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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood

sgtmickey said:
It was then that a very old looking astromech rolled past you, it began speaking in bleeps and bloops, " Hello Jedi! Welcome to the Smash Brotherhood. A team of intergalactic warriors that fights for the light side of the force in your terminology. You are in the teleporter room, our gateway to countless other worlds and dimensions throughout the multiverse. Would you like to become acquainted with our team. A large portion of them are stationed in the Land of OOO. Would you like to join them? "
"I... guess I could join them. Who are you?" Mizelia asks the droid. It looked like a very old astromech model, perhaps a T7 series. A very known one since the Hero of Tython had one. Or perhaps this was a much older model. Maybe not even a T-series.
Donder172 said:
"I... guess I could join them. Who are you?" Mizelia asks the droid. It looked like a very old astromech model, perhaps a T7 series. A very known one since the Hero of Tython had one. Or perhaps this was a much older model. Maybe not even a T-series.
" My name is A1-13, I keep the M.I.I.'s in line and command where they are stationed and how many are sent. " many Mii fighters marched to a teleporter and warped to some sort of strange dimension. " What else would you like to know before you embark on your mission? "
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Kirby giggles happily smiling at Pac-Man's little joke and flails his arms around squealing wih delight, before first hugging Pyro then Meta Knight and then Pac-Man happily nuzzling his cheek against his happily having a surge of hope that he will find the chicken's daughter and save her!
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby giggles happily smiling at Pac-Man's little joke and flails his arms around squealing wih delight, before first hugging Pyro then Meta Knight and then Pac-Man happily nuzzling his cheek against his happily having a surge of hope that he will find the chicken's daughter and save her!
(I love it when Kirby flails his arms, it's 2cute...It's honestly amazing how well you play Kirby


Pac-Man smiles as he lets Kirby ride on his head again, he motions to Z to follow them. We soon made our way into a city like landscape filled with buildings and other things. This was where the chicken's daughter was last seen so we went into the mayor's office to see if he knew where she was. A blonde secretary glanced up from her magazine and she pushed her toothpick up against the roof of her mouth with her tongue as she stared at you for a second. She sniffed loudly as she bent over her desk and placed her finger with a noticeably long nail with red nail polish on it against a button that must connect to the intercom in the mayor's office. She was chewing her gum as she spoke into the microphone, " Mistah mayor, you got some visitors who want to meet you! They're talkin' about some sort of missin' bird. "



