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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

A scythe appeared in his hand, it gave off a red glow. Conquest swiftly cut off the hand with Ben's Omnitrix. Red was off to the side. It was clear she was the one who made the weapon appear. She smirked.
Sage chuckled. "Looks like peter caught the guy."

"I wont, dont worry" she said

"Because I'm gonna take it. " he said. (Can I cut off Ben's hand?)
Peter was home soon after.

"Good seeing you." He stood up and went to leave.

Ben had gone to reach for the omnitrix but it was too late. Somehow this weapon had gotten around the Fail safe function. He screamed in pain falling to one knee holding the cut hand which spurt with blood.
Peter was home soon after.

"Good seeing you." He stood up and went to leave.

Ben had gone to reach for the omnitrix but it was too late. Somehow this weapon had gotten around the Fail safe function. He screamed in pain falling to one knee holding the cut hand which spurt with blood.
"Looks like you wrapped that up nicely. Is gordon ok?" Sage asked.

"Do you want help getting the money the guy owes you?" She asked

Conquest picked up the severed wrist with the Omnitrix. "You're just a pathetic human with out your little toy." Dabria went over to Ben. She put her hand on the wound to heal the injury so it would stop bleeding. It would take time to regrow a whole hand and she knew they didnt have that. A fire ball hit her cloak. Red smiled. "Hey Horseman, you're mine. I've always wanted to kill a god of death." Gods of death was how Conquest had described who the horseman were. Dabria sighed and focused her energy to heal Ben.
"Looks like you wrapped that up nicely. Is gordon ok?" Sage asked.

"Do you want help getting the money the guy owes you?" She asked

Conquest picked up the severed wrist with the Omnitrix. "You're just a pathetic human with out your little toy." Dabria went over to Ben. She put her hand on the wound to heal the injury so it would stop bleeding. It would take time to regrow a whole hand and she knew they didnt have that. A fire ball hit her cloak. Red smiled. "Hey Horseman, you're mine. I've always wanted to kill a god of death." Gods of death was how Conquest had described who the horseman were. Dabria sighed and focused her energy to heal Ben.
"He's fine." Peter said.

"I can manage." He said. "Don't worry I won't make it so he can't pay you."

Ben laughed through the pain. "Omnitrix self destruct thirty seconds! Code Zero-10-Smoothie!" The Omnitrix beeped. "Command recognized. Beginning countdown sequence."
"He's fine." Peter said.

"I can manage." He said. "Don't worry I won't make it so he can't pay you."

Ben laughed through the pain. "Omnitrix self destruct thirty seconds! Code Zero-10-Smoothie!" The Omnitrix beeped. "Command recognized. Beginning countdown sequence."
"That's good. " she nods. "So the guy really did want power I'm guessing "

Macy nods. "If you say so. " she finished her drink. " enjoy your vacation "

Conquest started pressing buttons to try to make it stop. "How do you stop this!" Dabria smiled looking at Ben. "Smart move." Red didnt like Dabria ignoring her. She tossed more fire balls at them. Dabria ignored her still blocking the fire balls with her cloak, making sure Ben didnt get hit. Dabria looked at Ben. "I stopped the bleeding for now. Cant do much else at the monent."
"That's good. " she nods. "So the guy really did want power I'm guessing "

Macy nods. "If you say so. " she finished her drink. " enjoy your vacation "

Conquest started pressing buttons to try to make it stop. "How do you stop this!" Dabria smiled looking at Ben. "Smart move." Red didnt like Dabria ignoring her. She tossed more fire balls at them. Dabria ignored her still blocking the fire balls with her cloak, making sure Ben didnt get hit. Dabria looked at Ben. "I stopped the bleeding for now. Cant do much else at the monent."
"He was obsessed with combat." Peter said. "Pulled a sword on Gordon and me. Not that he could really hit me."

"Will do." He walked out.

Reverse-Flash sped to Dabria vibrating through her cloak and tearing it to shreds in the process. He then stopped next to Conquest and the Omnitrix. "Drop it. If you can't have it. No one else will." He sped to Azmuth and crushed him dead.
"He was obsessed with combat." Peter said. "Pulled a sword on Gordon and me. Not that he could really hit me."

"Will do." He walked out.

Reverse-Flash sped to Dabria vibrating through her cloak and tearing it to shreds in the process. He then stopped next to Conquest and the Omnitrix. "Drop it. If you can't have it. No one else will." He sped to Azmuth and crushed him dead.
"Oof. He probably regretted that" sage said.

Macy nods and goes to walk around the town.

"Hey my brother made me that!" Dabria shouted. Conquest dropped the Omnitrix. He smiled seeing Azmuth get killed. "One less pest." Red smiled and summoned some demons. "Let me get rid of the other pests." Dabria looked angry seeing Azmuth get killed. Her skeletons wings popped out of her back. "Ben you should run."
"Oof. He probably regretted that" sage said.

Macy nods and goes to walk around the town.

