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Fantasy Monster Hunt Characters

Meowfyre Meowfyre Accepted! A unique hunter~ :D Looking forward to roleplaying with you. If you can, please get a post out soon so we can actually have an active hunter (Oh my goodness it has taken way too long--not your fault Meowfyre.) Also, do you have a nickname you prefer? or will meowfyre do?

Nekomimi's worse fear isn't hunters who want them dead, it's used to breeding or organ farm (worse option would be both)
(nekomimi's boys are same race than mates (there isn't boy nekomimi) and girls 50/50 nekomimi or mate race (if mate is human or mate race hasn't females, girls always are nekomimis))
Meowfyre is fine. I'll accept any nicknames you come up with too :p I'm currently out shopping and after that I'm taking a walk. After that I'll post.

Nekomimi's worse fear isn't hunters who want them dead, it's used to breeding or organ farm (worse option would be both)
(nekomimi's boys are same race than mates (there isn't boy nekomimi) and girls 50/50 nekomimi or mate race (if mate is human or mate race hasn't females, girls always are nekomimis))

How dare you! Alamush is a man of morals! He would never engage in such nasty behavior.
(Sorry this is so late, guys, but I had previously made this a month or so ago and wanted to find it so I wouldn't have to rewrite. Hope this will be ok!)

"You know, master, I know you want me to hate you for hating monsters. But, to be honest, I don't think I could hate them as much as I already hate myself. Is that wrong?"

Name: Ahri Rehn of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Ahri, Ri-Ri, Little Fox
Species: nine-tailed fox/kitsune
Unusual Aspects: When in her full form, she has nine, white fox tails flowing behind her and whiskers. Her black ears stay even when she doesn't take her demon form, so she wears either a hood or a long red handkerchief over them.
Special Powers: firepower, healing, emotions
Other Abilities/Skills: Can take a full-demon form and can change into an actual fox, but only when she's old enough or her emotional levels are high.
Age: At first looks 12, but probably around the 1,000s. Will age physically as we continue (aka second image on right)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Isladrassilic when child, but became Zantoric when first bought as a slave
Height: 4'4" (younger self), 5'4"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Appearance: Black hair in a braid, tied with red ribbon. Pale skin with whiskers, golden eyes.
Clothing/Style of Dress: Wears a short red kimono with a poofed-out skirt and flowy sleeves with blue ribbon along the edge, uses a red band to cover ears, white boots and a red garter on her left leg (young self). Wears more revealing red kimono with a tighter skirt and flowing sleeves with white ribbon along the edge. Red boots and red garter on her left leg (older self).
Personality: Bubbly, optimistic, a bit devilish. Has a bloody side and is terrifying when emotionless.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Golden eyes, black hair, short height and a cloth covering her head
Weakness: Using magic can make her sleepy and lose control, her emotions can affect the quality of her magic, cannot take her full form for a long period of time. Tries to avoid violence.
Strengths/Advantages: Good at empathy, optimism, occasional sarcasm, healing bonds and being the pacifist.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To escape her bonds and find her family
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: To never escape from her master and to die alone.
Bio: Ahri used to live with her parents in a pack until the Hunters came into being. They ended up dying to protect her and abandoned her with other humans in a nearby village. They ridiculed her for her strange ears and short height despite her age, but she stayed happy throughout with the hope of reuniting with her parents again. However, after accidentally starting a fire in her sleep, the villagers told her location to the Hunters and forced her to leave. Since then, she wanders from place to place, healing and making friends when she can until she is discovered. She eventually gets captured by a Hunter and is forced to act as his servant and slave.
Occupation: Demon, slave, servant
Most Prized Possession: The red ribbon she uses to tie her hair (which she got from her parents and was from her original baby blanket. Also, has her name sewn into it.
Relations: Unknown
Perspective: Wishes she had a normal life so she could be with her family, feels shame due to her strange form but enjoys being praised for her powers.
Likes: dumplings, candy, food in general, being praised, helping others, thinking of her family, healing people, stopping conflict, sleeping by a fire, mastering her powers.
Dislikes: people pulling at her tails, people playing with her ears, people playing with her ribbon, people messing with her in general, rude people, offending her master, being punished, hearing that her family is dead, being betrayed, not eating food, failing with her powers

NOTE: Last thing! Eggplant ;)

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(Sorry this is so late, guys, but I had previously made this a month or so ago and wanted to find it so I wouldn't have to rewrite. Hope this will be ok!)

