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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood

DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby was only confused as hell, tilting his head. Half of those things just went through his head, as he soon stands on the ground watching him. "Poyo?" Kirby acts niavely confused. Ari calms down panting deeply and snuggles into him shakily, slowly becoming tired and falls asleep in his arms dreaming good dreams at least
Cleus the Duosion cutely floated over to Ari and saw all of her scars, he then called out to Pansage to hand over some berries from the Tropius. He tosses him some, he then proceeded to crush the Oran berries with his psychic powers and then spread the juices of them all over her wounds and bruises to make them go away when she woke up.

Pac-Man nodded, " Don't worry about it Kirby! Just wish for something and the genie will make it happen! " he nodded approvingly as he pat Kirby's head.
When she woke up, She noticed that she was back to her human self but then noticed all her scars and bruises were gone. Ari smiled happily but then was confused about to who cured her body of them, as her ears flattened a bit and her tail wags. Kirby then looks at the genie and thought of his first wish, which was about the party idea he had about the decorations and themes
DemonGirl27 said:
When she woke up, She noticed that she was back to her human self but then noticed all her scars and bruises were gone. Ari smiled happily but then was confused about to who cured her body of them, as her ears flattened a bit and her tail wags. Kirby then looks at the genie and thought of his first wish, which was about the party idea he had about the decorations and themes
The Duosion was floating around the area, getting chased by a Doduo who wanted to play as it snapped it's beak at the little guy hoping to get his attention. North and the Wigglytuff were playing cards with the Scarftys, North was seen getting comedically creamed by one small Scraggy as he clumsily tossed his cards in destroying whatever North had set up. Wigglytuff couldn't stop laughing at him but Sawk just screamed as he fell backwards and kicking his feet in the air, " I thought I had that one!!! AAAAHHH!!! " he got back up and shoved in a bunch of poffins towards the small Scraggy. Snorlax on the other hand pat Ari on the head as he yawned and looked all relaxed.

The Genie cupped his ear and leaned in closer to Kirby as he listened to what Kirby was thinking, " Look kid, I can't do what you want unless you say, I wish...Fill in the blanks! So just say the word and your wish'll come true! "
sgtmickey said:
The Duosion was floating around the area, getting chased by a Doduo who wanted to play as it snapped it's beak at the little guy hoping to get his attention. North and the Wigglytuff were playing cards with the Scarftys, North was seen getting comedically creamed by one small Scraggy as he clumsily tossed his cards in destroying whatever North had set up. Wigglytuff couldn't stop laughing at him but Sawk just screamed as he fell backwards and kicking his feet in the air, " I thought I had that one!!! AAAAHHH!!! " he got back up and shoved in a bunch of poffins towards the small Scraggy. Snorlax on the other hand pat Ari on the head as he yawned and looked all relaxed.
The Genie cupped his ear and leaned in closer to Kirby as he listened to what Kirby was thinking, " Look kid, I can't do what you want unless you say, I wish...Fill in the blanks! So just say the word and your wish'll come true! "
(Yo, Can you check the cs sheet I applied for some pokemans)
Kirby looks at Pac man as if saying you do it, clearly he doesn't understand poyo. (Because reasons xD ) Ari smiled a bit and chuckles quietly, "Sorry if I interrupted your nap..." She replies softly thinking she was the cause of it, as her tail wags a bit. She soon looks over towards the Sawk and others playing cards and went to go see what they were playing
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby looks at Pac man as if saying you do it, clearly he doesn't understand poyo. (Because reasons xD ) Ari smiled a bit and chuckles quietly, "Sorry if I interrupted your nap..." She replies softly thinking she was the cause of it, as her tail wags a bit. She soon looks over towards the Sawk and others playing cards and went to go see what they were playing
Sawk then turned to Ari and waved at her happily, " Hi honey bunches! " he got up and hugged her! " How was your nap? I sure hope your ready for some fun today! We're mission free! So you're welcome to do whatever you like! "

Pac-Man just tilted his head and asked, " Can I act as his translator? " The Genie peeked down below as he saw Pac-Man, " Definitely a weird day in terms of who's finding me nowadays? Did I miss an apocalypse where only circle folk rule the land? If so, will I be killed for being an unnatural shape? " He shifted into a Kirby-like body but with his original face and a higher pitched voice, " Will this fare better? "
Mission Vao and Zalbaar

