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Fantasy Monster Love IC

Marshall Icarys
[Location: Outside Mess Hall // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ]
Evan had finally left after speaking a language he didn't fully understand. He was tempted to kiss the boy to learn what he had said but he opted against it not wanting to further scare him. Then there were the other two who stayed. His nose twitched catching wind of the scent in the air. It was musky but held undertones of sweetness. He swiftly covered his nose with his hand looking at the girl like she tried to kill him. She was leaking pheromones like a walking perfume bottle and it made him want to throw up. He was starting to become attracted to it feeling his feral side start to flare up begging him to pounce but Marshall was better than that. He had much more self-control than to be bewitched by the scent of the first female he's seen. The thought occurred on how much easier it would be to get them to obey if he were in his true form but he knew better than that. His feral side would have a complete takeover and it would stop at nothing to have the girl to himself. He had to be more cautious than that with more lives at stake than just his own. He took a breath through his mouth trying to think of the best thing. The only thing that came to mind was to separate them.

Marshall marched over with his hand still covering the lower half of his face. "Telith! You should have more control over your urges than this. You should be teaching her how to control hers. If neither of you learn control then I'll have no choice but to form a barrier to keep you apart. Is that what you'd like?" His expression was dead serious leaving no hint of doubt. If it took him monitoring the two dragons more diligently than the rest as Cas was no doubt doing for the wolves then he would gladly do so. He couldn't touch her, not now while she was secreting those lusty pheromones. What to do what to do. "Or I could tell moth-Hazel to take care of it and you don't want that. The woman is quite nice but she has an interesting way of handling things. Choose now or I choose for you." He was void of emotion giving them a final option before he would be forced to take it into his own hands. He didn't fear either of them nor did he believe he would have a problem subduing them. All it took was one strong blast and they'd be immobilized until he could find Hazel. The boy wasn't named den father for nothing, he had the power and skill to back up his words.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Mess hall - Kitchen // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Novalie growled at the older wolf bothered by how he treated her. She tried her best to keep up with him but he was much taller and took larger strides. The blonde was considerably shorter than him and her little legs could only carry her but so fast. "I'm already coming! You don't have to be a big jerk about it! Why are you being so mean to me..." She sniffled as tears formed in her eyes. Why am I crying damnit??? I just.. feel so sad. It was like she was reverted back to being a small child, easily crying if frightened and getting easily distracted by anything. She covered her eyes with the back of her palms sniffling like a child would after they got yelled at by a parent. "You're so mean and I don't even know you! I never did anything to you! You shouldn't be mean to people who don't deserve it!" She cried out saying how she truly felt against her nature. Things just blurted out from her heart where she usually kept those sort of things to herself. She couldn't help it though. Something within her compelled her to do so. Nova ran off from the older male her body carrying her to a familiar scent subconsciously. There seemed to be some kind of lovefest or fight breaking out where she ran past between a dragon, a demon girl, and a guy with wings but her mind was so focused on her destination that she didn't think twice about it. It brought her all the way to Nathan's side immediately throwing herself at him tears streaming down her plump cheeks. She buried her head into his chest as she whimpered against him. Her limp tail and downed ears just showed how bothered she was by the other male. "Nathan... He was so mean to me and I didn't do anything wrong... He smells scary and saying not nice things to me." She said in between sniffled whimpers. Stop! Stop crying damnit! Stupid body do as I say! The little wolf was a completely different person from the day before with little control over her emotions. Her internal self screamed out trying to prevent herself from further embarrassing herself in front of the boy but her body didn't listen to what she commanded. It was like someone else had taken over and chose to run things their own way.
Pandora Snow
(Location: Mess hall/ Tags: Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness )
Pandora listened to Mica's explanation of herself finding it amazing. The girl struggled for further details as to what she is, but Pandora understood. The name of her species is enough to further investigate for another time. "I get it. That's actually pretty cool. I guess you're not done growing if this is merely your first stage. It's as if you're still in your teen years while everyone here has peeked their adulthood. I remember when I was three hundred years old. I remained a teenager for such a long time until I realized I matured after the one." She sighed recalling her fondest memories. Mica began to ask if Pandora is also a monster. "O-oh! Yes I am! I am a mermaid. Do not confuse me for a siren. Those are more like witches of the sea with beauty. I'm the friendly favorite~" She boasted. "You do know what that is right?" She asked wondering if India held stories about her species. Perhaps in a different version as she read in books. That reminded the girl to search for a library later. She was promised to the archives if she participated. Infinite stories, and knowledge. Maybe Mica, her new friend would enjoy books and read several with her or find out what an Raksashi is or vise versa.

Nathan & Castiel
(Location: Kitchen/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Novalie's sudden attack on Nathan nearly sent him flying off his stool. He jumped when seeing the blonde crying to him about someone whom he did not know who. All he knew is they upset her. The only person he can think of is Castiel who coincidentally went searching for her. Speaking of the devil, he walked in half annoyed by Nova's childish behavior. It was giving him a migraine. The pheramones, her dramatic accusations. Nate held the sobbing girl rubbing her back feeling protective. Luckily after eating, and gaining some energy allowed him better manage himself. He wanted to weep as well and whine instead he overcame the desire to do so. He snaps over to Castiel. "Oi! What did you do?" He growled defensively. "Nothing. I just told her to hurry up and follow then she scurried away." The snow haired male turns back to the blonde petting her hair. "Oh." Is all he said. "Hey it's okay I'm sure he didn't mean it. He's just a scary kind of guy but harmless." He cooed. Cas rolled his eyes watching the two soothe one another before talking. "Both of you made a contract. You injected your abilities onto her. The consequence is she's an unstable rookie right now taking in everything you gave her. She's like a pregnant woman or a puppy going through every phase at once. It's like the flu. This will continue until she finds a way to contain it with medicine. The only cure for that is to tire the beast inside her every day as much as possible until your partner overcomes it. Your job as the monster is to assist her. She's your responsibility, or are you going to leave her to me?" Nathan froze taking this information in. He made a promise, part of the contract. He turns to his brothers with a serious look. "No. I'll do it. I know what to do." He said. "Good. Stick with the basics and you'll be fine. Remember she's like a puppy." He warned. Nathan rises to his feet. "Hey Nova....let's go somewhere real quick. You're goanna love it." He assured.

