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Fantasy Monster Hunt Characters

slim slim , I definitely like your character! Since Ahri has a bit of a gentle spirit, these two would have an interesting dynamic! One thing I'm wondering is if Aja will stay mainly in her human form when hunting or if she will use her gryphon one more often, especially since the original plan was to have all hunters be human and hate monsters, thus giving them reason to hunt them?
slim slim , I definitely like your character! Since Ahri has a bit of a gentle spirit, these two would have an interesting dynamic! One thing I'm wondering is if Aja will stay mainly in her human form when hunting or if she will use her gryphon one more often, especially since the original plan was to have all hunters be human and hate monsters, thus giving them reason to hunt them?
Remember Lady Astra Lady Astra , her CS is unfinished still. I would be waiting mentioning of you ^;3^
slim slim Interesting character. Lemme know when you are done, and PM me with the hunter-specific questions answered.
slim slim , I definitely like your character! Since Ahri has a bit of a gentle spirit, these two would have an interesting dynamic! One thing I'm wondering is if Aja will stay mainly in her human form when hunting or if she will use her gryphon one more often, especially since the original plan was to have all hunters be human and hate monsters, thus giving them reason to hunt them?
Ill try to answer this when my character has more of a backbone
slim slim Hmm... Ask Elowyn Elowyn since she makes up most of the cultural and economic backgrounds. However, in my opinion, she was a young outlaw on the run until she decided to repay her debts as a slave, ending her guilt. She randomly got sold from place to place until she ran into the hunter.
slim slim Hmm... Ask Elowyn Elowyn since she makes up most of the cultural and economic backgrounds. However, in my opinion, she was a young outlaw on the run until she decided to repay her debts as a slave, ending her guilt. She randomly got sold from place to place until she ran into the hunter.
It could be that in some cultures (that are more aware about creatures) would use harmless and/or beautiful creatures as slaves.

I would see that Kitsune slaves would always be trained at young age as magic using creature adult Kitsunes would be dangerous.

Nekomimis aren't normally dangerous and as they don't have males, they need to be mated with other races. And as they normally doesn't age after 18 years, they stay beautiful and fertile so long than they have lives. (periods start at some point at 12-13 age young)
slim slim Hmm... Ask Elowyn Elowyn since she makes up most of the cultural and economic backgrounds. However, in my opinion, she was a young outlaw on the run until she decided to repay her debts as a slave, ending her guilt. She randomly got sold from place to place until she ran into the hunter.
Hm, that would work really well in Duermio where there is a slave market. Perhaps she could be from there and be brought into Adelport? Adelport doesn't allow slaves legally, but they are brought in as servants with low pay.
Hm, that would work really well in Duermio where there is a slave market. Perhaps she could be from there and be brought into Adelport? Adelport doesn't allow slaves legally, but they are brought in as servants with low pay.
that good benefits to creature slaves too ^D^
Elowyn Elowyn That makes a lot of sense! She became an orphan at a young age (for yokai anyway) so she was sold into slavery probably in Duermio, escaped a few times and was resold again in Adelport.
: Intro:
"In your will, I shatter a heretical host of men. In your honour, I protect the lowest from harm. In your name, I fight to liberate the world."

Name: Artorias Alvarez of Adelport

Preferred Name/Nickname: Artorias

Species: Elemental Wraith (He doesnt know about it)

Unusual Aspects: Artorias has a scar going across his left eye. His eye is in tact but the scar drags over the top of his eye diagonally down part of his cheek. He is also a former Scoursword who was excommunicated from the Order. One of the only Paladins to have ever been excommunicated.

Special Powers: Can use the elements to his will. Such as creating water from the air, raising rock from the ground. And so on and so forth. (To learn these skills he will have to "awaken them" whether that be through emotions or actions)

Other Abilities/Skills: He is a exceptional swordsman and spear fighter aswell as some hand to hand skills. Artotias through vigorous training in battleschool became athletic and highly conditioned to physical activities and stress.

: General Information :
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Quitulias' Followers
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190 Lbs
Appearance: Artorias is a tall, handsome and overal charming man. His hair is brown and medium in length. It is normally somewhat pushed back and out of his eyes. His training has never left him and he is always keeping in shape. His body is toned and muscular. His face is masculine but still has some of those "Prince Charming" qualities. The scar over his left eye is probably the first thing anyone will notice but that isnt all there is to him.

Clothing/Style of Dress: He wears standard middle class clothing now that he has been excommunicated. He keeps his sword in his home.
: Personal Information :

Personality: Artorias is a positive man, he prefers to look to the brightside. He has always put himself at risk for others and has no problem with doing so. Being a former Paladin he is honorable. Although he beleives the Orders version of Honor was corrupted and ruined he beleives in what he calls "true" honor. Artorias has always been a protective type of man. He cares for all those close to him and he would do anything to protect them. He is a generous man, giving what he can spare to the poor and needy.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Besides his eye his excommunication and his generosity might make him known.

Weakness: If those he cares for are in danger he will put his life at risk wothout hesitation. So he's hotheaded and certain comments and or threats will send him over the line and cause him to think irrationally and make hasty decisions. Possibly leading to larger problems.

Strengths/Advantages: Strong willed, honorable, brave.

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To change the way the Order thinks and show them what true divinity is.

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Losing all those he knows and everything he loves

Bio: Artorias was born the son of a Paladin and grew to become one. His family was of the higher class and he was quickly put into battleschool to follow in his fathers footsteps. Even before he was in battleschool he was being conditioned and trained by his father. He quickly became renown in battleschool for his swordsmanship and even his spear skills. Besting the other initiates at almost every turn. After he graduated battle-school he was set as a standard Paladin. Walking through the streets. Maintaining order. For four years he never questioned anything he was told, none of the orders he was given. Life was simple. He enforced the laws of Adelport just as he was told.

Once he turned twenty his father passed. He became dark. Sad, depressed even. He looked for any source of comfort. He found it from a new religion. One that was dofferent from the Order. One of secrecy. But of true divinity and true kindness. Soon he became involved with the religion, and he attended secret meetings. Life was beginning to get better when he was finally caught. The order had found out somehow, a possible informant, either way they had tailed him. Busting into the meeting and arresting any and all they could.

Later Artorias was put on trial for his actions. He was a renown Paladin, and his deceased father gained great respect for his family while he was alive. Artorias was spared of execution and a lifetime of imprisonment. He was stripped of all titles and land that was given by the order. His Paladibs crest was taken and he was excommunicated from the Order. Never to be excepted by them again. And so he took his sword. And belongings and left. His mother and sister pleaded with him to stay but he was broken. He didnt want to cause the family any more shame than he already had. He lived the next three years an exile of the order and he fit in with his new religion. Meeting woth his family in secret when he could. And now it is present day.

Occupation: Former Paladin, current Blacksmith

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: His sword and his sister.

Relations: His father is deceased, his mother and sister still live but he rarely see's them due to them still being loyal to the Order.

Perspective: he has no idea he is supernatural

Likes: singing, reading, training, kind people, open minded people.
Dislikes: Pointless fighting, cruel people, The order.

Let me know if anything needs to be changed, edited, or discussed possibly the reasoning behind the name eggplant?
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Hmmmma nyone have a way for me to interact with their character as a starter? Cause right now I have no other way than to just wing it xD

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