Mission picked up two pieces of paper she found in their home and walked to Zalbaar. As both looked at them, they weren't sure about it. When both wrote their name on it they found themself somewhere unknown. Both looked around to the rather strange place. After walking cautiously furter into the base.
Donder172 said:
Mission Vao and Zalbaar
Mission picked up two pieces of paper she found in their home and walked to Zalbaar. As both looked at them, they weren't sure about it. When both wrote their name on it they found themself somewhere unknown. Both looked around to the rather strange place. After walking cautiously furter into the base.
They were greeted by a new face this time, Mario the plumber himself was waiting for them as he welcomed them both with open arms, " Welcome to the Smash Brotherhood Base! I trust that all of you have read the contract that you signed so you know what we represent. I'd be happy to answer anymore questions that you might have about this place so please don't be shy about asking them. "
sgtmickey said:
They were greeted by a new face this time, Mario the plumber himself was waiting for them as he welcomed them both with open arms, " Welcome to the Smash Brotherhood Base! I trust that all of you have read the contract that you signed so you know what we represent. I'd be happy to answer anymore questions that you might have about this place so please don't be shy about asking them. "
Both looked at each other, then Mission looked towards Mario "What was written on it?" she asks the man. "And what is the Smash Brotherhood Base? And who are you?"

? Hitomi ?


RP Post

Hitomi was sitting under a bridge. No one knew why she was under there: She wasn't poor by ANY means, She had 2 friends to hang out with, and overall had many other reasons and possible scenarios for why she shouldn't be under the bridge. So...why was she under the bridge ? Only Hitomi knows the answer. " I am not ...social. And...i don't know what to do now . " She thought in her head, an noticeable frown on her face. It was getting harder and harder to control the power that she had within. She wanted to be normal. She never wanted the power she was given, but yet here she has it anyway. She is not arrogant or cocky, just wondering why did it choose her over someone that is considered worthy. She was isolating herself in case she had an accidental breakdown and the whole of Japan pays for it. She knew as a child that her powers were tied to her emotions and desires, that if she thought wrong, something would occur.

As she continued thinking about this, an note or piece of paper was riding itself on the wind from afar. She couldn't make out what it said from the distance, but could tell it was important just from the 'aura' it had. As she tracked where the paper was to land, it blew into Hitomi's face. She took the paper off of her face, and read it's contents. She thought it was questionable, but considering the things she saw for 11+ years, it definitely was not the strangest findings. She took an gold pen out, which she used to write in her diary, and slowly wrote the name: "Hitomi Ninome " on it. As she did such, she was transported to the place in question. She was quite shocked and frightened of how she ended up here, but curious at the same motion. She has been sent to places like Heaven and Hell, but never into an place such as this. " It's...nice. " She thought in an soft manner, observing the place, ruffling her skirt from the sudden drop and the fact it was a bit wrinkled.

As she wandered around, she could not help but be amazed at some of the things she saw. Due to her world being an carbon copy of the real world, some to the majority of these fictional inhabitants she recognized on the spot without an effort. She was acctually here for a long while, watching them from afar since Kirby and them decided to join, but remained undetected. She found out what was going on through stealthy techniques, including that the Brotherhood was being bombarded by a lot of powerful baddies. She also found out about the differing types of missions, both purification and recruitment. She felt Purification Missions were going to be her thing, especially considering that Good and Evil energies are essentially breaking the balance once again. She nodded to herself, knowing it was her duty as Guardian to maintain the balance.

As she continued observing, she noticed Mario and some other newcomer enter the fray. As she slowly but surely walked towards them, the hood making sure her face was not seen . " If you would like for me to , Mister Mario, i can help with some of the Purification Missions. " She said, her hood giving off an mysteious aura, but this person had an golden heart to help others, no matter what challenge she would face.


(Thank you for accepting my character, @sgtmickey , i shall be there to help you all straight away ^^ )

a bus pulls up near were every one is and scott piglrim,ken, and symbiot samus peek out the windows to see what is going on* scott: i wonder whats happening over there
anthonyofundertale said:
a bus pulls up near were every one is and scott piglrim,ken, and symbiot samus peek out the windows to see what is going on* scott: i wonder whats happening over there
Donder172 said:
Both looked at each other, then Mission looked towards Mario "What was written on it?" she asks the man. "And what is the Smash Brotherhood Base? And who are you?"
Mario turned around and answered, " Were just starting another orientation. Basically the contract said that you'd help us keep the galaxy safe from ultra powerful nutballs. I'm Mario the leader and head of this organization. "

? Hitomi ?


