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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

Am I allowed to make a Hunter when they become a thing?
Am I allowed to go crazy with it?
Yes to the Hunter and not really xD I shall explain what you do and are one of the reasons I want to speed up to the hunters part which is soon
So they’re gonna be generic bad guys who snarl and wave their weapons?

Can we have some craziness with our antagonists?
You shall see in time padawan

Yeah characteristic wise and background you may add as much crazy or whackiness as you want
Lmao! Evan is still your character xD

Why the fu$@ does it remind me of Luigi vs WaLuigi?
Woz: I see... so you somehow managed to take my invention and make it into an uncreative and uninspired piece of scrap that can be worn as an ugly accessory for your unappealing waist?
Hunter: What?!
Woz: You Hunters are as dumb as you are predictable
Woz: I see... so you somehow managed to take my invention and make it into an uncreative and uninspired piece of scrap that can be worn as an ugly accessory for your unappealing waist?
Hunter: What?!
Woz: You Hunters are as dumb as you are predictable
What I got from it:

The attack lets me bring up a interesting bit of backstory :)
Oooooooooeeeeeeee*screeches* Excited :3

Woz: You Hunters are so lame, my technology far surpases-
Hunter: *cuts his tongue off* you're so damn annoying. Take him. He may be of use to us *knocks out Woz before he can activate anything and kidnap him using stealth mode*
Etienne and Woz

Etienne: Got the Anti-Hunter Weapons
Woz: Already assembled the drones
Faith: What kind of weapons do you guys use to fight?
Cora: Etienne has a sword...
*Etienne walks out with guns*
Etienne: Special Rounds
What I got from it:

Oooooooooeeeeeeee*screeches* Excited :3

Woz: You Hunters are so lame, my technology far surpases-
Hunter: *cuts his tongue off* you're so damn annoying. Take him. He may be of use to us *knocks out Woz before he can activate anything and kidnap him using stealth mode*

He's already in Hopper Form during this conversation
Woz will never speak to them while in civilian mode
If he ever does

Etienne: Oh I lost an arm...
*Reattaches it*
Hunter: *Tries to kill him... gets frozen*
Etienne: Cora needed a maid
*Crazy eyes*
Telith: I got laser... lighting..plasma
Etienne: Woz, I'll need you and Telith positioned here and here to act as sentries
Faith: What about me and Cora?
Cora: Are we just supposed to stay put?
Etienne: I don't doubt your strength... however your training is incomplete. You'll be acting as support for me and Marshall
Marshall: This plan is terrible
Etienne: Do you have a BETTER plan?
Marshall: We attack in a pincer formation from either side
Etienne: Again... too risky. There are a lot of unknowns here.... a mistake will cost us
Marshall: Who put you in charge? I'm older
Faith: He's staff
Cora: He DOES seem experienced
Telith: He's a dragon too
Woz: I really don't care who leads...just do it
Marshall: Okay I'M LEADER.... now Etienne's plan is pretty solid

*Etienne and Woz have left... leaving Marshall a note telling him that his chicken is bone dry*
Etienne: Woz, I'll need you and Telith positioned here and here to act as sentries
Faith: What about me and Cora?
Cora: Are we just supposed to stay put?
Etienne: I don't doubt your strength... however your training is incomplete. You'll be acting as support for me and Marshall
Marshall: This plan is terrible
Etienne: Do you have a BETTER plan?
Marshall: We attack in a pincer formation from either side
Etienne: Again... too risky. There are a lot of unknowns here.... a mistake will cost us
Marshall: Who put you in charge? I'm older
Faith: He's staff
Cora: He DOES seem experienced
Telith: He's a dragon too
Woz: I really don't care who leads...just do it
Marshall: Okay I'M LEADER.... now Etienne's plan is pretty solid

*Etienne and Woz have left... leaving Marshall a note telling him that his chicken is bone dry*
Telith: umm if age is concerned then....umm I would be in charge...I’m nine hundred years older then Marshall...just saying
Telith: umm if age is concerned then....umm I would be in charge...I’m nine hundred years older then Marshall...just saying
Etienne and Woz

Etienne: *Gives signal*
Woz: *Drops tear gas*
Etienne: *Sends down toxic gas from a fusion arm*
Woz: *Grabs Etienne with Hopper Form and jumps before firing at the gas and detonating it*


Etienne: We killed like 70% of them with just that
Woz: Honestly we shouldn't invite Marshall anymore
Etienne: That could have happened to anyone here.... we stopped that
Dean Hazel: Do you not care?!
Woz: We understand that you're worried
Etienne: However I did what I had to in order to protect everyone
Dean Hazel: I'm honestly considering expelling you both
Etienne: I'd do the same if I were you
Woz: However that would make us enemies
Dean Hazel: Are you threatening me?
Etienne: No... I'm just asking you to stay out of my way
Galith: What happens if we don't?
Etienne: War
Dean Hazel: What?! It doesn't have to come to war
Etienne: Galith told me that a King has to make sacrifices... if I have to sacrifice the bond I have with my school to eliminate the Hunters...I will
Woz: Make your choice...
Dean Hazel: You may leave for your morning classes... don't make me regret this
*The bois leave*
Galith: Should I take care of them?
Dean Hazel: I have no doubt you could....however you would declare war on his family...a war that could ruin EVERYTHING I'm working for

Woz: Long live the King
Ok good he attacked Evan Nathan would have gotten a face full of laser....so I now know how to blame DRAN YOU STORM

Also Pumpkid Pumpkid Cas is literally gonna beat Nova cause she will resist so hard. I was reading your post like he can just be beating Nathan and Nova is defiant as hell unless she respects your authority like a puppy. Then at the same time she would smell the alpha on him and be like 'I don't know what it is but I listen'

Also Pumpkid Pumpkid Cas is literally gonna beat Nova cause she will resist so hard. I was reading your post like he can just be beating Nathan and Nova is defiant as hell unless she respects your authority like a puppy. Then at the same time she would smell the alpha on him and be like 'I don't know what it is but I listen'
"Essence of Alpha"
Buy it now at your local retailer

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