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Fantasy Monster Love IC

Location: Mess Hall. Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Not a modern monster? What did that mean? Was he insinuating that her people weren't as advanced? Her initial reaction was to feel attacked, but the feeling quickly subsided because it was true. Her people didn't have these magical fire containers or spouts that could produce water from thin air. A smiled pulled at the corner of her lips as he mention how "embarrassing" the translation of his name was. A light giggle escaped her. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but your name is far from embarrassing. My last name is the true meaning of irony. My last name is Amazos." She began, trying to contain another fit of laughter. "A- means without, and mazo- means breast. My last name is "without breasts," and as you can tell," she looked down at the large masses that rested on her chest. "It's not exactly a fitting last name." A wide smile adorned her face as she thought of the multiple times she had her jokes about her last name. They never upset her, instead she found each one amusing and flattering. Even though sometimes they were meant to be rude, anyone who put time into coming up with a clever insult clearly thought about the person a lot, and that in itself was enough of a win for her.
location:mess hall//interaction: faith cas Pumpkid Pumpkid telith​
galith appeared out of nowhere as soon as cas showed up appearing besides the werewolf inspecting the scene, he new almost immediately who had caused it the stony expression fell into a frown, it was his son, the boy had caused this. how why? what set him off telith was such a timid child...contracts,the demon sighed slightly it seems the girls flaryness got to him he turned to cas for a moment "i think i know...who caused this" he shifted his head to telith still hugging faith "telith...here now" galiths voice made it sound less of a request and more of a demand. telith walked over to him basically dragging faith with him "explain now"

location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid galith​
telith listened to what faith said, it was..the emotional connection thing...he..just..acted on someone else emotion poor faith..he left horrible about it, like he had caused the problems almost as much as she did, then he heard his uncle, letting go of faith he grabbed her clawed hand dragging her with him to confront his uncle he hadn't seen galith this angry in a long time it scared him alot " well umm...it was...because.. i couldn't handle...emotions and i just lashed out and...someone got hurt..." he hung his head shameful feeling like he had totally disappointed galith. galith however shifted his attention towards faith expecting a answer from her as well,

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
evan smiled a little, at least mica had enough thought to apologies, but yes her last name was ironic, he hadn't even noticed how large her chest was, he ended up staring at it a little wonder why something with six arms would need such a large chest, extra muscle mass? similar attractive features to humans? she seemed to find it amusing anyhow shifting his attention back to her face. " true it's..not a fitting...last name. but, you would find many male humans appreciate, beings with larger breasts.. so i suppose....not total lose yes?" he said innocently
Marshall Icarys
[Location: Mess Hall // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Marshall stopped short hearing the sounds of commotion in the mess hall. His primary thought was to save his precious food but when the two elders cut that corner and saw the wreckage inside he thought about what could have happened. His eyes did a quick analysis scanning the room and piecing things together. It seemed that one of the two dragons, he wasn't entirely sure which but he assumed it to be Telith since the other lacked the ability to use her powers in such a manner yet, attacked someone who presumably attacked another. There was far too much damage between people and objects but the signs were clear. "It appears the students have been stirring up trouble." The aura he gave off was more dominant this time than the gentle-natured one from before. As the crying human ran past him it only made him more upset seeing the bruises littered about her skin. Creatures were so precious to him so this was a very serious matter in his eyes. "I'll go retrieve mother so you stay here and watch over them Cas.. I'm sure she must have sensed that energy being released as we did." His cold expression returned to him as anger swelled his being. The glare he shot the group was similar to his brothers, an effect he had because of how truly powerful he was. He was disappointed both in Telith and himself for not being there to protect them. Mother entrusted their safety and wellbeing to him and so far he hasn't quite lived up to it. The dragon turned taking his leave from the room to find Hazel for her to sort out this mess.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Lakeside // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

The blonde climbed from branch to branch with excitement in her eyes. She was doing things she never dreamed possible for her. When she was little Nova used to always try to climb trees to the top but would never make it high enough. The person she was then didn't have the strength to lift herself up and keep trying. Now she was here easily propelling herself up the bark without fear. When she reached close to the top her head poked up from the leaves as she sat perched up on a branch. She looked out into the distance admiring the scenery around her from the distant mountain to the forest below. Everything looked so different thirty feet above the ground. "Lovebug everything looks so amazing! I can see so much! It's... beautiful..." She called out to him from the top of the tall tree but she doubted he heard her. It truly was astonishing, like the ending scene to a good movie, maybe Tarzan. She certainly felt like the beast man now. Her ears perked up as a little bird came flying up to her. It was blue much like the color of her eyes and tilted its head as she copied it. Her tail swished wildly wanting to play with the bird but first, she had to catch it. "Come here little bird... Why don't you sing for me~?" She snickered crawling closer to the creature hovering out over the edge.

The bird instinctively caught wind of her little idea without her having to say a word and flew away to safety. She pouted watching the pretty bird leave her turning her attention to the strange sound crunching in her ears. The blonde had gone too close to the edge of the branch so it broke off under her weight sending her plummetting down the tree. She hit a few branches grunting when they scraped against her exposed stomach. Luckily she was able to catch herself about halfway down on a thicker branch with her legs. I could have snapped my neck christ. She giggled as she dangled upside down rubbing her head as she looked at the concerned wolf below. "Hey! Do you think if I jump I can make it to the other tree? I think I can make it!" She yelled down to him earning a worried look. Nova swung herself up until she stood on the branch. She balanced herself well with the help of her tail before she jumped out from the tree into the open space. As if on cue she started dropping down falling in the free space between the trees unable to reach the other one. Who knows why she thought she could jump from tree to tree like she saw in the movies but the adrenaline compelled her to do so. Her mind went blank at first as the wind picked up from her falling from about fifteen feet in the air. Then her senses came back almost as if they were forced out of her. The fear of death outweighed the adrenaline of daredevil acts as she started to scream while falling. The Nova that was curious and unfearing had swapped places with the Nova from the day before at that moment coming to her senses. "Nathan!" She closed her eyes tight calling for the wolf in her moment of fear.
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Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Lakeside/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Nathan stupidly observes the eccentric blonde climb a redwood pine tree. One of the tallest common trees of fhr forest. She did not halt herself from the objective given by him. He sighs heavily letting her go all out while he thought to himself on what to do. The next step to draw the girl back to her senses. He could take her hunting? Dig holes in grave yards or something? More racing? Everything has to be a game for the girl to follow. The ideas become ridiculous as he goes frustrating the lad into ruffling his hair. "Gah! Why is this so damn difficult?" He whined dropping his head low afterwards in defeat. "There's gotta be another way." His expression softens recalling Castiel. Pondering of what he would do in his shoes. How did he have the patience, smarts to tire out a pup like him. "Did I just call myself pup?" Nova chimed from up above over the landscaping view. At some point during his contemplation, the excitable girl had reached the top. He can feel her somewhat catching her breath. Slowly, Novalie is being tuckered out, yet it isn't enough to drain her our fully. "That's cool!" He shouted returning to his thoughts with a hum.

