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Fantasy Monster Hunt Characters

Monster Hunt:

  • " Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. "

    Name: Her real name is unknown, Adleport

    Preferred Name/Nickname: She changes her 'name' often in order to stay more hidden. But some nicknames people gave her in the past have stuck. The name she's currently using is Sophie.

    Species: Animorph
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Geozaki Geozaki Accepted, and thanks for making this an easy process on me~ You did what you were supposed to, and I like the format of the CS! I also like how her greatest dream/fear are so intertwined-- it makes for an interesting character! Cannot wait to see how her story unravels...
: Intro:
"Eyes on the prize!"

Name: Dylesh Kurmi of Duermio
Species: Human
Unusual Aspects: treats his sparrow like his brother
Special Powers: seemingly able to talk and understand his sparrow
Other Abilities/Skills: skilled with a sword and bow

: General Information :
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Quitulas;s follwers
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150

Clothing/Style of Dress: picture
: Personal Information :

Personality: Brash and arrogant Dylesh has always had an eye for the ladies, as well as being charismatic himself with his upbeat attitude and optimistic words. Being popular with the locals of the outer quarters his ego is something to be hated and yet loved. The Zantoric peoples look down on him and he is usually caught in trouble with the guards but it does not deter his ego or make him anymore quiet, in fact it probably makes him more loud. Despite his ego he cares much for his people to the point one can label him as having a hero complex.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: a small scar on his chin from a married man that punched him for flirting with his wife
Weakness: Being brash and arrogant are enough disadvantages as it is but he is also willing to sacrifice himself for others.
Strengths/Advantages: Hes a quick thinker and his sparrow helps him see oncoming threats before they usually hit him.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: A free people of both Zantoric and Quitulas's followers, no matter what race or gender without the oppression.
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: His people being slaughtered and any kind of oppression or subjugation to anyone.
Bio: Being born in a poor family it isnt a wonder why he is a devote follower of Quitulas, he grew up starving with their family barely scraping by, at some point he was angry at the rich for hording all their wealth to themselves but as he grew up he started to soften his feelings with them. it wasnt their fault they were born that way just like how he didnt choose to be born in a poor family. Eventually he got a job as a sellsword and trained under them but soon decided it wasnt a life for him. now with decent bow and hunting skills he honed his abilities to hunt for food for both his family and his people. He hasnt met any supernatural beings that he has known about yet but he believes they arent as monsterous as other people make them out to be
Occupation: Wildlife Hunter

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: His sparrow
Relations: Literally all of the outer quarters people. Duermio guards
Perspective: He thinks that everyone is different but each and every one person or thing can contribute to society and help the people around them.
Likes: Girls, Other Quitulas's followers,
Dislikes: Guards, the rulers that let poverty happen
Fun Fact: he has flirted with almost every woman in the city but rejected every time
Other: Smiles too much

  • "I hoped you'd be different. I shouldn't have. You're just like everyone else, aren't you?"

    Name: Egon Xylander of Duermio

    Preferred Name/Nickname: Egon

    Species: Werewolf
    Werewolves are a result of the disease known as lycanthropy, transmitted both to children and through werewolf bites. Symptoms of lycanthropy are various. Inexperienced werewolves will be unable to control transformations, and will usually find themselves forced to transform under the light of the full moon, while a veteran wolf can change on demand. In wolf form, all five senses are improved, as well as strength, stamina, and reflexes. Wounds will regenerate incredibly quickly, and wolves can take punishment far beyond what a normal living creature could handle. They are also incredibly resistant to poison and disease. However, these many physical bonuses come with somewhat of a mental toll, as instincts gain increased influence and abstract, rational thought becomes more difficult. While in human form, a werewolf will retain all of the aforementioned traits to a lesser extent, but still to a noticeable degree. Wounds, especially, will heal far slower than they would as a wolf, but still markedly faster than the average human.
    Werewolves have one great weakness, however - silver. Silver interferes with a werewolf's biological processes, preventing wounds dealt by silver from healing in their normal fashion. Ingesting silver is very painful for werewolves, and temporarily deprives them of many of lycanthropy's enhancements. Werewolves have an instinctual fear of silver even in human form, and their behavior will alter should they see, smell, or otherwise become aware of silver's presence nearby.