The doors to the mayor's office swung open revealing the mayor who was short in stature and was clearly going slightly bald. He wore a black suit and dark glasses and a suspicous looking mustache. " I understand that you guys are looking to find a lost baby bird, yes? Just check the lost and found, I'm sure she's in there somewhere. " the whole crew went up the stairs to the lost and found and found a small baby bird chirping. They grabbed it, " Wh-who are you guys? My name is Striggy! " we looked at the small bird. " I thought her name was supposed to be Chickie...? Right? " sounded out Joseph. We make our way back down the stairs and to the mayor's office, " Mister mayor this is isn't the chick we're looking for, we're looking for a chicken baby, I'm pretty sure this is just a yellow ostrich. " The mayor pat his chin, " Oh...there's two missing birds? That's odd...well I do remember seeing a yellow bird on her way to another town but she needed to pass through a cemetary to get there... " the secretary turned around and shouted from the other room, " You guys bettah be careful! I hear there's zombies on the loose! " Mintwing turned to the others, " Z-zombies? Oh great, I thought they went extinct a few years ago! "
sgtmickey said:
" My name is A1-13, I keep the M.I.I.'s in line and command where they are stationed and how many are sent. " many Mii fighters marched to a teleporter and warped to some sort of strange dimension. " What else would you like to know before you embark on your mission? "
Mizelia looks towards the fighters, this was probably war, something her own universe had enough of for over 4 decades "What is the objective of the mission?" Mizelia asks the astromech "And how does OOO look like?"
Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks towards the fighters, this was probably war, something her own universe had enough of for over 4 decades "What is the objective of the mission?" Mizelia asks the astromech "And how does OOO look like?"
" Well they're looking for additional troops for our army, as for OOO it looks unlike anything from our galaxies. Very strange and very ridiculous, they use forms of the force that have been yet to be discovered by the light and dark side. Like the ability to form ice instead of lightning for instance. If you choose to go there be prepared for creatures much different from anything you've seen. "
sgtmickey said:
" Well they're looking for additional troops for our army, as for OOO it looks unlike anything from our galaxies. Very strange and very ridiculous, they use forms of the force that have been yet to be discovered by the light and dark side. Like the ability to form ice instead of lightning for instance. If you choose to go there be prepared for creatures much different from anything you've seen. "
"Lightning is just one of the few things possible. For example, I do know someone who can make fire with the Force, which is called Pyrokinesis. I do think ice is possible. A Force ability to alter the environment with ice. Lightning is the most known because it's one of the most common ones. But fire is also possible, so I do think ice is possible as well. And I am ready, I think. I do have my bag with me, which contains enough food to survive for a few weeks and enough water to survive a few days on Tatooine, if rationed well."
Kirby tilted his head about zombies, he only read them in stories and comics. But seen a real life zombie! He squeals out in delight hopping off, Kirby then runs off to go find himself a zombie at the cementary. His little feet carrying him all the way, as he had a huge amount of adrenaline for some reason. Meta Knight and Pyro ran after him, making sure he doesn't get into to much trouble knowing that Kirby was still to young to understand things yet
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby tilted his head about zombies, he only read them in stories and comics. But seen a real life zombie! He squeals out in delight hopping off, Kirby then runs off to go find himself a zombie at the cementary. His little feet carrying him all the way, as he had a huge amount of adrenaline for some reason. Meta Knight and Pyro ran after him, making sure he doesn't get into to much trouble knowing that Kirby was still to young to understand things yet
(sorry, rp nation stopped notifying me on this roleplay for some reason, not sure why. also AHHHHHHH KIRBY (:3) i love your posts!!!!!!(:3)(:3)(:3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(<3)(:3)(:3)(:3) kirby is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTIE!!!)

Pac-Man turned around, " Woah! Hold on there little guy!!! What about the lost and found?! " Pac-Man rushed upstairs and got the small chick. He gripped the small bird and sped down the stairs and running to Kirby, " Kirby!!! Wait up, man! I'm old and fat! " His body somersaulted in the air and his appendages sunk into his body and he transformed into his pizza form. He got closer and closer to Kirby until sliding under him and having Kirby land on his head, " There you go! " he gave a sigh of relief. His hands reached out of his sides and grabbed Kirby gently. He turned back to his neutral form. " You gotta calm down my man. " he pressed Kirby's forehead against his own to help make Kirby less excited. He then revealed the cute little chick on his head, " I found the baby bird, Kirby. Now we can go back and take it back to her mom. "
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Kirby squeals and holds on with delight, petting the baby bird happily before looking over to where the cementary is and pouts wanting to go see his first zombie as he brought his small arms out towards the cementary wanting to see his first zombie. Meta Knight chuckles and pets his head, "Easy child.....you will see a zombie another day...who knows.....cheer up." Meta nuzzles his cheek against Kirby's quickly before moving his head away. Pyro smiles as Kirby smiles gleefully and squeals out in delight, since this was the first time Meta Knight would that with him
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby squeals and holds on with delight, petting the baby bird happily before looking over to where the cementary is and pouts wanting to go see his first zombie as he brought his small arms out towards the cementary wanting to see his first zombie. Meta Knight chuckles and pets his head, "Easy child.....you will see a zombie another day...who knows.....cheer up." Meta nuzzles his cheek against Kirby's quickly before moving his head away. Pyro smiles as Kirby smiles gleefully and squeals out in delight, since this was the first time Meta Knight would that with him
(GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS ;O; I'm so glad you joined this rp!!!!!!!!!!!! kirby is so cute! I wish he was my pet or something. (:3)(:3)(:3))

