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Fantasy Monster Love IC

Jayden Lanchia
Location: The dorms > His room / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Hearing that she also felt a bit overwhelmed felt reassuring to him, he wasn’t the only one that couldn’t deal with the new experience. “ I see, so that means we’re in the same boat kind of.” He normally wouldn’t be relaxed with a human but as they’re in the same situation and he could relate to her in a way it made him feel calm in a way.
Jayden got up from the bench when he got pointed in to the right direction and was about to take off by himself but he noticed she was going to show him the way and not just tell him so he just followed her quietly while carrying all his shit with him.

When they finally reached the dorms and he got shown which was the boys dorm he looks at the building for a few seconds and then back at her. “Thanks, I don’t have a number, I basically got dumped here with no information. But I can guess which room is empty and just take it for now, until I figure out which one is mine.”
Jayden nods a little as she explains to him what kind of school this is, which makes sense as to why there is a mixture of humans and monsters.
“That explains a lot. Nice to meet you, I’m Jayden. Your name sounds like you’re from royalty, are you a princess or something? That would explain why you might have no friends..”

He looks inside the dorm for a few seconds and then looks back at Elizabeth. “So have you ever been in the boy’s dorm before? Or is that not allowed?” He takes a few seconds to think over some stuff in his mind and then grabs her wrist softly and walks into the dorm pulling her along with him, he used some of his strength so she couldn’t resist him, but he would immediately let go if she told him to stop. “Now let’s see, I saw some people in the dining room or mess hall whatever you call it, so let’s say room 1 to 4 is full. There are also probably some other people I haven’t seen yet.. so 5 and 6 are also occupied, so my guess is to start at room 7. Do you agree?”
Jayden stops in front of room 7 and knocks just to make sure and then opens the door, he looks before entering and it looked empty so he enters the room still pulling her along with him, but lets go as soon as he enters the room. “Looks like I’m right.” A small smile grew on his face and he puts his shit down on the bed not wanting to unpack as he didn’t know for sure this was his room. “So is your room bigger then this room?” He sits down on the bed and looks back at you waiting for an answer.
“Thanks for showing me the dorms.” He scratches the back of his head a little bit as he was unsure how to approach this. “So.. is there anything else I need to see?”
Jayden for some reason didn't mind having her around him, of course he doesn't know anything about her, but he didn't find her annoying or anything so why not just try and keep her around, as he also feels a little bit bad about how he reacted to her back when she approached him.
Location: Mess Hall Interactions: N/A Mentions: Castiel and Faith Pumpkid Pumpkid , @anyoneinthemesshall
When the young vampire got to the food stations, she asked politely where the blood bags were. When the woman stared at her and said nothing, Snow began to panic. "I m-mean you knew a vampire was coming to this campus what did you think I would need to eat?" She clutched at her purse strap with white knuckles, her gums aching as her fangs shot out. Snow frowned, looking around to see if she could find any management or teachers or administration. This had to be a big big big mistake. Surely this was a huge mistake... Right... Right?! She saw two men who seemed to be... (teachers?) disciplining the students who made a mess in the mess hall. Snow shuffled her feet nervously, watching one talk to two students the other begin to clean up the mess.

"U..uh um ex...exc-excuse me...S-sir" Snow whispered under her breath, not moving closer, not doing very well in an attempt to communicate. Maybe she would be fine if she just skipped breakfast. She didn't need blood three times a day like humans needed food. She could get by on the heavy meal she had last night. She might even make it a day or two without feeling the hunger pains. She cursed her inability to talk to people and thought of back home and how Mother had reacted when she hadn't yet learned to be afraid.

Nova hissed at the man at the door, her eyes glowing as she told him forget this house and to feel the need to run away if he even thought of ever stepping on their street. Snow stood in the kitchen doorway, her head bowed down as she fiddled with her fingers. Mother could be scary when mad.

"Why would you ever answer the door?!" Nova screamed, pulling at her hair as she paced back and forth in sharp turns. "He could have killed you! Do you want to leave me alone?! Do you?!" Nova grabbed Snow, yanking the girl into a hug as she ran her long hands down her hair. Snow was only 15, still a human and whenever her Mother hugged her too hard like this, Snow's delicate skin was sure to bruise. But Snow knew her Mother loved her and just wanted what was best for her.

"I'm sorry Mother... I just... He wanted to talk about his book and I wanted to learn more..."Snow admitted, feeling foolish and stupid.

"You're lucky he was a peaceful human Snow. But most people are animals. Monsters. You go and you talk to them, and you ask your silly questions and they will eat you alive my little Snowflake." Nova grabbed her face, her nails drawing blood. "I love you. I do this because I love you."

Snow whimpered, tears stinging in her eyes from the pain but she nodded with a small smile. "I love you too Mother. Thank you."

Snow shook her head, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. It was fine. This place was different from the outside world. She didn't need to be so scared... of course she looked at the chaos around her and realized... maybe she did need to be scared. These teens, the Monsters and the Humans, they were destructive and violent. Snow didn't even know how to comprehend any of the many situations happening around her.
location: dorms//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
Telith was happy to see that both him and faith where in agreement, however what happened next shocked the hatchling faith suddenly appeared so..tired so almost fell over if was was not there she probably would have “oh well...umm” telith was also cut off by faiths stomach growling it made him giggle a little he forgot most other creatures could make that noise it was slightly amusing telith eyes changed form a purple colour to a light yellow. However faith seemed so very Embarrassed by it however what she said next confirmed it “oh it’s fine....just...how.. human work i guess.... umm... not exactly sure how to errr help to much with this....well... errr we could always go back to the mess hall... but.guess that place is... a mess.... right now.”

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Evan smiles up at mica she appeared to at least be happier now, and the same idea of questions her about what exactly she was kinda just dissolved “ I will...do my best to assist you mica, and yes I would very much...like to be your partner, although I am umm..not sure how these contracts work exactly have seen one happen but..anyway, is there anything you want to know about right now?”
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Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Boys Dormitory Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth gave a small nod, taking note of his name. Jayden. It was a nice name. She supposed her name did sound somewhat pretentious, and maybe it was one of the reasons people didn't like her, but she assumed there were many other reasons as well. "It's possible, but I'm far from royalty." She stated simply. Elizabeth furrowed her brow at his following question; had she been in the boys dorms. "Well no, but it's not my place-" Suddenly Jayden's hand held her wrist, pulling her along. She stumbled, following behind him. What was he doing? Was she supposed to protest? Scream for help maybe? Even with all these possibilities, she remained silent, trying to keep up with him. The dark haired male mumbled to himself as they went, trying to guess his room through his observations. Elizabeth often did the same thing. It was like a game or a puzzle, hypothesizing something through observation and deduction. He finally ended his rambling with a posed question. She recalled the orientation, and assuming no unexpected individuals came in late, it seemed logical. "I believe that's an accurate assumption." She peered around his shoulder into the room before he stepped in, releasing her wrist. Her own hand moved to where his had been, rubbing at it from the loss of warmth. Slowly, almost cautiously, Elizabeth followed him in. She took a look around the room, considering its size. "No, it looks pretty similar to the girl's dorms, though no one else's things are in here so you automatically have more space per person than I do." She noted thoughtfully. Her attention was drawn back to her new found acquaintance as he thanked her. She waved a hand dismissively. "It was no problem. I had nothing else to do, and I got to see in the boy's dorm, so a win overall I suppose." Her dark blue gaze finally moved back to meet his. "Well, I haven't looked into the class rooms, but I imagine there will be time for that later. You've already seen the dining hall," Though briefly, she thought. "I suppose there isn't much else that I can show you. I haven't done too much exploring myself." She paused for a moment, before remembering something crucial. "You arrived this morning right? So you probably aren't aware of the contracts yet."