Meanwhile Castiel leaves the kitchen catching a whiff of pheramones leaking off of two beings. Dragons. Cas hated to admit that he did indeed care for his brother though he did not show much. He stepped towards the pair and his brother inspecting the situation. "Are you still not done taking care of these love birds? You look like you're about to give out." His wolf tail sways in front of Marshall replacing dragon smells with wolf musk. One oditiy about Castiel is he smelled of apples in his wolf form.
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location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid marshall thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
faiths words where intoxicating, he would happy change form for her...she- suddenly marshall words snapped telith out of his love trance faith was nuzzling his snout...licking him...oh gosh what had happened "Telith! You should have more control over your urges than this. You should be teaching her how to control hers. If neither of you learn control then I'll have no choice but to form a barrier to keep you apart. Is that what you'd like?" that's what marshall had as great he must have been caught up by pheromones...from faith...how? why? what? he backed away from faith "oh gosh..im..im so so sorry faith..i didn't mean to i aarr" he turned his head towards marshall "umm..marshall.. maybe..it might be..a good idea to to... get hazel. i don't know why..what's..happening" he curled his head under his left wing his entire body changing to a bright green colour this was so embarrassing, he was acting like a animal, maybe because...that's all he was... just a very scared animal.
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Mica nodded, listening to the girl discuss the varying stages of growth. Of course her species hit their "peak" at around 150 years. She had another foot, foot and a half is she was lucky, but most males grew another two and a half to three feet. She was almost jealous in that sense. Males preferred the taller females, as did females in males, so it was a very crucial trait. Ir was odd thinking that the creatures around her would remain their current heights for the rest of their natural existence. Her eyebrows raised slightly hearing the age of her new found friend. So Mica truly was the youngling, though her species was known for reaching sexual maturity relatively quickly in comparison to their overall life span. The ashen colored girl tilted her head in confusion as she heard two very new words. Siren and mermaid? Pandora questioned her before Mica had a chance. She answered promptly with a simple shake of her head. "I guess my kind is really reclusive. I've never seen anything different from myself." She glanced over the room, spotting several different creatures. They were all so different from her, but they were similar to each other. Most had small, frail bodies, one set of arms, colorful skin, and colorful clothes. With her people, colorful apparel was reserved for people of high authority and for special events like the binding of two. "The only things I've ever heard of are our gods, the animals we hunt, the herbs we used for medicine and rituals, and humans. But I've never seen a human before." She wondered how many of the creatures that surrounded her were humans, or were they keeping them separate from the rest of the monsters?
Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Behind Messhall/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith's trance is finally broken as she whips around as if searching for something with half lidded eyes. She seemed as if she awoke from something. "Wh-what? What happened?" She asked holding her head. "Last thing I remember is coming to Telith's side in...." She turns to the beast. "...dragon form." She finished then furrowed her brows disgusted by the taste trying to spit all of it out. "Why do I taste dirt?" Her questions are answered as her memories come flooding back. Cheeks grow red from embarassment. She flirted with Telith. Called him pet names and wanted to do other romantif gestures with him. She gasps covering her mouth. Both of their feelings in sync having the same realization. The dragon turned green like a sickening color. Shouldn't he be pink for embarassed? Regardless Faith could not comprehend the method behind such bizarre actions that are not her own. Of course they weren't almost instinct like. Shocked, she stood dumbfounded.

Pandora Snow
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness /Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze )
Mica has confirmed Pandora's assumption about not knowing the western side of monsters. Even the East side creatues are unaware of the West's varioua species. It was quite curious how somehow the Western new more. Perhaps knowledge is not found in the Eastern parts, but rather very reserved as Mica said. "Really? You never seen a human up close? They're rather boring. All they do is yap about what they have, prey on the weak like savages. They wear masks and betray you once they gain your trust. Such horrid creatures really. I don't know why they exist." She sighed. "Then again..." She thought about Seven. His assertive actions unlike any other. His touch, all of it came crawling back. She blushed touching her own skin wishing to be near him again even after last night. She felt pathetic for even thinking of him. Her heart pounding over the memory of his earnest words to stay with him. To keep him from running away. A heavy sigh escapes her lips. "But...those were the old days. Now I'm unsure. Not very many people travel into the woods anymore. They're mostly secluded in their own civilization. I came here to see how much they've changed. They always change every millennia or so. This time...humans seem..." Her violet eyes scan the room landing on the many faces including one in particular. The red head invading her head space. "....more open to monsters than before. Otherwise we would be hung like mindless animals." She scoffed. "Say, would you like to fetch some food? Looks like the buffet is open. " she chirped.
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Marshall Icarys
[Location: Outside Mess Hall // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ]

"You were under the influence of your own pheromones. It's merely a side effect of not being able to control your beast side yet." Marshall was so uncomfortable even being near someone like her while she was like this. It wasn't something he had any experience in nor did he care to try but still, she was making it difficult. It was hard to maintain himself when he had to be so close and watch over them. "Hazel will speak with everyone soon. For the moment try to stay self-aware. Now change back and get moving. You won't fit in the mess hall if you stay that size." He murmured trying his best not to inhale the scent. Much to his surprise, his brother ended up coming to his rescue. Cas knew how to handle these things better than the rest of them and that was why Marshall looked up to him. His tail waving in front of him replaced the sickening smell of that woman with the familiar scent of his brother easing his tension. His hand still remained covering his face but he felt less apprehensive about the situation. "I'm fine. I would not allow my carnal side to run wild like that over something like this. I'm not Nathan, I'm not a pup." He stated even though he was definitely hitting his limits. The dragon would never admit it but he was very appreciative of the little things Cas did to help him. It was only shown through the blushed complexion that sprung across his face and the way his tail swayed which his brother knew well from the time they've been together. "I think I'll... need a moment..." It took a lot out of him to forcibly suppress any and all temptations he had so he definitely needed a moment to breathe.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Kitchen // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Nova tuned out most of what was said that didn't directly address her as she was focused in on something that caught her attention. She wiped her eyes looking up at the taller male as he comforted her. She looked at him as if he was some kind of savior or hero completely infatuated with him. Her eyes closed as she sniffed around him deeply inhaling his scent. "Mmmm... You smell really good... More..." Her tail swished slowly behind her as she continued sniffing him not paying attention to a single thing they were saying anymore. Her pheromones were leaking off her like spraying febreeze into the air as she let out soft purr like moans as she rubbed her head against him. Her scent was different from the one that spread outside. It was woodsy but incredibly sweet mixing with her already sweet natural scent. It was like jasmine and vanilla when her natural scent was already like a strawberry lemonade. W-Why does he... smell so nice... It's... mind-numbing. She couldn't explain why she felt this dire attraction to him. All she knew was that she didn't want to be apart from him. Ever. "Looovebug~ Gimme attention I want to play~" She cooed softly as she stood on her tiptoes to give him gentle kisses on his neck. Her ears suddenly perked up as he mentioned going somewhere interesting. The blonde jumped up, her tail swishing faster now as her scent leaked even more from excitement. "I will? Where are we going? Are we going somewhere fun? Are we going on an adventure??" Her mood changed again to one of an excited child curious where the wolf was to lead her. She liked surprises, especially good ones. "Come on come on come on take meeeeee~!" She was far too excited about going anywhere with Nathan, as long as he was there she was more than happy to go along.
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Side: Etienne

"Well.... I did leave him to check on someone who looked a bit sick. Though you should have seen him get straight HYPNOTISED by Marceline" said Etienne as he sat next to Seven. It seemed as if they DID have tea as well. The first tea of the day was a good way to get focused. Tea was good too. Getting his scrambled egg on, Etienne dug into his food with the speed of a starved animal. Etienne was a big eater, his powers burnt through a lot of his energy. Plus making the contract with Cora last night had basically drained him. "So have you made a pact with someone yet?" asked Etienne as he had Phoenix go get him more food. He and Cora couldn't have been the only ones to contract last night. Etienne could practically feel the mood in the room shift with tense emotions from both monsters and humans. Then again, he could have been overthinking things. Seven seemed quirky and intelligent, easy-going as well. His name was odd though, though considering he had a french name despite his non-french heritage. Etienne really had no place to judge on naming sense. Seven gave his joking concerns over the dietary practices of monsters. "Good food is good food, my friend" replied Etienne as he twirled his teaspoon a few times. Then as if his previous question was answered, Etienne saw Seven's silverware stick to each other. It looked like they were magnetized. "Woah, you been magnetized? The cutlery seems to be flying about on the table" Etienne flicked his finger against the fork as it slid around.

