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Fantasy Monsters & Humans (Closed)

JokerValentine said:
I will Obi-Wan your ass

akumashioni said:
No job is too risky, now overflow my pockets!
I don't have any money but I do have information as to where some very valuable things are kept....and a stolen amulet that wards against incoming wizardry and other shenanigans, so play nice or I'll cap you with a phosphorous round.
Olivia Acerbi] [IMG]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11124/111242221/4878431-8626626170-14413.jpg[/IMG] I don't have any money but I do have information as to where some very valuable things are kept....and a stolen amulet that wards against incoming wizardry and other shenanigans said:


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Name: Samantha Rejunsti

Age: 997

Species: Elf

Likes: Interaction. Music and creating things. Loving things and people (Friendly way 'wink wink')

Personality: Shy, but nurturing. Unforgettable. Amazingly intelligent. Intuitive.

Bio: Unknown.

Role: Wants to live in peace.




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Name » Sophie

Mortal Age »16

Actual Age » 268

Species » Harpy

Sexuality » Straight

Gender » Female


Natural Abilities

Harpies have thick, powerful thighs — a useful attribute for capturing smaller mates for mid-air coitus. Their feet are tipped with razor-sharp talons that should be avoided at all costs. Many 'victims' choose not to resist a harpy's attentions, in order to protect themselves.



Acute Eyesight



Sharp Talons

Tight Grip



High Mountains






Fruit Trees





Raw Meat


Sophie is a 5 foot 7 inch tall harpy, with an average body and soft, unremarkable flesh. Sophie is currently wearing a red, high-society bodysuit and beautiful sword as a weapon. Her face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw the attention of males. Her very long, brown feather-hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well.

Sophie has a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large, feathery wings sprout from her back. Though she usually keep the brown-colored wings folded close, they can unfurl to allow her to soar as gracefully as a harpy. Feathers hang off her arms from shoulder to wrist, giving them a slightly wing-like look. She has noticeable hips that draw the attention of those around her, and her shapely butt fills out her clothing nicely. A tail of feathers fans out from just above her full butt, twitching instinctively to help guide her if she were to take flight. Her legs are covered with brown plumage. Thankfully the thick, powerful thighs are perfect for launching her into the air, and her feet remain mostly human, even if they are two-toed and tipped with talons.


Unable To Move *Weakness*






People *Fright*


Treated *Flaws*

Bird Seeds

Treated like a pet

Harm *Weakness*

Bruised Wings

Broken Wings

[QUOTE="Takenaka Emika]

Name » Sophie

Mortal Age »16

Actual Age » 268

Species » Harpy

Sexuality » Straight

Gender » Female


Natural Abilities

Harpies have thick, powerful thighs — a useful attribute for capturing smaller mates for mid-air coitus. Their feet are tipped with razor-sharp talons that should be avoided at all costs. Many 'victims' choose not to resist a harpy's attentions, in order to protect themselves.



Acute Eyesight



Sharp Talons

Tight Grip



High Mountains






Fruit Trees





Raw Meat


Sophie is a 5 foot 7 inch tall harpy, with an average body and soft, unremarkable flesh. Sophie is currently wearing a red, high-society bodysuit and beautiful sword as a weapon. Her face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw the attention of males. Her very long, brown feather-hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well.

Sophie has a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large, feathery wings sprout from her back. Though she usually keep the brown-colored wings folded close, they can unfurl to allow her to soar as gracefully as a harpy. Feathers hang off her arms from shoulder to wrist, giving them a slightly wing-like look. She has noticeable hips that draw the attention of those around her, and her shapely butt fills out her clothing nicely. A tail of feathers fans out from just above her full butt, twitching instinctively to help guide her if she were to take flight. Her legs are covered with brown plumage. Thankfully the thick, powerful thighs are perfect for launching her into the air, and her feet remain mostly human, even if they are two-toed and tipped with talons.


Unable To Move *Weakness*






People *Fright*


Treated *Flaws*

Bird Seeds

Treated like a pet

Harm *Weakness*

Bruised Wings

Broken Wings

You're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!

Name: Rei Kiro.

Unknown, but holds the appearance of 18.



World Traveler.