no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide
sgtmickey said:
They were greeted by a new face this time, Mario the plumber himself was waiting for them as he welcomed them both with open arms, " Welcome to the Smash Brotherhood Base! I trust that all of you have read the contract that you signed so you know what we represent. I'd be happy to answer anymore questions that you might have about this place so please don't be shy about asking them. "
It was at this point, Link appeared. Literally he just appeared. Blinking he looked around and gave Mario a wave. "Something going on or did Toon blow something up again?" His younger version, which was more like a small brother often caused trouble and he usually was the one to fix it.
Cell was sitting by the blood lake within hell, staring into its depths helped him think of ways to kill the Z Fighters. He never thought he could have been defeated, Dr.Gero had made him perfect and yet somehow he died at the hands of a Saiyan brat and his friends. He knew he wasn't the only one though so his pain was mildly eased by their failures. He took a deep breath and looked to the sky ready to power up so that he might train, even if dead he could still improve. He saw something floating his direction, his first thought was to blast it to ashes but upon closer look it appeared to be a letter. "Oh and what might this be?" He said as he grabbed the letter once it was close enough. It came to him so he decided it was obviously meant for him, but if he remembered correctly the dead never received mail. He decided to disregard the improbability and read the letter, his eyes scanned through the letter extremely fast. "A contract that will give me another shot at life.. well don't mind if I do!" He said as he dipped one of his claws in the lake and wrote his name in blood. Soon after he felt himself get placed somewhere else, he was no longer in hell from what he could tell.


(Hope I did this whole thing right xD )
Hitomi said:

? Hitomi ?


RP Post

Hitomi was sitting under a bridge. No one knew why she was under there: She wasn't poor by ANY means, She had 2 friends to hang out with, and overall had many other reasons and possible scenarios for why she shouldn't be under the bridge. So...why was she under the bridge ? Only Hitomi knows the answer. " I am not ...social. And...i don't know what to do now . " She thought in her head, an noticeable frown on her face. It was getting harder and harder to control the power that she had within. She wanted to be normal. She never wanted the power she was given, but yet here she has it anyway. She is not arrogant or cocky, just wondering why did it choose her over someone that is considered worthy. She was isolating herself in case she had an accidental breakdown and the whole of Japan pays for it. She knew as a child that her powers were tied to her emotions and desires, that if she thought wrong, something would occur.

As she continued thinking about this, an note or piece of paper was riding itself on the wind from afar. She couldn't make out what it said from the distance, but could tell it was important just from the 'aura' it had. As she tracked where the paper was to land, it blew into Hitomi's face. She took the paper off of her face, and read it's contents. She thought it was questionable, but considering the things she saw for 11+ years, it definitely was not the strangest findings. She took an gold pen out, which she used to write in her diary, and slowly wrote the name: "Hitomi Ninome " on it. As she did such, she was transported to the place in question. She was quite shocked and frightened of how she ended up here, but curious at the same motion. She has been sent to places like Heaven and Hell, but never into an place such as this. " It's...nice. " She thought in an soft manner, observing the place, ruffling her skirt from the sudden drop and the fact it was a bit wrinkled.

As she wandered around, she could not help but be amazed at some of the things she saw. Due to her world being an carbon copy of the real world, some to the majority of these fictional inhabitants she recognized on the spot without an effort. She was acctually here for a long while, watching them from afar since Kirby and them decided to join, but remained undetected. She found out what was going on through stealthy techniques, including that the Brotherhood was being bombarded by a lot of powerful baddies. She also found out about the differing types of missions, both purification and recruitment. She felt Purification Missions were going to be her thing, especially considering that Good and Evil energies are essentially breaking the balance once again. She nodded to herself, knowing it was her duty as Guardian to maintain the balance.

As she continued observing, she noticed Mario and some other newcomer enter the fray. As she slowly but surely walked towards them, the hood making sure her face was not seen . " If you would like for me to , Mister Mario, i can help with some of the Purification Missions. " She said, her hood giving off an mysteious aura, but this person had an golden heart to help others, no matter what challenge she would face.


(Thank you for accepting my character, @sgtmickey , i shall be there to help you all straight away ^^ )

Mario turned around and greeted her, " Oh, you're that Hitomi girl! So nice-a to meet you! So you're interested in Purification missions? That shouldn't be a problem, with new recruits from the Land of Ooo things have been running smoothly, feel free to ask one of them for help. We have a bulletin of heroes and reformed villains over there, just tap one of their faces and they'll teleport right to you to help you out, for now you should take this little guy to help you on your journey for Purification! " A little ape with a helmet equipped with an alarm on his head started waddlin' up to her and waving cutely.