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica furrowed her brow, trying to remember if the pretty woman with ashen hair had mentioned anything about how to form a contract. She came up with nothing. "Well I guess we'll need to find someone who can tell how to, but I guess for now I just want to eat." Her expression became somewhat bashful. She had stood up to get food, but had spent the time talking to Evan. She didn't regret it, but her stomach certainly wasn't happy. Carefully Mica grabbed a hold of one of the porcelain slabs everyone else had grabbed and moved towards the food. She glanced anxiously at the others nearby for guidance. They were using metal tools to grab the food. It seemed simple enough. With one hand holding her plate the other five set out in different directions, scooping up a number of food items. They all then congregated back to the plate, dumping the food on it. Compared to someone with only two hands she had been rather quick considering how much food she now had in her possession. She gave a quick glance back to Evan and smiled brightly, almost saying "I did it!" With this she moved back towards the table she had originally occupied, hoping Evan would follow. Once seated, she dug into the food... with her hands. Silverware wasn't a concept her tribe was accustomed to, so she simply sat there happily munching on food, occasionally licking her fingers clean. Her eyes lit up with each bite of something new, body rocking side to side like a happy child.
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Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Mess hall/ Tags: Jennete Jennete )
After adjusting seats to their rightful spot, Cas took to sweeping now currently moping up afterwards. A tiny girl approached him reeking of vampiric blood mixed with human scents. He shifts toward the soft voice of the girl. Compared to vampires, Castiel held a soft spot for the bitten or cursed vampires. Their stories were always sad involving life and death or forced to change because of something. He swore he despised vampires sometimes. Especially the other one that walked in briefly. That one no doubt is a full fledge. His wolf senses enablee him to hear the microscopic noises and to Cas, he heard clearly. His gray orbs pasted on the girl waiting for her to ask what she needed.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside>Messhall/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith chuckles at the non intentional joke. The mess hall being an actual mess is a bit funny. "Yeah it is. We should still go. I don't want to pass out for not eating. I'll probably scolded and the last thing I want is to make a fuss again." Faith struggled to get up leaning towards Telith for balance. Hands resting on his shoulders. "Um....do you mind helping me up big guy?" She cooed. Again her dragon side being flirtatious. Curse the animalistic side.
Location: Mess Hall Interactions: Castiel Chiodos Pumpkid Pumpkid Mentions: N/A

Snow shifted as the teacher? She still wasn't sure, turned his attention on her completely. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she walked closer, licking her lip nervously as she looked anywhere but at his face.

"I um... Where do I get... Bl-blood bags? I uh... I um... I have a," Snow closed her eyes tightly, pushing out the words, "Problemwitheatingrightfromthesourceso-" She rambled off super fast, staring at her feet as she furrowed her eyebrows. She needed to have confidence. Show bravery. He wouldn't eat her or kill her if she showed some toughness right? Her mother was fearsome and no one would mess with Mother.

"I just- need them. Where do I find them Sir? You are a um teacher here correct?" Snow looked up at him, her golden honey dew eyes meeting his finally as she attempted to stand tall and project a confidence she knew deep down she didn't have. What would her mother say to her right now if she saw her standing firm even though her pulse was racing and her hands were trembling? Would the Vampiress be proud of her little Snowflake or would she curse her foolishness for not being safer and blending into the background?
Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Mess hall/ Tags: Jennete Jennete )
Cas quirked a brow setting the mop down. "Sure, okay." He simply said. "Follow me." The werewolf lead the skittish blonde into the kitchen. There sat a large three door fridge and a tall minifridge on the side. He made his way towards the mini fridge with a black, covered mug. It was crucial that vampires are not seen drinking blood in front of humans. The idea of drinking chunks of blood cells would probably gros them out and cause a fuss. That was the least of one's problems. A petty complaint but necessary precaution. A bag of blood is pulled out, snipped from the corner and poured into a medium size cup. The top covered like some sort of refreshment from a fast food restaurant. Lastly a red straw inserted for her to drain. Though she would probably rather sink her teeth into the bag. Again just a precaution. Humans were skittish as well and willing to push away the unknown easily just fot being uncomfortable. Castiel tosses the bag handing her drink over. "Here. If you ever need more just ask me or the Den father. He's not here right now but he should be back." He shifts from the cup to the girl. "Not exactly what you want but we try not to scare humans here. Some are quite easily frightened and overthink and impulsive. Oh by the way I am not a teacher but a caretaker. It's still considered staff like a janitor I suppose but a body guard for humans since they can't defend themselves against us." He took his leave returning to his duty.
location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Evan watched as mica piled food onto her plate it was honestly quiet interesting, the dexterity required for the use of that many arms was something to be impressed by her smile to him was a good start atlest she understood you don’t eat directly off the serving table mica returned to a table and Evan followed, sitting down across form her he place his note book on the table writing things about mica into it. Well what he knew so far not considering this might be rude. Mica reaction to the food was adorable, like a small child at a buffet, come to think of it Evan wasn’t sure how old she was for all he knew she could actually be a child. “I see your enjoying your self...the food is good, I suppose far different to your normal diet?”

location: dorms>messhall//interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
“Oh ok then” Faith still seemed so shaky at the moment, she even had to use telith as a stabiliser to get up of course he help faith up “maby I should just carry you....umm...yeah...” telith picked faith up not without a little struggle, he did however manage to carry her back to the messhall easily enought. Although he was not sure if this was the right thing to do he didn’t what faith to get in trouble by randomly passing out.
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Jayden Lanchia
Location: His room > Outsite the dorms / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

When Elizabeth agreed with his guess he nodded softly in confirmation and a small smile grew on his face, as it meant that she could understand his thinking process and maybe thinks in the same way as him. “I’m glad you agreed with me. It shows you know how to use your brain. I like that.” He stayed silent for a few seconds after that as he noticed what he said and how it might come off and adverts his gaze to the ground as he might have said more then he wanted to.
Jayden felt a little relieved when he heard her talk again as it moved the conversation into a different direction so what he said might have quickly been forgotten.
“That sounds logical yeah. I see well you can hang out here if your roommate starts to get on your nerves or something.”

He slowly gazes back at her and looks her in the eyes as she kept on talking to show that he was actively listening. “Still you didn’t have to, you could have also just pointed me in the direction and went about your business, and you’re welcome.” Jayden got up from his bed and yawns a little as it was day time and that is when his body is not really fully 100%. “ I see, well that’s not a bad thing, we can always explore together, that might be more fun then doing it alone.. Contracts?” A frown formed on his face as he thought about the word, he didn’t have any information on it, and based on the context of how it was said it probably meant something else then what he thought.
“You mean I have to sign a contract to use the dorm or something? But no I am not aware of these contracts.”
Jayden walks out of his room and motioned for her to come with him, he wanted to go outside, because from his understanding humans like to go outside when the weather allows it, and today was one of those days so he figured she would rather be outside then in his room.

