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Fantasy more gems!

"My name is Caricon, what is yours?" He then extended his hand taking it back as he heard a distant roar. "That too close for comfort," he then turned to the lady. "What's your gems power?"
Fin pretty much dragged Lucas by the hand leading him back to Gyga, but staying out of sight of him." I need you to attack him when I get his attention since I can't...."

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"Elizabeth, but people call me Eliza." A roar, must be Lucas. "I have Rose and Blood powers. Originally Rose. You?"

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Gyga just smiled and asked him "have a seen a tiger recently? I need to kill it." While Lucas continued sneaking around.
Tiger?....no,not that I know of....why?" He asked crossing his arms wondering why this guy would be looking for a tiger all of a sudden.

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Lucas was almost in position to attack Gyga from behind. Gyga "I just need revenge for a tiger stopping me."
Fin chuckled,"stopping you? Well if I did know where it was then I wouldn't tell you,sounds like this tiger's on my side..." he had noticed Lucas but didn't want him to move yet.

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Gyga "you'll be the bait then." He said while catching Fin in his skeletal whip. Meanwhile, Lucas was finally in position.
Fin'scarf protected him from the whips and wrapped around them keeping them contained."now!"

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Lucas jumped on Gyga, causing Gyga to forget about Fin. Gyga tried stabbing Lucas, but Lucas dodged and tried a flame roar.
Gyga turned back to Fin, finally remembering him, while Lucas attacked Gyga from behind again, causing him to revert to human.
Keeping still a good grip on Gyga Fin walked over and sighed," now what do we do with him?..."

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Lucas "we interrogate him for information. He can forget his question about the tiger because it's Tyler, I think I already told you about him."
Fin nodded,"yea...you told me a little about him...but why would this guy be looking for him?" He wondered remembering something about Gyga being stopped by him. Fin wondered where Tyler was at the moment as well.

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Lucas "in my last vision I saw what happened while Eliza was his prisoner. Just before he could kill her, Tyler appeared and tackled him. Immediately afterwards, Tyler disappeared. I assume he returned home, where he was strongest. "
"Oh...so...where's his home?..." Fin asked having no idea where he would live,though now knowing what happened Fin understood why Gyga would be angry but he was happy that Eliza was saved.

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Lucas "a temple in south America. He can manage teleporting himself all the time, but he can teleport others if he has stored enough energy, or a solar eclipse is happening. "
Fin smiled,"sweet~" being able to twleport olsounded very useful. He would've been able to catch that chain guy of he had that," so how do you know this guy?"

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Lucas "I don't know the guy we captured, but I met Tyler when he tried eating me, but randomly quit and gave me my gem."

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