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Fantasy more gems!

"Huh.....sounds like a nice guy...." Fin didn't like the sound of almost being eaten but he was still greatful that Tyler helped Eliza.

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Fin shook his head,"eh....no thanks...I'm the type of person who can hold any guy down while someone else does the beating or talking...." he sighed.

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Lucas nodded and walked closer to Gyga and asked him "what's your name, who ordered you to collect our gems, why does he or she want them, and finally, do you have anything to do with the bikers?" Gyga remained silent.
Fin thought Lucas was rather good at this,or better then he was anyway. When Lucas wasn't getting any answers Fin's scarf tightened its grip around Gyga nearing suffocating him now.

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Gyga "my name is Gyga. I hope the bikers aren't with me. Whoever they are. And I'm now telling you anything about Garc or his goals."
Fin smiled." Garc you say...hmmmm....." just getting a name and Fin already seemed satisfied," well then biker dude didn't seem to know you when he ran away from you so I assume they have nothing to do with you....wouldn't they know that you were out here to if they were?"

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"Alright." Fin nodded his scarf lifting Gyga easily ready to take him along,he sighed." Your such a pain..." he said glaring at Gyga.

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Seeing him smile Fin frowned and silently followed Lucas making sure not to lose his grip around Gyga a bit.

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After a few minutes they arrived. Lucas "hey, I brought a prisoner home. He tried killing Eliza and stealing our gems for Garc. "
Fin got Gyga inside and set him down on them ground still keeping him imprisoned just in case,he didn't speak since he knew Lucas would explain it all.

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Gyga began laughing. "More monsters will be here to rescue me before you get any information. Maybe another ally of mine, if I have any besides monsters. "
"You want to bet?" Aryhann said. "You are going to tell me everything I want..." she activated her gem, who was now more powerful. "Stop laughing and talk," she said in a cold voice.
Gyga quit laughing. "You mean talk like this? Talkity talkity talkity." He said mockingly.
"Oh no... You didn't really just did that? Yes you did!" Aryhann said. She used her new power, manipulation. "Say why you are here! Now!" she said.
Gyga "to kill anyone I want, and collect gems. Which that tiger guy could have told you, since he already knew."
Listening Fin saw this guy's task was pretty simple and pretty obvious." Why does he want our gems though....well I guess that's pretty obvious too..." He sighed, why would anyone want the gems other then for their power.

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