"You know, master, I know you want me to hate you for hating monsters. But, to be honest, I don't think I could hate them as much as I already hate myself. Is that wrong?"

Name: Ahri Rehn of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Ahri, Ri-Ri, Little Fox
Species: nine-tailed fox/kitsune
Unusual Aspects: When in her full form, she has nine, white fox tails flowing behind her and whiskers. Her black ears stay even when she doesn't take her demon form, so she wears either a hood or a long red handkerchief over them.
Special Powers: firepower, healing, emotions
Other Abilities/Skills: Can take a full-demon form and can change into an actual fox, but only when she's old enough or her emotional levels are high.
Age: At first looks 12, but probably around the 1,000s. Will age physically as we continue (aka second image on right)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 4'4" (younger self), 5'4"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Appearance: Black hair in a braid, tied with red ribbon. Pale skin with whiskers, golden eyes.
Clothing/Style of Dress: Wears a short red kimono with a poofed-out skirt and flowy sleeves with blue ribbon along the edge, uses a red band to cover ears, white boots and a red garter on her left leg (young self). Wears more revealing red kimono with a tighter skirt and flowing sleeves with white ribbon along the edge. Red boots and red garter on her left leg (older self).
Personality: Bubbly, optimistic, a bit devilish. Has a bloody side and is terrifying when emotionless.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Golden eyes, black hair, short height and a cloth covering her head
Weakness: Using magic can make her sleepy and lose control, her emotions can affect the quality of her magic, cannot take her full form for a long period of time. Tries to avoid violence.
Strengths/Advantages: Good at empathy, optimism, occasional sarcasm, healing bonds and being the pacifist.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To escape her bonds and find her family
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: To never escape from her master and to die alone.
Bio: Ahri used to live with her parents in a pack until the Hunters came into being. They ended up dying to protect her and abandoned her with other humans in a nearby village. They ridiculed her for her strange ears and short height despite her age, but she stayed happy throughout with the hope of reuniting with her parents again. However, after accidentally starting a fire in her sleep, the villagers told her location to the Hunters and forced her to leave. Since then, she wanders from place to place, healing and making friends when she can until she is discovered. She eventually gets captured by a Hunter and is forced to act as his servant and slave.
Occupation: Demon, slave, servant
Most Prized Possession: The red ribbon she uses to tie her hair (which she got from her parents and was from her original baby blanket. Also, has her name sewn into it.
Relations: Unknown
Perspective: Wishes she had a normal life so she could be with her family, feels shame due to her strange form but enjoys being praised for her powers.
Likes: dumplings, candy, food in general, being praised, helping others, thinking of her family, healing people, stopping conflict, sleeping by a fire, mastering her powers.
Dislikes: people pulling at her tails, people playing with her ears, people playing with her ribbon, people messing with her in general, rude people, offending her master, being punished, hearing that her family is dead, being betrayed, not eating food, failing with her powers

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If you don't get enslaved there is one 12 years old Nekomimi who would love friend creature.
Elowyn Elowyn

Right! Just reread the rules and forgot about religions. Due to her being a slave, I am guessing she was raised Isladrassilic but became Zantoric when she was a slave. In the hierarchy, she's relatively low.
Elowyn Elowyn

Right! Just reread the rules and forgot about religions. Due to her being a slave, I am guessing she was raised Isladrassilic but became Zantoric when she was a slave. In the hierarchy, she's relatively low.
Can you just add that in to your CS please? Thank you! Also like the first post of Logistics so I know you have watched the thread (that's also in the rules).


"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."

Name: Ajal Gegar of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: N/A
Species: Griffin
Unusual Aspects: Aja is decorated in gold tattoos that he flaunts openly since they have no meaning to those around him. He isn't one to blend in the background either, and he is adorned in gold armor since his species has an affinity for the metal.
Special Powers:
The only power he has is being able to switch from Griffin form to human. He heals very fast, however, and his reflexes and speed are twice that of a human.
Other Abilities/Skills:
-Ajan is extremely cunning and devious. Even the most casual and meaningless conversation is a way for him to delve deeper in a person without them even noticing.
-He can easily disguise herself amongst commonfolk and nobles alike with a wardrobe change.
-He has spent his years mastering many weapons and is formidable in most.
-Tracking is a skill he relies on the most and he does it quite efficiently.

