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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"I got it. It's only a few hundred pounds. A body builder down the street looked so jealous."

He smiled and looked at the bored again. "let's see. looks like a protection job on another earth. 1890's era. yeah that works." He said ripping the paper off the board.
"Maybe you should be careful. We wouldnt want someone to piece together that you are Spider-man. " she said. The sigil on the wall glowed blue before fading away.

Bailey finished her homework several minutes later. She ran the papers to Sans. Some answers were clearly wrong but she tried. "Done! What's the job?"
"Maybe you should be careful. We wouldnt want someone to piece together that you are Spider-man. " she said. The sigil on the wall glowed blue before fading away.

Bailey finished her homework several minutes later. She ran the papers to Sans. Some answers were clearly wrong but she tried. "Done! What's the job?"
"Yeah probably." He said.

He looked at the homework. "we'll work on this more on the way." He said. "protection job for a some people on a different world. ready for your first space travel?"
"Yeah probably." He said.

He looked at the homework. "we'll work on this more on the way." He said. "protection job for a some people on a different world. ready for your first space travel?"
"But we got the place cleaned up pretty well" sage smiled.

"Yay space travel!" She smiled.
"Looks like it." He said with a smile.

"come on. i know a place where we can get a ride."
"Yep. Its home sweet home again. Now no one can enter unless we allow them to. Kaleb and my demons are free to enter and us two of course. Anyone else wont make it past the door." She said.

"Let's go!" She jumped up and down excitedly. Her demon skull hat almost falling off.
"Yep. Its home sweet home again. Now no one can enter unless we allow them to. Kaleb and my demons are free to enter and us two of course. Anyone else wont make it past the door." She said.

"Let's go!" She jumped up and down excitedly. Her demon skull hat almost falling off.
"Got it." he said. "Speaking of... you need a better name." He said looking at Kaleb. "I was thinking splice. Seeing as how you can splice your body with pretty much anything you come in contact with."

"careful." He said righting the skull on her head. "let's go." He took her hand and teleported
"Got it." he said. "Speaking of... you need a better name." He said looking at Kaleb. "I was thinking splice. Seeing as how you can splice your body with pretty much anything you come in contact with."

"careful." He said righting the skull on her head. "let's go." He took her hand and teleported
"Splice sounds pretty good to me" sage smiled.

Bailey smiled.
Sage nods.

Being the energetic little girl she was Bailey was running around the ship exploring.
"Now Kaleb, If its not too much trouble. I'd like to spend some quality quiet time with my wife." Peter said. Kaleb shrugged. "I'll get out of your hair. See you tomorrow." He said leaving them to their night. (Figured he'll leave them enough privacy to get up to whatever they want tio)

Sans just made sure to keep an eye on her. (This would be a good place for them to meet your bounty hunter girl that you made)
"Now Kaleb, If its not too much trouble. I'd like to spend some quality quiet time with my wife." Peter said. Kaleb shrugged. "I'll get out of your hair. See you tomorrow." He said leaving them to their night. (Figured he'll leave them enough privacy to get up to whatever they want tio)

Sans just made sure to keep an eye on her. (This would be a good place for them to meet your bounty hunter girl that you made)
"See ya tomorrow " sage smiled as he left.

(Oh yeah) macy had finally been allowed to leave Multi but Greta had kept her ship. She watches the kid run around. "Arnt you a little young to be on a ship." Bailey shook her head. "No I'm going to do a job!" Macy chuckled. "Whatever you say kid"

(Oh where you waiting for drag in supers?)
"See ya tomorrow " sage smiled as he left.

(Oh yeah) macy had finally been allowed to leave Multi but Greta had kept her ship. She watches the kid run around. "Arnt you a little young to be on a ship." Bailey shook her head. "No I'm going to do a job!" Macy chuckled. "Whatever you say kid"

(Oh where you waiting for drag in supers?)
(I was waiting on him yes. He has Doctor Strange) Peter walked over to Sage and wrapped his arms around her pulling her in for s passionate kiss. (and we'll leave those nights shenanigans up to interpretation)

"what about you lady? what you here for?" Sans asked.
(I was waiting on him yes. He has Doctor Strange) Peter walked over to Sage and wrapped his arms around her pulling her in for s passionate kiss. (and we'll leave those nights shenanigans up to interpretation)

"what about you lady? what you here for?" Sans asked.
(Lol ok) the next morning Sage woke up, she stretched.

"I have a job, it's no business to you " macy said. Bailey looked at her. "You're grumpy lady"
(Lol ok) the next morning Sage woke up, she stretched.

"I have a job, it's no business to you " macy said. Bailey looked at her. "You're grumpy lady"
Peter was still asleep next to her.

"yeah you should smile once in a while. i'm sans." He held out his hand to shake hers. (Bailey is gonna love sans pranks amd humor right?)
Peter was still asleep next to her.

"yeah you should smile once in a while. i'm sans." He held out his hand to shake hers. (Bailey is gonna love sans pranks amd humor right?)
She smiled and got up to get dressed before going to make breakfast

(Oh she would!) "Macy" she said and shook his hand.
She smiled and got up to get dressed before going to make breakfast

(Oh she would!) "Macy" she said and shook his hand.
Peter awokena while later and got dressed.

There was a loud flatulence noise as she sqieezed a whoopee cushion tied to his hand
(Uuugh. I feel like shit)
Peter came out of their room and kissed her cheek. "Hey."

"come on lighten up lady." He said.
(Why just not feeling well.) "Morning." Sage smiled

"Yeah come on. You got to laugh" Bailey said. Macy looked at them. "I got no times for jokes."
(Why just not feeling well.) "Morning." Sage smiled

"Yeah come on. You got to laugh" Bailey said. Macy looked at them. "I got no times for jokes."
(Fever. Coughing a storm. Dry heaving) "Morning honey." He said. "Smells good."

Sans looked at Bailey. "don't be like her she's a bad influence." He said with a wink
(Fever. Coughing a storm. Dry heaving) "Morning honey." He said. "Smells good."

Sans looked at Bailey. "don't be like her she's a bad influence." He said with a wink
(Oof take some rest, drink some medicine get better) "tastes pretty gold too." She said taking a piece of bacon and eating it.

Bailey giggled. Macy rolled her eyes. "Whatever"
(Oof take some rest, drink some medicine get better) "tastes pretty gold too." She said taking a piece of bacon and eating it.

Bailey giggled. Macy rolled her eyes. "Whatever"
(Freezing) He plated some food for himself.

Sans looked at her with a questioning look in his eye. "come on bailey lets fo explore some other part of the ship. let her get back to brooding."
(Freezing) He plated some food for himself.

Sans looked at her with a questioning look in his eye. "come on bailey lets fo explore some other part of the ship. let her get back to brooding."
Sage made herself a plate.

"Ok bye grumpy lady." Bailey said before running down the hall of the ship. Macy watched. "The kid should be careful. She looks a little young to be going on a job"

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