“Are you hungry or something? We can go to the dining room while you explain about the contracts, or do you need to get something from your room first?” He became a bit sluggish outside and his physical appearance looked a bit worse then before, it wasn’t super noticeable but it could be noticed if one paid close attention. “What’s your reason for coming to this school, and aren’t you scared of the monsters? I mean you’re a human so you’re at a disadvantage physically .”
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Location: Mess Hall Kitchen Interactions: Castiel Pumpkid Pumpkid Mentions: Ruben

Snow hurriedly followed the man to the back, taking the dark cup with the red straw and hungrily sucking the blood through, her eyes closed as a small smile spread over her face. "Thank you!" She happily cheered out, following him as he walked out of the cafeteria. She listened, sipping on her straw and humming softly.

"Not exactly what you want but we try not to scare humans here. Some are quite easily frightened and overthink and impulsive. Oh by the way I am not a teacher but a caretaker. It's still considered staff like a janitor I suppose but a body guard for humans since they can't defend themselves against us."

Snow stopped hungrily drinking the blood, her gaze going from the 'Care taker' to the human students all around them. His words echoed in her head over and over as her gums ached, her fangs lowering even more, past her plump bottom lip. She quickly moved her hand to her mouth, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
Not exactly what you want but we try not to scare humans here...

Not exactly what you want...
What you want...

What you want...
~ ~ ~
The blood ran down the arm as she bent over the flesh, Mother bending over her. "Stop! Stop! Is this what you want?!" Snow looked up, her golden eyes blood red as she snarled in response. How could she stop? This was exactly what she wanted.
~ ~ ~

Snow coughed, lowering the cup, her appetite a little less important now. She did not take his cue to leave, instead following him. In the back of her mind she hoped that if he were a bodyguard like he said, then he would easily be able to detain her if she couldn't help herself in a crowded scary environment like this. "You mean like those fights that happened? I don't understand why the Monsters are picking fights... Humans terrify me." She whispered, her fangs completely retracted, her appearance completely human itself now. She looked up at the man, trying desperately to make small talk, wanting to not be the weird needy spacey blood girl on her first day. "What is your name Sir?"

Her eyes caught that of young human male, rubbing his temples at the mess, his tall manner scaring the tiny vampire. She inched away shyly, almost behind the Care Taker and looked down. "Are there... a lot of humans h-here?" She twisted her sleeve on her wrist, her hat covering her face as she stared at her shoes again, sipping out of her blood cup.
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Boy's dormitory > Outside > Mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Jayden's comment on using her brain left her feeling somewhat conflicted. Was she supposed to feel insulted or take it as a compliment? Clearly the sentence structure was framed as a compliment, but the words themselves indicated a sort superiority idea. She imagined he didn't intend for it to come across like that. He did mentioned that humans weren't his most favorite species, so she decided to simply take the compliment and move on. Arguments and conflict weren't her thing after all. Jayden then further proved his kind nature by offering for her to hang out in his room if she felt it necessary. She thanked him for the offer. He then continued to talk about exploring the campus together, moving off his bed to stand. Elizabeth's gaze had originally been low, looking at him, but watching him stand and feeling her eyes roll up to keep his gaze reminded her that he was certainly taller than her. She took a small step back in an attempt to lessen the degree at which she was staring up at him. It was pointless though as he began towards the door, while she tried to explain what the contracts really were. "Food sounds nice." She commented rather absentmindedly, more focused on the idea of the contracts. "No, it has nothing to do with the living arrangements." She followed him out, feeling the warm sunlight permeate her skin. The school was located in a beautiful spot: far from civilization, nice weather, and beautiful landscaping. "The contracts are between a monster and a human. They're a bond that's supposed to help the two learn about each other through their abilities, emotions, and thoughts." She glanced up at him, furrowing her brow only slightly for a moment. Something looked off about him, but she couldn't place what it was. Maybe she was imagining it. She continued on. "Unfortunately the contracts are mandatory so everyone needs to find a partner." She listened intently as he then questioned why she came here. "I'm a young woman; I'm at a constant disadvantage." She shook her head slightly. Now wasn't the time for such a comment. "But to simply answer your question, yes I'm afraid, but I don't let fear govern my life. Instead I let it aid me in the decisions I make. There's always something to be afraid of, but no rational person locks themselves away because of it." She paused, remembering that there had been another question attached to his statement. "I chose this school because the credits are transferable to any college I choose after this, but I promise you, no human knew what they were signing up for when we did." The two finally arrived to the front doors of the dining hall. Elizabeth glanced up at her acquaintance, curious has to how he was holding up this time around.

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Another innocent smile pulled at Mica's lips as Evan sat across from her. She gave a swift nod to his question. "We don't have anything like this back home. We eat the meat of our catches, and only those of high status get to feed on the organs, like the heart, liver, and brain. It feels like I'm part of the council." She almost squealed, but her attention was quickly caught by Evan's hand moving along a piece of parchment. "What's that?" She asked curiously, leaning forward to get a better view. Her face scrunched up at the sight of the strange symbols. She racked her brain for some kind of answer to what he was doing, even just a guess would've done. "Are.. you telling stories?" She questioned rather foolishly, so she decided it would be best to elaborate. "In my tribe we tell stories to our young by drawing pictures in the dirt or on the sides of rocks with red mud. They tell stories of our history, important people, legends, and sometimes scary stories to keep the children in line. But," she took another glance at Evan's paper. "I've never seen symbols like these. They don't look like anything I've seen outside... except that one!" She pointed to an M on his paper. "Is this the symbol for the mountains?"
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Novalie Polaris
[Location: Lakeside // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Nova kept her eyes shut as she felt her body being jostled around. It was frightening but less so with her eyes closed. She felt arms around her almost like being engulfed in a warm blanket as the sound of snapping branches rang through her ears. She landed crash down on top of the beast letting out a soft groan when her body rebounded off his. Things were still now, nothing but the gently falling leaves around them slowly making their way down. "Mmm..." She rubbed her stomach feeling the little scrapes against her skin before realizing she was still on top of Nathan. "N-Nathan! Are you... are you okay?? Are you hurt? I-I'm sorry I-I..!" Her blonde hair draped down as she inspected the wolf's face tears welling in her eyes. "It's my f-fault... I don't know what came over me o-or.. or why I even have this tail or.. why I had no control over myself. It was like... someone else was in control, something else wanted to feel what it meant to be free..." Her deep blue orbs looked into his eyes with a sense of longing for understanding. She couldn't understand why but she felt a connection to him, the pain he unspokenly felt resonated through her body sparking tears to roll down her cheeks. "Please.. tell me.. you're okay..."