"Hey my brother made me that!" Dabria shouted. Conquest dropped the Omnitrix. He smiled seeing Azmuth get killed. "One less pest." Red smiled and summoned some demons. "Let me get rid of the other pests." Dabria looked angry seeing Azmuth get killed. Her skeletons wings popped out of her back. "Ben you should run."
"Yeah. He did." Peter said.

There was a duel happening

Ben did as he was told. But he ran toward Azmuth's lab.
"Yeah. He did." Peter said.

There was a duel happening

Ben did as he was told. But he ran toward Azmuth's lab.
"Why did he kill Lawson?" She asked

She walked closer to watch the duel.

Conquest waited for the Omnitrix to blow up. Red smirked. "Come and get me." Dabria made a fiery halo appear. She tossed it at the demons before flying at Red. "Conquest is just using you." Red made a shadow chain pop out of the ground, attaching to her ankle and pulling Dabria to the ground. "So? He made me a deal. Sludge want to bond to her?"
"Why did he kill Lawson?" She asked

She walked closer to watch the duel.

Conquest waited for the Omnitrix to blow up. Red smirked. "Come and get me." Dabria made a fiery halo appear. She tossed it at the demons before flying at Red. "Conquest is just using you." Red made a shadow chain pop out of the ground, attaching to her ankle and pulling Dabria to the ground. "So? He made me a deal. Sludge want to bond to her?"
"He didn't. Lawson's death was an accident. He made potential employees fight it out for the job."

It was a classing gunslinger duel like in westerns.

The Omnitrix exploded sending him flying. Sludge jumped from Red and landed on Dabria's arm quickly enveloping it.
"He didn't. Lawson's death was an accident. He made potential employees fight it out for the job."

It was a classing gunslinger duel like in westerns.

The Omnitrix exploded sending him flying. Sludge jumped from Red and landed on Dabria's arm quickly enveloping it.
"That explains the injuries we saw. That is just so cruel to have them do that." She said.

She just stood off to the side to watch.

He got sent back. "At least I don't got to deal with that pest having it." Dabria looked at Sludge. "What is this parasite?" Red smirked. "My friend. Conquest hired us to kill you. He said he is done playing games with you."
"That explains the injuries we saw. That is just so cruel to have them do that." She said.

She just stood off to the side to watch.

He got sent back. "At least I don't got to deal with that pest having it." Dabria looked at Sludge. "What is this parasite?" Red smirked. "My friend. Conquest hired us to kill you. He said he is done playing games with you."
Peter laid back on the couch. "Peopke in gotham will do anything to for a better life."

Ben looked around the lab for something he could use. As he did he heard a voice over the speaker. "DNA imprint recognized. Welcome Ben Tennyson. Omnitrix signal not found."

A hologram appeared behind him of Azmuth. "Ben Tennyson, if you found this recording that means I am otherwise occupied, or more likely, dead. The Omnitrix you had is gone. Destroyed, I hope in an effort to keep it from someone else... You are a fool Benjamin Tennyson, but you are also the only one who was worthy of the Omnitrix, that belief is still held. Soon you will begin your own technological expansion of the omnimatrix device. But before such a time, my final gift to you. The final version of my greatest creaton." Ben looked back at a green glow.

Peter laid back on the couch. "Peopke in gotham will do anything to for a better life."

Ben looked around the lab for something he could use. As he did he heard a voice over the speaker. "DNA imprint recognized. Welcome Ben Tennyson. Omnitrix signal not found."

A hologram appeared behind him of Azmuth. "Ben Tennyson, if you found this recording that means I am otherwise occupied, or more likely, dead. The Omnitrix you had is gone. Destroyed, I hope in an effort to keep it from someone else... You are a fool Benjamin Tennyson, but you are also the only one who was worthy of the Omnitrix, that belief is still held. Soon you will begin your own technological expansion of the omnimatrix device. But before such a time, my final gift to you. The final version of my greatest creaton." Ben looked back at a green glow.

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"Yeah that's true" she nods. "They will risk life and limb to get to get to the top."

Dabria tried to shake sludge off her arm. She made her fiery halo appear again in her other hand and went to burn sludge with it. Red chuckled and walked over to the horseman. "Hmm conquest said you were strong..I dont see it. "
"Yeah that's true" she nods. "They will risk life and limb to get to get to the top."

Dabria tried to shake sludge off her arm. She made her fiery halo appear again in her other hand and went to burn sludge with it. Red chuckled and walked over to the horseman. "Hmm conquest said you were strong..I dont see it. "
"The top is safe. Relatively speaking." He sat up.

As sludge bonded to Dabria he saw into her deepest fears and desires.
"The top is safe. Relatively speaking." He sat up.

As sludge bonded to Dabria he saw into her deepest fears and desires.
"The top is safe until someone else wants it " she said.

He saw that her deepest fears was losing those closest to. Her brothers, Vita, her friends Sam and Sans. She didnt have much desires, she wanted a happy life with Vita, keeping the balance of all in check. Red just watched as Dabria put the fiery halo on her arm in an attempt to burn sludge off. Conquest dusted himself off. He had some burns from the explosion of the Omnitrix but was ok. He looked at reverse Flash. "Let's go."
"The top is safe until someone else wants it " she said.

