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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood

DemonGirl27 said:
( *will just not come back* *doesn't know how to deal with this*
( ;W; NUUUUUUU please don't go away! I wuv kirby!!!!!!!!! I didn't know you wanted more sway over the rp!!! )
Donder172 said:


So Jake just kind of looked up at her a bit confused as to why she was so upset over nothing, " I uh....I don't know. What did you do? "
sgtmickey said:
So Jake just kind of looked up at her a bit confused as to why she was so upset over nothing, " I uh....I don't know. What did you do? "
Mizelia looks surprised as she was way closer than she wanted, saying low "Too close..." she then Force jumps backwards to get distance from the van. "Maybe I should stick with healing... since I am a Force healer."
Kirby didn't know what was going on as he was back to his old pink ball self, before walking over to Pac man and tugs on his hand a bit wanting to tell him something important while having an excited face squealing. Meta Knight put his sword back and sighed, thinking to himself while looking up at the sky 'The war is not over yet.....not by a long shot...' Pyro was checking out the dead crows and scarecrows, being a curious person she is
Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks surprised as she was way closer than she wanted, saying low "Too close..." she then Force jumps backwards to get distance from the van. "Maybe I should stick with healing... since I am a Force healer."
Jake stretched much larger crushing the van under his massive body, he then grabbed the drug dog and held them in his huge hands. " If you don't want me to blump up your mugs, you'll get the driz out of here! " the dog and hippie scarecrow looked at eachother and shrugged, " Yeah, we kind of don't want that... I mean, the only reason we're doing this is for our brother, we're vegetarians if you know what I mean, kay bye. " the dog and scarecrow floated away harmlessly.

DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby didn't know what was going on as he was back to his old pink ball self, before walking over to Pac man and tugs on his hand a bit wanting to tell him something important while having an excited face squealing. Meta Knight put his sword back and sighed, thinking to himself while looking up at the sky 'The war is not over yet.....not by a long shot...' Pyro was checking out the dead crows and scarecrows, being a curious person she is
Pac-Man smiled and pat the cute star warrior's head softly, " You little cutie! " he then looked a bit concerned when he noticed the adorable anxiousness in Kirby's voice and expression, the little guy was clearly trying to tell him somthing, he crouched down and put a soft gloved hand on Kirby's cheek and gave him a small smile as he nuzzled him closely, " Tell me what's on your mind little bro. "
sgtmickey said:
Jake stretched much larger crushing the van under his massive body, he then grabbed the drug dog and held them in his huge hands. " If you don't want me to blump up your mugs, you'll get the driz out of here! " the dog and hippie scarecrow looked at eachother and shrugged, " Yeah, we kind of don't want that... I mean, the only reason we're doing this is for our brother, we're vegetarians if you know what I mean, kay bye. " the dog and scarecrow floated away harmlessly.
Pac-Man smiled and pat the cute star warrior's head softly, " You little cutie! " he then looked a bit concerned when he noticed the adorable anxiousness in Kirby's voice and expression, the little guy was clearly trying to tell him something, he crouched down and put a soft gloved hand on Kirby's cheek and gave him a small smile as he nuzzled him closely, " Tell me what's on your mind little bro. "
"I hope that was it." Mizelia says, then walks towards the group, deactivating her lightsaber and putting it on her belt "Anyone injured or in need of medical attention?" she asks to the group. If one was injured, she could patch them up. Something she was more capable of than combat. Even the amount of violence right now was already her limit, at least she didn't had to go further.
Kirby squeals and hugs him happily, "Poyo! Poyo!" (Translation: We should hold a party for the new comers and the old ones that are joining us!!) He smiles at Packman happily wondering if he would like that idea before whispering in his ear "Poyo.." (translation: *whispers* But I want to surprise everyone...can you help me out please?) With a puppy dog begging expression
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby squeals and hugs him happily, "Poyo! Poyo!" (Translation: We should hold a party for the new comers and the old ones that are joining us!!) He smiles at Packman happily wondering if he would like that idea before whispering in his ear "Poyo.." (translation: *whispers* But I want to surprise everyone...can you help me out please?) With a puppy dog begging expression
Pac-Man smiles and cups his cheeks when Kirby hugged him and got even more happy when he saw the cute expressions on Kirby's face, " How could I say no to a face like that? Of course I'll help you out little guy! It's only fair...~ You've been a great help to us. " he then nuzzles you close to his forehead. He then sits him on top of his head, " But the only hitch is that we don't know what we're doing, how do you want to do it Kirby? "