Coraline Florence
[Location: Pond // Interaction: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia ]

Cora dropped down covering her ears trying to block out the noises. It was like someone was yelling at her trying to get her to snap but things fell silent with a voice called out to her. She wiped the tears from her face trying to look as if she wasn't in any kind of distress. Etienne... It's only Etienne. She thought letting out a deep sigh of relief. The strawberry blonde listened to every word he said only partially understanding. All these things about being a beast and taming these monsters within her were scary and mind-numbing. If she knew she had signed up to become a crazy person she would have taken another day to reconsider. Now she was here deep into this mess and there was no way she could turn back. Her attention was called again as he pulled her into a sudden kiss. The male seemed to be one that did things based on his emotions rather than forethought so doing something like this without warning wasn't out of his nature. Cora blushed deeply blinking a few times to confirm it was real but before she had a chance he had kissed her again. Twice now the male had stolen a kiss from her but it was surprisingly comforting. He was right, she shouldn't fear what could happen but embrace it. She came to this school to experience all the opportunities she missed out on because of her uptight family. Meeting him, getting these powers and feelings, exploring new sides of herself, they were all part of it. "Thank you. That means a lot to me that you even came looking... You're so sweet and good and know what's best for others." She pulled him close wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "I mean it... I appreciate you more than you know." She whispered in his ear.
Scene 3
*The air is filled with new-found energy coming from new contracted humans who are no longer as one instead a mixture of monster and magic. The birth of fresh witches & warlocks. The strong aura emitted from the group is shaking down the barrier which can be detramental to their secret location. The Dean finds it's time to intervene and gain an solid answer to the true students*
Hazel Chiodos
Hazel hums as she strolls over to the students that are outside. Her first encounter is a white haired male with a strawberry blonde being comforted. Everyone seemed weary, but she appeared the most distraught and injured with so many scents coming off from her. The energy is too much compared to the others. "Oh dear! My child what happened? You have some injuries on you that must not be there." She noticed the handy work of someone with quite a medical knack an yet she has to send her to the nurse's office for procedure. A promise is a promise and she must keep to her world. "Not to worry those can easily be gone without the use of bandages. It seems you have somewhat calmed down. I was beginning to worry you had gone berserk. You must remain as calm as possible it's hard but that's what the classes are for. For your kind to harness such powers." Her attention turns to her son, Nathan. His hand was bleeding, injured from whatever it was hat happened. His face stoic ignoring the pain in his hand. Hazel sighs realizing she should have entered sooner and announce who is to stay or leave. "You're injured too it seems. I want you four to head into the nurse's office after the announcment." Marshall, the den father has shown up as if to inform her. "I know. I'll handle it." She assured knowing well what's been happening or at least an idea. The witch stood on a center platform connected to a pole which held speakers all around. She grabs the connected microphone inside activating the speakers. She clears her throat taking a pause of what to say first.

"Good afternoon everyone~! I hope you're enjoying yourself. This is your Dean Chiodos speaking here with an important announcement. As you know, yesterday was orientation the introduction of monsters and humans. I have given you some time to explore, interact as well as to think on the decision of staying or not. It's time for a solid answer. Those of you who have second thoughts, I suggest you leave now."
Hazel waits for the students to leave. Some stood still contemplating for a moment before leaving the premises. Some monsters left as well returning to their original homes. The only folks that remained are the ones outside with her and a few others in the messhall. She was sad to see almoat half of the group leaving a few. It was enough to continue the school as she still dedicated herself to help and keep the project going.

"Good~I thank the rest of you for staying and participating in this wonderful project. I hope you can help make our dreams come true and help make an era where monsters and humans alike may live together in harmony. As I recall, yesterday I mentioned contracts. It's highly reccommended that those of you who are humans to pair with a monster and form a contract. The contract is merely a harmless gesture which will allow you to understand each other without complications. The only price to pay are side effects from your partner's DNA. Meaning you will all succumb to unordinary traits like overwhelming emotions, feral, animalistic instincts. That isn't to say you will never become a human, on the contrary you all must harness, conquer the beast within and you will be fine. Your monster partner should help you along your difficult trials without question. Whatever happens to hou happens them. It's a partnership that is required to stay here. Some of you have already made a contract. Some of you have not. Those of you who have not may do it right now or when the time comes. You shake your partner's hand, recite the oath with the monster starting:

I *name* will bestow upon you my assistance. I will lend you my powers in exchange for...*insert bargain*

then the human partner:

I *name* accept your offer. In exchange I will *insert bargain*. I will pay any price given to me for as long as I am yours. I hearby declare myself your vessel.

Once the bargain is done powers will be exchanged with a slight pain. The monster will feel drained nothing more. If the deal is broken, then you will lose your memories of ever meeting the monster but the monster will not forget instead remain with the memories."

Some students were already beginning to take their partners and recite the oath giving the students time to recover. "Now that it's settled classes will officially stsrt today at 8pm and end at 5am. Lunch or dinner is at midnight and breakfast from now on will start at 5pm. Why so late? We monsters are more active at night than during the day. I hope you all grow accustomed. Now with that being said here are your schedules." With a snap of her fingers, papers appeared out of nowhere with a small cloud dust. Everyone's classes were different for whatever they were manoring. The only ones that everyone had in common were three classes:

  1. Wizardry 101 for third period
  2. Monster 101 for fifth period
  3. Correlation Class is seventh period
The monsters held the same classes as their partner. A mix of their interests seeing as how they did not know a thing about school and what exactly it stands for. "If you have any questions feel free to ask me."

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
evan found mica's reaction interesting so organ where reserved for the upper class? interesting her sudden interest in his notebook caught him off guard "well um...hmm hard to explain...at the moment...but its" he was interrupted by the dean she gave an explanation on the contract, so that was good for him and mica, however the DNA part was slightly confusing, would he have a similar creature inside him to mica? strange anyway the sudden appearance of a schedule startled "well umm...ill explain the writing...later right now... we should get to doing this contract now? since we...know how to do it? hmm?" he gave mica a big smile
Jayden Lanchia
Location: The mess hall / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Jayden listens attentively as she was explaining what these contracts mean and what their purpose was. “ I see, so it’s like two people becoming one. That’s quite interesting, I guess you’d really need to figure out the best person to form a contract with, and not some crazy psycho.” The longer he stayed outside the more tired he began to feel, it was as if the sun was slowly draining his energy and his face looked like he was sick or something, but it was just the effects from being out in the sun.
Unfortunately? That makes it sound like you don’t want to form a contract and would rather not do it at all, or am I wrong?” He looks at her as he was actually quite curious what her response would be to his question, it would also give him a small in site on what she thought about the whole subject.
“That’s a great mind set. I think living in fear and holding yourself back because of it is stupid. Fear can push you forward, you can even learn to control it and use it to you advantage.”
As we got closer to the dining hall he couldn’t wait to hide inside from the sun, and get back into shape. “Oohh so it was a surprise for everybody, well do you regret it? Would you rather go to a different school now that you know?”