" Feel free to go to the Guardian Database to ask for a certain hero to assist you on your missions, we just got Batman and Joker, were so excited to have them both on board for this! So were sending you to the Planet of the Apes to stop them from killing all the humans... "
ManyFaces said:
Cell was sitting by the blood lake within hell, staring into its depths helped him think of ways to kill the Z Fighters. He never thought he could have been defeated, Dr.Gero had made him perfect and yet somehow he died at the hands of a Saiyan brat and his friends. He knew he wasn't the only one though so his pain was mildly eased by their failures. He took a deep breath and looked to the sky ready to power up so that he might train, even if dead he could still improve. He saw something floating his direction, his first thought was to blast it to ashes but upon closer look it appeared to be a letter. "Oh and what might this be?" He said as he grabbed the letter once it was close enough. It came to him so he decided it was obviously meant for him, but if he remembered correctly the dead never received mail. He decided to disregard the improbability and read the letter, his eyes scanned through the letter extremely fast. "A contract that will give me another shot at life.. well don't mind if I do!" He said as he dipped one of his claws in the lake and wrote his name in blood. Soon after he felt himself get placed somewhere else, he was no longer in hell from what he could tell.

(Hope I did this whole thing right xD )
Gregory the cricket and Bubbles the monkey were walking down the halls when Cell appeared, " Oh hi man, fancy seeing you here! " he took his hand and guided him to the main hub! " Here we are buddy! The central base for all us guys around the multi-verse! " A couple of Pikmin were walking around holding the Dragon Balls as they teleported in. They put them in containers and sealed them away in the tightest safe in history, the Disney Vault.

? Hitomi ?


RP Post

Hitomi was thinking about what to do as of now. She learned a bit more about this situation she was in. As she was thinking, she pet the monkey thing slowly. She smiled to the thing , apreciating any and all help she can get. She got as much info as possible about this world as she could from the robot, then sad: " I think i will do this one..alone, if you don't mind. " She said to Mario, and left to visit the world in question.


(Thank you for accepting my character, @sgtmickey , i shall be there to help you all straight away ^^ )

Hitomi said:

? Hitomi ?


RP Post

Hitomi was thinking about what to do as of now. She learned a bit more about this situation she was in. As she was thinking, she pet the monkey thing slowly. She smiled to the thing , apreciating any and all help she can get. She got as much info as possible about this world as she could from the robot, then sad: " I think i will do this one..alone, if you don't mind. " She said to Mario, and left to visit the world in question.


(Thank you for accepting my character, @sgtmickey , i shall be there to help you all straight away ^^ )

(Were you meaning to repost that four times? .w.)

The world she was transported to was covered in insane apes running all around yelling and screaming, all with the same weird looking alarm helmets that the ape friend you had before was wearing, they were recording eachother making weird videos
Cell recognized Bubbles and Gregory from when he self detonated on King Kai's planet. He didn't care too much about the dragon balls those were something Frieza might have gone for. He looked through his files for the small yellow creatures but didn't seem to have a match, he assumed that this had to do with multiverse and they weren't from his place, after all he'd come from a future timeline. "So is that brat Gohan here? I have a score to settle so if you hurry up and tell me I won't bother with taking your lives." He remarked coldly still having a grudge dealing with his defeat. Perhaps they had actually forgotten who he was and needed a reminder of his power, Cell powered up enough for any objects nearby to tremble and shake before stopping to look at the monkey and cricket.

ManyFaces said:
Cell recognized Bubbles and Gregory from when he self detonated on King Kai's planet. He didn't care too much about the dragon balls those were something Frieza might have gone for. He looked through his files for the small yellow creatures but didn't seem to have a match, he assumed that this had to do with multiverse and they weren't from his place, after all he'd come from a future timeline. "So is that brat Gohan here? I have a score to settle so if you hurry up and tell me I won't bother with taking your lives." He remarked coldly still having a grudge dealing with his defeat. Perhaps they had actually forgotten who he was and needed a reminder of his power, Cell powered up enough for any objects nearby to tremble and shake before stopping to look at the monkey and cricket.

The Cricket poked at his halo, " I don't know if he knows that were already dead. If you want to fight Gohan go to Master Roshi's Island, he's vacationing there. " Bubbles asked why Gregory was so chill about telling him where he was, Gregory shrugged, " He wouldn't be allowed in here if he didn't have good in him, I'm sure it'll work out once he sees how powerful Gohan has grown. "
sgtmickey said:
(Were you meaning to repost that four times? .w.)
The world she was transported to was covered in insane apes running all around yelling and screaming, all with the same weird looking alarm helmets that the ape friend you had before was wearing, they were recording eachother making weird videos
(Lol meanwhile link is just waiting for mario's response xD )
Otakubeats said:
(Lol meanwhile link is just waiting for mario's response xD )
Mario shrugged, " He's still in Ooo right about now but are you interested in doing any missions right now? "
sgtmickey said:
Mario shrugged, " He's still in Ooo right about now but are you interested in doing any missions right now? "
"Sure. Long as he isn't causing trouble I'm game for whatever you need." Link may have the tri-force of courage, but loyalty to his friends was a strong trait in his personality. He'd do anything to help out friends.
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