: General Information:
Age: 113
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Religion: None
Height: 5"11
Weight: 142

: Personal Information :

Personality: His species is an old and grand one, and so he does carry herself as if he looks down on everyone. His moral compass is quite lacking and so he can kill without any guilt. He is clever and skilled at planning out events beforehand to minimize possible dangerous outcomes. Ajan likes grand entrances and to be as flashy as possible usually, which many people would find odd if they found out his job required subtle actions. He sacrifices his need more shiny apparel and such since he enjoys having agility the element of surprise, however. There is no one on the face of the earth he trusts either.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:
-Golden tattoos decorate his face and arms,
-He has numerous scars compiled on her body.
-His eyes look like gold themselves.
-Ajan loves tricks and riddles like most Griffins, and sometimes he gets too into it that he loses focus on what needs to be done since he's too busy toying with his victim.
-He has a very strong will and that and his hatred for his own kind make him an unstoppable force.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
-Freeing the world from his kind and redeeming himself for being such a monstrosity.
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
-Failing the one mission he was born to do and disappointing the person. who brought him up who is now beyond the grave.
Bio: Ajan's story came to be because of what happened in the past. Long before he had even been thought of, there was a small secretive group that had made a base in the far off mountains. They were a group of humans who had noticed the weird creatures with strange abilities around them and in their own cities. The group of humans had tried warning the fellow citizens of the town, but they had labeled the group as raving heretics. The group had packed their bags and decided to find a place where they'd be safe from these creatures. The group had a few talented soldiers, healers, and smiths, and there soon was the idea of making the situation work out for them. Why cower in these stone walls when they could prove they had been right and save their fellow man from these creatures? People started getting trained, guided with some facts about the creatures they were supposed to hunt and so forth. Special items were made as well, and soon the first group was ready. It was a success, and a dark fae had been caught and killed. It caused panic with humans, and soon sprouted the torrent of fear towards the supernatural beasts that could be anywhere around. The humans, now calling themselves part of The Order, decided to stop being public and become more of a reclusive force. They had done their main job, however. The supernatural had been shown to the humans they thought they could blend in so easily with.
The order continued and was passed down from person to person. Their beliefs got warped each time power was given to another person with radical ideas and hatred of the supernatural creatures. It was then given to a woman named Illise, and she was the one who introduced the idea of using actual supernaturals to hunt their own kind. It was ridiculed and fought over for months, but her idea won out. An Adlet, or wolf-like creature with human characteristics, was the first test subject. It was taken from the mother and raised at The Order with one thought drilled into its head- it's own kind was a scourge of the earth and needed to be eradicated. It was a complete success, and it complied with its human superiors' commands without a second thought. It died a couple years later when it got into a fight with a much older and experienced supernatural, a cockatrice, but it had been a breakthrough. Ajan was part of the second trial and was raised along with a Kelpie and a Wendigo. They were trained separately and kept away from each other until is was time for sparring. Competition and rivalry were the only relationship the three had with each other, and it was encouraged and enforced by the humans. The Selkie was the first supernatural to be released an given a target, but she completely lost it when she felt the pull of the ocean. She had been used to an underground pool of water in the base, which the humans thought would substitute for the ocean and remove the effects the large body of water would have. She didn't have her seal skin available to her, so she couldn't leave. She wound up going mad and had to be put down. The Windigo was a formidable Hunter and Ajan was getting the hang of it by that time, and so there wasn't much of a loss.
The Order started diminishing many years later. It was now full of many other supernaturals being trained, but they weren't so easily compliant. There were many accidents that resulted in human deaths, and it was finally decided to shut everything down. Ajan and the Windigo were the oldest and best trained, and so the humans left and gave their final orders for Ajan and the Windigo to kill the rest. The mountain was sealed off when the humans left since they didn't want any creatures leaving and showing the world what they had failed to do. The Windigo was fine with eating the corpses of the supernatural creatures the two had slaughtered, but Ajan had it in his head that he needed to continue, kill the rest of the creatures far from the cave. It took him a week to make an opening so he could get out. He had killed the Windigo by then and left its body next to the shining bones of their kin. Without the orders of humans, he was used to, he was lost for a long time. It was like following the every order of god and then hearing nothing. However, Ajan adapted quickly and continued following the last order he had heard: killing the rest.
Occupation: Hunter

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: Two daggers that were given by his teacher.
Relations: None
Perspective: Being a supernatural to Ajan is like being cursed.
-Gold, but if it glitters or shines it will capture his attention
-Riddles and such

-Windy weather
-Other supernaturals

Fun Fact: Birds go completely silent when he's around.



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