He saw that her deepest fears was losing those closest to. Her brothers, Vita, her friends Sam and Sans. She didnt have much desires, she wanted a happy life with Vita, keeping the balance of all in check. Red just watched as Dabria put the fiery halo on her arm in an attempt to burn sludge off. Conquest dusted himself off. He had some burns from the explosion of the Omnitrix but was ok. He looked at reverse Flash. "Let's go."
"Yeah. Someone always wants it."

Reverse-Flash nodded. "After this you'll make sure I get what I need to kill the Flash."

As they disappeared leavig Dabria to Red Sludge fully bonded to her. And proceeded to force her to her knees.
"Yeah. Someone always wants it."

Reverse-Flash nodded. "After this you'll make sure I get what I need to kill the Flash."

As they disappeared leavig Dabria to Red Sludge fully bonded to her. And proceeded to force her to her knees.
"Indeed" she nods.

"Of course" conquest nods.

"Let me go.." Dabria said as she was on her knees. Red looked at her. "I really thought you would be tougher. Guess conquest was right. You are just a child. " red turned into her demon form. She used her claws to scratch her face. "Conquest said it would be best to make it quick. You or your family have a habit of coming back. Then I'll go after Ben."
"Indeed" she nods.

"Of course" conquest nods.

"Let me go.." Dabria said as she was on her knees. Red looked at her. "I really thought you would be tougher. Guess conquest was right. You are just a child. " red turned into her demon form. She used her claws to scratch her face. "Conquest said it would be best to make it quick. You or your family have a habit of coming back. Then I'll go after Ben."
"Good." Thawn said

"Speaking of comebacks!" A voice said. Fourarms hit Red punching her so hard it sent her flying.
"I'll keep my word. I promise." Conquest said.

"Ah." Red got sent flying.
They returned to Conquests hideout. "Well?" Albedo asked. "I gave you the information you needed. Where's your Omnitrix?"

Fourarm looked at Dabria and transformed without touching the Omnitrix. "Echo Echo!" He let out a sonic attack tearing Sludge off of her.
They returned to Conquests hideout. "Well?" Albedo asked. "I gave you the information you needed. Where's your Omnitrix?"

Fourarm looked at Dabria and transformed without touching the Omnitrix. "Echo Echo!" He let out a sonic attack tearing Sludge off of her.
"It got set to self destruct " he said.

Dabria stood up. "Thank you ben. There was another Omnitrix?"
"It got set to self destruct " he said.

Dabria stood up. "Thank you ben. There was another Omnitrix?"
"Tch. Tennyson. I would have thought he would give it to you tonsave Azmuth." Albedo said. "The frog is dead." Reverse-Flash said. Albedo stood up looking furious. "YOU IGNORAMUS! THAT WAS TO BE MY KILL! MY REVENGE!"

"Azmuth's last project." Echo Echo said sadly. "Fully unlocked Master Control, limitless energy, an enhanced evolutionary function."
"Tch. Tennyson. I would have thought he would give it to you tonsave Azmuth." Albedo said. "The frog is dead." Reverse-Flash said. Albedo stood up looking furious. "YOU IGNORAMUS! THAT WAS TO BE MY KILL! MY REVENGE!"

"Azmuth's last project." Echo Echo said sadly. "Fully unlocked Master Control, limitless energy, an enhanced evolutionary function."
"Calm down. I'm sure there are other versions of the frog you could kill instead." He said.

Dabria nods. " I see. " she went over and grabbed Azmuth's soul. She put it in the pouch on her belt.
"Calm down. I'm sure there are other versions of the frog you could kill instead." He said.

Dabria nods. " I see. " she went over and grabbed Azmuth's soul. She put it in the pouch on her belt.
Albedo backed off still staring daggers into Eobard.

Echo Evho turned to sludge. "One chance. Leave." Sludge did so.
Albedo backed off still staring daggers into Eobard.

Echo Evho turned to sludge. "One chance. Leave." Sludge did so.
"Good. At least I got one pest for sure out of the way. Hopefully that mage and her pet can get rid of the other." Conquest said.

"Ben I'm sorry..." Dabria wiped a tear from her eye, it was a normal tear, the bloody tears had pretty much stopped. "He didnt deserve to die." Her wings stretched out a bit and a pale looking feather fell from it.
"Good. At least I got one pest for sure out of the way. Hopefully that mage and her pet can get rid of the other." Conquest said.

"Ben I'm sorry..." Dabria wiped a tear from her eye, it was a normal tear, the bloody tears had pretty much stopped. "He didnt deserve to die." Her wings stretched out a bit and a pale looking feather fell from it.
"Don't underestimate Tennyson. Even without the Omnitrix he has skill."

He looked at Azmuth's body. "Conquest is gonna regret this." He said clenching his fists. "Azmuth believes in the natural order of things. He wouldn't want to be brought back."

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