Interactions: LazyDaze LazyDaze
Mentions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dak Dak
location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid marshall thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
telith listened to marshall, it was all pheromones...oh telith thought he had himself under control but then again he's still just a hatchling "i..have..ok..well guess that comes with not..being around..anyone else.. i thought..i had.myself under control..." telith sighed "maybe a few more centuries then..." telith trotted around the corner allowing his form to shift while out of sight not wanting to freak out faith any more as his bones and muscles tore and snapped this scales retracting into his body as the armor and hood extruded itself from under his skin before walking back to faith standing next to her his eyes still a vibrant shade of green "umm...maybe we should..get..something to eat..umm..humans...need food right...umm.."
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze
Mica shook her head causing her silver hair to flair out slightly. She listened silently as Pandora explained what humans were like. Her eyes widened and she had to hold back a gasp, two of the six hands flying up to her mouth, as she heard how horrible humans were. Was it true? Were humans really that cruel? Rakshasas had always been depicted as evil and savage, eating humans out of pure blood lust, but maybe they did it to eliminate such horrid creatures. The Rakshasi followed Pandora's gaze, trying to see if she could spot anyone wearing masks. She couldn't see anyone with a mask, though there was one male with hair the color of fire who wore something to cover one of his eyes. Was this what she meant by mask? It wasn't what Mica considered a mask, but maybe that's what they consider them to be. She decided she'd have to later educate the mermaid on what a real mask looked like.
Pandora's voice took a very audible turn; softer and almost solemn. The giant tried to think of what would make the mermaid sad, but the thoughts quickly evacuated her head as she mentioned food. Her face lit up happily as she nodded. "Of course! I haven't had a hunt it quite some time. I wasn't too sure on when I'd find a chance to do so." She stood up slowly, taking extra care not to knock into anyone before following Pandora. Though each step closer to the buffet led Mica to become more and more confused, as evident on her face. There were tables with food laid out methodically. She could recognize some of the scents as meats and breads, but none of it resembled anything she knew. "What is this?" Her gaze, a mixture of curiosity and caution, flicked between the tables and Pandora, hoping for some kind of clear and simple explanation.
Pandora Snow
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Evan/ Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze )
Pandora was relieved to change the subject. Thinking about Seven really had the girl double thinking. The last thing she wanted was to give up before checking the archives. She could care less about a human. That's what she came here for to read, and learn more of today's society. Mica's agreement to fetch some food was the perfect excuse to maybe bump into Seven and talk to him. Honestly she would much rather talk to him alone for many reasons. Once the two approached the table, Pandora takes a look over the assortment of foods. Meats, eggs, toast just as she figured every human still ate the same to the decades before. Now there were new foods like pastry muffins, fruits in a cup, pancakes, and waffles. The two caught the girl's attention deciding to try a muffin and fruit cup adding them to her tray. Mica then asked what kinds of foods are displayed. "Well it's food." Pandora answered honestly. "They have fruits in cups, bread, eggs, meats of your choosing and other crafty foods. I think this is all they will serve so you would have to choose what you want. If you're not sure why not take one of each and try them? Whatever you don't like you can set aside." She advised. "What is it that you eat exactly. From what you said I assume it's meats? Humans have a funny way of deciding what to eat every time of day. Mornings have less variety of foods mostly containing of eggs, breads and meats. Nothing heavy like steak or chicken. Usually just bacon and sausage. Then you have lunch which to some a snack suffice and dinner is whatever your heart desires. Odd isn't it? I do adore the sweets though. They're much more tasty than anything I've ever eaten in my time." As Pandora babbled, she bumped into a man with a notepad. The honey, covered fruit cup spilling on the lad causing the mermaid to be embarrassed over her clumsiness. She picked up the mess trying to wipe the lad off any trace of residue honey on him. "I-I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." She apologized

Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Kitchen>Lakeside/Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Nathan groans turning his head away trying to avoid the girl's intoxicating scent. His tail covers his nose to remove her scent. Her touch no longer gave made him shudder urging him to assert himself. He could easily fall to such a trap and would not mind, but he made a promise to Cas to take full responsibility. Her nickname for him made him blush, his bloom starts to sprout again, but quickly diminishes any thoughts by shooting up to his feet. 'Crap! Why the hell does she have to so damn hot? Why did I make such a hard promise? I could just take this babe here and now damn it!' He complained. "Yeah...yeah! I'll take you come on." He said grabbing her hand dragging her out of the kitchen, removing his tail from his face trying his best to stay focused. The plan was to tire the girl out for her humanity to return. Hopefully this plan works. They reach the docks where he drew a line in front of them as the finish mark. "Okay. You say you want to play right? How about a race? The first one to reach the end of the lake and back to this line wins. You can't cheat or run anywhere else except on this sandy road. Ready?" Nathan stands beside Nova crouching ready to sprint. "1....2....3!" He counted dashing forward occasionally turning to see Nova if she'd follow.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside>Mess hall/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
It took Faith quite awhile to process everything that happened. Telith's voice broke in advising to eat something. Food isn't really something she wanted, but needed to start the day. She nods in agreement making her way into the mess hall. She turns to the hooded man, "U-um...you go first I'm sure you're much more hungry than I am." She offered taking a tray and handing him one. Her voice low almost silent still trying to find a way past the awkward situation. As she reached the table, she remembered having trouble grasping things with her claws. She'd be sure to watch Telith first to see how he grabs things. Maybe he had mind controlling like Xavier from X-men. She smiled half heatedly trying not to seem less awkward and assure Telith she's fine, yet her emotions said otherwise.

Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Outside/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Marshall)
Marshall's cheeks deceived his statement about being a pup. He being the most emotional despite his monotone said more than he needed letting the elder brother to chuckle amused by how he carried himself out. Cas held Marshall by his shoulder halting from further leaving as Faith and Teilth leave first. "I know you can manage yourself, but you do know you're going to be around such teenage hormones until they learn to conceal themselves right? I suggest you find yourself a girl and relieve yourself on her or maybe find yourself a nice dragon girl." He teased though he did not smirk or anything.
Interactions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Mentions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
"Ah classic Marceline," Seven said with a hearty fake laugh as if he knew who she was. "A pact," Seven said as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Ohhh like the contract. Actually I have," Seven said as fond memories of him and Pandora flooded his mind. He thought about her tears, her smile, the kiss. "He instinctively looked in her direction. He saw that she was conversing with another person, happy that she was making friends, or at least trying to as opposed to sitting alone like she did at orientation. Maybe she didn't need a screw up like him after all. He quickly turned back to Etienne. "Her name is Pandora," he said with a smile; however, it faded slowly as he once again remembered what had happened right after the pact was made. "....but, I think she hates me now...who knows, I'll probably end up leaving and forgetting everything. Orrrrrr, I can keep eating these glorious waffles to pass the time. Ahem, anyway, word of advice, don't eat before making the contract though. It hurt like hell."