A twig bounces off Nathaniel's head as well as clutter from the bark. He spews the dirt from his mouth shaking off whatever remained in his hair. Head snaps up to find Novalie clinging onto a branch for dear life. Distress alarms the male as he felt something drop in the pit of his stomach like a bad presence is about to occur if nothing is done. "Oi! Get doen from that tree now!" The energetic woman suggested to swing to another tree across from her. The space between was too much leaving a large gap for her attempts to fail. "No! Get down now!" He pleaded frustrated. Alas, the blonde ignored his pleads swinging herself to the next tree. As predicted, starts to fall. At the same time her emotions switch to pure horror. Nate himself felt the same. "NOVA!"

Quickly, the wolf boy dashes to the nearest tree hopping from branch to branch like a damn ninja then using the last step for a boost to capture the damsel under his right arm for him to use the othet to latch onto a branch. He grunts trying to pull two bodies up to safety only to hear it crack. There was no denying the inevitable. As soon as the branch snapped, Nathan braced for impact with his partner curled up in his arms for protection. The fall is broken broken by the several snappings of branches. The two safely land on the ground with minor injuries. Nathan's hand covered in barks, red and bleeding from such a high jump. He could have sworn his arm sounded like it also snapped or dislocated, but it's not. The impact was just painful. Be couldn't say tbe same for his back. Some holes were punctured through the fabric, gaining some scrapes and bruises. Nothing he couldn't handle. In fact if Nova ever saw the lad shirtless she would see scars scattered on his body. The brute let out a groan, his wolf ears tucked, slightly twitching from the pain as he lied on the ground with Novalie.

Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Galiath Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )
No one dared to give an answer not while Castiel struck fear into the students. The humans especially. Marshall gave a dark presence as well. One of authority just like him. He must be angry as well to behold such destruction. At the very least, Marshall would have to clean up the mess. He'd be sure to assist later of course. "They've stirred enough." He agreed."Well? I'm waiting rookies." He growled impatiently. His brother proposed to fetch the Dean to deal with the situation. The students did carry random energy leaking off like a bunch of wild animals who don't knoe how to conceal themselves. It could cause problems in the future if not dealt with, but how is he to know nearly everyone has made a pact? That was the idea of today's rally. The time will have to come early to avoid further mishaps. Twice in one day which lasted five minutes before another outbreak. Everything was such a disaster it could cause a migraine.

The older wolf nods in acknowledgement. His attention returns to the group. A hand squeezes Cas' shoulder. Galiath has shown himself as always in the midst of disaster. He voted himself to take care of the dilemma informing him his son is to blame. Instantly his gray eyes snap towards the hooded dragon boy stepping forward with a girl at his side. A human no doubt, and the demon's partner. She reeked the same scent as Telith. As his name was revealed. The same dilinquents from earlier. It started to get suspicious that they're up to no good. Castiel stares daggers at the two frightening the brunette whom locked eyes with him only to avert turn away.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Messhall/Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith hung her head low in shame. Telith's name rang out being called upon by a familiar voice only this voice held anger in it. She didn't get the chance to see who it is that summoned her partner until she was dragged forth to face the monster. The devil himself, or what Faith assumed. Telith's father. The way her hooded partner hung his head low reminded her of a guilty child about to be lectured. That's exactly what this is except, he is not to blame at all. Not entirely at least. He explained to the caretakers what happened, through his explaination, Faith can feel several emotions swirling in the moment. Nothing compared to how sorry she is. All eyes land on her as if on trial for her crimes. Her heart raced, time stopped, her surroundings starting to shroud in darkness. All of it of course is in her imagination. The familiarity of her standpoint is reminiscent to her court trial. The judgement which lead her to go to Juvie and house arrest. Faitb began to sweat profusely as her mouth went dry, her clawed hand squeezing Telith's frightened than ever. If she wasn't brought out soon she would pass out then and there or have a panic attack. Her breathing was already heavy and struggled to breath as it is. Her body shivered trying to get back to reality.
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Side: Etienne

Etienne could tell that the situation had escalated into something unpleasant. The arrival of these two individuals gave him a bad feeling. Their very aura held a kind of authority that made him wonder whether they were staff. One of them began speaking to Telith with a rather parental tone of voice. Perhaps he was a relative? At least someone very close to him. The other seemed to be questioning everyone here on what had happened. Woz sat in his corner, having just been assaulted by Cora. Right now, Etienne wanted to be with her. However he also understood that an explanation was in order. Stepping forward, he spoke with the man who had just come. "There was an incident here. My pact partner fell sway to the power I gave her and attacked another student. Telith here attacked her, quite possibly in response to Faith's outcry. Apologies have been exchanged and the situation has settled down. There is no need to push this any further" said Etienne with a calm and regal tone of voice. While he had felt intimidated, he understood that a King couldn't show too much of his unease in front of the fearful. Nodding at the figure, he then took off outside. Bluebot drove alongside him in bike form, helmet dangling from the handlebars. Donning his helmet, Etienne jumped on and took off in search of Cora. It took a while but eventually he found her sulking in the same spot as last night. Dismounting and taking off his helmet, he walked over to her. She was in tears, distraught. Sitting next to her, Etienne began speaking. "Its scary, isn't it? I remember the first time I turned into a monster. One of my Mom's exes had tried to take her away. He sicced his pet on her.... I killed it. Then.... everything went red.... I was a beast, wanting nothing more than to tear into flesh. This power of mine honestly feels like a curse sometimes" said Etienne as he plucked a stone from the ground and played with it. Then he turns to Cora...and embraces her. "However.... I realized that whatever I turned into...whatever I became.... I was still ME on the inside. Thats what you have to remember... for all the parts you get from the monster, you still have YOUR heart. The heart is a fickle thing, it makes a demon kind and a human irrational. It makes us blind as a bat... yet it also lets us see things we couldn't before" Etienne gave this insight into the heart while cuddling into Cora.

