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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"You're not natural!" He spat angrily. "Everything you do is an afront to Saiyans!"

Booker was keeping Sans and Bailey behind himself
"I know I'm not natural. I was given a second chance to live. I'm more than a Saiyan. I'm still human too. " he said and went to punch him in the jaw. " I'm a Saiyan. My family has shown me what that is suppose to be. " he said taking a quick glance at Pinto.

Bailey was jumping up and down trying to cheer Herb on. "Beat the meanie!"
"I know I'm not natural. I was given a second chance to live. I'm more than a Saiyan. I'm still human too. " he said and went to punch him in the jaw. " I'm a Saiyan. My family has shown me what that is suppose to be. " he said taking a quick glance at Pinto.

Bailey was jumping up and down trying to cheer Herb on. "Beat the meanie!"
Every word just seemed to make him more angry.

"Shut up child!" Cell said
Herb kicked him. "Got nothing else to say?"

Bailey stuck out her tongue at him. "You're a meanie too"
"DIE!" A red ball of energy began forming in his hand.

"And you're a light snack if you don't shut up. Maybe absorbing you will give me Demon Summoning powers." Cell said taking a step toward her.
"DIE!" A red ball of energy began forming in his hand.

"And you're a light snack if you don't shut up. Maybe absorbing you will give me Demon Summoning powers." Cell said taking a step toward her.
Herb stood back a step and began to do a Kamehameha. "Ka..me.."

Macy shot another bullet at Cell. "Leave the kid alone." Bailey hid behind Sans.
Herb stood back a step and began to do a Kamehameha. "Ka..me.."

Macy shot another bullet at Cell. "Leave the kid alone." Bailey hid behind Sans.
"Genocide Gun!" He shot the red beam at Herb.

Cell smiled. "Sans. So good to see you again." He said. Sans didn't say anything. He just kept himself between Cell and Bailey. "As for you, trigger happy lady. We need to teach you some manners."
"Genocide Gun!" He shot the red beam at Herb.

Cell smiled. "Sans. So good to see you again." He said. Sans didn't say anything. He just kept himself between Cell and Bailey. "As for you, trigger happy lady. We need to teach you some manners."
"Ha me ha!" Herb said sending off the energy attack.

(If cell absorbed a copy would he get the ability to copy? Cause only the real Macy can make them. ) "I know plenty of manners." Macy said making a copy. "I just dont like you threatening a kid." The copy answered.
"Ha me ha!" Herb said sending off the energy attack.

(If cell absorbed a copy would he get the ability to copy? Cause only the real Macy can make them. ) "I know plenty of manners." Macy said making a copy. "I just dont like you threatening a kid." The copy answered.
(No he'd have to absorb the original)
The beams collided in a colorful clash of energy.

Cell smirked. "You're really going to fight me?"
Herb slid back a bit but kept his footing.

"Maybe. You are partnered with someone my friend doesnt like so I dont see a reason not to." Macy shrugged.
"WHY DON'T YOU DIE!" Artichoke yelled.

"I'll tell you why." Cell said. "Without even trying I could turn this planet to dust."
"WHY DON'T YOU DIE!" Artichoke yelled.

"I'll tell you why." Cell said. "Without even trying I could turn this planet to dust."
"Because I got friends to be with here" he said.

"If you can do that then why are you here working with the saiyan" Macy asked. The copy still looked ready to fight, grabbing a gun from her bag."let's get this party started." It looked at Cell "him may need a few more copies to deal with you "
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"Because I got friends to be with here" he said.

"If you can do that then why are you here working with the saiyan" Macy asked. The copy still looked ready to fight, grabbing a gun from her bag."let's get this party started." It looked at Cell "him may need a few more copies to deal with you "
Artichoke fell to his knees and fell out of the transformation.

Cell grinned maliciously. "In the favor if sport you can go first."
Artichoke fell to his knees and fell out of the transformation.

Cell grinned maliciously. "In the favor if sport you can go first."
Herb fell out of his transformation as well. He walked over and offered him a hand up. "Good job."

"Sure I'm fine with going first. " Macy made four more copies, giving them each a number 1-5 now. She was at her max. Copy 3 looked at Cell "I dont think this is a good idea. " the other copies shrugged and went into into Macy's backpack for weapons. Now three had guns while the others had knives.

Bailey cheered. "Yay Herb won. " she looked over at Macy and cell. "They are going to fight now?"
Herb fell out of his transformation as well. He walked over and offered him a hand up. "Good job."

"Sure I'm fine with going first. " Macy made four more copies, giving them each a number 1-5 now. She was at her max. Copy 3 looked at Cell "I dont think this is a good idea. " the other copies shrugged and went into into Macy's backpack for weapons. Now three had guns while the others had knives.

Bailey cheered. "Yay Herb won. " she looked over at Macy and cell. "They are going to fight now?"
"Don't touch me." Artichoke said.

Cell was starting to laugh now. Pinto was looking concerned. Ready to step in.
"We both know she wont win." Herb said. "Cell has killed me. He'll kill her easily. It's all sport to him."

Copy 5 got grabbed, still trying to stab him. Copy 4 and 3 both had knives as well went to slash him.
"I know." Pinto said. "But if we intervene now he won't hesitate to kill her."

He kept his eyes firmly on copy five. And behan squeezing her hand. Slowly increasing the pressure more and more until the bone slowly, painfully, snapped
"I know." Pinto said. "But if we intervene now he won't hesitate to kill her."

He kept his eyes firmly on copy five. And behan squeezing her hand. Slowly increasing the pressure more and more until the bone slowly, painfully, snapped
"Guess you got a point" he said crossing his arms.

Copy five screamed out in pain dropping the knife. While Cell was distracted by five, copy four slashed him on the left side.
"Guess you got a point" he said crossing his arms.

Copy five screamed out in pain dropping the knife. While Cell was distracted by five, copy four slashed him on the left side.
She managed to cut him and he flinched ever so slightly. The wound quickly closed due to his regenerative ability. "You are the kost stubborn person I've seen. And I've met Vegeta." He said to Macey in a tone that almost seemed complimentary
She managed to cut him and he flinched ever so slightly. The wound quickly closed due to his regenerative ability. "You are the kost stubborn person I've seen. And I've met Vegeta." He said to Macey in a tone that almost seemed complimentary
"Hmm regenerative powers " the copy that slashed him said and went to cut him again. Copy 3 doing the same. Copy 5 the one with the broken wrist went over to 1, 2, and macy. Macy shrugged. "No clue who vegeta is." She aimed her gun and went to shoot for Cell's eye. "I'm stubborn just how I am."
"Hmm regenerative powers " the copy that slashed him said and went to cut him again. Copy 3 doing the same. Copy 5 the one with the broken wrist went over to 1, 2, and macy. Macy shrugged. "No clue who vegeta is." She aimed her gun and went to shoot for Cell's eye. "I'm stubborn just how I am."
He sighed. "This is getting annoying." He said. "Tell me how should she die? Quick and easy? Slow and painful?" His tail extended from his back. "Maybe I'll try out her self duplication for myself "

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