When we reached the dining hall he opens the door and let’s her enter first and then enters after her. Jayden immediately felt better, and looked it to. His face looked healthy again, a deep sigh escapes his mouth relieved that he’s inside again, away from the sun.
Just after we entered the dean appeared and started to make some announcements. He didn’t want to distract anybody so he leaned against the wall close to the entrance as he listened to the announcements from the dean, as it all seemed pretty important and he hadn’t heard any of this before.
The vampire took out his phone and typed some stuff down under his notes;
‘Classes 8pm – 5 am’
‘Lunch or dinner – midnight’
‘Breakfast – 5 pm’

Just in case he forgets, he puts his phone back in his pocket and continued to listen as some papers appear in his hands, but he didn’t pay them much attention for now. His attention is turned to Elizabeth again. “It looks like most of the people here already have made a contract. I feel like I’m late to the party.”
He started to pick up the dog smell again, which put a bit of a sour look on his face. “This is quite annoying.” The announcements seemed to be over, so he walks over to were all the food was looking for some blood to refill his energy. But all he saw was normal food, it wasn’t really a problem but it didn’t do anything for him besides make him look normal, but it didn’t provide any nutrition’s or make him feel any better. A lot of normal food had no taste for him and he couldn’t eat a lot as it could make him sick. “Is there more food somewhere else? Like behind closed doors or something?”
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01
Elizabeth couldn't help but nod. Finding the right person felt like an important step to being successful here, but they weren't given much time. It didn't seem like a problem to everyone else though, they had already formed contracts with each other and grown close. Such was the life of the elastic hearts. She glanced up at Jayden as he questioned her reservations with the contracts. He looked different again, but better now, maybe it was lighting playing tricks on her. A rather solemn expression consumed her face as she directed her gaze to the ground in front of her, she smiled sadly. "It's not that I don't want to form such a connection with someone, it's just I know no one will choose me. It's like middle school sports; someone's going to get picked last, and I guess I'm just afraid I won't get chosen at all." She breathed a gentle sigh before shaking her head, regain her usual expression. "I don't regret my choice at all. I still believe this will be a good school for me." She stated rather simply, looking over the many people, humans and monsters alike, that occupied the room. This could be a place she enjoyed. This could be a place she called home. The sound of a microphone echoed throughout the room, followed by the familiar sound of the dean. Elizabeth listened silently as the dean said it was time for everyone to make a choice. At that point a number of people stood and made their way out of the building. Again, the raven haired girl found herself glancing up at the male beside her. He made no movements towards the door, and she found some comfort in this. At least she wouldn't be completely alone. The dean then continued on to talk about schedules and how a contract was formed. "Lending powers in exchange for something? What does that mean?" She mumbled more so to herself. Suddenly a paper appeared in front of her, a schedule laid out on it. She carefully took it, folded it up and pocketed it. Jayden's comment made her nod in agreement. "Me too, but oddly enough I was here when the party started." With the announcements over, Elizabeth directed her gaze to where the food was laid out. It looked like a pretty good selection, but the male didn't seem to agree. She looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. Was the food not to his liking or was he starting to feel overwhelmed again? "What do you mean? Is something wrong?"
Period # Class Teacher
1 Creative Writing Mr. Hodges
2 Calculus Mrs. Pierce
3 Wizardry 101 Dean Chiodos
4 Art Mrs. Jenson
5 Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6 General Sciences Mr. Jackles
7 Correlation Dean Chiodos
Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mica stared at Evan, encapsulated by the idea of whatever the strange markings were. This was interrupted by a voice over an intercom. "The nice lady?" She questioned, recognizing the deans voice. She listened intently to the woman's speech, and was honestly surprised when she saw a number of people leave. Mica, on the other hand, scooted her chair even closer to the table as if making a point that she planned on staying. Another piece of parchment magically appeared in front of her. Her eyes glistened in awe by such a trick. She quickly snatched it and looked it over. It was covered in more weird squiggles, like Evan's paper. She frowned and set it on the table, disappointed in her inability to understand. Her attention was then drawn to Evan who talked about forming the contract now. "But what are we bargaining? I'm not sure what is normally given." She frowned, wishing she was just a little bit more versed in the ways of these people.
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Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside> Messhall/Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Faith grunts as she's hoisted into Telith's arms growing bashful over the fact she's fallen so weak for the need to be in such a position. Faith has seen this many times in the movies finding it too girly for her taste. Never did she imagine to find herself in this pose, close to her partner. She could just die out of mockery from the other students if they witnessed them. Her face near damn close to the hooded demon. She could hear him somewhat pur or at least his breathing pattern. 'Is he enjoying himself?' She wondered. It was probably her timid self making up absurdities. Her arms coiled themselves around Telith, clutching the fabric of his hoodie as he carried her into the entrance of the mess hall. "Am...I n-not heavy for you?" She asked half stuttering. Too shy to look at him. Part of her is afraid of the answer. After all she wasn't exactly a perfect, skinny looking girl. Short, but she held some weight. Most people considered her chubby or thick. She wasn't sure what to make of it especially how self-conscious she is about herself. Telith however, is the type of guy who could care less. He's already proven himself by being a cinnamon roll and yet, she held the audacity to question him.

There was no time for an answer when the ear wrenching sound of the speaker broke out indicating it's active. Instantly, Faith cups her ears to muffle the sound as a voice speaks. It's none other than Dean Chiodos herself standing just outside the mess hall entrance on top of a centerpiece platform. 'So that's what that's for.' Faith listens intently to the Dean's announcement of who stays and who leaves. Faith had already made a decision to stay put with Telith. She sensed the demon looking over to her as if she planned to leave again. Instead Faith gave him a reassuring smile and clasped his hand as if to say: I'm not going anywhere. The remaining group that stayed were given appreciation by the Dean as she explained the next requirement to attend. Faith and Telith have already made the pact in front of the dean. There was no need for it. The others however that did not, begin to partake with their partners. The brunette held sympathy for those who have to deal with the transferable pain cost for powers.

Faith jumps back as two sets of papers appear with a 'poof' sound followed by small dust clouds. The paper received are actual classes. Three of which she has yet to understand the meaning behind it, but assumed it involves magic. It could come in handy for whatever she's dealing with right now. The rest are known classes she required to aspire to be an artist. A smile forms on the girl's lips excited to begin. The schedule sounded dreary, but whatever it takes to be what she's always dreamed is enough for her to push through. Everyone did say college is not easy.
"Finally! My schedule. I can't wait!" The excitable girl turns to Telith quizzically. Did the male even have a major he wished to gain? "What classes did you get?" She noticed how his classes are exactly the same as her's. Perhaps Telith didn't actually have one nor the monsters here. Maybe the whole point is to actually understand one another which explains the schedule. Faith takes a look at her paper going through each class once more:

Period #ClassTeacher
2DraftingMr. Rovig
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4ArtMrs. Jenson
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6Creative ArtMrs. Nichols
7CorrelationDean Chiodos

The sudden bump from a stranger through Faith off guard causing her to fall on her butt. She peers up in questioning of the oaf. "What the hell? Watch where you're going!" She growled.

Ruben Ruiz
(Location: Messhall Entrance/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 /Mentions: Jennete Jennete )
Something was lurking, or at least someone is staring and he can feel it. A presence of being stared at. His crimson eyes scan the room landing on a blonde girl sucking away on her drink. A brow is quirked curious to her intentions. When she did nothing, Ruben turned away rolling his eyes. "Weirdo." He murmured. He decided he no longer wished to remain seated as there are other things to explore. Luckily for him, an announcement just so happens to play right on cue. The Dean began speaking about who will stay or leave. Half of the people left including monsters. They must have second guessed themselves. A strategy from a great leader to eradicate the non participants. She thanked those who stayed proceeding to the next step. A contract. Right. Ruben has forgotten about that. A requirement to stay, yet it seemed almost everyone started to pair up and some stayed stayed neutral. She did mention it should be done out of free will and not to be rushed, for now all Ruben can do is wait until that time came in the mean time search before class starts. After participating in making contracts, every candidate received a surprise schedule crafted in mid air. The way he gained his was certainly magical and uplifting at the same time. The fact that now he can believe magic does indeed exist, everything in the world seemed much more different. The fact that the supernatural do have ways to live amongst humans and contain their secrets from every getting out. It was all so impressive. Ruben takes the opportunity to assess his schedule. Everything he needed to start somewhere is on this paper with the exception of magical classes by the looks of it:

Period #ClassTeacher
1EnglishMs. Dunn
2Algebra 2Mr.Woodworth
3Wizardry 101Dean Chiodos
4GeographyMrs. Daniels
5Monster 101 Mr. Chiodos
6ScienceMr. Jackles
7CorrelationDean Chiodos

He hums intrigued by such basic classes knowing he probably had to do it because of his past screw ups with high school. A decent choice to make up for lost times. In the midst of him lost in his mind, he failed to notice two others standing beside the entrance. Apparently his unintentional bump caused the Spanish girl to plop on the ground. She began to complain to the man for his misdeed. "My bad. You shouldn't have been standing there in the first place." He argued irritating the girl. "Well excuse me! There is literally a door right there that's wide open. We're in the far corner away from blockage. If anything, you just don't want to admit you're sorry." Ruben clicked his tongue. If anyone were watching the scene break out, they would see that both of them are at fault, too stubborn to admit defeat like a childish debate. The two were quite similar if they took the time to know each other. Both of which they held a temper.