The bird began to chirp cutely as Kirby pet it, " Alright let's bring Chickie back to her mom. " The bird began to peck at Pac-Man's head, " My name isn't Chickie, ya donk! My name is Jennifer! " Jake shook his head having a double take, " Jennifer? Wait what? But that chicken said your name was Chickie! She's worried sick over you girl! " The chick shrugged, " I'm sure that's awful but my mom must be worried sick! " Finn with his hands on his hips nodded, " Yeah, she is. That's why we're taking you to her. " the chick blinked, " The chicken's not my mom. " Pac-Man took the bird off of his head, " But you're yelllow and tiny, I didn't steal you from your real mom did I? " The chick shook her head, " No, I'm missing but my mom is an ostrich like me. " Pac-Man scratched his head, " Okay, great so there's two birds missing their daughters...a golden ostrich huh? Weird place. I guess chocobos aren't too far off from you guys. " As the crew began to walk again Jake asked, " What's a chocobo? " Pac-Man put Kirby on his head and then placed the ostrich chick on Kirby's lap. " Guess we get to go to that cemetary after all! " but before our crew could make it to the cemetary, another obstacle awaited them.

Marceline stopped moving, she grabbed everyone, " Everyone stop what you're doing...we're being watched... " A scarecrow turns very slowly around on it's post to look at us. It grabbed a pitchfork and it slumped over off of the wooden perch. It eerily straightened itself out and hobbled towards a tree and leaned on the trunk. The scarecrow had a mohawk made of hay and wore ripped overalls. There was a seemingly innocent birdhouse he began to tap it to the tune of Ring Around the Rosie, when he got to the ashes part, black soot began pouring out of the birdhouse. It flowed throughout the air and formed into a sinister looking crow with soulless eyes, many more soot crows followed after and landed on the scarecrow's arms and pitchfork. The scarecrow began singing a creepy song in a ghostly raspy voice, " I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers... " as he passed his hand through the field, the crops it was protecting began to shiver and shake. " Consultin' with the rain.

And my head I'd be scratchin' while

my thoughts were busy hatchin'

If I only had a brain. " he slowly crept toward us as the crows flapped their wings as they squawked violently. The corn kernels began to drop from their cobs when the scarecrow ran his hands through them. The corn began to assemble into centipedes and they hissed and spat at us. "I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,

In trouble or in pain.

With the thoughts I'd be thinkin'

I could be another Lincoln

If I only had a brain.

Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore.

I could think of things I never thunk before.

And then I'd sit, and think some more.

I would not be just a nuffin' my head all full of stuffin'

My heart all full of pain.

I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,

If I only had......... a brain."

He said as he gave out a loud roar as he pointed at us. The crows then began pecking at him and attacking, " AAAGGGGHHHH!!!! Not me!!! " They continued to throw him and toss him into trees, " I try so hard to build up a creepy atmosphere and you guys just have to ruin it! Okay, stop stop...stop " they tilt their heads at him and tweet, " Them...get...them... " they squawked at him again, " Aw for the love of... " he brandishes his pickaxe and then he runs at us.

Pac-Man put his gloved hands on his hips and sighed, " Gracious! This isn't a bad appetizer before the zombies is it Kirb? I mean we got a neat looking scarecrow man and his army of crows. Pretty cool. But whaddaya say we make quick work of these jokers so we can make it to your zombie, huh? " said Pac-Man in a very care taker-y kind of way
Mizelia looks at the astromech, noting that she still have her back. For once, it was a good idea to forget it to put off when meditating. "So... how do I get to the others? And how will they know they will get reinforcements? I don't think multiversal communication is possible." she says towards the astromach. She wasn't sure what model the droid was, but she guessed a M1-series astromech, though she never heard of that series. Maybe it was a very old one, several thousand years old. Even 300 years earlier, they didn't use droids of that series. At least, that's what she heard. But she had to search about that later, first she needed to get to the others.

Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks at the astromech, noting that she still have her back. For once, it was a good idea to forget it to put off when meditating. "So... how do I get to the others? And how will they know they will get reinforcements? I don't think multiversal communication is possible." she says towards the astromach. She wasn't sure what model the droid was, but she guessed a M1-series astromech, though she never heard of that series. Maybe it was a very old one, several thousand years old. Even 300 years earlier, they didn't use droids of that series. At least, that's what she heard. But she had to search about that later, first she needed to get to the others.
The astromech merely rolled to the control panels as a small arm extended out and began twist around some small thing. " It'll be fine, I'm sending the message to them right now, they'll know you're coming. Now if you could, please step on the teleporter so I can send you to your destination please. "
sgtmickey said:
The astromech merely rolled to the control panels as a small arm extended out and began twist around some small thing. " It'll be fine, I'm sending the message to them right now, they'll know you're coming. Now if you could, please step on the teleporter so I can send you to your destination please. "
Mizelia nods and walks to the teleporter and stands on it. "Alright, I'm ready." She says, being ready to be teleported.
Donder172 said:
Mizelia nods and walks to the teleporter and stands on it. "Alright, I'm ready." She says, being ready to be teleported.
Your body was soon warped to the Land of Ooo, mid battle too!!! There was a gang of farm creatures mad of crops and a scarecrow as a ring leader. The rest looked kind of ridiculous but they were your new team
Ventus was sitting on his bed, cleaning his keyblade like he normally did after using a lot. After he was done cleaning it, he went to go put his cleaning supplies away when he noticed a letter on his dresser. 'I don't remember that being there,' he thought to himself. Curious, Ventus picked it up and quickly skimmed over it. 'Smash Brotherhood, huh,' he thought. 'Why not.' Ventus quickly signs his name on the dotted lines on the bottom. The next thing he knows, Ventus isn't in his room anymore. He doesn't know where he is at all.
Kirby squeals in delight and runs over to the scarecrow and crows, before sucking up a feather and became crow kirby (Just making this one up xD ). He was wearing a hat that had crow feathers on it, while his back grows small crow wings, plus his little arms had black gloves with the tips to have claws. He started to attack them, using an ariel attack. Meta Knight and Pyro joins in on the action, fighting them off along side Crow Kirby
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby squeals in delight and runs over to the scarecrow and crows, before sucking up a feather and became crow kirby (Just making this one up xD ). He was wearing a hat that had crow feathers on it, while his back grows small crow wings, plus his little arms had black gloves with the tips to have claws. He started to attack them, using an ariel attack. Meta Knight and Pyro joins in on the action, fighting them off along side Crow Kirby
@Red Reaper

Mickey was busy surveying a bunch of different dimensions when Ventus suddenly warped into the Smash Brotherhood main hub. Mickey blinked and turned around, " O-Oh! I didn't see you there... " he snapped his gloved fingers and ordered a broom soldier to take control of the world map and control the additional Mii's in the other worlds. Mickey walked towards Ventus, " Boy, am I glad to see you. We really could use another helping hand right about now. Right now we're scarily undermanned. Do you think you could join the rest of our best and brightest? "