Donder172 said:
"I hope that was it." Mizelia says, then walks towards the group, deactivating her lightsaber and putting it on her belt "Anyone injured or in need of medical attention?" she asks to the group. If one was injured, she could patch them up. Something she was more capable of than combat. Even the amount of violence right now was already her limit, at least she didn't had to go further.
Jake walked toward her covered in needles, being her armor he had to withstand a lot of damage, " Can I have some of that healing? It would be pretty nice right about now. " Jake's eyes were rainbow colored as he asked her this question, " When was my skin green? Or was it always green? I can't quite remember...BUTTERFLY BACON!!! "
""Special Private Yuichiro Hyakuya is ordered to the Lieutenant Colonel's Office immediately""

"Huh?" As Yu heard the announcement, he looks surprised. He stretched and made his way to Guren's Office. As he arrived there, he knocked on the door and entered the Office. He looks even more surprised as he saw Shinoa instead of Guren. "Shinoa? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Yu!" Shinoa said and smiled. She walked to Yu and stopped towards him, giving him a letter.

"What's this...?"

"A letter from the "Smash Brotherhood"."

"Smash what?"

"It must have been hard for you to understand the whole Demon thing, but this seems to be a bit harder. It's... well... a Multi-Dimensional-Organization..."

As Yu read the letter, he saw is sign on a dotted line. "HUH? SHINOA! YOU FAKED MY SIGN! ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME!!!"

Shinoa laughed at Yu and waved.

Yu slowly vanishes. "SHINOA!!!!"

As Yu woke up, he found himself in the Smash Brotherhood's Base.
Rayischo said:
""Special Private Yuichiro Hyakuya is ordered to the Lieutenant Colonel's Office immediately""

"Huh?" As Yu heard the announcement, he looks surprised. He stretched and made his way to Guren's Office. As he arrived there, he knocked on the door and entered the Office. He looks even more surprised as he saw Shinoa instead of Guren. "Shinoa? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Yu!" Shinoa said and smiled. She walked to Yu and stopped towards him, giving him a letter.

"What's this...?"

"A letter from the "Smash Brotherhood"."

"Smash what?"

"It must have been hard for you to understand the whole Demon thing, but this seems to be a bit harder. It's... well... a Multi-Dimensional-Organization..."

As Yu read the letter, he saw is sign on a dotted line. "HUH? SHINOA! YOU FAKED MY SIGN! ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME!!!"

Shinoa laughed at Yu and waved.

Yu slowly vanishes. "SHINOA!!!!"

As Yu woke up, he found himself in the Smash Brotherhood's Base.
Mickey was sitting at the chair and was looking at a screen, " Wait a second...I don't think they're not used to seeing cartoon mice in their dimension, they might be a bit jarred to see me. " When he heard the teleporter sound behind him he turned around and smiled. " Oh, you already made it here. Hello welcome to the smash brotherhood base. "
"...geez... wha-" as Yu saw the Cartoon mice, he looks shocked. "Am... I... dreaming?" Yuichiro stood up and stretches. "I'm dreaming, right? Yeah, I'm dreaming, that explains the whole Situation--

"You are not dreaming Yu..."

A voice said inside of his head.

"Asuramaru! What..."

"If this would be a dream, you would've seen me yet..."