Castiel Chiodos
(Location: Messhall/ Tags: Jennete Jennete )
Cas sighs as the girl continued to babble. All he wanted was to be left alone. Of course this kind of job calls for interaction. Lucky for him all he needs is to be subtle and straight to the point. Clearly the girl wanted to make conversation scooting closer over something that happened. Something must have made her uncomfortable. A skittish one. Not a surprise. "My name is Castiel. As for being afraid of humans. You're going to have to get used to it. Your job here is to bond with one. Make contact. If you don't like it, then maybe this place isn't for you." He said harshly. "This is a project to mix human and monsters. To make an old woman's dreams come true. Harmony." He stated simply. The small screech of an old timely speaker activates causing Cas to grunt in annoyance. Being a werewolf has it's kinks. One of them being hyper sensitive to noise and sight. The caretaker finished picking up the mess leaving the girl to prepare for the next thing. If she were to try looking for him he would have vanished. Vanished he did with the use of his shadow powers, dissolving into his own shadow out of sight to a new area. At that time, Castiel was not around to witness Ruben and Faith start trouble.

Nathaniel Chiodos
(Location: Lakeside> Outside/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm / Mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )
Nathan's wolf ears tuck back, twitching out of irritation. He slowly sits himself up, hair covering his face with a solemn expression plastered on him as Novalie rambled. He held her by her arms, those gray eyes of his staring into hers, pupils shrunk. "Shut up!" He growled. "You're such a fu**ing moron! Going around acting like a fool disregarding my warning to come back down!" He groaned. "It's like taking care of a damn child...but." He pulls her into a hard embrace, body shivering lightly. "I'm glad you're okay." He was pissed. The fact that the girl who could have brought him hope could have died if not for his quick instincts. The anger he let out was out of pure fear, relieved to see the girl okay. His damaged heart couldn't take anymore. A flaw Castiel believes he has which weakens him. Often making him insecure to be any kind of emotional though others tell him the opposite. A battle in his mind to know what's right and what's wrong. Right now in this moment he could care less. All he wanted was to be set free of the ache in his chest. Quickly, Nathan retracts from the girl shooting up to his feet, pulling the girl up avoiding eye contact. The last thing he wants is pity, to be seen in such a state. "Let's go." He said stuffing his hand in his pockets disregarding his bleeding hand splintered and bruised body.

Upon arrival to the backyard of the dormitory, Hazel is found talking to a pair along with Marshall. The same ones from orientation complaining to him about his bloom powers. Hazel takes notice of their approach noticing his injury and recommending to visit the infirmary after her announcement. The werewolf turns towards the two then Marshall before listening to his mother's speech. Half the students with monsters left, pacts being created and of course classes are being received with mother's magic. Nathan's schedule poofed in front of his hands. He was unfazed by the paper's appearance. He read each class knowing he held no interest. Some involved art meaning the schedule was Novalie's choice. He knows the works behind what's happening. He's been informed several times catching on quick as the plan takes motion. He gave a quick glance towards the blonde then spoke to the demon boy and the french girl, "Come on. The infirmary is this way." He said knowing Hazel will urge them to go whether they liked it or not.

Pandora Snow
(Location: Outside/ Tags: LazyDaze LazyDaze )
Pandora glared at the redhead for making a joke which he corrected himself thankfully. She nods in satisfaction as if to say, 'that's what I thought'. She took a step back taken aback by his assertive behavior. His tone more assertive, his eye held a spark in them she's yet to see. It was a brilliant sight basically intimidating the mermaid. She didn't know what to make of it. Her heart pounds at his close proximity towering over her small frame. Head tipped to look at him and only him. The next thing he said sent a cold shiver down her spine. Instead of finding it rather arousing, Pandora felt frightened. 'Oh goodness! Eat me? He want's to eat me? Do humans even eat fish? Yes they do! Am I supposed to behave if I don't follow him? What do I do?' The sound of the speaker startled the girl out of her thoughts as the Dean makes herself known announcing the next step. She advised people to leave if they are uncertain of remaining. Half of the crowd took their leave. Monsters and humans deciding it wasn't worth staying or perhaps second guessing. Pandora felt the same debating to leave or not, yet she already made a contract with this man. Her eyes trail over to her partner. They've both agreed and on another note, asked to stay. Her mind replays to Seven's honest words grateful she stayed. She unconsciously grips Seven's hand lacing her fingers with his as if saying, 'I'll try for you.' Her heart panged with a mixture of fear. She needed some sort of assurance. Her hand squeezing his was her way of calming herself. All that was left is to watch others make a pact. She felt a tad sympathetic to the pathetic humans who have to feel the pain of paying the price for gain.

Once the transfer is complete, the dean hands people their schedules with the use of magic poofing the papers into their hands. Pandora stared closely at the list not comprehending what she is to do with it. She turns to Seven for answers. "What is this?" Her classes were exactly the same as Seven's following what he wished to major. The fourth class was more of assisting to be a librarian which lit up the girl's eyes desiring to read books.
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location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
evan tapped his chin for a moment "well i believe the bargain is...self improvement? well, i believe you have your half of the bargain...improve your knowledge yes? bit odd don't you think? hmm...but..myself..." he stopped for a moment trying to work out what his part of it would be," well hmm..suppose im..overbearing speak out loud... and umm hmm well that...about all i can think off, and umm..by what the dean..said you start the contract? i do believe?"

location: messhall//interaction: faith ruben Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith raised a non-existent eyebrow at faith's question about her weight, he laughed a little at it while she was a little difficult to carry it wasn't anything he couldn't handle "don't...worry about that..i weigh a...few tones..." however the sudden arrival of the dean shocked him slightly telith's eyes going orange, once again he worried if faith was going to leave, but faiths smile removed any doubt about that, she was staying alright, telith calmed down a little and listened to the dean, and then a piece of paper pop into existence in front of him while you would expect telith to be started he instead didn't care much about it his uncle always showed up randomly like that. anyhow he looked over the schedule scratching his head faith seemed happy with it anyhow "i..umm don't actually..know.." he turned back to faith seeing she was on the ground wait? what happened? he looked up at who faith was yelling at, OH GOD it was him...the guy that kicked him in th snout the last night teliths eyes became a deep orange colour before letting out a weird chirping noise, small sparks shot off teliths body much it would look similar to what happened on orientation when he saw seven "umm..i..umm...just..." telith stepped away from both faith and ruben he didn't wanna deal with, this other person, the where scary..he crossed his arms and continued to make the strange chirping noises, he would have hid under the nearest chair but...he was trying to no do that...
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Side: Etienne