+hugging Nia and Jay

+occasionally kissing Nia and Jay

+Seeing Jay and Nia smile

+knowing Jay and Nia are okay

-being disliked by Jay or Nia

-Hurting Jay or Nia

-Seeing Jay or Nia hurt

-Seeing Jay or Nia sad.


Rei is a world traveler... not just in the sense that Rei had traveled the world. But more along the lines of someone who has crossed dimensions, different realities and whatever else you want to call it. Point is, Rei has been to all sorts of other worlds and universes. Rei as a world traveler was born with a power appropriate for one who travels across different worlds with many different evils. Rei doesn't really have any early memories of before the age of twelve... the same age he found out he was a world traveler.

It might be stange for someone to meet a world traveler that changes from a fully male form to a fully female form randomly. But the easiest way to explain it is that Rei is part of a race whose gender switches between Male and Female... until they develop feelings for someone. If the person they fall for is Male, the Rei's body will start to stick to its female form until Rei eventually loses the ability to switch genders. Same happens in the case of if Rei develops feels for a Female, except his body with start to stick to Male form.

In the instants before Rei's body changes gender. A thick could of mist forms from out of nowhere and swirls around Rei briefly. After only a minute the mist disappears just as suddenly as it appears, leaving Rei in Female form if he was previously in Male form and vice versa.

Rei since meeting up with the group and fallen in love with Nia and Jay. Rei doesn't hold back in openly showing her affection for the both of them. However, Rei still treats the rest of the group with a slightly distanced demeanor. Except for her friend Dei-Loki.


Advanced level Telekinesis


Over Use can lead to unconsciousness or in sever cases... death.


Neutral. as a world traveler, Rei can simply leave whenever he wants for a different world.

Weapons (optional):

Rei whether it be male or female form. He/She prefers using a deck of cards as her/his weapon if choice.

(yes. the same cards seen in both appearance pics) Rei does this by using his/her telekinesis to harden and move the cards at extreme speeds. This combo means the cards can either be projectiles or just by hardening the cards, they can become an impregnable shield or blade.


Theme song(because why not?): (will add later if i remember)
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Over Use can lead to unconsciousness or in sever cases... death.


Neutral. as a world traveler, Rei can simply leave whenever he wants for a different world.

Weapons (optional):

Rei whether it be male or female form. He/She prefers using a deck of cards as her/his weapon if choice.

(yes. the same cards seen in both appearance pics) Rei does this by using his/her telekinesis to harden and move the cards at extreme speeds. This combo means the cards can either be projectiles or just by hardening the cards, they can become an impregnable shield or blade.


Theme song(because why not?): (will add later if i remember)
You're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
JayJin said:


Age: 25

Species: goliath

Likes: large firearms, good drinks ,reliable friends, justice

Dislikes: people who don't respect his authority

Bio: When he was young he was saved form some racist human by an officer of the law he from that day forward would use the overwhelming strength gifted to his people to do justice (very poetic)

Role: police officer, swat

Appearance:8'2 <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_23-56-19.png.866fd929644564c3e2fcc2e4ce930df7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_23-56-19.png.866fd929644564c3e2fcc2e4ce930df7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons (optional): .50-cal magnum




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[QUOTE="Murlock Chief]

Who's side are you on? Riverts, Silvers, city protectors, or neutral? Otherwise, you're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
JayJin said:
Who's side are you on? Riverts, Silvers, city protectors, or neutral? Otherwise, you're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
neutral the law does not distinguish and just so you know I AM THE LAW
[QUOTE="Murlock Chief]neutral the law does not distinguish and just so you know I AM THE LAW


Name: Mike Sarrow

Age: 16

Species: Super human

Likes:Metal music, guns, animals, and being a gentleman.

Dislikes:Rude people, being judged for his last name, being board.

Bio:Mike wanted to be a soldier in the military, but found something better to do than be told where to fight and die, so he decided to hunt monsters instead, with his training and weapons, he plans to make peace with himself before he goes...

Role: Hunter



Weapons (

Gun:M110 7x62NATO. Gun:M1911 .45ACP

Extra:He can climb up any walls, and can run fast and jump high(15ft MAX). And can lift heavy objects(500lbMAX).
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CERBERUS177 said:

Name: Mike Sarrow

Age: 16

Species: Human

Likes:Metal music, guns, animals, and being a gentleman.