Seven was about to respond to his remark about food choices, but Etienne quickly noticed Seven was struggling with a few...items. "...Yeah it started this morning. Actually, could you help me get this off, Seven said standing up...trying to see if anything else was flying toward him. So far it hadn't been too bad, but it was actually getting pretty frustrating. "P.S, are you.....a monster?" He didn't know much yet about Etienee, but he seemed honest and straightforward....a bit to eager about well....everything. To be honest he liked him a lot better than Woz, but he was easy to talk to....even if he ate pretty weird.
location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith follow behind faith not really wanting to get to close since..well all that weird stuff happened, her talk about food did make his mood brighten up a little although truth be told he was exactly hungry per say he technically had already eaten but he was not going to pass up a chance to try some more since the spread smelled amazing "yeah i umm.. am.." he stopped for a moment faith emotion sat in the back of his head this weird feeling he should talk to her about it...right? maybe later now was time to try this food. he grabbed a muffin, using the tips of his claws since it was the easiest way to grab things, quickly sticking it in his mouth, once again like what happened with the cookies he was totally enamored by the flavor. causing a similar light show as before, however telith grabbed a few more things like a bit of bacon some toast and eggs just sticking them in his mouth as well, surprising it caused the light show to become fare more interact the multi-coloured orbs of light danced around the mess hall leaving colourful trails behind them, before popping a few seconds later in a small shower of sparks that dissipated soon after.

location:mess hall//interaction: pandora Pumpkid Pumpkid mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
evan had sort of just stood at the table trying to decide what to eat, he just went with some toast and bacon, soon after picking up his plate evan noticed a monster he hadn't seen before she was surprisingly tall, and wore clothing that was totally inappropriate e for the climate, in addition to have six arms how odd, he was about to flip through his notebook only to now have himself and his notebook covered in fruit and honey...it was that mermaid again form the lake, she had run into him, while talking to the other girl evan was looking at "its ok..i..shouldn't have been in the way..besides.. you seem to have... something on your mind anyway" evan said trying to wipe the honey off his notebook, "i'll just..hmm get out of your way then" it was a good enough excuse to go talk to the six armed monster he walked over to her and at least tried to strike up a conversation before quizzing her on what exactly she was " its a..interesting spread...trouble decided then?"
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Marshall Icarys
[Location: Outside Mess Hall // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

"Relieve myself..?" Marshall tilted his head looking to his brother with confusion. "What do you mean?" He had no understanding of the workings of women or the mating customs involved with relationships. The dragon never found an interest in them nor did the opportunity ever arise. The only woman he had ever interacted with had been his mother for years until he came here. He never held any desire to meet a woman or make anything of them. "You're saying weird things again Cas. What use would having a woman around me be when almost no one can handle my level of cold." He blinked a few times still confused how keeping a woman around him would help with anything. If anything he thought it would make matters worse.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Kitchen - Lakeside // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

The blonde followed after her dear love excited for this fun place that he was bringing her to. Her senses were much stronger with the formation of this contract. She could see things farther than ever before, colors and images were more vivid, things had more distinct different smells, even the smallest of sounds were caught by her ears. Nova was amazed by how different her body picked up things that were around her. When they got to the lake she looked at the water leaning down to put her hand into it as Nathan drew in the sand. She was so fascinated with playing with the water she almost missed what the wolf had said. "A race?" She perked up bobbing over noticing the line in the sand. "Running running yay I'm so excited! I like running!" The bubbly girl listened to the rules nodding as she understood them. "1....2....3!" He never said go but the male took off. "Hey! You never said go!" Nova yelled running after the boy. She easily caught up to him thanks to her new abilities. Woah... I'm like sonic or something! She giggled as she ran enjoying the little competition they were having. It was hard running on sand without it kicking up everywhere or slipping but she felt lighter somehow. Like her body carried more strength to propel herself forward without breaking a sweat. It was so exhilarating having the wind blow through her golden hair as she ran. The girl was running so fast without paying much attention that she ended up running into Nathan. She climbed over him using his shoulders to hop over his head, her tail swiping up his face as she landed and kept running. "Sorry Lovebug I'll make it up to you after I win~" She winked as she continued to giggle and run for the finish line.

Coraline Florence
[Location: Mess Hall // Interaction: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia LazyDaze LazyDaze ]

Cora sat grumpily eating her food in the corner until she spotted Etienne. Her heart leaped at the sight of him excited to say hello but then he went to sit with a red-haired male. A pang of jealousy ran through her watching him choose that boy over her. She wanted to break the boy's spinal cord in two for stealing away her white-haired prince. She stood going to dump her food before making her way over to the two males as if she were on a warpath. "Etienne! I know you saw me and you didn't say good morning or anything!" She pouted slamming her hand down on the table. The inner beast within her demanded punishment for such transgression against her. It fueled her anger as she spoke. "Tu t'en fous de moi hein?! Je n’arrive pas à croire que j’ai conclu un contrat avec toi. Tu fils de pute vous vous souciez plus de tous les autres que moi! Je veux l’attention. Attentionize moi merde! Je devrais briser vos bras et les utiliser comme un-" Cora stopped short of what she was saying snapping out of the trance she was set in. Her hands quickly came to cover her blushed face embarrassed that she said such horrible things. I didn't mean to say that! I would never.. hurt him. She didn't know what came over her but it was like being engulfed in a swell of anger that released itself all at once. "Je suis vraiment désolé! Je ne voulais pas..." She paused again realizing she was still speaking French so he probably had no idea what was going on. "Etienne I-I... I'm sorry.. and you, I'm sorry if I seem like a-a crazy person I just.. don't know what came over me... It was like an impulse... took.. over-" Her emotions took a change again taking in the smell of fear and confusion. It was captivating drawing her close to the ginger. "You smell interesting... Like someone I... want to... take a bite out of." She stood under him as she got caught into another trance captivated by the emotions he gave. He was like prey and the primal side of her enjoyed that, it wanted more of it. W-What am I doing?? Stop! He just... looks so yummy... Like I could devour him. "Don't worry... it won't hurt~ It'll feel good I promise." Cora's sweet European voice was like hearing a soothing lullaby as she spoke. The girl was completely caught up in the tempting urges within her to devour his soul from the outside in. She pulled him down a bit to her level so she could chomp down on his neck as she used her other hand to firmly grasp his. The girl didn't bite him hard enough to break skin but she definitely bit him hard enough to where he'd feel it. Her deep blush spread across her nose as she nibbled on his neck taking pleasure in his squirming. Pain, it was such an interesting thing that brought her the most pleasure.

