Peter barely let out a yelp before becoming motionless.

"NO!" His eye filled with tears of grief Izuku ran forward and proceeded to have his own fight with Muscular.

"I win." Devon said.
(before I reply when they saw each other did they say anything to each other? ya want to play it out...it slipped my mind ><)
(before I reply when they saw each other did they say anything to each other? ya want to play it out...it slipped my mind ><)
(He didn't give her chance to speak. The last words she heard him sau before being killed was basicslly the most of a good bye she'll get)
(He didn't give her chance to speak. The last words she heard him sau before being killed was basicslly the most of a good bye she'll get)
(yes I know that part...sadly. But was asking about the back in which you mentions that we just say they saw each other earlier)
Izuku and Aqua after getting Kota safe got uo just in time to hear Peter's last words about keeping people safe. About keeping Aqua sade before collapsing. "How sweet." Muscular said. Then he raised both arms and hammered them into Peter's body. Peter barely let out a yelp before becoming motionless.

"NO!" His eye filled with tears of grief Izuku ran forward and proceeded to have his own fight with Muscular.
Aqua could not escape fast enough with Kota as Muscular Kept them trapped on that overlook. That man was not only dangerously strong up quick too. Aqua was mad, upset, and scared, but she tried to keep a brave face for Kota, as Muscular taught them. She was a bit beaten and bruised but she kept herself up, and both of them away from Muscular. Aqua knew about muscular two years before the world went all wonky and the universes mixed Kota lost his parents to Muscular. Aqua's mother had been best friends with Kota's mother and Mandalay. So Aqua had been there for Kota as she had gone through the same thing with her parents a couple of years before. She kept up this game of keep-away with this horrid villain until Izuku jumped in and got involved in the whole ordeal.

Izuku shouted Peter's name to which Aqua didn't hesitate to turn to see. Her stomach and heart did a flip as she caught sight of him, she had been wanting for them to see each other, but not in this way. She had continued to chicken out, backed out of it, and continued to hide from him. After actually talking to Mandalay about why she had been acting so weird she had worked up a bit of courage to actually speak or try to speak to Peter but something always blocked her chances.

"Peter..." She managed to say his name but stopped from saying anything else as she found out from Isuku that his spidey senses were on the frits. Aqua looked back at Peter as he looked at her her eyes full of sower and longing for him as she had missed him dearly. " Peter, I'm sor..." Aqua had started to say that she was sorry as well after he had said so but he had thrown something at her, which she had caught. The fear of knowing what he was going to do quickly set in as she held the web shooter in her hands. "WAIT PETER DONT!" she yelled as he threw the three of them off the cliff.

As Aqua fell down the cliff her eyes water as Peter was left on his own to fight Muscular and she lost sight of him. She reached out with her tentacles to grab Izuku and Kota as she placed on the web shooter. She shot out a line and got them down to safety.


After getting Kota to safety Isuku and her did not waste any time making their way back to the overlook. But it was too late, they had gotten back too late. Aqua heard his last words as they ran over about keeping people safe and about keeping her safe before he collapsed. "NO!" Aqua yelled in complete pain and swore as Muscular hammered his fists into Peter's body. Everything completely froze around her as she was in complete shock. Not even noticing Isuku had run to proceed to have his own fight with Muscular.

Finally being able to move she rushed over to Peter's body. He was gone and Aqua completely broke down.


"yes you won" she stuck out her tongue at him "you didn't even break a sweat...your good at your combat magic...thank you for not going easy on me" Emma said with a smile.
"Because if I die here.... It makes it so that other people get to live... She gets to live... And that *agh*.... That's enough for me."
that part 😫😭😭😭
Aqua could not escape fast enough with Kota as Muscular Kept them trapped on that overlook. That man was not only dangerously strong up quick too. Aqua was mad, upset, and scared, but she tried to keep a brave face for Kota, as Muscular taught them. She was a bit beaten and bruised but she kept herself up, and both of them away from Muscular. Aqua knew about muscular two years before the world went all wonky and the universes mixed Kota lost his parents to Muscular. Aqua's mother had been best friends with Kota's mother and Mandalay. So Aqua had been there for Kota as she had gone through the same thing with her parents a couple of years before. She kept up this game of keep-away with this horrid villain until Izuku jumped in and got involved in the whole ordeal.

Izuku shouted Peter's name to which Aqua didn't hesitate to turn to see. Her stomach and heart did a flip as she caught sight of him, she had been wanting for them to see each other, but not in this way. She had continued to chicken out, backed out of it, and continued to hide from him. After actually talking to Mandalay about why she had been acting so weird she had worked up a bit of courage to actually speak or try to speak to Peter but something always blocked her chances.

"Peter..." She managed to say his name but stopped from saying anything else as she found out from Isuku that his spidey senses were on the frits. Aqua looked back at Peter as he looked at her her eyes full of sower and longing for him as she had missed him dearly. " Peter, I'm sor..." Aqua had started to say that she was sorry as well after he had said so but he had thrown something at her, which she had caught. The fear of knowing what he was going to do quickly set in as she held the web shooter in her hands. "WAIT PETER DONT!" she yelled as he threw the three of them off the cliff.

As Aqua fell down the cliff her eyes water as Peter was left on his own to fight Muscular and she lost sight of him. She reached out with her tentacles to grab Izuku and Kota as she placed on the web shooter. She shot out a line and got them down to safety.