Pac-Man laughed, " I almost forgot about Kirby's ability to do that! Pretty impressive isn't it? " Jake the dog gasped and stretched towards Kirby, " You and me kid!!! I wanna fight with the pink guy! " Finn rushed over, " No way Jake, this little dude is gonna fight with me! " Pac-Man sped over to Kirby's side, " Gentlemen, you're both great fighters but if there's anyone Kirby works best with, it's me and good ol' Meta Knight right here. "
Crow Kirby hasn't noticed as he was fighting along side Meta knight as well as Pyro, when Pac Man joins him he squeals in delight as the three musketeers were back in action. Kirby pulls Pac Man over so the three puff balls could fight together while Pyro was trying her best to hold her own
DemonGirl27 said:
Crow Kirby hasn't noticed as he was fighting along side Meta knight as well as Pyro, when Pac Man joins him he squeals in delight as the three musketeers were back in action. Kirby pulls Pac Man over so the three puff balls could fight together while Pyro was trying her best to hold her own
The scarecrow took out his two pitchforks and swung them around, " Looks like I have some scaring to do! " he stuck his arm out and the crows flocked to his arms and spreading to the pitchforks. The crows began to blend together and turning the pitchforks black as night and having the weapons grow exponentially in size. The scarecrow swung them at all of us, Jake jumped into one and grew large as well, " I got quips too! Uh... two can play at that ga- " the pitchfork crashed into Jake and knocking him into a barn house. Marceline floated to Pyro's side and fought back any stray crows that got too close. Pac-Man hopped towards Kirby and tossed him in the air, " Let's get you airborne little buddy! " he dashed toward the other pitchfork and weighed it down giving us an opening for an attack
sgtmickey said:
The scarecrow took out his two pitchforks and swung them around, " Looks like I have some scaring to do! " he stuck his arm out and the crows flocked to his arms and spreading to the pitchforks. The crows began to blend together and turning the pitchforks black as night and having the weapons grow exponentially in size. The scarecrow swung them at all of us, Jake jumped into one and grew large as well, " I got quips too! Uh... two can play at that ga- " the pitchfork crashed into Jake and knocking him into a barn house. Marceline floated to Pyro's side and fought back any stray crows that got too close. Pac-Man hopped towards Kirby and tossed him in the air, " Let's get you airborne little buddy! " he dashed toward the other pitchfork and weighed it down giving us an opening for an attack
Mizelia looks towards scarecrow, she wasn't sure what it was. But it was hostile, she grabs her lightsaber and takes a deep breath. She needed to stop it attacking before she could reason woth it. She starts to run towards it, using the Force to augment her speed and ignites her lightsaber, letting the green blade come out with a hiss. When in range, she aims a vertical slash at one of the pitchforks. Hoping to disarm the creature with as less violence as possible and to be able to talk this out.
Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks towards scarecrow, she wasn't sure what it was. But it was hostile, she grabs her lightsaber and takes a deep breath. She needed to stop it attacking before she could reason woth it. She starts to run towards it, using the Force to augment her speed and ignites her lightsaber, letting the green blade come out with a hiss. When in range, she aims a vertical slash at one of the pitchforks. Hoping to disarm the creature with as less violence as possible and to be able to talk this out.
The scarecrow staggered backwards as the Jedi sliced his pick axe. He tossed the pole aside as he swung his spare towards the girl, " A hopeless effort! " Jake the dog stretched out of the barn house, " More like a hopeful E fart! " Jake morphed his body into the shape of an E and farted in the scarecrow's face, Jake then wrapped his arms around Mizeila and turned into a suit of armor, " Wazow! Jake suit time! " it was different from the buff man getup that he gave Finn when he goes over his body, on Mizeila he made it a bit more slimming allowing her to be tons more agile but with the added abilities of Jake's stretch powers and added durability and strength.
sgtmickey said:
The scarecrow staggered backwards as the Jedi sliced his pick axe. He tossed the pole aside as he swung his spare towards the girl, " A hopeless effort! " Jake the dog stretched out of the barn house, " More like a hopeful E fart! " Jake morphed his body into the shape of an E and farted in the scarecrow's face, Jake then wrapped his arms around Mizeila and turned into a suit of armor, " Wazow! Jake suit time! " it was different from the buff man getup that he gave Finn when he goes over his body, on Mizeila he made it a bit more slimming allowing her to be tons more agile but with the added abilities of Jake's stretch powers and added durability and strength.
(did he stop the attack or is the pitchfork still going towards Mizelia?)
sgtmickey said:
(the fart made him pause .w. )

sgtmickey said:
The scarecrow staggered backwards as the Jedi sliced his pick axe. He tossed the pole aside as he swung his spare towards the girl, " A hopeless effort! " Jake the dog stretched out of the barn house, " More like a hopeful E fart! " Jake morphed his body into the shape of an E and farted in the scarecrow's face, Jake then wrapped his arms around Mizeila and turned into a suit of armor, " Wazow! Jake suit time! " it was different from the buff man getup that he gave Finn when he goes over his body, on Mizeila he made it a bit more slimming allowing her to be tons more agile but with the added abilities of Jake's stretch powers and added durability and strength.
Mizelia was surprised by the person as he wraps his arm around her and turns into armor around her. It was strange that someone just turns into armor, she wasn't sure if it would weight her down or if it will do damage to her. She was lucky that it didn't get around her head and lekku. However, she brings her attention towards the scarecrow again. She charges towards him with Force augmented speed, aiming a horizontal slash at the pitchfork, hoping to disarm the thing and to prevent it from doing more damage. "Surrender and we can talk this out without further violence or bloodshed." Mizelia says towards the scarecrow, hoping it will listen to reason.

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