"THIS IS NOT A DREAM!?!" Yu shouted and looks shocked. "WHERE AM I!?!" He shouted again and looks at Mickey. "YOU! WHERE AM I!?" Yu shouted at Mickey.

sgtmickey said:
Mickey was sitting at the chair and was looking at a screen, " Wait a second...I don't think they're not used to seeing cartoon mice in their dimension, they might be a bit jarred to see me. " When he heard the teleporter sound behind him he turned around and smiled. " Oh, you already made it here. Hello welcome to the smash brotherhood base. "
sgtmickey said:
Pac-Man smiles and cups his cheeks when Kirby hugged him and got even more happy when he saw the cute expressions on Kirby's face, " How could I say no to a face like that? Of course I'll help you out little guy! It's only fair...~ You've been a great help to us. " he then nuzzles you close to his forehead. He then sits him on top of his head, " But the only hitch is that we don't know what we're doing, how do you want to do it Kirby? "
Jake walked toward her covered in needles, being her armor he had to withstand a lot of damage, " Can I have some of that healing? It would be pretty nice right about now. " Jake's eyes were rainbow colored as he asked her this question, " When was my skin green? Or was it always green? I can't quite remember...BUTTERFLY BACON!!! "
"Hmmm..." Mizelia at Jake. "I think you're drugged... let me take care of those needles." she says as she start to remove them. After a while she removes all the needles, leaving small dots where the needles got into his body. She extends both hands towards him, which emit a small, soft light as she focuses on the Force and Jake, starting to mend the small needle wounds with the Force, making them slowly close. "Now, the only problem is whatever was in those needles and I don't have the equipment to test the substance." she adds, then thinks for a moment. "I don't think I can remove the substance here."
Rayischo said:
"...geez... wha-" as Yu saw the Cartoon mice, he looks shocked. "Am... I... dreaming?" Yuichiro stood up and stretches. "I'm dreaming, right? Yeah, I'm dreaming, that explains the whole Situation--

"You are not dreaming Yu..."

A voice said inside of his head.

"Asuramaru! What..."

"If this would be a dream, you would've seen me yet..."

"THIS IS NOT A DREAM!?!" Yu shouted and looks shocked. "WHERE AM I!?!" He shouted again and looks at Mickey. "YOU! WHERE AM I!?" Yu shouted at Mickey.