Separating from her for a few short moments, Etienne brought his face to Cora's and kissed her. It was a simple kiss, a quick kiss, it was Etienne's FIRST kiss. "Don't be afraid of what could be.... that only stops you from seeing all the possibilities that life has to offer" Etienne said before he kissed her again. Holding her hand, Etienne sat there with a slightly reddened face.

Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Side: Woz

Woz was so close to just calling it a day and returning to his room. First his breakfast was ruined by infighting between MORONS, then he had to patch up Cora for being a psycho and now he was dealing with Mr Serious Face and Demon Dad. Phoenix screeched while flying around Woz. Woz then spotted Marceline and another person sitting down on a table just a bit away from his. Still eager to form a contract with her, he and his robotic companions wandered on over. "Marci, you seem well. Mind if we join you?" said Woz as he sat next to the two. "You two honestly just missed one of the most hectic events I have ever seen. Honestly I can't blame anyone but Etienne for what happened. No idea how he did it but Etienne's fault entirely" Woz joked as he scratched Unicorn behind his neck. He hadn't seen her since they had parted the previous night. Which had given him a bit more time to look into her. Though the Internet could only provide so much information. He didn't find anything to suggest she was a monster, only that she was a talented musician with a very popular indie band. "Gave your guys music the odd listen... I found a few of your songs pretty entertaining. Do you guys have any sponsors?" Woz said with a "Sincere" smile. One thing Woz would never lack for was MONEY. Even without his families wealth, Woz could easily make money. Having lived in the criminal underworld all his life, Woz was handy with getting funding for his experiments.

Interactions: Dak Dak
Mentions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Pumpkid Pumpkid
Pandora Snow
(Location: Outside/ Tags: LazyDaze LazyDaze )
She sat in silence listening to what he had to say. The way he reciprocated his feelings so easily made her blush more. Her heart sank lightly when he spoke of his insecurities. How she would leave him without a second thought. "Seven." She cooed. The name sounding like honey off her lips. His warm, inviting touch to her skin so foreign it sent a shiver down her spine. Her body grew warm trying to keep up with his next move. A kiss is planted on her forehead tryinf to make sense for his affection. Her heart pounding causing her to get flustered. She wasn't sure if she wanted this to stop. Then her breath is taken away when he said, "not to forget this" followed by a kiss. Passionate with something more. Much different than last night. The connection of emotions made the kiss all the more beautiful. Her lips burned by the sensation running through her. Her heart skipped a beat and possiblg near exploding. She felt fireworks going off and at the same time the world stopped moving. Pandora pressed back pulling him closer as if encouraged. She wanted more. His taste quite addicting she refused to let go. She cupped his face, licked his lips before biting into it and pulling away catching her breath. Her demenor returning as she locked her eyes with his emerald one. The next unexpected thing she did was bite his neck over Cora's old mark. "If you're mine cockroach then no one else must bite you." The purple haired girl stood up adjusting her attire,. "Stop thinking of such nonsense that you're a screw up and that I'll toss you away. You may mess up but you're my belonging so long as our contract remains or are you really going to leave like a coward? If I recall, you wanted me to stop you. Does that mean I'll have to keep you on a leash?" She hummed over the idea. "Not a bad idea. I'll finally have a pet human to do my bidding." She smirked lowering herself to play with his red hair giving a seductive look. "You wouldn't mind now would you? Hmm, honey~?" Her lips teasingly brushing against his, but if Seven knew well she wouldn't give in so easily.
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica watched as Evan's eyes slowly trailed down to her boobs. This wasn't bothersome though, she did point them out to him after all. She wasn't overtly opposed to people looking at her as long as they were respectful about it. It wasn't uncommon for her people to stare at those they found it attractive. It was consider a compliment, and there was never any fear of it becoming dangerous because those who sexually harassed others had their genitals removed. She wondered if it was the same for other species. She furrowed her brow slightly as Evan commented on the human preference for larger breasts. "I suppose, but what does that have to do with me? I'm a monster, not a human." She reminded him, as if it needed reminding. Why would a human's attraction to boobs affect her?
location:mess hall//interaction: faith cas Pumpkid Pumpkid telith etienne Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
The explanation from the half demon boy, did help clear things up, and it was exactly, what he thought “Castiel, ill deal with this further. telith,Faith follow, we need to talk” he walked to the furthest corner of the mess hall, telith followed once again dragging faith with him. “You understand by now that this contracts emotional sharing...is difficult for both of you...but that was the point” telith nodded listening to galith intently Galith shifted his attention to faith that seemed to be about to have a panic attack giving a half smile “ you on the other hand are here for different reason, one only really fears the devil if they feel they have done something truely horrible, and I don’t believe you have, so you can both get over this eventually” although galith felt this was true he deep down felt that perhaps he was never the best choice as guardian for telith..but that where there wishes and galith was honour bound to follow.