(Translation: 1. You don't give a shit about me huh?! I can't believe I made a contract with you. You son of a bitch you care more about everyone else than you do me! I want attention. Attentionize me damnit! I should break your arms and use them as a- 2. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean...)
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica furrowed her brow and nodded while Pandora spoke, as if studying the foods to later be tested on. Of course, she understood that certain foods were served at different points through out the day; it was only appropriate to eat light in morning because eating too much would be severely detrimental when trying to hunt. Though she supposed, just as she didn't know how to describe herself, it must have been difficult to gauge what was obvious and not so obvious to the giant. After hearing all there was that Pandora had to offer she began explaining exactly what was traditionally eaten by her people. "Well if the hunt goes well, we normally eat different kinds of deer, antelope, gaur, boar-" Her list was quickly cut short by the sudden disarray caused by the two's conversation. She listened with wide eyes as Pandora apologized profusely to the smaller male. He didn't have a mask either, so probably not a human. She nodded internally, proud to have remembered something the kind mermaid had taught her. Mica watched silently as the male dismissed it as no big deal and stepped towards her. It was confusing, but she simply chalked up to her being somewhat involved in the whole ordeal. She couldn't help but blink in surprise as he changed the subject entirely, now focusing on her clear indecisiveness. "Oh, uh yeah. I've never really had such options before. I've never heard of a bacon before. Are bacons fast animals?" She questioned innocently. Her gaze caught some of the honey starting to drip from the male's shirt and with little thought, one of her arms quickly moved forward to catch it before it dripped. Once on her finger, she looked at it curiously before sticking it in her mouth, sucking gently. Her eyes lit up. "That's so sweet!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Have you tried it?" She stuck out the finger that had just been in her mouth to the boy. A light blush covered her face as she realized her error. "Oh, s-sorry." Her voice was a soft mumble now, dropping her hand back by her side.
Faith watches the draganoid swipe whatever peeked his interest horking down the food. His mood turning to a more cheerful one. As such, the boy displayed an array of lights sparking from his hood. Faith couldn't help but giggle which then turned to laughter. If he can feel her emotions he'd know the brunette is happy. "Disfrutando la comida?" She asked. This is the first time she ever spoke in her native tongue amused to watch him eat away his worries. It had a nice feel and hopefully, soon it will remain that way. Faith takes the liberty of choosing her hearts desire. She supposed eggs and bacon would do with some toast and jam on it. She tap his back, "Okay man, let's go sit with the others and enjoy our food there." She whispered taking her leave taking a seat beside Seven. A bit awkward to reunite after the way things were left but she supposed they could start again. She reallh didn't want to sit alone with Telith having to talk about what happened. Perhaps another time, for now it's breakfast time and clearly the draconian is enjoying himself. "Hey Seven how-" The girl was cut off as a strawberry blonde slams her hand on the table announcing herself to a white haired guest across her seat. He seemed to be minding his own business eating away. A bright choice to avoid the drama. Alas the girl continued to bicker her complaints then change to an innocent facade. 'Oh so she's that type of girl.' Faith rolls her eyes clicking her tongue annoyed already by the psycho path. She's dealth with various drama queens in her years and each one of them easily silenced with a fistful. The brunetre sneered recalling such fond memories and wondered how to to go about silencing this one.

The bipolar woman switched focus over to Seven leaning in closer. Faith was ready to step in and pounce on the girl when out of nowhere, she decided to bite the red head. Faith shot up from her seat mortified. "YO! What the fu#@?" She yelped.

Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Lakeside/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Nathan is prouf of his plan. He knew it would work. What better way for a wolf to loose themselves than running freely like a wild beast should. He is glad Nova has taken a liking slowly catching up to him and gettibf the jist of a werewolf's capabilities. He laugned as the blonde followed thrusting forward. Suddenly, he felt some sort of force on him. His head raised to see Nova standing above him on his shoulders slowing him down with the most goofiest smile. She leaps off sprinting forth shouting apologies for passing him up. He smirked. "No way is some rookie goanna show me up." The wolf stepped up his game placing more power into his dash. He ran right beside her to taunt the girl into using more strength. "What was that again? Sorry Chickity can't hear you over the sound of winning." He pulled out his tongue before moving forward laughing away. The end of thr lakeside road was near with just a few feet away. His tongue stuck out like a dog sticking his head out of the carside window. The wind blowing against his skin enjoying the race.

Castiel Chiodos
(Location: outside/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Castiel sighs giving up on the subject clearly he did not understand. "You really need to educate yourself, but honestly it's up to you. I just meant if you find a mate you won't find yourself in such a predicament. I know you like to roam around freely in your dragon form rather than your human. You won't be able to for who knows how long with another dragon, a female protype around no less. I guess dragons work differently. Maybe you should think more like a human for future refrences. Anyways, you might end up teaching thst kid how to be a dragon around his female companion. How would you go about that?" He asked sincerly curious as to how to solve it. To teach a dragon how to be one is better if an elder one with experience does it.
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location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid etienne Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia cora thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm seven LazyDaze LazyDaze
after faith tapped him on the shoulder,telith piled a bunch of food stuffs onto his plate the impressive firework show still going on around telith and the mess hall, he followed alongside faith content with himself, this food tasted so much better then sunlight, he sat next to faith noticing seven was there as well his aura or whatever was different a lot more electrifying kinda tasty looking actually. he perished the thought, stuffing his mouth with bacon swallowing it almost as quickly "hi...seven...again..umm..sorry about orientation...i err" he shut up as another girl showed up to beraight a white hard boy that he hadden noticed before, he suddenly felt annoyed with this new girl, it must have been faiths feeling, why did she dislike her? then this new girl bit seven...telith freaked out..but soon it was replaced with a feeling...something telith didn't often feel anger oh gosh...this was not good, he...felt...so... telith began growling letting out a sharp hiss has he pounced off his seat slamming his clawed fist into cora he didn't actually hit just before he made contact with her a shockwave stuck her instead sending her flying across the room. telith suddenly stopped releasing what he had done" oh gods..i...i..." he just looked at his hand before sealing his hood up total he didn't want anyone to see him right now, he really was just a animal wasent he?

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
"well umm.... bacon is....pig...processed if i remember right" evan answerd the monsters soon after she had caught some honey that still dripped off him, seems she hadn't been used to even that how odd. must be from a part of the world that lacks bees interesting although he could help but laugh a little when she offered him some much to the girls embarrassment after the realization her finger was in her mouth "its ok...understandable your not used to this type of stuff yes? human things not...your strong.....card?"
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Side: Etienne

Etienne had been feeling pretty good up until this point. He had heard Dam Bi's new song, ate some bomb food and struck up a friendship with Seven. Almost everything about the morning so far had been a good experience. Cora coming over could have been a good experience as well. Etienne liked Cora, maybe he even like liked her. They were pact partners, forging a contract over their interest with each other. Cora was pretty and kind, well spoken too. The Cora who stormed over, swore in French and started biting Seven was definitely a change from the Cora he had met yesterday. Then he heard some random girl straight question what the hell Cora was doing. Etienne was about to agree with her when a big hooded dude clocked Cora across the room with his fist. There was no point of connection but she still looked a bit injured. Etienne felt she deserved it a little for being a goddamn weirdo to Seven, but he also understood that maybe Hoodie Dude took it a bit far. Getting up, he picked up the injured Cora and brought her to Woz. Woz was angry at Etienne for interrupting his breakfast, but he used his medical know how to patch Cora up. Which left Hoodie Dude, who seemed to be reeling from what he did. Etienne calmly walked on over and patted the dude on the back. "Hey Buddy, you okay? You seem a bit out of it. Now the girl you just hit was my pact partner. I can tell you didn't mean any lethal harm but she's human. What you did could have seriously injured her" Etienne said as he stood in front of the hooded creature. From his body language, Etienne could see the regret he felt at his actions. "Hey, its okay. If I get her to apologize to Seven. Can you apologize to her?" Etienne smiled at the hooded guy and extended the hand of FRIENDSHIP.

Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mentions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm LazyDaze LazyDaze Pumpkid Pumpkid

Side: Woz

Woz was happily enjoying his breakfast and jotting down notes for his research when Etienne dropped an injured Cora on his lap. Looking over, Woz could tell that some kind of situation had happened. Somehow, he felt that it was ETIENNE'S fault. A table was flipped, a girl looked freaked out, Seven was on the ground. There was even the hooded guy from yesterday trying to hide himself away in his hood. Taking a deep breath, Woz decided to focus on Cora for now. She was out for the count and that was probably for the best. Activating a few of the Familiars, Woz began his treatment of Cora. "Phoenix, Ill need you to look over her injuries, Golem hand me my tools and Senor Fraug can help me clean these wounds" said Woz as he got a decent scan of her injuries from Phoenix. Golem handed him a few things and Woz quickly removed any splinters and hazardous objects from her body. After that, Woz used the spray from Senor Fraug's mouth to clean and disinfect her cuts and scrapes. Placing her on the seat across from his, Woz flicked her face. "Hey.... get up, Doctor's orders" commented an irritated Woz as he tried to get her eyes to open. Etienne owed him for this, Cora as well. The three familiars all tried to wake her up to no avail.