    Unusual Aspects: Werewolves in their human state have larger than average canine teeth, which are often easily dismissed. As a werewolf - well, it'd be very, very hard to mistake one for a human.

    Special Powers: Egon can transform into a hulking 7-foot werewolf at will. The full moon does not compel his transformation. To transform would destroy anything he's wearing at the time due to the change in his size. Furthermore, as a wolf, Egon can communicate with canine creatures, who generally recognize Egon as a pack leader immediately (especially wild ones) and follow his orders.

    Other Abilities/Skills: Egon is an excellent hunter and cook, which is how he makes his living in human society. His canine enhancements make him a fantastic tracker. Egon prefers to fight in human form, and has basic training in many weapons, both melee and ranged. However, Egon has received more substantial unarmed training, which, combined with his (un)natural agility and strength, is where Egon performs best in battle.

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FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Love him! Although I'm not sure if the society would allow werewolves to be tamed as guardians because they don't know of monsters as an actual existence. I should really detail society's stance on monsters... I'm thinking that they only have encountered some on the New Continent and have dismissed them as fairy tales or drunkard stories. Maybe have them do it illegally, since Duermio is famous for their lax laws.
Elowyn Elowyn I've edited Egon's biography so that the town is a bit more clueless about lycanthropy and I've implied some level of socially unacceptable behavior in the sale of Egon.
Duermio Zantoric NPC's

: Intro:
" Your eyes, their ears "

Name: Cinder Villalobos Of Duermio
Preferred Name/Nickname: Cindy
Species: human
Unusual Aspects: beautiful voice
Special Powers: none
Other Abilities/Skills: singer, flirter

: General Information :
Age: 27
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Religion: Quintulas (secretly Zantoric)
Height: 5'11
Weight: 156lbs

Clothing/Style of Dress: picture
: Personal Information :

Personality: Cindy is upbeat and flirtatious but it is a cover for her shifty and and untrustworthy nature.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: dat red hair?
Weakness: she aint strong but she wasn't meant for combat either
Strengths/Advantages: She is smart and always talks her way out of danger or tough situations
quick on her feet, has a lot of men that loves her (including Dylesh)
She doesnt care for anyone and willing to backstab for her own benefits
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Become a queen, or just have a lot of power
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: being imprisoned, tortured or killed
Bio: being born in a rather high class society as her father was a wealthy merchant she hadn't experienced the harshness of the lower class. That is until her parents were assassinated by another rival merchant and she was forced into a life of crime in her early teens. With nothing but revenge on her mind she stole, backstabbed, and flirted her way until she got to the merchant that killed her parents and preemptively killed him in cold blood in his bed when she was just 20. Zantoric guards eventually caught her and instead of executing her Chalice Quinn found a better use for her needs. The Quintulas rebellion rumor gaining speed she was to act as a spy and inform them of any uprising eminent and who to make "disappear"
Occupation: Bard/spy of the sitting duck pub

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: Her violin
Relations: Silt, Dylesh, egon FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat and every usual customer of the sitting duck
Perspective: No opinion as she had only heard of absurd stories
Likes: Money, power
Dislikes: Clingy people, people that wont fall for her charms, Zantoric guard
Fun Fact: rurmored to have gone to bed with every man besides Dylesh who keeps getting rejected
Other: she is afriad of the Zantoric guard

: Intro:
" It is Either us, or them. "

Name: Chalice Quinn
Preferred Name/Nickname: Chal
Species: Human, Paladin
Unusual Aspects: Has a steely demeanor, doesn't act unless necessary
Special Powers: none
Other Abilities/Skills:
Highly skilled with the two handed longsword