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Mica’s comment made Evan realise he should have explained his point better “well humans..are...odd.. as long as the monsters has human....phis...phis. Looks such as yourself, and umm have a correct....sexual markers. Iike your large breasts they will find you attractive... your clothing choices also....cause a similar effect, it is odd isn’t it?” He laughted a little realises how dumb he started to sound, kinda awkward.

location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid galith​
Telith followed his uncle listening to what he had to say “yes...we...i..I’m...he...because I..can’t..we.i..have trouble with people...that was the point right” telith tensed up a little when he addressed faith only now noticing how badly she was handling things, he wasn’t sure how to handle it “don’t worry faith...uncle galith not that scary...well once you get to know him” he said leaning his head onto faiths shoulder
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Evan's explanation was odd, as he said it would be, but Mica was more caught on his difficulty pronouncing words. He had a slight accent to him, so maybe he wasn't used to speaking English? She wasn't certain and thought it might be rude to ask. Who was she to question one's ability when she was as dumb as the table that held their food? With that thought out of the way, she took the time to finally process what the male had actually said. "Wait," she began, her eyes growing wide. "Are you saying that humans will mate with other species??" she shouted in disbelief, earning a number of curious glances from outsiders. She flinched, trying to drop her voice down. Mica was having difficulties wrapping her head around the idea. "I-Is that even allowed?" She whispered. A thought suddenly pushed its way into her head. Evan was a human. She was a monster. A furious blush lit up her face. No! She was being ridiculous! Humans don't mate with monsters, especially with monsters that looked like her.
Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 /Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )
It appears, brunette was starting gain a near panic attack by the looks of how hard she's trying to remain calm. "Easy girl, we're not goanna hurt ya. Just take a deep breath." He left returning with a water bottle for her to drink soothing her. She takes his offer relieving the tension. She held no fear over Galiath but where she stands now only triggered something from her past. Galiath offered to take care the two and give a stern talking to. The white haired male stepped forward confirming the story of what had happened. He sounded odd by his posture and the way he spoke as if he came from some noble family. Castiel sighed hatibg to deal his kind, yet appreciative for the information. Now all that was left was to pick up the mess around him. Nobody seemed to care over the damage. He wasn't sure if he waa okay with it or not, but at least he got an answer from it all. Nothing left but to pick up the mess.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith is thankful to the caretaker for calming her. She held better clearity than before. She felt herself once again be dragged to the side for better privacy met with Galiath. She was less terrified as he lectured the two with a kind smile assuring she has done nothing wrong. He knew nothing of her. Head hangs low. She could not agree. She is a terrible person and has done wrong. Everything that's happening is karma. Faith finally managed to take a stand and explain,

"I know he's not bad....but I am." She answered locking eyes with his uncle. "I'm a bad influence. I know that much is true. I didn't expect for Telith to act on my behalf. That's not what I wanted at all. I had forgotten our emotions are bonded. I never thought it can engulf the other though. From experience I should have gotten the idea by now. Anyways, I want to apologize. Telitb shouldn't be the one in trouble. I should be. You son is a sweet boy and being around me will probably make things worse." She turns to Telith. "Telith I'm sorry. You're a good guy, but maybe I should switch partners or maybe I should leave. I think it's best. So far I've been causing damage instead of trying to conform like the others. I know you chose me, but maybe someone else will be happy to take you. I'm sorry." With that Faith excuses herself leaving messhall toward her dorm room.
Marci had smiled when Woz had joined them. When they had parted the night prior they weren't indifferent or completely in line either. They were in the middle. "I'm a lot better now that I've had my coffee." She said taking another sip. The over powering taste of the creamer made it worth it. It tasted of French vanilla. She loved that taste. "I don't mind missing it. If I didn't have this coffee here then I would have probably chimed in on whatever was happening."

Both Ivan and Johannes looked at each other then nodded in agreement. They had been with Marci for a long time to know that she probably would.

"But, hey, I'm just here to learn some magic shit and try and make our band known."
She said right before he brought up looking up the band. Her eyes lit up. "What did you think? Was it good? I know a couple people. When we make it big, I might just be able to get you some back stage passes. I heard the lead singer is a major hottie." She said with her devilish grin.

When money was brought up Ivan chimed in. "We've tried, but lets just say the music industry is run by some real monsters." Ivan rested his head back. "Why, you know someone that might wanna give us a shot?" He asked.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

evan waited allowing mica time to think hopefully his response mand sense no matter how awkward it was it was the truth, her sudden outburst showed that she did understand it enough as such he was a little taken aback by what she said next, it took him a moment to rack his brain for a answer was it allowed? maby? perhaps wait "well perhaps not mate...just yet...but...partner ship is definitely...something...through umm.. contracts i do believe...between human and monster..i haven't found a umm... partner as of yet, as i assume you haven't either" they way she was blushing gave her thoughts away perhaps she was considering partnering with him? of course evan wouldn't mind it, since it would allow him to say here and continue studying all this fascinating creatures " judging by your umm expression...your think of making said contact with me perhaps? yes?"

location:mess hall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid galith​
telith listened to wait faith and said, it was not true at all, she wasn't a bad person, she was the best human telith had ever met, it wasn't her fault she felt angry telith should have stopped himself, no he wouldn't change his partner at all, it was just the first day neither of them knew what would happen and telith...he wanted to stay with faith he didn't know why but that what his heart told him he stood there for a little while his eyes becoming a light shade of blue with swirls of orange mixed in watching faith leave before turning back to his uncle " i..i..what...should...maybe...i mean" he inhaled deeply "i...think i..should...tell..her....how i feel...maybe" galith simply nodded in agreement with telith he smiled before going after faith, locking her in a hug from behind once he did manage to catch up with her "faith...you..your...where..all..wrong...just...because...all that happened doesn't mean...your a bad influence...at all...it's just..we need to get..used to the contract stuff..and i don't think i would want to do..it wien anyone..else but you"
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Side: Woz

Woz pulled out his phone and looked through his contacts. "Give me five minutes and I might be able to work something out" said Woz as he scrolled through name after name. Finally he found who he was looking for. Sliding the business card of the individual over, Woz hoped that they would see the benefits of his offer. He had offered the card for DoReMiFa Records, the record label owned by Etienne's grandfather and a subsidiary of Kamukura/Advantage Enterprises. The name was misleading, as many different kinds of artists had found their big breaks with this company. Finally he found the name and rang the number. After five minutes working out the particulars with the old man, Woz had his deal. Putting down his phone, Woz gave the news to the group. "Well I spoke with him and gave my recommendation along with a few of your most popular songs. He says to give him until this afternoon to look over what I sent him" Woz said before drinking his coffee. Having connections was one of the greatest powers one could have, one that sometimes outshone even Etienne's unique abilities. Woz let them keep the card. All of this was to lure Marci into his web, so she would partner with him and allow him access to her powers. That voice which could sway others would be HIS if he played his cards right. Plus, if they make it big. Woz would have bragging rights.