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 LazyDaze LazyDaze Pumpkid Pumpkid
Marshall Icarys
[Location: Outside Mess Hall // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]
Marshall shrugged not seeing the need for him to learn about something he would never use. "Perhaps you're right about finding a mate... I just... nevermind it isn't important. Should one I deem suitable come along I'll gladly accept them but for now I think I'd rather have my space." He said simply. People were fickle things that changed like the seasons. They were too quick to judge and fade away than they were to love and accept things. He already had his heart broken once in the past and he'd rather not have what remains shattered. His thoughts returned to the two dragons that previously left unsure of how he would go about this. "Well that's simple. I'll just beat him until he understands and should the girl not wish to comply I'll assert my dominance as the strongest. I guess it's kind of how I'd imagine a family of dragons to function. I'll even help teach her how to use and control her abilities like a mother bird would do." He didn't know anything about how dragons work other than himself. It was difficult to teach others about dragon customs when he literally knew none. Marshall only knew of what he needed to do to survive and how his own body worked so he assumed that was all he needed to teach them. Everything else he learned from watching Cas and Nathan. The way they treated each other and how Cas taught him was his only experience so the dragon assumed the same would apply here.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Lakeside // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Nova watched as the boy ran on ahead teasing her with that nickname he held for her. It only made her more determined to win but with the end coming so quickly there wasn't much she could do. Still, she was having fun running around with him. His happiness projected onto her as she started to smile widely even though she lost the race. "You win no fair no faaaaair! I wanted to win! Then I would have gotten something special for winning..." She puffed her cheeks out lightly as her tail swished behind her. Her ears twitched slightly in irritation from losing but she couldn't stay mad for long. She was still too happy about getting to play games with him. "More more! I want to play more! I feel so different and I don't know why. I don't understand it but I'm so so so happy~ You make me so happy you know that? Not everyone is so nice ya know and they don't like to stay for very long because I usually scare them far away with my me-ness. But you, you're not like them you're so nice to me. So I want to stay with Lovebug and play games forever and ever and ever!" She had the goofiest grin as she pounced on him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. The blonde held him in a tight hug as her tail swished excitedly behind her. WHY DID I SAY THAT GODDAMNIT NO. Saying exactly what I'm thinking is so embarrassing! Her inner self wanted to facepalm out of existence for sayings things like that so openly but this bubbly version of herself that had taken control had no complications with being an open book. It expressed her deeper feelings without holding anything back. "So let's play more games! Like.... climbing that tree the highest!" She pointed to a tall tree nearby them as she jumped down. Her new form had given her more stamina than she knew what to do with so she wasn't remotely close to being tired let alone out of breath. The blonde started climbing up the tree from branch to branch like a spider monkey laughing as she climbed higher and higher into the leaves.

Coraline Florence
[Location: Mess Hall - Outside // Interaction: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Pumpkid Pumpkid LazyDaze LazyDaze ]

The strawberry blonde took the utmost pleasure in her victim as her fangs sunk into his flesh making a small crunching sound. It was so sweet the way his blood tasted in her mouth. The blood of a fresh victim was more intoxicating than the smell they give off. She was so lost in the moment that she didn't hear the girl yelling or the hooded figure preparing to attack. Next thing she knew she was thrown against a wall in an attack she didn't see coming. She started coughing up blood into her hand as a side effect of her back hitting the wall so hard. Blood..? M-My- My blood..? The crimson liquid sent the demon within her into a fury wanting to eviscerate the being that dared to lay a finger on her. A small burst of energy flowed out from her as her body started changing into one of the fusions Etienne held. Bat-like wings sprung from her back, horns sprouted from her head, and a sharp heart-shaped tail emerged from under her skirt as she started to twitch in erratic movements. Her body was injured, in pain even, but the pain only made her want to fight more. She was fueled by it as the fresh wounds both pleased and terrified her. No no I can't. She argued against herself as the demon inside her screamed for murder. He doesn't support you. He doesn't care. Everyone is against us. We should kill them all. Dance in their blood as we take pleasure in ending their lives. Let me make it better. "I can't.." She murmured before collapsing to the ground. The appendages faded away back into the abyss it came from as she laid bleeding on the ground. The amount of energy it took for her to transform was more than her frail body could handle so it knocked her out before a complete takeover could even begin.

When she came to Cora yelped kicking Woz in the nose in reflex to him flicking her. The only reason she was even able to come to was thanks to the fusions that inhabited her body giving her enough strength to not die from the attack. Her eyes fluttered open sitting up straight as she looked over herself. "Sorry! It's kind of a reflex I developed for... reasons. How did I get all these bruises..?" She used her sleeve to wipe the blood that dripped from his nose apologizing again for attacking him. She was used to people attempting to do weird things to her in her sleep so it was a defense mechanism her body subconsciously developed to protect her. "I can't remember anything but... my head hurts a lot.. actually... everything hurts a lot..." She had a killer headache and her body felt as though her ribs had been crushed and she'd been stabbed repeatedly. There was some difficulty breathing but it was more like all the breath was taken right out of her. It was frightening just like the time when she was under Marci's charm. She had a blank period from when she blacked out not knowing what happened from when she apologized to Etienne to now. Her green and amber orbs landed on Etienne and the others seeing how the male was apologizing for something. "I-I... I did something awful... didn't I? It's... all my fault.." Cora teared up falling into the sadness of guilt for something she doesn't even know if she had an involvement in. It was just in her nature to take the blame for everything. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want people to see her in a moment of weakness. People were quick to take advantage of those who expressed too much in her experience so she stood up covering her blushed face so others wouldn't see, wincing in pain as she stumbled outside.
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Mentions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Another wave of heated blood filled her face as she was informed that bacon wasn't an animal but rather the food produced from it. Something told her she would be making a lot of mistakes. She blinked in surprise as he commented on her difficulties with human concepts. "Wait, human? You're a human? Where's your mask?" She had a confused look about her, but then seeing a similar expression on his face she realized this must have been wrong too. Humans didn't wear masks? Had Pandora lied? She shot a glance in the direction of the mermaid, but she was already off, focused on other matters. "I'm sorry, I'm just new to all of this. I've never experienced so many new things in such a short span of time." Mica admitted, her tone sounding almost defeated. "It's just hard to understand it all so quickly." Her mismatched eyes took this time to scan over the males short stature. So this was what humans looked like? They were so small, but it was almost adorable like when the boars gave birth to adorable, little piglets. He certainly didn't look threatening or evil. "I'm Mica, by the way." She stuck out a hand to him, making sure to stick out only one this time, and not the one the honey had been on.
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Marci had woken up a little late, but that was how she normally was. She would hit the snooze button at least 4 times before she would even consider waking up. She was sprawled out over her bed, her turquoise hair was a complete mess and she looked like a monster had attacked her. She slowly and begrudgingly picked up her head up. "Fuck." She said softly looking around. Her roommate wasn't there. Hell, she must have been passed out when her roommate walked in.

She slowly picked up herself up and started to get ready. She took her scolding hot shower and got ready. After what was about an eternity Marciline was finished her hair was curled, and her make up was on point. She got dressed and walked out her door. She had grabbed her bag and off she was. Her first day of school. She was only missing one thing. Her coffee. Marci, liked it when her coffee with a copious amount of cream and sugar. She had made her way to the other students and noticed not only Ivan but Johannes as well. She sat down and joined them. She noticed that Johannes had two cups of coffee in front of him. He would normally have about one cup in the morning.