: General Information :
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Zantoric
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 210lbs
Clothing/Style of Dress: picture ;D
also in casual clothes he wears usual military uniform
: Personal Information :

Personality: Cold and hard, Chalice does what is needed to retain order, He believes that the governance of Duermio is corrupt, needs a reform, and is actively trying to gain a high seat of power within to maintain the status quo of order, Zantoric suporiority and commerce.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: A scar of a claw slash on his face
Weakness: His actions cause the people not of Zantoric faith to distrust him.
ranged attacks, not particularly skilled with dealing with supernatural beings
Strengths/Advantages: Close quarters combat, plotful, very skilled, Very mentally sound. Determined to achieve his goals.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: The world to covert to Zantoric belief, and for everyone to uphold Zantoric cuture
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: The corruption of Zanotric hierarchy
Bio: being born in the old world he is a stonch believer of the Zantoric ideology. very early in life he was trained as a paladin and taught magics. Soon enough he was a captain of his very own company. (about 15 people) and he fought under the general in the battles going up the river of many arms. After that however he was stationed to the city of Duermio's garrison. Now under the Colonel's authority and with unusually lax rules it seemed only Chalice and his company of 15 soldiers were the only ones to enforce Zantoric rule. Chalice decided that this was the result of Corruption within the Zantoric hierarchy.
Occupation: Captain of his company and Garrision of Duermio

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: His sword which was handed down to him by his mentor
Relations: Cinder, his 15 soldiers, the general, the colonel, the golden paladin, Rosemonde
Perspective: He has no opinion although being attacked and injured by a few he believes anyone of Zantoric faith should be treated as Zantoric
Likes: Zantoric peoples, The golden paladin, results, order. Rosemonde
Dislikes: Non-Zantoric peoples, Chaos, Corruption, The colonel.
Fun Fact: Has an affinity for shiney objects.
Other: Once while drunken bought everyone in a tavern a drink, he went bankrupt that very day and is now anti-alcohol.

: Intro:
" One enjoys profit but what is profit if not to give? "

Name: Rosemonde Alura of Duermio
Preferred Name/Nickname: Rose
Species: Human
Unusual Aspects: Despite being a good natured person she is willing to make rivals go bankrupt
Special Powers: none
Other Abilities/Skills: Bartering skills
Apothecary skills - healing potions/remedies

: General Information :
Age: 50
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Zantoric
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135

Clothing/Style of Dress: picture ;D
: Personal Information :

Personality: Caring like a mother she is against all types violence, often bribing the guards to treat prisoners well. She is also charismatic, letting her word her ways around things such has hiding supernatural beings under her roof or to simply get more money out of a deal.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: purple eyes
Weakness: does not know how to fight
Strengths/Advantages: has a way with words, wealthy, has peasants liking her
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: for the violence to go away and for everyone to take care of eachother
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: another war
Bio: Being born in the old world she moved to the new world in search of both busniess oppertunities and to observe this new land. she upholds the zantoric beliefs and often opens up food charities to give to any starving peoples.
Occupation: High class merchant

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: Her house
Relations: The peasants, and Chalice
Perspective: She believes no one should hide for what they are and they should not be hunted down like animals
Likes: Charities, money, non-violence
Dislikes: violence, needless persecution.
Fun Fact: once bought out another company and rehired its employees then made them work in the charity houses
Other: punched a dude, that dude was Dylesh.
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Petroshka Petroshka Sorry but no magics for humans. >.> I should mention this as well. We are in alternate earth, so for this setting I'm going to have the origins of magic be supernatural only. If your character somehow got a monster to teach them magic that is the only way.
Petroshka Petroshka Sorry but no magics for humans. >.> I should mention this as well. We are in alternate earth, so for this setting I'm going to have the origins of magic be supernatural only. If your character somehow got a monster to teach them magic that is the only way.
gotcha changes are done : D

: Intro:

'Is there any way I can help?'