Interactions: Dak Dak
Jayden Lanchia
Location: Mess hall / Interaction: himself and whoever feels like it.

The door to his room swings open and a young man with long blue hair tied up in a pony tail wearing a full black suit stands in his doorway with a surprised look on his face.
“ Aki-“ He got cut off before he could even finish talking
Jayden’s on the floor doing push ups and looks at the young man standing in his doorway not stopping his workout.

“Ay ay! Come on. Don’t use that name anymore. We talked about this.”

“Yeah yeah, I forgot, you know I’m used to calling you by your old name. Jayden why are you still working out? Everybody thinks you’re dead.”

“Yeah well I’m sure there are people who don’t believe it, so I rather be prepared when that day comes. I still have my old dog tags, you think people won’t come after them?”

“Speaking of dog tags I made you a new one. A perfect replica. Nobody will notice unless you know..”
He throws the new name tag to on Jayden’s bed. Jayden stops his workout and takes a look at the new tag on his bed and examines what was on it.
‘ Jayden Lanchia’

“Thanks I guess..”
He sighs softly and takes his old name tag off of his chain and puts his new tag on the chain next to his rank tag, and put the chain back around his neck.
“You know the rules, you’re stuck with the dog tags for the rest of your life. Oh by the way, remember I said that I would have to leave for a job in a few weeks? Well they changed the time I have to leave tomorrow. So that means I’m kicking you out now.”

“What?! Fine, you helped me enough already.”

“I’m not heartless! The money you paid me to help you I spend it on something else. I found a place where you can go. You’ll like it, there will be other people there as well, around your age.”
Jayden looks at his friend/roommate/ ex colleague with a confused look on his face.
What are you talking about? You know how old I am. Where the fuck are you sending me to?!”

“Not your actual age you moron!” He takes a book from Jayden’s book shelf and throws it at him out of frustration to his dumb question. “ Just pack your shit, you’ll like it.” After finishing his sentence he leaves Jayden’s room and closes the door behind him.
He catches the book and puts it down on his bed. “ That’s not even mine, it’s yours!” Jayden gets up from the floor and starts to get ready for whatever was in store for him.

Fast forward and hour he has showered and has packed all his things in a suitcase and a bag. He walks out of his room and sees his friend waiting by the front door.
“Took you long enough, were you crying in there or something?”
“Shut up. Just send me the location and I’ll be gone.”

“ I already send it to your phone. Now you have a good time and be nice!”

Jayden shakes his head at his words and takes his phone out of his pocket and looks at the location and the travel time.
“5 Hour drive?! Couldn’t you have picked anything closer?”
“Nope, now go and make friends. You need a social life.”
“Yeah.. Thanks for everything..”
“Take my car.”

And with those last words he got pushed out of his friends place, and was officially homeless. He takes all his shit to his friends car, loads his shit into it and starts his 5 hour drive.
After 5 hours he arrived at his destination, and takes his shit out of the car and walks to what looks like some kind of school campus. His phone suddenly vibrates in his pocket, so he takes it out and answers it.
“Yeah it’s me, I’m sending you to school. You said you have never been before. Keep the car it’s a parting gift. Enjoy yourself!”
After that all he heard was *beep beep* indicating that the other person had hung up already.
“I’ve seen people go to school before but, nobody ever looks like their having fun..” He said to himself and started to pick up the scent of multiple people, and decides to follow it and see where it leads as he didn’t know where else to go.
After following the scents for a little bit he now stands in front of a building and has no idea what to expect.
“Is somebody hiding a dog on campus or something? The smell is really strong..”
He says to himself while opening the door to what looks like the messhall and he notices that he might have said it a bit too loud. He looks around and notices all kinds of creatures and people which confused him a lot as he’s not used to seeing so many creatures at once and especially not with humans, and is basically lost for words. “What the fuck..” His icy blue eyes scan the room and he decides to not go any further. Jayden turns around and walks off with a mixed feeling of emotions, he sits down on a bench somewhere close to the messhall with his luggage and takes his cigarette box out of his pocket and lights up a cigarette to calm down.
“What the hell? What kind of school is this? What the fuck is this?”
Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall. Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica took a number of silent, deep breaths, trying to calm the wild fire of emotions that lit up her face. Humans and monsters together? It was absolutely preposterous, and Evan had even set "yet" in terms of mating as if it was some kind of goal. "Contracts?" She echoed him, recalling that the dean had mentioned something about partnering up and signing contracts with a human. It never even fazed her that the contract could be anything more than platonic or business related. How could she have been so naive? Her face was consumed by a deep red, quite a contrast to her normally pale grey skin. "No! Well yes, but not like that!" Her words all seemed to clump together as she rambled. "I need a partner, but I didn't think it would be by any sort of romantic means. I just got here and I don't know anything about where I am or what's going on, or.." She stopped herself, finding that her limbs were starting to disappear. She let out a sigh and willed them to become visible again. In all of Mica's life she had only vanished for three reasons: hunting, playing, and fear. She knew this time was out of fear, but she hadn't done something like that since she was little. Normally it was because she had gotten in trouble and wanted to avoid the wrath of her parents. Two of her six hands raised to her temples, rubbing at them gently. "Maybe we could sit and talk about this." She mumbled, hoping that he would agree.

Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Auditorium (previous day) > room > outside the mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth had arrived the day before along with everyone else. The auditorium had been packed full of people, all anxious to find out why the this college was a pilot school. Everyone, or rather every human, had received the answer rather bluntly. Elizabeth would've been lying if she said she wasn't mildly shell-shocked by the news, but everything seemed to calm down afterwards, at least for her. Being within her nature, Elizabeth ended up spending the evening alone, wandering the campus and avoiding the groups of her emotionally charged peers. It took a good amount of time to process that all the stories she had heard and read were true, though she imagined there must have been some slander within those tales. Clearly they wouldn't pack a room full of humans with creatures potentially dangers to each other.
The next morning Elizabeth got ready just like everyone else, though she was cautious to remain out of the way. She wasn't in any mood to listen to anyone excitedly ramble on. After showering and getting dressed the dark haired girl scooped up an old bag and headed for the dining hall. It was relatively nice day out, the sun peaking between the tall pine trees, wind gently rustling the branches. The walk to the mess hall wasn't far, but the sight of a male hastily exiting caught her attention. Was something happening in there? Now, usually she wasn't the type to initiate conversations, but the possibility of all hell breaking loose in that building led her to opening her mouth. She altered her path slightly, walking towards the bench the man now occupied. "You ok?" Her voice was relatively soft, maybe even too soft to be heard. She swore internally at herself for not being louder. Casual talking was never her strong suit.
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Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith neared her way up the stairs of her dorm when she's captured by a pair of hands wrapped around her. The rails of the stairs keeping her steady. Surprisingly she knew who it was, but astonished he had chased her down. Telith clung to her like a baby not wanting their mother to depart. "Telith?" She cried out puzzled. She could feel the sadness consume her and felt it herself as he spoke about not wanting to commence the project with anyone else. He is just too sweet. Faith stood in silence for a brief minute contemplating. "Telith I know for a fact I'm a bad influence. I'm not denying it and I don't want you to sugar coat it. You may not seem it because we barely know each other. The last thing I want is to hurt you. You're too good. You're like the friend I never had without complications, without starting a fight or having to do stupid things to have fun." She turns around in his arms to face him searching for his glowing eyes cupping his face or outside his hood. "I don't have to worry much about me when I'm with you. I can relax and talk to you, but old habits don't die hard. It feels so good to have made a friend like you, but also bad. You're a liability to me. If you got hurt..." She rests her head against his finding him intoxicating again. "How could I forgive myself?" Faith purs starting to feel Telith's warm affection closing in. She nuzzles him from her beast side wanting to take control. Faith held it under control this time trying her best not to give in fully, but this felt right to her. She purs alongside him planting a kiss to his scaly cheek.
location: outside//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
Faiths reaction was good, well telith though, he was glad to see faith thought of him as her friend, he didn’t care about her past, but it sadden him to think faith found it so so so important, faith shifted position to look into his eyes, she cupped his face again, causing him to purr she always knew how to make him feel better somehow, what she said nexted worried him a little “its...ok..i” what he said was cut short by faiths nuzzling and purring. He of course nuzzled her back but then..something happened she... kissed him, faiths warm flesh lips touching his scaly cheek. His eyes changed to a deep purple colour, there was a felling deep down inside him welling up...telith didn’t know what it was but, it was warm and fuzzy. In response telith kissed her back on the cheek of course “ it’s...ok...
faith i... could forgive myself if....you...got hurt either”
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As Woz had talked, Marci's smile grew. Had he really made a single call and given them a record? "I must say you're proving your worth. Keep it up and I will gladly give you a contract." She said with a giant smile painted on her face. "Hell I will even give you a kiss." She said taking a sip of her coffee. This would mean a lot if they actually got a record deal. They could get better equipment, maybe even have the chance to work on some new music.

Ivan about jumped out of his chair when he said that he had someone that he could call and get them a record deal. It was going to be interesting. After the phone call Ivan was shaking with excitement. "Marci, who ever this guy is I like him!" He said patting the guy on the back. If everything went well then Ivan could buy a new bass and amp. His current one is rather old. It would be better then using his old one. "Marci, just make a contract with this guy. He could be helpful to us."

Marci shook her head. "Hold up there boy. This man has done something very generous for us, and I am very grateful, but call me old-fashioned but I liked to be wined and dined before I make any promises. It's more of a way for me to understand the person and know him before any deal is struck." She looked at Woz. "It's not that I am grateful for giving us a shot. But I'd like to know more about you. But that really does help your chances of getting a contract.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Dorm/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )

Faith mentally hated how her instincts started to react. Internally she scolded herself misleading thr poor guy. He reciprocated such feelings. She can sense it inside her. Her human side blushed from his kiss. It was quite cute yet embarrassing. Telith agreed to feel the same as her when it came to being unable to forgive himself if she were to be hurt. She is hurt, but for the reason of disappointing him. Faith gradually snakes her arms around his neck pulling him close simply enjoying his warmth against her frame humming. 'No stop! Not again! Stop doing that to him!' She cried to herself. 'He deserves so much better.' Her other half screamed, begged to stay with the dragon demon. 'No...stop...I can't...' She can and all she had to do was say, "Okay. I'll stay. Only because I don't want to see you so upset, but I can't promise you things will get better." She cooed. "I can only try. You said we'll do it together." She pulls away to clasp his clawed hand in hers. "Just for you Telith." Her monster half spoke such sweet words to him taking over enough to spill the truth of how she felt towards him. Seconds later the feeling vanished and only the real Faith is left as her eyes bore into his now purple ones.
location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
mica's rambling made evan relise his explanation once again was wrong, he had made it sound like the contracts where a romantic binding oh how badly incorrect he was. and he had caused mica to panic about it although a interesting thing to note she was capable of invisibility or something similar, he would need to write that down at some point anyway back to the task at hand "oh...um..i apologies i..believe i may be missint..miss..misled you i was trying to well form what..i seen most of contracts where well had some romantic part to it, but we can keep it professional if you wish? and...well perhaps you may need someone to...umm help with modernizing?" evan hoped this would atlest make mica feel better perhaps he had offended he? only time would tell.