Dislikes:Rude people, being judged for his last name, being board.

Bio:Mike wanted to be a soldier in the military, but found something better to do than be told where to fight and die, so he decided to hunt monsters instead, with his training and weapons, he plans to make peace with himself before he goes...

Role: Hunter



Weapons (

Gun:G36C 5.56×45mm. Gun:M1911 .45ACP

Seems okay. Just remember, you need the creator of that character's permission if you wish to kill them. Otherwise, you're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!

Arsem Lil-Len

(I'll post a pic when I find a good 'un)


Technically 21, though the actual amount of time his mind has spent in existence is much, much longer.


Human Magi (Magi are people or creatures that have used magic to such an extent that they are


-Reading, People with a sense of humor, eccentric people, exploring and studying magic, pointing out the fourth wall, shiny things


-Anyone who can't take a joke, when things are going too slow, Dark Magic, sanity


Arsem has lived nearly a millenium, though he was born only 21 years ago. He spent the first 17 years of his life training as a mage, but his memories of his early life are scattered and shadowy, and he vaguely recalls finding his book the Codex Arcanum at the age of 18 years. His training along with the book allowed him to time-travel and go between dimensions. He entered and altered the time stream on several occasions in different realities, creating multiple versions of himself. These versions all eventually came back, and their memories, abilities, and experience were all absorbed into his mind, the other versions of him fading away. He suddenly had the memories of a thousand years compiled in his head, so many secrets that were not meant for a mortal to possess. It broke his mind, and he became convinced that all his life was a story, a creation of some being who derived entertainment from him. Ever since the original returning of the others, he has traveled between dimensions and time, looking for entertainment and a challenge, and maybe, a place to call home.


A powerful spellcaster and dimension-hopper.


He has a tendency to change his appearance whenever he gets bored with how he currently looks, so the way he looks can change often and unexpectedly, though he generally returns to his "standard" appearance of curly unkempt brown hair, a height of about 5' 11', with gray eyes and an almost perpetual wild grin. He generally wears either an open robe or a trench coat, depending on the area he's in, with a satchel and his sword strapped on his waist, along with several scrolls tucked in various parts of his outfit.

Weapons (optional):

He carries two weapons: His sword crafted out of moonstone that is bound to the Codex, and the Codex itself, which is a powerful magical artifact that has passed through the hands of countless mages.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_23-58-48.jpeg.b1dfc7058ec2598f32b4e188d4955e9e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_23-58-48.jpeg.b1dfc7058ec2598f32b4e188d4955e9e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side note: I've rped online before, so I'm new to this....I thought this looked fun and I wanted to join in ^_^ . Cut me some slack if I don't follow proper etiquette or what have you, I'm open to correction =)



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ThisUsernameIsALie said:
Arsem Lil-Len

(I'll post a pic when I find a good 'un)


Technically 21, though the actual amount of time his mind has spent in existence is much, much longer.


Human Magi (Magi are people or creatures that have used magic to such an extent that they are


-Reading, People with a sense of humor, eccentric people, exploring and studying magic, pointing out the fourth wall, shiny things


-Anyone who can't take a joke, when things are going too slow, Dark Magic, sanity


Arsem has lived nearly a millenium, though he was born only 21 years ago. He spent the first 17 years of his life training as a mage, but his memories of his early life are scattered and shadowy, and he vaguely recalls finding his book the Codex Arcanum at the age of 18 years. His training along with the book allowed him to time-travel and go between dimensions. He entered and altered the time stream on several occasions in different realities, creating multiple versions of himself. These versions all eventually came back, and their memories, abilities, and experience were all absorbed into his mind, the other versions of him fading away. He suddenly had the memories of a thousand years compiled in his head, so many secrets that were not meant for a mortal to possess. It broke his mind, and he became convinced that all his life was a story, a creation of some being who derived entertainment from him. Ever since the original returning of the others, he has traveled between dimensions and time, looking for entertainment and a challenge, and maybe, a place to call home.


A powerful spellcaster and dimension-hopper.


He has a tendency to change his appearance whenever he gets bored with how he currently looks, so the way he looks can change often and unexpectedly, though he generally returns to his "standard" appearance of curly unkempt brown hair, a height of about 5' 11', with gray eyes and an almost perpetual wild grin. He generally wears either an open robe or a trench coat, depending on the area he's in, with a satchel and his sword strapped on his waist, along with several scrolls tucked in various parts of his outfit.