Etienne took Cora by the hand and stood with her. Then Dean Hazel approached them, it seemed like Cora would need to go to the infirmary. While Etienne thought that Woz had done a good job, Dean Hazel wanted a specialist to look at her. They even came across her son, Nathan who Dean Hazel gave the task of guiding them to. As they walked, Etienne asked Nathan many different questions to pass the time. "Can you grow stuff other than flowers? Does silver hurt you? Does your mom wear a witch hat all the time? Who built this school? Have you heard the word of our Lord and Savior, Kouta Kazuraba?" asked Etienne. Then he told Cora the story of how he had become the best slot car racer in Akihabara. His personal machine Drag-00n was a custom model that was now banned in several countries because of the sheer amount of wins he would get with it. Woz was just banned from slot car racing in general because one of his machines tore a hole in a few buildings. Etienne had eyed up a primo spot for slot car racing when he was looking for her. He might ask about building a track there later. Then he talked about his family. His father, Taktical was a Demon Lord and the head of Kamukura/Advantage Enterprises; a joint company with investments in multiple industries. His mother was a Shapeshifter who changed her identity quite often and worked as the Head Animator for a major studio. His brother Johnny was the lead singer for the popular band "Knife of Day". His sister Nora was named for his grandmother and ran her own indie game studio. As for Grandpa Izuru, he was a free spirit who worked to help people all over. Bluebot had been following them the entire time, not wanting to be left alone by a pond. He gave Etienne some fruit juice and apologized to Nathan for his Masters behavior.

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Pumpkid Pumpkid

Side: Woz

Woz was making progress on getting Marci to form a contract with him. Her bandmembers had already approved of him. One had even stated that she should just make a contract with him. Though it did seem as if Marci was still wanting to be treated like a lady before she became an asset. This slightly peeved Woz. He just wanted her to form the contract and give him her power. He couldn't give up now, he was getting close. "Yep, by this afternoon we'll be seeing if you guys will be the next Knife of Day" said Woz as he dropped the name of the popular band. Their lead singer was Etienne's older brother, who had a bit of an attitude. Having met him, Woz learned that some artists could be complete jerks. Although he did have to admit that the group had earned their reputation as the band that "Cuts through the expectations of the public". Then an idea popped into Woz's head. Perhaps he should turn Marci's band into the next Knife of Day, just to spite the older Advantage brother. Inwardly he cackled as the possibilities started coming to him.

Interactions: Dak Dak
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Jayden Lanchia
Location: The mess hall / Interaction: Elizabeth Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness / Snow Jennete Jennete

Hearing Elizabeth talk like that, while seeing the sad look on her face it did something to him, she didn’t look like the type that would be effected by what she said but he thought it was quite sad and actually didn’t want her to feel the way she did about it. A happy smile suited her much better then the sad look she had now. “ I don’t understand the whole middle school analogy, but the solution is pretty easy. I’ll be your partner.” Jayden pokes her forehead softly as a sign that she should look at him and stop being down. If it was anybody else he probably wouldn’t have offered, but for her he was willing to make an exception. “You can reject me if I don’t meet your standards, no hard feelings. So no more sad faces, ok?” He secretly hoped to see a smile appear on her face again even if it was a small one.
“Well it’s a unique school for sure.” He didn’t have any experiences with school’s so he couldn’t really offer his opinion if the school was good or not, but she seemed like she had quite the school experience so he agreed with your statement for now.

Jayden heard her mumble to herself and actually heard what she said due to his enhanced senses, it probably wasn’t meant for him to hear it, but he would still answer the question anyway. “ I think it means for example; I can lend you my powers in exchange for a condition I set for myself. But don’t hold it against me I’m not sure..” He laughs a little bit at the comment she made. “It just means you’re not good at parties.”
The vampire didn’t take his eyes off of the food, thinking he might have over looked what he was looking for, but after a good 30 seconds he gave up and turned to Elizabeth to answer her question.
“Well.. it’s just that I can’t eat this food. Actually I can but it’s not really healthy for me so I can’t. I need something else but I don’t see it.” He moves closer to her and whispers quietly so nobody else would hear, as he didn’t want human’s to hear it and have the possibility that they would freak out and cause unnecessary drama. “I need blood..” After saying that he hoped she wouldn’t freak out or suddenly be scared of him. But if that was the case he could understand it, it’s pretty weird to suddenly hear something like that for the first time. He takes a few steps back to give her some space to process what he just said.

Just as he backed off he picked up the smell of blood which was quite a surprise to him, the sudden discovery of the blood smell caused his body to get a little excited which resulted in his fangs growing larger and sharper, now being visible sticking out above his lips. He searched the room with his eyes, looking for where the smell could be coming from and noticed a small blond girl sipping out of a cup, his eyes fixated on the cup, and walks up to her, dropping everything else he was doing as his mind was now only focused on getting blood. “Where did you get that?” His voice friendly and warm as he points at the cup filled with blood, there was no reason for him to not be friendly against a fellow vampire, she didn’t need to tell him that she was a vampire he could tell she was, like how other species recognize each other. He did notice that she wasn’t a pureblood but he wasn’t one of those vampires that would discriminate because of that, they were all the same as far as he’s concerned. He’s just delighted that there was another vampire attending the school.
“Or did you bring it with you before you came here?” A curious look appeared on his face as he looked at the blond girl waiting for an answer.
Snow Intrye
Location: Messhall Interactions: Castiel, Jayden ( Theyung01 Theyung01 ), and Elizabeth ( Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness ) Mentions: Ruben ( Pumpkid Pumpkid )
Snow froze as her enhanced hearing picked up on the, "Weirdo" comment stated by the tale tattooed male. Snow knew she was weird... but it stung to hear someone else say it. Turning to try and distract her mind, she was then met with Mr.Castiel's disapproval on her skittishness with humans.

"My name is Castiel. As for being afraid of humans. You're going to have to get used to it. Your job here is to bond with one. Make contact. If you don't like it, then maybe this place isn't for you." He said harshly. "This is a project to mix human and monsters. To make an old woman's dreams come true. Harmony."

Make a contract... Snow knew what he meant. She had studied ancient monster rituals and law for two years while in the safety of her Mother's mansion. Of course Nova had strong opinions on a contract. Pointless. Stupid. Reckless. Dangerous. Why on earth would she give her powers to a human who could turn around and kill her with them, Nova always said.

"I want to be here but I just-" Snow stopped speaking, looking around to find Mr. Castiel gone. Oh shoot... She had failed at small talk. Snow sighed before another tall male with a female with dark short hair approached her. She jumped back, her eyes wide as she gripped the cup in question to her body.

“Where did you get that? Or did you bring it with you before you came here?” The male said. Something about him...seemed...familiar. Snow tilted her head at him before smiling, her shoulders relaxing. "Of you're a Vampire! I've never met another Vampire besides Mother!" Snow stuck out her hand, feeling relieved. "I'm Snow Intrye! It's a pleasure to meet you! You know with all the different species, I was so unsure if I would be lucky enough to fall into that 26% chance of meeting a fellow Vampire on my first day but here you are! I should enter the lottery. Just kidding, you only would have a 0.0000072% chance of winning which is..." She took a breath, laughing at the absurdity. "Insane. Oh and back there!"

