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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

Snow: Yaaaaay I have friends!!!!

Nova somewhere: *Head snaps up*

Snow: *tackles noth Etienne and Telith in a hug then jumps around* Yaaay they say that if a friendship lasts longer than 7 years then it will last forever so let's hope for at least seven years of friendship! ^.^ And I don't need artificial blood silly! My mother just orders me take out. Don't they have donors at the school? 0.0... They...they have blood bags at the school right? Like... like the baggies? They...They have those right? 0.0
Snow: Yaaaaay I have friends!!!!

Nova somewhere: *Head snaps up*

Snow: *tackles noth Etienne and Telith in a hug then jumps around* Yaaay they say that if a friendship lasts longer than 7 years then it will last forever so let's hope for at least seven years of friendship! ^.^ And I don't need artificial blood silly! My mother just orders me take out. Don't they have donors at the school? 0.0... They...they have blood bags at the school right? Like... like the baggies? They...They have those right? 0.0
telith: *hugs snow back* oh well..umm not sure..but i can umm generate matter...so umm i can just make normal blood...
faith: *TRIGGERED*
Snow: Yaaaaay I have friends!!!!

Nova somewhere: *Head snaps up*

Snow: *tackles noth Etienne and Telith in a hug then jumps around* Yaaay they say that if a friendship lasts longer than 7 years then it will last forever so let's hope for at least seven years of friendship! ^.^ And I don't need artificial blood silly! My mother just orders me take out. Don't they have donors at the school? 0.0... They...they have blood bags at the school right? Like... like the baggies? They...They have those right? 0.0
Woz: No.... donors for vampires aren't listed in the student handbook that Dean Hazel gave me
Snow: H-how do I get blood then?!
Telith: I can make some
Etienne: I can give you blood

Faith and Cora: TRIGGERED
Woz: No.... donors for vampires aren't listed in the student handbook that Dean Hazel gave me
Snow: H-how do I get blood then?!
Telith: I can make some
Etienne: I can give you blood

Faith and Cora: TRIGGERED
thats accurate neither of our boys can have girl-friends becuse of their girlfriends
Snow: S..so I won't have friends after all... *nods* I get it...
Etienne: CAN I KEEP HER?!
Cora: NO
Etienne: PLEASE! I promise to feed her and take her for walks
Cora: She isn't a dog!
Etienne: Please can I keep the vampire?!
Cora: FINE!!!
*She storms off*
telith: umm..i guess...well..our girlfriends...think we're flirting...with you... don't worry where not...*hes still hugging snow tightly*
Snow: What's flirting? Is that when someone loves you? My mother said she would never let me love anyone more than her so your girlfriends don't need to worry at all!! ^.^
Etienne: CAN I KEEP HER?!
Cora: NO
Etienne: PLEASE! I promise to feed her and take her for walks
Cora: She isn't a dog!
Etienne: Please can I keep the vampire?!
Cora: FINE!!!
*She storms off*
Snow: 0.0
Etienne and Telith

Etienne: Well Telith, its up to US to look after Snow
Telith: So do we feed her blood?
Etienne: Yep, then we scratch her belly
Telith: That seems right
Snow: 0.0
Snow: What's flirting? Is that when someone loves you? My mother said she would never let me love anyone more than her so your girlfriends don't need to worry at all!! ^.^
telith: yeah umm..yeah your right...yeah...but your mother sounds a lot like my uncle except hes...colder i mean probably? does she tell you stories that last a few days to?
telith: yeah umm..yeah your right...yeah...but your mother sounds a lot like my uncle except hes...colder i mean probably? does she tell you stories that last a few days to?
Snow: Yes! She tells me stories about all the different ways I could die if I weren't so careful and wasn't turned into a vampire by her ^.^
Snow: Yes! She tells me stories about all the different ways I could die if I weren't so careful and wasn't turned into a vampire by her ^.^
telith: oh well, my uncle tells me stories about how if i start eating souls ill become addicted to the raw power and start consuming everything around me ^.^
telith: oh well, my uncle tells me stories about how if i start eating souls ill become addicted to the raw power and start consuming everything around me
Snow: wooow... If I start drinking fresh blood I'll go back to-
Me: WOO WO WO. Not yet. Nooooo talky talky about that -.-
Snow: Oh...okey ^.^
Etienne and Snow

Etienne: Hey Snow
Etienne: Can I try some of your blood?
Snow: Huh?
Etienne: Please?
Snow: Why?
Etienne: I wanna see what all the fuss about blood is about
Snow: Well okay...but only a little
*A few minutes later*
Etienne: Okay I'm done
Snow: N-no...no you aren't

Snow: wooow... If I start drinking fresh blood I'll go back to-
Me: WOO WO WO. Not yet. Nooooo talky talky about that -.-
Snow: Oh...okey ^.^
telith: yeah its pretty weird right?
dark specter of backstory: telith had a sister *evil laughter*

Etienne and Snow

Etienne: Hey Snow
Etienne: Can I try some of your blood?
Snow: Huh?
Etienne: Please?
Snow: Why?
Etienne: I wanna see what all the fuss about blood is about
Snow: Well okay...but only a little
*A few minutes later*
Etienne: Okay I'm done
Snow: N-no...no you aren't

telith: does the blood taste good?
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Also... for fun.... I tried to find Snow's FC in a puppy costume or something but this was the closest I got

telith: well it means..
evan: to attract a partner using correct sexual trait or emotional triggers to attain said partner
Snow: Oooooh... I um.. I totally get it
Me: You don't really understand what sexual means either do you
Snow: You did this too me
Me: I know... damn...

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