Mickey was puzzled, " I thought I just answered that... you're in the Smash Brotherhood base. The description was in the contract. Did you not read it? Well your in a hub world that's in the middle of all the dimensions in the multiverse, it allows us to travel from place to place easily. Are you sure that you're ready to join, you seem a bit new to all this. Perhaps you should take a minute to take it all in. "
Donder172 said:
"Hmmm..." Mizelia at Jake. "I think you're drugged... let me take care of those needles." she says as she start to remove them. After a while she removes all the needles, leaving small dots where the needles got into his body. She extends both hands towards him, which emit a small, soft light as she focuses on the Force and Jake, starting to mend the small needle wounds with the Force, making them slowly close. "Now, the only problem is whatever was in those needles and I don't have the equipment to test the substance." she adds, then thinks for a moment. "I don't think I can remove the substance here."
Jake just kind of lied on the ground limply, " Well I could have healed the needle holes in no time flat, it was the drugs that I needed removing! Ahh well, guess I'll just have to move like this for a while. " Finn rolled Jake up like a map, " I'll just keep him like this. "
sgtmickey said:
Jake just kind of lied on the ground limply, " Well I could have healed the needle holes in no time flat, it was the drugs that I needed removing! Ahh well, guess I'll just have to move like this for a while. " Finn rolled Jake up like a map, " I'll just keep him like this. "
"The only way I can do it here will take several hours if not half a day or more." Mizelia adds "It requires a lot of concentration as well."
sgtmickey said:
Mickey was puzzled, " I thought I just answered that... you're in the Smash Brotherhood base. The description was in the contract. Did you not read it? Well your in a hub world that's in the middle of all the dimensions in the multiverse, it allows us to travel from place to place easily. Are you sure that you're ready to join, you seem a bit new to all this. Perhaps you should take a minute to take it all in. "
"No... a friend faked my sign..." Yuichiro said and sighed. "Anyways: I'm sorry for bothering you, but it would be nice if you send me back to my world. I've things to do..." Yuichiro said with a serious expression.
While Ari was running away as a sylveon while trying to sign the letter she got, just as a kid threw a Pokemon ball at her she finished signing then fell to the ground in pain and exhausted. The pen and letter disappearing alongside her, as she was near Mickey and Yuichiro as a gijinka on the floor blacked out. Her clothes somewhat torn along with it being dirty, visible signs of scars as well as bruises to. Dae was watching two scientist talking to each other while Shay was signing their letters, he looks over at her "Done yet?" She nods as soon he gets up and puts her on his back. He yells at the two, "See yeah never!" Before they vanashined, Dae and Shay came from the ceiling falling down onto the ground. They both sat up groaning, before looking around wondering where they are at
Kirby thought about it before whispering to him his plan, he may look young and inexperienced but he sure does make a few great plans as well as ideas
Mizelia walks towards Kirby and Pac-Man, wondering who the others are she has to work with. Her lekku swing calmly over her back as she walks towards them. "Hello there." she says towards the two. "Am I interrupting you?" she asks after. Hoping she is not interrupting them in their conversation, though she is curious know who they are.
DemonGirl27 said:
While Ari was running away as a sylveon while trying to sign the letter she got, just as a kid threw a Pokemon ball at her she finished signing then fell to the ground in pain and exhausted. The pen and letter disappearing alongside her, as she was near Mickey and Yuichiro as a gijinka on the floor blacked out. Her clothes somewhat torn along with it being dirty, visible signs of scars as well as bruises to. Dae was watching two scientist talking to each other while Shay was signing their letters, he looks over at her "Done yet?" She nods as soon he gets up and puts her on his back. He yells at the two, "See yeah never!" Before they vanashined, Dae and Shay came from the ceiling falling down onto the ground. They both sat up groaning, before looking around wondering where they are at
"Huh..." As the Girl dropped to the ground next to him, Yu looks surprised. "What..." he scratches his head and sighed. He turns his head to Mickey again and sighed. "Soo... can I go back please? I dont want to know anything about the Brotherhood... Smash... thingy, that would only take time. I have to do more Important things..." Yu said with a very serious look in his face. "Sorry for disappointing you, though..."
Rayischo said:
"Huh..." As the Girl dropped to the ground next to him, Yu looks surprised. "What..." he scratches his head and sighed. He turns his head to Mickey again and sighed. "Soo... can I go back please? I dont want to know anything about the Brotherhood... Smash... thingy, that would only take time. I have to do more Important things..." Yu said with a very serious look in his face. "Sorry for disappointing you, though..."
Mickey sighed, " I'm not supposed to let you go once you've signed the contract but whatever, I guess it wasn't technically your signature in the first place so it's only fair. " he pressed a button sending him back to the world where he originated from. " I can't believe stuff like this is happening now, sending a contract to every dimension and only like three people show up and then someone puts on a fake signature...sheesh. So you're a gjinka right? Yeah do you want to use the teleporter to join the others? "

Jake turned into a tent, " Well I guess we're camping out for the night then because there's no way I'm traveling when I'm this sick. Do that magic on me, baby! "

Pac-Man listened closely to Kirby as he nodded his head smiling at the adorable jibber jabber Kirby was spewing out. It seemed that only Waddle Dee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight could understand what Kirby was saying. The strangest thing was Pac-Man was the only other person that wasn't a native to Dreamland who could understand what he was saying, Pac-Man tells Kirby that they're probably long lost brothers or something and he thinks that might be the case, it would certainly explain his relationship with Kirby, treating him like a baby brother. Pac-Man pat Kirby's head and stroked his cheek lightly like he would to a cute little guy like Kirby, " How do you suppose we pull something like this off? "

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