She rushed off, using her enhanced speed before appearing back with a similar black cup, lid and red straw. "There is a little mini fridge for us with blood bags." She stared at the female for the first time, all smiles before she sniffed the air and paled a little bit. She was a human. "I uh... I um..." She trembled a little, her good mood ruined. Would this girl find it repulsive she drank human blood. How could she not! Did she just accidentally expose her new Vampire acquaintance? He hadn't actually said the words blood or Vampire... oh no.


"Pl-please don't kill me Human. I pr-promise I haven't drunk fresh human blood in over a year!" Snow panicked, looking back and forth from the Vampire to the Human. "I'm sorry if I accidentally exposed you to friend. I didn't mean too I swear!"
Elizabeth Barrett
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Theyung01 Theyung01 Jennete Jennete
Elizabeth flinched internally, being reminded that he had never gone to school. How could she be so daft. It was one of the first things he had mentioned and the main source of his apprehensive behavior. She was drawn out of beating herself up by Jayden's gentle offer and finger against her forehead. She did her best to fight off the heat that was rising to her face as she let her dark gaze meet his his. "So no more sad faces, ok?” A light smile pulled at the corner of her lips as she nodded. "If it really is no bother to you, I would greatly appreciate being your partner." Jayden then continued to explain what he thought the bargaining meant, but she was more surprised that he had heard her. He certainly wasn't human, as he continued to refer to them as separate from himself, so whatever he was his hearing must have been incredibly acute. "That makes sense. This is a school after all, so bettering ourselves must be a part of it." Another light smiled pulled at her lips as she heard her potential partner laugh. Was what she said really amusing? Elizabeth only wished she was funny now, maybe then she'd be able to hear him laugh more often.
Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, trying to understand what he meant. The food was nutritious to him? Elizabeth froze as he moved in closer to her, his voiced dropped to a deep whisper. Blood? Her eyes flicked up at him, watching him step back as if preparing himself for her to panic. He had obviously whispered it because he was worried others would hear, so maybe he expected her to be horrified as well. She gave a slow nod, thinking. "Alright, so how do we get it? Does have to be human or can it be animal?" She hoped she wasn't asking ridiculous questions; she just wanted to show him that she understood and was willing to help him. He didn't answer though, instead he cocked his head to the side and quickly began towards another person: a petite woman with a large white hat and beautiful blonde hair. Elizabeth followed quickly on his heels. His tone was sweet and comforting, a total contrast to the tone she had received when first meeting him. Did he know the girl? He questioned her cup and she squealed happily about meeting another vampire. So her assumptions were right. Clearly there were other creatures who consumed human blood, but vampires were the more well known of them all. Elizabeth listened as the girl, Snow, spouted out different statistics anxiously. She couldn't help but smile at this. I suppose I'm not so alone in thought as I initially assumed. Snow then moved with inhuman speed to retrieve a cup similar to her own for Jayden. Snow then let her gaze settle on Elizabeth, though her smile quickly dissipated. Elizabeth furrowed her brow in confusion as the girl started to tremble and stutter. The vampire's sudden plea made Elizabeth flinch. Never had she been addressed as human, and never had it been filled with so much fear and anxiety. The raven haired girl raised her hands up to show the girl she meant no harm. Was Snow afraid of her? She was clearly the stronger one. If anything Elizabeth was the bug in this situation; she should've been more afraid of her. "I don't plan on hurting you, but that's just words, right? So let's talk statistics." She began. Snow clearly had a logical way of thinking so this seemed like the best way to ease her. "Assuming the max capacity of this building currently is 200 people, that means the building space for dining is a 55 foot by 55 foot area, or a total of 3000 square feet. You just traveled approximately 40 feet- 20 feet one way- in five seconds, so you travel at about 8 feet per second. The average human can only reach those speeds if sprinting. And I'm going to take a guess and say you didn't sprint to that back room." She concluded before offering a kind smile. "So you see, even if for some odd reason I had any ill will against you I could never lay a finger on you."

Mica Amazos
Location: Mess hall Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
A frown pulled at Mica's mouth as she heard Evan state her bargain as obvious. Of course he was right, she planned on using her intelligence as her improvement point, but it didn't feel any less insulting hearing someone else confirm her stupidity. She sighed lightly as Evan found difficulty in finding something to correct. Wouldn't it be nice if we were all that perfect. She sneered internally. She did her best to shake off the feeling as she took Evan;s hand with one of her own. "I, Mica Amazos, will bestow upon you my assistance. I will lend you my powers in exchange for the chance to better my knowledge and understanding of your world." She recited the chant, her voice strong and serious like the warrior she was. She looked to Evan, her brown and ashen eyes holding his gaze as she waited for him to recite his end. Once he had, Mica felt an uncomfortable sort of feeling, like something was being siphoned from her body. She kept her hand in his, but could feel her grip weaken as her body felt tired and sluggish.
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Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Outside/ Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
Ruben had clicked his tongue having the urge to brawl with brunette, however her pause and change in mood threw him off. She held her shivering form peering up at the lad with frightful. "S-scary." She stuttered. 'Why am I suddenly frightened?' Faith turns to Telith chirping and spewing fireworks again. The same reacrion given during orientation. Her heart sunk quickly rushing to his side while tears dared falls. "Telith...hey buddy it's okay. I got you. Nothing is going to happen." Ruben's eyes widen hearing the familiar name being spoken. The terrified being under that hood is his roommate. His anger subsides feeling terribly sorry for the guy. A familiar feeling he knew all to well as a child. "Is he...alright?" Faith glares at the black haired brute. "What do you care? Shouldn't you be going?" Faith hissed. Ruben growls back clutching his fist tightly. "He's my roommate you idiot. Forgive me for trying to be nice to him." "Idiot?" Faith croaks. "Roommate or not he's not your partner!" Faith held the demon rubbing his back. She then sighed. "Stop....he's frightened. What's wrong Telith?"
location: messhall//interaction: faith ruben Pumpkid Pumpkid
Telith was just about to lose it, he watch Ruben and faith..it looked like they where going to beat eachother up...then faith poor faith was hit with Telith emotions he saw her becoming as frightened as he was, it only exasperated his felling, faith rushed to his side in a attempt to comfort him, of course it was helpful Telith leaned his head against faith, her,words like a chime calming him down...bit the other human....was his roommate? Oh that would explain one thing maybe he was about to say something but faith hugged him instead and rubbed his back he nuzzled her for a before answering faiths question “he...he...kicked...me in the snout...while I was trying to sleep...and..well..he..scary”

location:mess hall//interaction: mica Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
Evan looked into mica eyes give her a smile he was impressed by how strong she could make herself sound of course he had no doubt she could break him in half he she really really wanted to inhaling deeply he recited his part of the chant “I Evangelos accept your offer. In exchange I try to stop being so overbearing and speaking aloud all the time I will pay any price given to me for as long as I am yours. I hearby declare myself your vessel.” As he finished his sentence Evan was hit with a seering pain it didn’t late long but by the end of the contract forming he felling on the ground “skatá pou ítan ... káti” he had slipped back into Greek again and he slowly got up...felling a little off after the whole thing
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