Weapons (optional):

He carries two weapons: His sword crafted out of moonstone that is bound to the Codex, and the Codex itself, which is a powerful magical artifact that has passed through the hands of countless mages.

View attachment 301176

Side note: I've rped online before, so I'm new to this....I thought this looked fun and I wanted to join in ^_^ . Cut me some slack if I don't follow proper etiquette or what have you, I'm open to correction =)
Cool, another time and dimension jumper. You're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
Name: Ap.

Age: 18.

Species: Bluc (A monster-like species that resembles humans, but with blue skin).

Likes: Mathematics, Nature, Masks.

Dislikes: Loud Noise, History, Swords.

Bio: Since birth, Ap has worn his mask. Why? Because it is stuck to his face. The Bluc race uses photosynthesis to eat and abosrb water like plants, so the mask doesn't harm Ap from getting nutrients. Not much is known about Ap's past, but the majority of his race was exterminated. For the most part, Ap is a kind and gentle person.

Role: To explore and survive.



Weapons (optional): A bow and arrows that can change size to fit in a pouch, and a walking stick.

Extra: "Hi, I'm Ap, nice to meet you!"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/profile_picture_by_apbuggy6-da5vjsc.png.f73397c6d3a416c60ee5969f188d9f6c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/profile_picture_by_apbuggy6-da5vjsc.png.f73397c6d3a416c60ee5969f188d9f6c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Apbuggy said:
Name: Ap.
Age: 18.

Species: Bluc (A monster-like species that resembles humans, but with blue skin).

Likes: Mathematics, Nature, Masks.

Dislikes: Loud Noise, History, Swords.

Bio: Since birth, Ap has worn his mask. Why? Because it is stuck to his face. The Bluc race uses photosynthesis to eat and abosrb water like plants, so the mask doesn't harm Ap from getting nutrients. Not much is known about Ap's past, but the majority of his race was exterminated. For the most part, Ap is a kind and gentle person.

Role: To explore and survive.



Weapons (optional): A bow and arrows that can change size to fit in a pouch, and a walking stick.

Extra: "Hi, I'm Ap, nice to meet you!"
A very interesting character, you're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
My name is Honey.

My age is 24.

What race am i? Werebadger.

My allegiance lies with Monsters.

My likes include quiet walks in the forest, forging for food, sharpening my axe, and picking out elegant dresses.

My dislikes are include the smell of my own blood, humans, roses, and letting people in. Secretly dislikes fighting.

to describe myself... Human form- purple hair that flows down to my knees. 5'6 and about 160 lbs, and I'm always wearing a formal dress.

Werebadger- Standing at 6'4. Covered head to toe in fur, with a long stripe of purple down her back. I have 4 inch claws on all paws, and lose skin around the neck.

Weaknesses? Because we all have them. Mine include but are not limited to; thin skill, the smell of my own blood forces my change (when forced the chance becomes very difficult). When in were form, becomes more feral and unable to control herself at times.

Whats my story? (bio)- It happened at night... on a small trail in the forest that her and her father had taken many times to get back home. It happened fast, faster than she could see or even her father to react. A flash of light was all that she seen before her life changed forever.... In that split second her father fell to the ground and over her was a man, he did not smell like her father, nor did he resemble any other life form she had seen before. Latter she will learn that it was Man that had taken her father from her, leaving her amidst the trees because at her age, 8, she was no threat and he was only getting paid for one. As she watched from the cover of an uprooted tree, the man dragged her protector away. She was able to make it back to there house, but was forever scared by the site of the Human. The little badger grew into a lady and joined with the act to keep humans away. Training herself as she goes along in life, her style is someone unrefined, though little by little she picks up new tricks. Her name was forgotten to her as no one was there to speak it to her for years, though growing in the ranks, her stone like demeanor and the fact that she was a badger everyone decided it would be funny to call her Honey.

My weapon of choice is my Great Axe.