After getting Kota to safety Isuku and her did not waste any time making their way back to the overlook. But it was too late, they had gotten back too late. Aqua heard his last words as they ran over about keeping people safe and about keeping her safe before he collapsed. "NO!" Aqua yelled in complete pain and swore as Muscular hammered his fists into Peter's body. Everything completely froze around her as she was in complete shock. Not even noticing Isuku had run to proceed to have his own fight with Muscular.

Finally being able to move she rushed over to Peter's body. He was gone and Aqua completely broke down.


"yes you won" she stuck out her tongue at him "you didn't even break a sweat...your good at your combat magic...thank you for not going easy on me" Emma said with a smile.

that part 😫😭😭😭
Something was clenched in Peter's fist. Am engagement ring. Before all of this he was going to ask her the most importanr question of all of them
Something was clenched in Peter's fist. Am engagement ring. Before all of this he was going to ask her the most importanr question of all of them
Aqua cried onto Peter's body she couldn't believe he was gone. She had lost her closest friend, her support and the person she loved. But she had already lost him that day she lashed out and pushed him away. And she despised herself for it. Now he was gone and it broke her heart completely. As she sat up noticing something in his fist. When she saw it was a ring she was confused but even more heart broken then if could even be possible.
Aqua cried onto Peter's body she couldn't believe he was gone. She had lost her closest friend, her support and the person she loved. But she had already lost him that day she lashed out and pushed him away. And she despised herself for it. Now he was gone and it broke her heart completely. As she sat up noticing something in his fist. When she saw it was a ring she was confused but even more heart broken then if could even be possible.
After the fight it didn't feel like anyone had one. Katsuki was gone. Izuku had had to inform everyone that Peter was dead.
After the fight it didn't feel like anyone had one. Katsuki was gone. Izuku had had to inform everyone that Peter was dead.
The camp was a disaster and everyone were to be sent home eairly. Those the ambulance came for Peter's body and took those gravely injured first. Class 1A were not taking it well when it was known that katsuki was gone it got worse when the news about Peter reached them.
The camp was a disaster and everyone were to be sent home eairly. Those the ambulance came for Peter's body and took those gravely injured first. Class 1A were not taking it well when it was known that katsuki was gone it got worse when the news about Peter reached them.
Everyone was semt home. With the students being told to stay home. And the pros being told to double their efforts amd find Katsuki if they could.
Everyone was semt home. With the students being told to stay home. And the pros being told to double their efforts amd find Katsuki if they could.
Aqua went to the hospital to get treatment for her cuts and two broken ribs. When released she went home. As her head touched her pillow she could not hold back her tears feeling the grief hit her.
Aqua went to the hospital to get treatment for her cuts and two broken ribs. When released she went home. As her head touched her pillow she could not hold back her tears feeling the grief hit her.
Logan left her alone. He had heard what happened and had his own calls to make.
Aqua kept to her room, crying until she couldn't cry anymore as she passed out
If there was any hope that the past couple of days were just a bad dream. She unfortunately awoke the next day to a news report that was acting as a tribute to the wall crawler.
If there was any hope that the past couple of days were just a bad dream. She unfortunately awoke the next day to a news report that was acting as a tribute to the wall crawler.
Here hopes of it all being a dream was none. She woke up the next morning to her phone filled with alerts. She saw it and saw the many tributes being given out towards Spider-Man. She just silent her phone and placed it on her bed side before slowly flipping to her otherside and pulling up her covers.
Here hopes of it all being a dream was none. She woke up the next morning to her phone filled with alerts. She saw it and saw the many tributes being given out towards Spider-Man. She just silent her phone and placed it on her bed side before slowly flipping to her otherside and pulling up her covers.
There was a knock on her door.
She groan covering her head with her blanket tightly around herself. "Please leave me be I don't feel like getting up today....don't feel very well.." she said not knowing why Logan would be bothering her.
"So... you don't want to hear about your chance to bring Peter back?" It was Ben's voice
"So... you don't want to hear about your chance to bring Peter back?" It was Ben's voice
"Logon please! I just want to be left alone!" She yelled out from under her covers. Aqua was quiet for a second 'that's not Logon. "Ben?..." she questioned sitting up "wait?!" She yelled. Aqua winced getting up and walked over to her door. It was slower then normally but she opened her door and looked up at Ben. She looked horrable, bruised and bandaged up and one could tell she had little sleep and had cried a lot. "Why do you mean being him back?..." she asked
"Logon please! I just want to be left alone!" She yelled out from under her covers. Aqua was quiet for a second 'that's not Logon. "Ben?..." she questioned sitting up "wait?!" She yelled. Aqua winced getting up and walked over to her door. It was slower then normally but she opened her door and looked up at Ben. She looked horrable, bruised and bandaged up and one could tell she had little sleep and had cried a lot. "Why do you mean being him back?..." she asked
"He's not gone forever. I know a way you cam bring him back. Oh this is Mirajane by the way. A friend of mine." He gestured to her
"He's not gone forever. I know a way you cam bring him back. Oh this is Mirajane by the way. A friend of mine." He gestured to her
Aqua felt hopeful "are you sure?... I dont want to ruin anything....a..and will it affect any other universes..." Aqua said holding on to her door as she leaned on it. She hadn't even noticed Mirajane standing there until Ben said something. "hi Mirajane " Aqua said softly as she looked up at the woman, she noticed she was quite pretty. "Hi dear," Mira greeted

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