location: dorms//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith could feel that faith, seemed to have a similar feeling to what he felt, but she was also embarrassed by his kiss? was that a good thing? he wasn't sure however faith pulling him closer to her body, he closed his eyes for a little just enjoying the feeling, he listened carefully to what she, before faith pulled away just to hold his hand, he looked back into faiths eyes as she did to him, he smiled "i don't...care..if things don't get better...but thank you for...well..stay...for trying...don't worry...like..i said..we can get through whatever..things..this contract thing...might bring" he tightened his grip on faiths hand not aggressively but in a caring manner. "and thank...you...for...staying...with me..and being my...friend"
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Jayden Lanchia
Location: Outside the mess hall / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Jayden inhales the smoke and slowly feels his body and mind relaxing this was exactly what he needed, after a few second he exhales the smoke and lets out a deep sigh. What had he gotten himself into? He had no idea how to handle this kind of situation. Give him a job to take out some important political figure in some foreign country, easy! Send him to school and he loses his mind and doesn’t know what to do with himself.
The more he thinks about his situation, the more he disliked the taste of his cigarette and eventually puts it out and throws it in the bin next to the bench.
“It’s even taking the pleasure out of my smoking.”

The young vampire sucks his teeth out of annoyance and looks up at the sky and close his eyes, to find some kind of mental peace as he lost the will to smoke. After a few seconds he heard a voice it was soft but his hearing was pretty good so he definitely heard it but wasn’t sure if it was directed to him. He opens his eyes and looks in front of him and notices a pretty cute girl standing in front of him, his icy blue eyes scanned her up and down it was pretty obvious that he was doing that and he stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.
“Yeah I’m fine.”
He said with a pretty cold tone in his voice which meant something along the lines of leave me alone or get lost. This wasn’t the time for him to talk with anybody specially not some human who he doesn’t even know. So he went back to doing what he was before she came over to him, eyes closed facing the sky.

Jayden then recalled what his friend said to him before he left which was :’ BE NICE!!’
The words then repeated in his head over and over and over and over again. Jayden opens his eyes and faces the direction where the cute girl was before he closed his eyes while stretched out his hand.
“Wait wait wait wait..” He said rapidly and with a more warm tone in his voice, but before saying anything else he stayed silent again, as he didn’t know what to say, so eventually he decided to just be somewhat honest.
“I’m not fine.. I got a little bit overwhelmed.” He put his hand back down beside him and a deep sigh escapes his mouth.
“Don’t laugh.. but I’ve never been to school before, and umm.. I’ve never seen so many creatures together with humans. I don’t really have good experiences with humans so I you know-“
He quickly cut himself off before talking about something he really didn’t want to talk about.
“What kind of school is this anyway?” He asked to quickly change the subject as he was just rambling about what he was going through.
“You what, just point me in the direction of the dorms, or where ever the students stay so I can dump my shit, and.. you’ll never see me again.”
He was pretty embarrassed about the stuff he said as he’s not used to talking about it so openly.
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Outside of mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth watched with a rather stoic expression as the male looked her over. It wasn't the first time someone had done that, so she paid it no mind. His response though, short and cold, led her to believe that he must've not liked what he had seen. Again, she had seen that before. She let her own deep blue gaze drag over him for a moment. He was a fairly attractive man; smooth face with above average features and a nice build. With an internal shrug, she turned on her heels and aimed to continue towards the dining hall. Her walking was stopped for a second time as the male began talking again. It seemed that he had difficulties making up his mind. Slowly Elizabeth backtracked to stand in front of the stranger. Her face softened slightly as he began, opening up about how he felt. Honesty was certainly an attractive trait to her. "I wouldn't laugh," her voice was soft, but not in terms of volume, rather her tone was almost sweet. "I've never had friends before, so seeing so many people together and learning that monsters are real is a bit overwhelming for me too." She listened quietly as the male shut down again, closing himself back off. This was standard male behavior. Was she supposed to answer his previous question about what type of school it was? She dismissed the thought; it wasn't the most pressing matter at this juncture in time. "Yeah, sure. The dorms are this way." She cocked her head in the direction of the buildings before walking back towards them.
She glanced back occasionally to make sure he was following, but with his longer legs he was easily able to keep her pace or even surpass it. Once they reached the dorms she pointed to the boy dorms. "Those are the boy dorms, though hopefully you know your room number specifically." She paused for a moment, glancing back towards the rooms. "This is a college by the way, a pilot one, and as for never seeing you again," her cool eyes slowly met his. "I have no problem with staying away from you, but if you do want to hang out at some point my name is Elizabeth." She offered a kind smile, hoping that maybe she would come across as friendly, or at the very least not completely socially inept.

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica could feel something sink her chest, almost like disappointment, but what did she have to be disappointed about? Evan had agreed to keep it strictly platonic. Wasn't that what she wanted? She let out a soft sigh and tried to push the thought away. She smiled kindly down at the male. "I would very much appreciate any help in becoming more familiar with all of this." Her lower two hands came together, her index fingers pressing against each other in a shy manner. "S-So if you would like to be my partner and help me I would like that a lot." Her heterochromic eyes flickered between looking at the ground and Evan. She wasn't entirely sure how all of this would turn out, but having an ally would certainly be beneficial.
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Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid

For a moment, Seven honestly forgot their was a world outside of their embrace, a world outside of intimacy. Was it supposed to be this easy? Was trusting someone really as hard as he though it was? Perhaps, or maybe it just depended on the person...or monster. You would believe the earth failed to spin; however, the moment still seemed like a flash in the pan followed by a vibrant burst of flames when she suddenly bit his neck. Seven was unable to hold back a small gasp, for although this was the second time he was bitten, there was definitive difference between the two acts. Seven chuckled as she stood up and gave him the sweetest insult that only she could muster. Reading Pandora was like learning a language that changed every few minutes. Words often betrayed themselves and affection and compassion often were displayed in the strangest of ways; however, Seven was beginning to understand. "...Well, if it ends up like today, I might have to get bit more ofte-I'M JOKING," Seven said playfully, making sure to quickly express that he was merely jesting so as not to incur her wrath. Seven continue to smile, taking in her advances and teases in full stride, ending with the thought of being her pet. A peculiar role in a relationship he was certain, but interesting none the less.