My role in this world, that would be to take bounties on human lives dwindling them down to eventually take over the city four ourselves... before for they do the same to us... kill or be killed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/warebadger.jpg.6616f1bb04a96b27b3b1fc2c4538c8b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/warebadger.jpg.6616f1bb04a96b27b3b1fc2c4538c8b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/axe.png.cf993d2a01ec9db69a2330305b7f4f08.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/axe.png.cf993d2a01ec9db69a2330305b7f4f08.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb0a22293_badgergirl.jpg.f0c9c1f0a7b6caafb92a06b40bacee22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb0a22293_badgergirl.jpg.f0c9c1f0a7b6caafb92a06b40bacee22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Nekoht Soulis]My name is Honey.
My age is 24.

What race am i? Werebadger.

My allegiance lies with Monsters.

My likes include quiet walks in the forest, forging for food, sharpening my axe, and picking out elegant dresses.

My dislikes are include the smell of my own blood, humans, roses, and letting people in. Secretly dislikes fighting.

to describe myself... Human form- purple hair that flows down to my knees. 5'6 and about 160 lbs, and I'm always wearing a formal dress.

Werebadger- Standing at 6'4. Covered head to toe in fur, with a long stripe of purple down her back. I have 4 inch claws on all paws, and lose skin around the neck.

Weaknesses? Because we all have them. Mine include but are not limited to; thin skill, the smell of my own blood forces my change (when forced the chance becomes very difficult). When in were form, becomes more feral and unable to control herself at times.

Whats my story? (bio)- It happened at night... on a small trail in the forest that her and her father had taken many times to get back home. It happened fast, faster than she could see or even her father to react. A flash of light was all that she seen before her life changed forever.... In that split second her father fell to the ground and over her was a man, he did not smell like her father, nor did he resemble any other life form she had seen before. Latter she will learn that it was Man that had taken her father from her, leaving her amidst the trees because at her age, 8, she was no threat and he was only getting paid for one. As she watched from the cover of an uprooted tree, the man dragged her protector away. She was able to make it back to there house, but was forever scared by the site of the Human. The little badger grew into a lady and joined with the act to keep humans away. Training herself as she goes along in life, her style is someone unrefined, though little by little she picks up new tricks. Her name was forgotten to her as no one was there to speak it to her for years, though growing in the ranks, her stone like demeanor and the fact that she was a badger everyone decided it would be funny to call her Honey.

My weapon of choice is my Great Axe.

My role in this world, that would be to take bounties on human lives dwindling them down to eventually take over the city four ourselves... before for they do the same to us... kill or be killed.

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Cool, you're accepted. Welcome to Monsters & Humans!
Name: Hahaha, you think the Devil has a name. You can call me your death.

Age: I'm so old. I'm as old as God himself.

Species: I'm the Devil, I don't have a species.


Likes: Blood, war, pain, death, suffering, souls. All the things that go together. Oh! I also like tiny kitties and snakes.

Bio: Why do I need to tell you this? You've read my book and heard about me.

Role: Let me watch the world burn.

Appearance: (Don't I look. . . devilish?)


Weapons (optional): Myself, duh.

Extra: Your souls will be absolutely delicious. (} :) )( :P )



200+,looks are around 25.


Demon of Mischief






-The Law


-People who throw rules at his face.


Lyrev is the typical cynical person with a heart full of...cynicism. He buried his softer feelings long ago with the death of his mother,and so far no one was able to pull those from the depths of his now darkened heart.

He has an addiction to stealing things he finds beautiful,and will never accept no for an answer. A demon that is as stubborn as Lyrev is yet to be born.

He is very charismatic,and people who don't find him an absolute jerk will find themselves entranced by his charm.

He will still be friendly from time to time,specially to people who need his help or simply a friendly shoulder.


"Life sucks and then you die."

As Lyrev would say himself,he is the unfortunate result of the time that a demon couldn't hold it in his pants.

His entire life has been devoted to stealing,gambling and being a mercenary in general. He pissed off anyone he wanted,killed without caring for the consequences. It was all binding to end badly,and it did. When assassins attacked his mother,Lyrev had been drinking in another bar.

The experience still eats at him,turning Lyrev into a slightly more careful and collected person. He drinks much less now,and is trying to find a path to his life that has an actual meaning instead of wasting his powers away in the middle of a bar in the city.

He will still be a huge player and sleep around whenever he can,but now he learned to be more careful about his doings.


Lyrev mostly just wants to have fun beyond anything,but he will protect his city if that's necessary.


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