Johannes was deep in a book about monster biology. He was to focused to noticed Marci joining. His attention was taken away when Marci had cleared her throat. "The right one is yours." He said not looking away from his book.

Marci had let out a happy squeak as she took the coffee from him and started to drink. She didn't care about it being hot. It tasted so amazing that she would risk her tongue being burned.

"Slow down, we can't risk your tongue being burned. I got us a hook up with a bar in town. We're going to be there Friday night." Ivan had said taking a sip from his coffee. It might of been a couple days away, but still they could do with some rehearsal. It would make him feel good to know that sounded good.
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: N/A
Open for everyone
Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid (Faith) Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 (Telith) thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm (Cora)
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Seven was starting to feel a bit better talking to Etienne…he was weird, but a little less weird than perhaps most of the student body, and maybe even some of the faculty. He was In the midst of removing the knife stuck to his hand when suddenly some moody babe cut in their conversation and began shouting at Etienne in….french? She was cute, but she was angry....and Seven had seen that movie a few times in the past 24 hours. Seven didn’t think much of it; having picked up on French fairly early in his life. He easily interpreted most of what she was saying; after all, she said a mouthful, so it was hard to keep up. Even so, Seven nearly spit out his coffee in amusement. “Heureux je ne suis pas le seul avec des problèmes de fille, (Glad I’m not the only one with girl problems),” Seven instinctively stated in the same language since he had just heard the French filled rant. That was when he noticed Telith and Faith joined their circus. He would be lying if he said wasn’t a bit surprised that the quirky duo was still together…what was more surprising is that they sat next to him. Somehow there was a nostalgic feel to it for some reason. He noticed Faith first and Telith (his archnemesis) afterward, who seemed apologetic to which Seven responded with a gesture of his coffee. Seven had to be cognizant of Telith and his schemes, he was more intelligent than he was letting on. “Bonjour, in case you’re wondering, for once I didn’t cause this-“

Before he could finish that thought, he felt a weird pressure on his neck…and moist? He slowly shifted his gaze to see that it was in fact the ranting girl who had a mouthful of his neck. Somewhere in his subconscious he could recollect Faith screaming expletives, and for good reason. This was a school for monsters after all, so Seven immediately thought the worse. Was she a vampire, a succubus, a zombie, a human with intimacy issues? Oh the horror. Then finally Seven screamed now that his mind caught up with the reality of it all.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, GET IT OFF, L’ENVELER, L’ENVELER!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Translation: Get it off, get it off) Then almost as if his prayers were answered, right then and there, a shockwave sent the beautiful, but somewhat creepy girl flying, or crashing depending on your vantage point. Seven’s eyes widened with astonishment at the bizarre events that unfolded one after another as his eyes landed on Telith who seemed to be claiming responsibility. He then turned to Faith after seeing Etienne calmly explain the situation as if this was as common as milk spilling out of the carton. “…Faith, I think I this school will be the death of me,” he whispered. To punctuate this a spoon suddenly flew of the table and got stuck on his forehead. He held back a scream and calmly yanked the spoon from his forehead and placed continued to eat. “You know what, this isn’t happening. Today is a normal day with normal people. I will just forget that anything has………………OKAY WHAT THE HELL?” Seven said rubbing his neck to make sure it was still there.
Pandora Snow
(Location: Messhall> outside/ Tags: LazyDaze LazyDaze / Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Pandora is taken aback by the Greek man's comment about being out of it. Something was indeed on her mind, but she tried to brush them off with pure banter. The stranger makes a beeline towards Mica before getting a chance to respond. The two spoke as if they met before almost like friends even more. The thought disheartens the beauty squeezeing the napkin in her hand against her chest. The stickiness of honey slithering in her palms, slits of her fingers but not as much to be coaded. Seven runs on her mind. She let's out a heavy sigh caving in. She supposed it's time. A hand is slapped on her neck as she felt a slight pain causing her to yelp, yet her hand carried no blood nor bug residue. The only thing left to assume is her partner. Her eyes scans the room for the famliar red head concerned for his well-being. Her heart raced out of both fear and worry. Both of which one belonged to the other. What exactly is Seven afraid of? Her heart sunk the minute some floosy girl retained herself against her partner's neck. The cause of the bite. Something inside her boiled down to the bone. Her bodu fumed with such rage she's never before encountered until now. Electricity coursing through her body, eyes lit up as her hair spikes up rather than poofs like tenticals making her hair more colorful and bright. She had the urge to crack both heads, but Seven's emotions told her all she needed to know.

The mermaid marches over to the table only to witness the same girl be knocked out by an energy punch. This obviously caused a commotion catching other's attention. Pandora gapes, shocked herself letting her static to subside. She scoffs satisfied for what she deserves trying to devour what doesn't belong to her. Not so say, Pandora admits she wants Seven to be her mate. The purple haired girl slips in between the commotion, grips Seven by his arm and pulls him outside ignorning any complaints he may have. She sits him on a bench, removes the spoon on his head easily, tipping his head to the side dabbing away the bite wound with a clean napkin. She then leans in to plant a kiss to his bite mark healing the injury. Her cheek brushes against his as she pulls her head up to view him. "You." She growled in annoyance with te most scaries scowl yet her emotions said another. Relief. "What kind of moron allows themselves to be attacked and by a girl no less. A girl which you probably found attractive. Ugh!" Her cheeks grew a rosy color. "I told you mermaids are better than whatever the hell that girl was, or must I remind you? If that's the case from now on you stick my side. Wherever you go I go. You're too weak and naive. You'll probably get killed easily like just now." Pandora cups his face taking a seat on his lap hiding her face into the crook of his neck.

"We made a contract. You belong to me." She cooed. "I wanted to talk to you when I first saw you this morning. I was afraid. I tried so hard not to care, but I caved in. When I saw you with that wench I wanted to murder both of you. Your heart said another thing which changed my mind?" She chortled. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just don't want to get hurt. I don't want you to hurt me before I even get the chance to say-" There was nothing left for her to say. She didn't want to reveal anymore than she already is. She kept silent feeling weak and vulnurable. Her arms hold onto the male not wanting to let go for someone else to snatch him away.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 LazyDaze LazyDaze Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia /Mentions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Every thing happened so fast. Cora biting Seven, Faith finding her actions disruptive, and then Telith. Her sweet Telith laying a hand on a girl. It was so unexpected and out of place. All she could do is watch as her partner runs in with an electical jab sending the strawberry blonde flying. Faith stood dumbfounded over the scene. The snow haired male wandered over to the girl's side wondering if he was going to snap instead whisked the girl away to his companion, Woz. Her attentjon diverts to Seven commenting about the school being the death of him. She could agree seening as how moments ago she thought Telith planned to eat her. The caretaker pinning some other person down even mentioned about the monsters being animalistic. Perhaps he was right, and she knew the risk, but what other choice did she have if she wished to be with Telith unknown of her crimes. It was certainly better than prison. The brunette walks over to Telith's side as the same gentleman explains to him of his actions. Faith brings Telith into a hug allowing him to burrow himself against her to comfort him. She can feel how guilty he felt over the predicament. "He's right Telith you should apologize. It was wrong to hit a girl or anybody for no reason. Why did you do it?" She asked.

Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Lakeside/Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Winning was not part of the plan. He was actually hoping to slow down near the end and have her win. Instead he got a bit competitive finding Nova exciting than she was before. Maybe it's the shared emotions making him believe that way. Hopefully not, it would mean his emotions are being overpowered by the girl and he much rather keep to his priorities. Nova clung onto the werewolf enthusiasm written all over. She held plenty of enrgy which disappointed Nate hoping to tire her. He couldn't exactly get after alrady doing so last night. She then confessed how she felt. What she wanted to do with him be with him forever. The thought of her kind gesture of sticking with her for such a long time is an adorable concept. Alas, humans did not live long his powers borrowed limiting him as well. He would probably out grow her leaving him discouraged. Those ideas made him want to be distant and brush the girl ofd, but he was anything but a prude. He simply gave her a fake smile as he allowed his insecurities to take over. The blonde focused on something else like a hyperactive child. She wants to do something else and Nate had to figure out what and fast. "Sure." He said. "What the hell. Try to climb the highest tree. I'll be down here in case of anything. Tell me what the view looks like from above." He advised giving her a thumbs up smiling bright.
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Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid (Faith, Pandora) Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 (Telith) Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia (Etienne)

At the very least it couldn't get any worse. He then felt a deep, dark, murderous rage boiling up inside him, but it felt like it belonged to someone else. "Oh my god....have mercy on us," Seven whispered to himself. Pandora's box was opened, literally and Seven could easily surmise why she would be angry. Even if she wasn't talking to him having a girl nibble on your neck was not a good look, especially with how last night ended. "...Pandora, I can explain-" before he could say anything he was being dragged off to an undisclosed location, reminiscent of how she dragged him away from the Siren's song. He was too busy envisioning his own death that he failed to focus on the subtle change in Pandora's emotional state; sharing another's feelings was something new to them both,

"Hold on! Wait, you don't under-" he began, quickly realizing that she was beyond all reason. He then waved to his compadres who were still at the table, "If she doesn't kill me I'll see you guys later!"
He was certain she had finally had her limit and was going to shock him out of existence...but he felt something different. A feeling he wasn't too sure about himself if he was being honest, yet it was welcoming....warm. He held still, and unstiffened when she began to tend to his wound, turning a bright shade of red when she kissed him. Maybe she wasn't going to kill him after all.


Good feeling gone....or was it? Despite the look on her face which made Seven tense up again, he could feel that warm feeling taking residence in his heart yet again. As she spoke to him he listened. He held back his quips, complaints, and excuses. He wanted to understand her...the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her again. His eyes widened when she drew closer, sitting in his lap and cupping his face. He tensed up again, not ready to receive these emotions so foreign to him. Old habits were hard to cure.

He belonged to her? To some it might have sounded possessive, but Seven could feel a small glimmer of hope...maybe this would be different. To be honest, he could not believe that she still wanted him as a partner. Seven knew he was a screw up, and he wouldn't have been surprised if he screwed this up as well. He continued to listen to Pandora. He listened to her words. He listened to her heart. When she finished there was a brief pause, and his shoulders had relaxed as she held him tight and for the first time he felt as if he really understood her. Seven wrapped his arms around her, comfortably tightening their embrace. "...You don't have to apologize for anything," Seven said softly as he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I actually wanted to talk to you too..," Seven began shakily. Speaking openly was harder than he thought, but he had to try if he was to show Pandora he was serious about their relationship...if you could call it that. Her willingness to be open had lit a fire in Seven although he was certain those coals were dead. "Pandora, I thought you hated me. I thought I did something I would be unable to fix. I was scared that you were going to throw me away like everyone else," Seven smiled, realizing how foolish those thoughts sounded at this moment. "People come and go, but the thought of never seeing you again terrified me for some reason....almost as much as that spoon on my face," Seven said with a chuckle. He sat silent for a few seconds, thinking about the last thing she said which somehow managed to make a smile appear on his face. He grasped the hand that was cupping her face and gently let it down so that he could tilt her head in his direction so he could look at her. He looked into her eyes as he smiled. All he could think of in this moment is that he wanted her, and only her. He would never let her go.

"Pandora...don't forget this one okay?" Seven said with a warm, loving smile in contrast to his usual devilish smirk. He leaned in slowly, as he rubbed his thumbs over her hands as if he were tracing imaginary circles. Then finally, he planted a lingering kiss on her lips once again. Unlike the one at the lake, this kiss was not just pure passion. He put all of the things he could not express with words behind this one act. I'm sorry, don't leave, remember me always, I need you....when words failed him, Seven would demonstrate his feelings hoping they would reach regardless of who or what was around him, only parting briefly to whisper, "I'm yours."
location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid etienne Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
telith stood there for a moment, before opening his hood up a little letting one of his eyes peer out form the darkness to look at the boy that was talking to him as it flashed form white to green to orange changing between the three constantly "i..i..well.i..um..it..u...yeah...yeah ill apologies...i di.." he felt faith..giving him a hug it was comforting, enough of course he hugged her back burrowing his head in her chest trying to relax and work out what really just happened, faith also questioned him on this...he let himself just, stay there for a moment his eyes slowly stopped switching colours changing to a simple white, he looked up at faith still hugging her, th two white orbs in the darkness looking into her eyes then finally responding "i..just don't know what..happened..i just..felt so angry...like i wanted..to punch her..so..so..hard..in the face....i don't know..why..at..all" he turned his head to etienne " im..so..so sorry...about what i did..its not...i mean i don't do that"

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
listening to what mica had said he was surprised she didn't not recognise him as a human "yes i am..human, but its ok...i..understand..a lot to take in, you seem to be...a less how do you say...modern monster? correct" he shook her hand " well mica i am evangelos, but umm..translation..little embarrassing, it umm mean angel..in english so...just call me Evan simpler that way" he smiled at mica to be honest her naivety was kinda adorable
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Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Outside>Messhall/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness )
Cas listened to the dragon's plan. He could suggwst something else but he did not really want to baby sit either nor did he care much as long as something is done. "Okay." Is all he said. "Glad that's cleared up." The sound of shock waves and thrashing broke the two from their casual conversation. "What the hell was that?" He asked without a second thought rushing through the kitchen into the mess hall to find a totall mess of the room with burnt marks, benches flipped over, plates and food dropped on the floor. The werewolf grumbled stepping towarss the group of students huddled up. Panic written all over their faces including their scent all but one. An injured girl being tended to by a rookie. "What is going on here?" He shouts in an authoritve manner. Everyone turns to him in utter silence. His presence naturally intimidating the students as it should. A unique trait coming from an elder, experienced monster.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Messhall/Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia /Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Faith listened to Telith's explaination. The way he bore into her eyes with fear. She could feel how confused he is. It tore the girl apart even more when he explained why he snapped. It was because he reacted on her part. She allowed her anger to consume him. She felt horrible. It seems like time and time again all she has managed to do is hurt the guy. Manipulating him without her intent. He truly was too good for this world. All she ever did was cause trouble. Her heart throbbed having such tragic thoughts turning to the white haired man. "He....did it because of me." Faith replied. "I was annoyed. I was irritated at how that girl just came up disrupting the moment like those high school girls. Oh Telith...I....I'm sorry you did nothing wrong I....I-" Once again Faith is cut off as two caretakers from before enter the room. It seems wherever she goes trouble follows. The one with black hair stood tall, high and mighty as if he were the leadee. He probably was. She felt a sense of authority being sent out throughout the room. It sent a shiver down her spine. She couldn't answer as the caretakwr asks what has happened.

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