(written on a small chalkboard she carries around with her due to disability)

Name: Iskolde Reymar of Adelport

Preferred Name/Nickname: Isobel

Species: human

Unusual Aspects: she's mute, her eyes will darken when angry

Special Powers: she seems to have an unusually close friendship with stray cats, fastest at cleaning up pots and pans, whips up a mean fillet minon

Other Abilities/Skills: cooking, cleaning, being hospitable, general maid's work, sign language, and a very fast scribe (due to much practice)

: General Information :
Age: 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Religion: waning Zantoric, shifting towards Quintulias

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Appearance: (yes, this is Flora from Fire Emblem) with two (fresh) scars on her face, one extending from her temple and crossing her lip, and another shorter scar on her brow
iskolde 2.jpg
Clothing/Style of Dress: maid's uniform
maid uniform.jpg

: Personal Information :
Personality: Usually Iskolde will be passive and a bit shy especially around strangers. When uncertain of how she can be useful to present company, she lacks some of her self-confidence. She is a hard-worker to the point of being a work-aholic! This girl is softhearted and gentle to a fault, often wanting to help others even if she cannot do anything. Frequently this has been a point of contention in her job, and the conflict between her own morals and soft side vs. her position as a maid to a Zantorric household has caused her no shortage of trouble. In the end, she has sided with her own morality, ignoring the Zantoric values of Order… and has paid dearly for it. When she has a cause to fight for, she will fight for it to the end-- this is yet an undiscovered trait however. When she is talking about issues of justice and social equality, she gets quite fiery, a big contrast to her reserved nature.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: a birthmark on her right shoulder blade, a scar around her throat (presumably the cause of her muteness) which she hides with a black lace choker

Weakness: loud noises, sweet treats will get her to do most anything, large crowds, pubs/taverns (she gets way too much attention for some reason… possibly bc she looks like the type you can push around? In addition to her looks.)

Strengths/Advantages: very good at house chores and gardening, her cooking is unbeatable

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: becoming irreplaceable to somebody

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: a tragic and pointless death, finding a new master who she likes serving but then having her/him abandon her either voluntarily or through dying

Bio: After working in the Tanier manor for four years, she was beaten severely then turned out of the house for handing out food scraps to one of Quintulias' followers. She had seen this man begging around but hadn't received much. Getting worried about his poor near-starvation condition she took him some stale bread and vegetables one evening. Unfortunately, she was seen by one of the more senior staff who was favored by the Lady of the House, Lady Cerisse.

In the past few months, Lady Cerisse had been noticing that her husband, Lord Byrion had been giving the maid more attention and showing signs of attraction. Although her position as Lady of the House was safe, she felt quite jealous as noblewomen are known to feel when showed up by their servants, and had her cruelly whipped and turned out of the house despite her excellent work record. In a fit of spite, she also cut two gashes in her cheek with the leather whip "so that no one will look at you and feel anything but pity."

Now, homeless and alone with torn and ragged clothing, wounded and penniless, the former maid is in a bit of a difficult situation. She aims to find some kind of succor by nightfall lest she fall prey to any street thugs. Her outlook is rather desperate.

Occupation: currently unemployed, ex-maid, looking for a job

: Other :
Most Prized Possession: a small silver charm of a full moon she wears on a short chain as a bracelet

Relations: former maid to Lord Byrion Tanier and Lady Cerisse Tanier

Perspective: Doesn't know about supernaturals. Once she heard stories from the drunk kitchen staff which she dismissed as myths.

Likes: giving food to the poor, cheering people up, helping others, flowers, nice-smelling things, rainy days, fresh clean laundry, having something to do/a purpose

Dislikes: this feeling of humiliation, being totally helpless in any situation, not being able to help someone in need, violence, the poor being abused by the rich

Fun Fact: She abhors cooking eggplants for some reason…?

Other: Will probably help the monsters if she finds out and can have a positive interaction or relationship with one.
Kazanna Kazanna I require two things from you which you will know once you read the rules on the main page. Thanks!

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