"I suppose that wouldn't be the worse thing, but" Seven started before slowly standing up until he was looking down at her with a gentle confidence in his eyes that quickly turned into the gaze of a tiger eyeing his prey. "I can only be submissive for so long; an unpredictable beast like me can be difficult to control...especially when I'm hungry," Seven said while firmly tilting her chin up in his direction so that their faces were merely inches apart. It took his complete will power and then some to stop himself from kissing her again, falling into the heat of passion; nevertheless, he was content to show her that he was not merely a bystander in a relationship. If she wanted to play these games, Seven would oblige just to show her that he was not one to lose or give in easily either. He was a gambling man after all, and taking risks was as natural as breathing for him.
Snow Intrye
Interactions: N/A Location: Mess Hall
The young girl paused, looking up at the building as students bustled around. She had on her sun hat, hoping that no direct sunlight would be giving her too bad of a sunburn. Snow looked around and remembered her mother's words.

"You are here to learn how to control yourself. Do not get too attached to anyone. Everyone but I will leave you my little Snowflake."
She nodded, gathering herself up as she slowly dragged her suitcase in behind her. Heading towards her room, she stopped, hearing fighting and yelling in the Mess Hall. Staying away from that, she thought to herself. She continued to her dorm room, putting her things away before she looked herself over in the mirror.

Perfect outfit for the first day of classes. Snow knew it was important she make a friend or at least an acquaintance. 83% of all teens in a study reported school being where they spent the most time with their friends... meaning that 83% of her fellow classmates would be actively seeking friends or participating in an already established friendship correct?? Snow knew the odds were not in her favour of breaking into an already established friend group. She had to watch old sitcoms and all of the high school musicals for those figures and statistics since there seemed to be limited research on the subject.

Walking out to the mess hall, Snow couldn't hear anything going on... and she really needed to get out of this sun. Perhaps she had taken long eough for the comotion to be ALL over and done with. Walking inside, she did not attempt to say hi to anyone but rather slide against the wall to the food with her head down so as not to attract any attention. First impressions were made and established within 15 seconds of someone seeing you. She wasn't ready yet for anyone to gather a first impression of her just yet.

Just make it through the day. You've got this... you've got this... you've totally totally got this...
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Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith smiles back at her partner having agreed to be a team and keep each other in check if ever they need to. She suddenly felt woozy, weak even. Her body felt like jelly and the world starts to spin, the pressure on her head felt like a headache coming forth. The brunette stumbles unbalanced with only Telith to hold her up. She grips his clawed hand taking a seat on the stairs holding her head. "Whoa....what happened? I feel I just got out of some sort of high." She mumbled. "I feel so lightheaded. Maybe it's these dang powers or maybe I-" her stomach growls cutting her off short. Face beat red embarrassed that her stomach made such a sound and in front of her friend no less. Now she wished she had a hood to hide in. Instead she covered herself. "I'm sorry. I guess I must be hungry. I didn't exactly eat. Maybe that's why I feel that way. I wish you didn't hear that. So embarassing." She squeaked.

Ruben Ruiz
(Location: Lakeside>Messhall/ Tags: N/A/ Mentions: Jennete Jennete Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Telith)
9b26188aec1fcb4c43f0cacbbc0d2010.jpgEvery morning is the same routine for Ruben regardless of his residence. He woke up finding. His roommate missing. The bed neat as if unslept. Curious as to where they could be or who they are. Perhaps they were a ghost and if it's true, the dead do not rest. The young man yawned stetching his body, preparing to wake himself with a warm up of push ups, sit ups and crunches. A necessary tactic to stay fit and sturdy for his future matches. No point in taking it easy even on the first day of school and let himself go to waste. It's all he's known becoming adjusted to the life he's known. His last set of warm ups had him thinking about last night's scouting. He promised to take a look at the lake's road to see how far away it stretched. His estimate is fairly far. A perfect amount to run and come back.

Stepping outside, Ruben notices quite an amount of students already lounging about. Some entering the messhall to get their stomach filled while he held other plans. A small towel in one hand and a water bottle in the other, the brute stolled his way towards the lake finding a mermaid sunbathing on the dock. He wondered what she could do. It's amazing how monsters existed and are not afraid to show themselves. It all felt so new and scary, yet manahed just fine. Although he wished he hadn't fainted. Not that he would let thst bit of information slip. Once at the lakeside, Ruben takes in the view of where the sandy road would take him. There is only one way to find out. He sprints after a quick stretch enjoying his morning or in this case noon jog. Last night everyone took the chance to explore the site. Everything is so peaceful, free to do as one pleases. A smile quirks his lips never being able to experience a chance of silence. Nothing but nature and it's wonderful creatures. The sounds of birds chirping catching him off guard seeing one fly off into the distance into the blue sky.

After his jog, Ruben managed to find the men's bathroom and wash away any dirt. Finally, after a few minutes he steps out in his new attire. What a way to start the mornings with energy and adrenaline. He couldn't say the same when he entered rhe messhall. It all happened so fast. Ruben minded his own business enjoying his coffee and toast when a girl get's sent flying. She was taken care of, of course. The caretakers took action so he couldn't very well step in nor did he want to. Drama was the last thing he wanted but his chivalrous ways said something else. The students in questioning scattered. The interogation seemed over when the caretaker started to clean up the mess. There wasn't much to clean except to flip a few tables and a bench. The rest is taken care of and out of his place. It sucked that some of the food is put to waste. Ruben sighed wondering if he still wished to stay. He agreed as a promise to his coach on the one hand drama is not what he wanted especially with his temper. He rubs his temples irritated by the outburst of the scene.

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